Carlow County - Ireland Genealogical Projects (IGP TM)
Deeds for County CarlowLand Index: Carlow 1821 - 1825
Source: Susie Warren
PREVIOUS Richardson to Tynan NEXT PAGE Name Title Other Name Title Other Townland Image LDS Film # Years Richardson Leonard E 19 100438 1821 - 1825 Richardson Leonard H 21 100438 1821 - 1825 Richmond Cuming D 18 100438 1821 - 1825 Rierdon Whiteway K 23 100438 1821 - 1825 Riky Marriage Articles Whelan B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Riky Marriage Articles Whelan C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Riky Marriage Articles Whelan U 39 100438 1821 - 1825 Ring Furlong H 21 100438 1821 - 1825 Ring Furlong P 32 100438 1821 - 1825 Roberts Forbes Maraiage Articles B 13 100438 1821 - 1825 Roberts Forbes C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Roberts Forbes Marriage Articles L 25 100438 1821 - 1825 Roberts Forbes Marriage Articles R 34 100438 1821 - 1825 Roberts Forbes Marriage Articles S 36 100438 1821 - 1825 Roberts Forbes Marriage Articles Old Leighlin 45 100438 1821 - 1825 Robinson Pim P 32 100438 1821 - 1825 Robinson Stewart B 10 100438 1821 - 1825 Robinson Hopkinson B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Robinson Hopkinson C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Robinson Hopkinson D 18 100438 1821 - 1825 Robinson Hopkinson F 19 100438 1821 - 1825 Robinson Hopkinson G 20 100438 1821 - 1825 Robinson Hopkinson H 22 100438 1821 - 1825 Robinson Hopkinson K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Robinson Hopkins L 25 100438 1821 - 1825 Robinson Hanway P 32 100438 1821 - 1825 Robinson Butler S 36 100438 1821 - 1825 Robinson Hopkinson W 40 100438 1821 - 1825 Roe Smith A 9 100438 1821 - 1825 Roe Smith C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Roe Smith K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Roe Smith R 34 100438 1821 - 1825 Roe Smith S 36 100438 1821 - 1825 Rogers Stafford C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Rogers Rogers C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Rogers Rogers K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Rogers Breen C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Rogers Rogers C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Rogers Rogers K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Rose Cummins N 29 100438 1821 - 1825 Rotton Newton E 19 100438 1821 - 1825 Rotton Newton H 21 100438 1821 - 1825 Rowe Smith B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Rudkin Backas C 15 100438 1821 - 1825 Rudkin Latouche H 21 100438 1821 - 1825 Rudkin Lynchy M 26 100438 1821 - 1825 Rudkin Latouche T 37 100438 1821 - 1825 Rudkin Latouche W 40 100438 1821 - 1825 Rudkin Lynchy W 40 100438 1821 - 1825 Rudkin Marriage Articles Murphy C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Rudkin Bishop M 26 100438 1821 - 1825 Rudkin Marriage Articles Butler S 35 100438 1821 - 1825 Ryan Finn Marriage Articles K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Ryan Hamilton Carlow Town 42 100438 1821 - 1825 Ryan Bernard F 19 100438 1821 - 1825 Ryan Bernard Carlow Town 41 100438 1821 - 1825 Ryan Brewster Carlow Town 42 100438 1821 - 1825 Salter Watson B 12 100438 1821 - 1825 Salter Watson B 13 100438 1821 - 1825 Salter Watson C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Salter Watson C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Sandes Doyne T 37 100438 1821 - 1825 Saunders Doyne K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Scanlan Scanlan C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Scanlan Scanlan C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Scott Butler Carlow Town 42 100438 1821 - 1825 Scraggs Minchin Carlow Town 41 100438 1821 - 1825 Scraggs Montgomery Carlow Town 42 100438 1821 - 1825 Serry Eustace S 35 100438 1821 - 1825 Shaningar Burtchael C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Sharp Sharp L 25 100438 1821 - 1825 Sharp Morris C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Sharp Sharp L 25 100438 1821 - 1825 Shelly Pim B 12 100438 1821 - 1825 Shelly Pim C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Shelly Pim N 29 100438 1821 - 1825 Shelly Pim O 31 100438 1821 - 1825 Shelly Pim P 32 100438 1821 - 1825 Shelly Pim R 33 100438 1821 - 1825 Shelly Pim K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Shepard Paul P 32 100438 1821 - 1825 Shepard Keating & wife P 32 100438 1821 - 1825 Sheridan Butler B 11 100438 1821 - 1825 Sheridan Butler K 23 100438 1821 - 1825 Sheridan Butler S 35 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Lynch B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Lynch B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Lynch B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Sherlock B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Lynch G 20 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Lynch G 20 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Lynch G 20 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Lynch K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Morgan K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Sherlock