Carlow Morning Post Thursday, January 3 1821
Mercantile, Classical and Mathematical School, Carlow
Michael S. Clarke Returns his sincere Thanks to his numerous Friends, of all
denominations, who have, during a period of nearly twenty-six years, so amply
supported his School. Grateful for past and present favours, he is determined to
give up his whole time and attention to the advancement of his Pupils, on a
plan, embracing at once all the sound modern improvements in Science, and
methods of teaching the Ancient and Modern languages; and to aid his intention
has engaged an Assistant, from the College of Dublin, amply qualified in the
Classical Department, to enter those who are design for Academical pursuits.
Along with the English, French, Latin, and Greek Languages, his plan will
include the best modern Courses of Geography, History, English Grammar,
Elocution and Composition; also Natural and Experimental Philosophy, for which
purpose he is provided with a complete Philosophical Apparatus, and a Library of
well chosen Books, Globes, Charts and Maps for the use of his Scholars. He
purposes to keep up public Examinations half-yearly, whereby opportunity will be
given of judging of his plan that the proficiency of his Pupils, Strict
attention paid to the morals of the Scholars.
From the above considerations, and
the zeal and attention of the Principal, he hopes for an accession to his number
of Boarders ; and his Day-School, deriving all the advantages of the above
courses, will claim the attention of the Inhabitants of Carlow and its vicinity.
The Person who thus presents himself to the Public for whom he has so long
laboured, seeks no Competition, and only wishes to unite his humble efforts with
the other Professors of Learning in the delightfully situated and healthful Town
of Carlow.
Terms, for Boarders, 30 Guineas per Annum, paid half-yearly in
advance; no Entrance Fee required. For Day Scholars, 4 Guineas per year, paid
Quarterly in advance. A complete Electrical Machine adapted for Medical
Purposes, with or without a Battery, to be sold at M. S. Clarke's Schools. 21st
6th Mo. 1821.
The New 'National' School

Caption THE MASTER- "If ye come back from Carlow without bringin' another
boy, I'll birch every mother's son of ye." LITTLE JUSTIN-"We'll do our
endayvour, sir."
Date of Publication 27th June 1891
Carlow Morning Post Thursday, July 4 1822
The Classical, Scientific and Mercantile Academy,
Rev. John Caldwell, (A.B.) Master.
At the Half yearly Public Examinations of the Pupils in this Establishment,
held on 26th and 27th inst. The following young Gentlemen obtained Premiums for
General Answering, in the order of their names, viz:- Mr. LEGGE, having *cut
having cut with Mr. JONES. Mr. HORATIO VIGORS, having cut with Mr. MAHARG. Mr.
LOCKE, having *cut with Mr. SECKER BROUGH. Mr. BALL. And the following obtained
the Special Premiums in History and Geography together, viz:- Mr. MACARTNEY,
having cut with Mr. LEGGE. Mr. RAWSON, having cut with Mr. MAHARG. Mr. LOCKE,
English and Mathematics - Messrs. LEGGE, and ALLEN VIGORS. *After a hard and
protracted contest. July 4th, 1822
Carlow Morning Post Monday 1 1822
Carlow Free School
[Partly transcribed] The names of those who subscribed for the clothing are
as follows:- Rev. Andrew Fitzgerald £5; Dr. Doyle, Messrs. P. Curran, Michael
Nowlan, John Coffery, Thomas Hughes, and P. Duane £1 each; Rev. P. McSwiney,
Rev. M. McDonnell, and Messrs. Plunket, Ivers, Warren, James Cullen, and Thomas
Coyle 10s. each; Rev. Messrs. Joyce O'Connell, James McDonnell, Kinsella, and
Mr. Muddowny, and J. Ryan 5s. each.
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