Mr. Victor Hadden of Carlow
About the author
Victor Hadden was born in 1919, and spent most of his 57 years in
Carlow. He was educated in a small school in a hall behind the Methodist
Church in Carlow, and later in Wesley College, Dublin. His career was in
the retail trade, but his interests were many and varied, not least his
interest in local history - hence this book.
Victor's articles in the Carloviana, the Journal of the Old Carlow
Society of which he was Editor for several years, are constantly in
demand by historians who are aware that in consulting them, they do so
with confidence, relying as they can for authenticity and veracity on
the man who wrote them. His lectures, always illustrated with colour
slides and drawings, regularly drew a full house attracted equally by
the subject matter, and by the close personal affinity the speaker
displayed with the people, the places, and the times of which he spoke.
He led a busy life at all times. As secretary to the Arts Council, he
was instrumental in giving the town of Carlow many fine concerts by the
most eminent musicians and singers in the country. In a broader field,
he was governor of Wesley College and of Gurteen Agricultural College,
and made President of the Drapery Chamber of Trade.
A deeply religious man, his faith permeated all his dealings and he
demonstrated the sincerity of his beliefs in his short "Outlook" talks
on television and his "Thought for the Day" on RTE radio. This was a
side of his rather shy personality which, was a revelation to those who
thought of him simply as an upright, honest businessman. He had the
honour of representing his Church in Rome at the first Vatican Council
for the Laity, an event to which he was an important contribution.
Having just retired from business life in 1976, Victor Hadden could
have hoped to devote himself more fully to writing and research, and the
many other interests with which his wide-ranging genius was occupied.
However, this was not to be due to his untimely death later that year.
Extracted from an appreciation of Victor Hadden printed in
Carloviana, Vol. 2 No. 25, 1976/77
"Come Capture
Castles in County Carlow"
"Come Capture
Castles in County Carlow"
- by Victor Hadden., in 1994.
ISBN 0 9524581 0 1
- The images show the Front and
Back of the book.
About this book
In 1971, my late father, Victor Hadden
completed his research on Come Capture Castles - a history of 13
castles in County Carlow from the 13th to the 19th centuries.
Sadly, he died in 1976 without ever having this book published.
The work lay on a shelf for many years until
his family, encouraged by the Old Carlow Society and the Carlow
Heritage Society on the basis of its historical value, decided
to publish this book in Victor's memory.
I have typeset and illustrated this book,
altering it only very slightly to update a few details, but my
aim was to keep as much as possible to the original text and
I am very grateful to many people for their
help in numerous ways in bringing this book to fruition. The Old
Carlow Society for allowing the use of material previously
published in their journal. William Ellis, who contributed many
photographs for the book. Eilis O'Neill and Amy Monahan, whose
artistic works appear on the front and back jacket of the book.
Karl McDonough for photography. Ivy Crowe, Victor's sister, and
her husband, Ken, for proof-reading the text. Paddy Godfrey, for
permitting the use of photographs taken by his late brother,
Donal Godfrey. Carmel Flahavan for her assistance in the
reference section of Carlow County Library. Tommy Clarke for
permission to include his comprehensive list of approximately
100 castles which he has identified in County Carlow. Jimmy
OToole and Jim Cavanagh, for further proof-reading, valuable
advice and encouragement.
The chapters of this book are arranged in
chronological order, beginning with the Norman period in the
second half of the twelfth century, and ending in the early
nineteenth century.
Each chapter deals with a particular episode
or personality in the life story of a castle which stood (and
the remains of which may still stand) somewhere in or near
County Carlow.
Bearing this in mind, it is possible to read
straight through the history of County Carlow as such; or
alternatively, to follow the stories of its castles separately,
by reference to the list of Contents within the book.
The text provides, in most cases, a general
indication of the approximate site of each castle; and in some
cases, certain paragraphs have been repeated to remind the
reader of chapters on the same castle, which he may already have
read on earlier pages.
Avril Hogan, 1994
Source: "Come Capture
Castles in County Carlow"

History of Haddens
Source: Friends and Neighbours 1986 |
Haddens of Carlow, Tullow
Street c1968
(Photo W. Muldowney)

Hadden's receipt c1964.
19-19 Tullow Street, Carlow.
- Their Motto:
- "Its a Better Buy at Hadden's"
- (From my own collection)
On 27th April 1984 Hadden's was completely destroyed by fire and was
re-opened as the Haddens Centre, the modern shopping complex that we
know today.

- Haddens Fire in Tullow Street
approx. 7.40am 27th April 1984
- Source: Facebook

Looking down from the Fire
Brigade Ladder at 10am 27th April 1984 Source:
Anna Nolan Gough. |

- Haddens Fire rear entrance 1984. Source: Facebook

- Hadden's after the fire

Source: Turlough O Brien

Rubble from the fire |
Script from Ray Hayden. (Facebook) Yes it was roofers
who caused the blaze. Two of Mr. McLoughlins men who were laying hot
tar on the flat roof adjacent to Haddens roof and some how the bucket
of tar had fallen over where there was a gap between Haddens and
McLoughlin roof. Some hours later a fire started. I was living in
Tullow street at the time of the fire so I got to see the front and
back of the fire works, great entertainment! Nobody was hurt, it took
a lot of water from the barrow to put it out and took just a little
short of two days before the went out. I have no pic's its all a
memory of the past.
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