K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Lynch S 36 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Lynch S 36 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Lynch S 36 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Morgan S 36 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Sherlock S 36 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Sherlock B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Lynch K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Sherlock K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Lynch S 36 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherlock Sherlock S 36 100438 1821 - 1825 Sherwood Marriage Articles Brownrigg B 12 100438 1821 - 1825 Shields Dwyer L 25 100438 1821 - 1825 Shortal Doyle K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Sikes Goodisson P 32 100438 1821 - 1825 Sikes Harvey Marriage Articles Carlow Town 41 100438 1821 - 1825 Sikes Goodisson Carlow Town 42 100438 1821 - 1825 Sikes Marriage Articles Goodison Carlow Town 41 100438 1821 - 1825 Simpson Dease A 9 100438 1821 - 1825 Simpson Dease B 13 100438 1821 - 1825 Simpson Ease C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Simpson Dease F 19 100438 1821 - 1825 Simpson Dease G 20 100438 1821 - 1825 Simpson Dease K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Simpson Dease M 26 100438 1821 - 1825 Simpson Dease P 32 100438 1821 - 1825 Simpson Dease S 35 100438 1821 - 1825 Simpson Dease T 37 100438 1821 - 1825 Smith Roe A 9 100438 1821 - 1825 Smith Rowe B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Smith Roe C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Smith Roe K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Smith Roe R 34 100438 1821 - 1825 Smith Roe S 36 100438 1821 - 1825 Smith Bernard S 35 100438 1821 - 1825 Smyth Walsh B 12 100438 1821 - 1825 Smyth Walsh M 26 100438 1821 - 1825 Smyth Harrold H 21 100438 1821 - 1825 Smyth Harrold Carlow Town 42 100438 1821 - 1825 Sparrow James B 13 100438 1821 - 1825 Sparrow James C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Sparrow James M 27 100438 1821 - 1825 Sparrow James Q 32 100438 1821 - 1825 Sparrow James Carlow Town 42 100438 1821 - 1825 St George Wolsley B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 St George Wolsley C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 St George Wolsley O 31 100438 1821 - 1825 St George Woolsley R 34 100438 1821 - 1825 St George Wolsley T 37 100438 1821 - 1825 St George Woolsley W 40 100438 1821 - 1825 St George Dowse C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 St George Dowse O 31 100438 1821 - 1825 St. George Woolsley M 26 100438 1821 - 1825 St. George Dowse L 25 100438 1821 - 1825 Stafford Rogers C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Stephens Fitzgerald Marriage Articles A 10 100438 1821 - 1825 Stephens Fitz Gerald C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Stephens Fitzgerald Marriage Articles F 19 100438 1821 - 1825 Stephens Fitzgerald Marriage Articles L 25 100438 1821 - 1825 Stephens Fitzgerald Marriage Articles T 37 100438 1821 - 1825 Steward Whelan B 10 100438 1821 - 1825 Stewart Robinson B 10 100438 1821 - 1825 Stewart Parish of Wells B 13 100438 1821 - 1825 Stewart Moran M 26 100438 1821 - 1825 Stewart Moran O 31 100438 1821 - 1825 Stewart Barron Carlow Town 42 100438 1821 - 1825 Stewart Whelan L 25 100438 1821 - 1825 Stone Whelan B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Stone Whelan C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Stone Whelan U 39 100438 1821 - 1825 Stone Baillie B 12 100438 1821 - 1825 Stoyte Harty C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Strahan Tynan Carlow Town 42 100438 1821 - 1825 Stratford Kehoe M 26 100438 1821 - 1825 Stratford Waters M 26 100438 1821 - 1825 Stratford Waters W 40 100438 1821 - 1825 Stratford Pim & wife R 33 100438 1821 - 1825 Studdert Studdert Deed A 9 100438 1821 - 1825 Studdert Studdert Deed B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Studdert Studdert C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Studdert Studdert Deed K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Studdert Studdert Deed R 34 100438 1821 - 1825 Studdert Studdert Deed S 36 100438 1821 - 1825 Studdert Deed Studdert A 9 100438 1821 - 1825 Studdert Deed Studdert B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Studdert Studdert C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Studdert Deed Studdert K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Studdert Deed Studdert R 34 100438 1821 - 1825 Studdert Deed Studdert S 36 100438 1821 - 1825 Sutton Hatchell B 11 100438 1821 - 1825 Sutton Hatchell B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Sutton Hatchell C 15 100438 1821 - 1825 Sutton Hatchell C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Sutton Hatchell H 21 100438 1821 - 1825 Sutton Hatchell L 25 100438 1821 - 1825 Sutton Hatchell L 25 100438 1821 - 1825 Sutton Hatchell R 33 100438 1821 - 1825 Swift Proctor B 12 100438 1821 - 1825 Swift Proctor K 23 100438 1821 - 1825 Symes Woodrooffe C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Symes