St. Mary's College Knockbeg

At the restoration of Charles II
Knockbeg and the Sletty estate were granted to George Almeny or
Almony who subsequently assigned the lands to a Mr. Best.1
Though Robert Best of Knockbeg who died in 1729 had a son also named
Robert, the properly passed at his death to a daughter Elizabeth who
married Edward Madden of Dublin. Through the marriage about I790 of
Jane Madden, granddaughter of Edward above to Joseph Carruthers the
lands came into the possession of the Carruthers family. In May
1847, the house and Farm of Knockbeg were offered for sale. They
were purchased by Dr. James Taylor, president of Carlow College. The
transfer was effected at Dublin 2th June 1847.2 in the
following September St. Mary’s College was opened as a preparatory
school to Carlow College
The Bests and The Carruthers
Knockbeg in 1798
Thomas Finn in the Irish Magazine
refers three times to Mr B.....3 and also to the Best Man
in Carlow. He writes:
"Then it was that Satan
himself took human form and in the character of an Orange
trumpeter, committed crimes as novel as they were enormous,5
then in fine it was that Crothers who was trumpeter to the ninth
Dragoons . . . walked in procession surrounded by his
fellow-friends with a large beads and wooden a crucifix
suspended from his bayonet, exclaiming 'Behold the wooden Jesus'
Behold the God of the papists!'
Robert Ben of Knockbeg who died in
1729 is buried in the graveyard in St. Mary's Church. Carlow under a
flat stone.6 In the same graveyard is a flat stone to the
memory of Jane, widow of Captain of the 43rd Light Infantry who died
13th Feb. 1853 aged 53. Memorials of the Dead 1.480, 142.
The Front Wing
The Old Co Bridewell now
Gillespies' Mill, stands at the end of what was formerly Bridewell
Lane.8 Most of the United Irishmen were imprisoned in it
in 1798. The first part of a new jail to replace the old one was
completed in 1800. The original entrance to the new jail was in
Barrack Street, almost opposite the Military Barracks, now the
Sacred Heart Home. The wide spacious square in front of the present
entrance did not exist before 1840. By 1897 the jail was no longer
in use and on 9th February of that year it was offered for sale.
Robert Bell was the auctioneer. There was a large attendance.9
Michael Molloy, T.C. started the bidding at £100. Mr. Carbery, Athy
and Frank Murphy, Carlow went up to £200. Fred Thompson joined in at
£600, Bidding then was between Molloy and Thompson.
When £1,150 was
reached, Molloy asked the auctioneer to suspend the sale for fifteen
minutes until he consulted his colleagues. On the resumption, the
bidding went to £1,200 and Michael Molloy was declared the
purchaser. Possibly Michael Molloy was acting on behalf of Bishop
Foley. Some of the buildings inside were levelled and the materials
used to build the new wing of Knockbeg College. In 1901 the premises
were taken over by T. Thompson and Son and the name changed to
Hanover Works.
It is said Bishop Foley retained some title to the
premises and Thompson had to pay him a shilling a year. It was
stipulated that the place would not be used for proselytising
purposes. It is said also that Fred Thompson once saw Bishop Foley
on the railway platform at Carlow. He walked up to the Bishop and
said: "I think I owe you two years' rent, my Lord," and he handed
the Bishop two shillings. This was the new jail, now Hanover Works.

- The College Monstrance
- was owned by Dean Staunton,
- First President of Carlow College
Outline History of the College
by Thomas Wall, M.A. Ph.D.
Founded by Bishop O’Keeffe m 1782
to be a house of prayer and of learning, a house wherein would be
educated successors to himself and his fellow labourers in the
vineyard of Christ. Carlow College from its opening in 1793 had
provision for lay boys as well as for ecclesiastical student. It
prepared boys for the ordinary civil life as well as for the Church,
and Carlow Lay College, being the first Catholic College after the
penal days, became the Alma Mater of many distinguished students. In
June, its president, Dr. James Taylor, acquired a mansion at
Knockbeg, about three miles from Carlow, on the ancient termon lands
of Sletty, hallowed by the footsteps of St. Patrick and the labours
of St. Fiacc.
It was a fine old place pleasantly situated
overlooking the Barrow; it had been the residence of the Carruther
family and further back of the Bests. In 1848 it was opened in
connection with Carlow Lay College as a preparatory school and
called by the sweet name of Mary, St. Mary's Preparatory Institute.
From 16 to 18 boys were kept here during the opening years, all
under 12 years of age and unconfirmed.
- 1. Knockbeg Centenary Book 112
- 2. Ibid 1 13
- 3. Op. cit. 174-5
- 4. I bid 448
- 5. Ibid 79
- 6. Knockbeg Centenary Book 113
- 7. Memorials of the Dead 1. 480 142
- 8. See article on the Old Gaol by Miss
Teresa M. Kelly in Carloviana 1960 p. 38
- 9. Ibid 39
- Source: The Parish of
KILLESHIN, Graiguecullen'. by P.MacSuibhne. 1972.
M. Brennan c2008
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