Woodrooffe M 27 100438 1821 - 1825 Tarleton Kelly Carlow Town 42 100438 1821 - 1825 Thomas Williams F 19 100438 1821 - 1825 Thomas Williams K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Thomas Crawford F 19 100438 1821 - 1825 Thompson Hamilton A 9 100438 1821 - 1825 Thompson Hamilton B 12 100438 1821 - 1825 Thompson Hamilton K 23 100438 1821 - 1825 Thompson Hamilton N 29 100438 1821 - 1825 Thompson Hamilton O 31 100438 1821 - 1825 Thompson Hamilton R 33 100438 1821 - 1825 Thompson Hamilton S 35 100438 1821 - 1825 Thompson Hamilton U 39 100438 1821 - 1825 Thompson Bernard C 15 100438 1821 - 1825 Thompson Bernard C 15 100438 1821 - 1825 Thompson Williams Carlow Town 41 100438 1821 - 1825 Thompson Gurley Carlow Town 41 100438 1821 - 1825 Thompson Butler Carlow Town 41 100438 1821 - 1825 Thompson Williams Carlow Town 41 100438 1821 - 1825 Thomson Bernard C 15 100438 1821 - 1825 Thornton Thornton B 12 100438 1821 - 1825 Thornton Thornton K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Thornton Moran Carlow Town 41 100438 1821 - 1825 Thornton Burton B 11 100438 1821 - 1825 Thornton Thornton B 12 100438 1821 - 1825 Thornton Burton K 23 100438 1821 - 1825 Thornton Graham K 23 100438 1821 - 1825 Thornton Burton K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Thornton Burton K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Thornton Lahee K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Thornton Thornton K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Thornton Burton P 32 100438 1821 - 1825 Thornton Burton P 32 100438 1821 - 1825 Thornton Hamilton Carlow Town 41 100438 1821 - 1825 Thorpe Lord K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Thorpe Radcliffe F 19 100438 1821 - 1825 Tierney Tierney B 11 100438 1821 - 1825 Tierney Tierney S 35 100438 1821 - 1825 Tierney Hanlo Marriage Articles Carlow Town 41 100438 1821 - 1825 Tierney Tierney B 11 100438 1821 - 1825 Tierney Little B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Tierney Little G 20 100438 1821 - 1825 Tierney Tierney S 35 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Lennox Marriage Articles B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Tighe B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Lennox J 22 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Tighe J 22 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Blachford K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Freke K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Lennox Marriage Articles K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Tighe K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Tighe Release K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Tighe Release K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Lennox Marriage Articles M 27 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Tighe M 27 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Lennox Marriage Articles P 32 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Tighe P 32 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Lennox Marriage Articles R 34 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Tighe R 34 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Tighe B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Tighe J 22 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Tighe K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Release Tighe K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Release Tighe K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Executor Hamilton M 27 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Tighe M 27 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Tighe P 32 100438 1821 - 1825 Tighe Tighe R 34 100438 1821 - 1825 Tilleard Leckey A 9 100438 1821 - 1825 Tilleard Leckey B 14 100438 1821 - 1825 Tilleard Leckey C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Tilleard Leckey G 20 100438 1821 - 1825 Tilleard Leckey M 27 100438 1821 - 1825 Tilleard Leckey T 37 100438 1821 - 1825 Tomlinson Moffett C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Tomlinson Thomas Tomlinson his Will C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Tomlinson Brien C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Tomlinson Kenny C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Tomlinson Moffett C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Tomlinson Moffett C 17 100438 1821 - 1825 Tomlinson his Will Tomlinson Thomas C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Townsend Hunt A 9 100438 1821 - 1825 Townsend Barry B 12 100438 1821 - 1825 Townsend Barry C 16 100438 1821 - 1825 Townsend Hunt H 21 100438 1821 - 1825 Townsend Barry K 24 100438 1821 - 1825 Treacy Byrn B 10 100438 1821 - 1825 Tynan Strahan Carlow Town 42 100438 1821 - 1825 Transcribed by Susie Warren 2019 [ PREVIOUS ] [ NEXT PAGE ] Please report any links or images which do not open to The information contained in these pages is provided solely for the purpose of sharing with others researching their ancestors in Ireland. © 2001 Ireland Genealogy Projects, IGP TM Back to the Top
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