Carlow County - Ireland Genealogical Projects (IGP TM)

Pat Purcell Papers
Carlow 1822

By kind permission of Mr Michael Purcell

Surnames: Lemon, Fletcher & Watters.

[Note added 2012. In 1822 Joseph Lemon is committed to keep the peace. The original charge must have been serious because Joseph is bound to the Peace for five years particularly to keep the peace with John Lemon of Carlow. Joseph Fletcher and James Watters go £5 each to act as bondsmen for Joseph.]

From Pat Purcell Papers.


Joseph Lemon, watchmaker, do swear that I usually reside at Carlow. So help me God

(signed) Joseph Lemon.

I Joseph Fletcher do swear that I am a Householder and that I am worth the Sum of Five Pounds over and above my just Debts.

(signed) Joseph Fletcher.

I James Watters do swear that I am a Householder and that I am worth the Sum of Five Pounds over and above my just Debts.

(signed) James Watters.

Joseph Lemon, Joseph Fletcher and James Watters came before me, one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace and acknowledged themselves to be indebted to our Sovereign Lord the King.

Sworn respectively before me at Carlow the 29th day of March 1822.

The condition of the Foregoing Recognizance is such, that the above bounden Joseph Lemon shall keep the Peace with all His Majesty's Subjects and particularly with John Lemon of Carlow for five years.

Taken and acknowledged before me the Day and Year aforesaid.
(signed) Edward Box.

[Don't ask about this Information but Mick thinks there is a "bit of skullduggery" afoot to stop the authorities taking a cow for the non-payment of rent by Thomas Date, a Stamp  [ a form ] will be produced to the Magistrate stating that the rent has been paid.]

Surnames: Byrne, Date, Nowlan, O'Neill & Murphy

From Pat Purcell Papers


The Information of John Byrne of [ ? ] Carlow, Farmer, who having been duly Sworn on the Holy Evaneglists Saith that in the latter end of the month of July last he was in a field on the lands of Knockindrain, Carlow when Thomas Date of Knockindrain and Arthur Byrne of Balinree, Carlow came up to him and told him that they had been summoned to appear before a Magistrate about the distraining and canting of the Cow belonging to Samuel Nowlan of Knockindrain, but that they would fill up a blank Stamp (which Thomas Date then produced) with an authority for Thomas Date and that they would defy those who had summoned them.

John Byrne Saith that he advised Thomas Date and Arthur Byrne not to risk their necks by doing such a thing, but Thomas Date replied that it would be so done and that no one could find them out and that John Nowlan would back them on it.

John Byrne further Saith that Thomas Date shewed the Stamp filled up and purporting to be signed by John Nowlan and witnessed by Michael O'Neill to him on the morning that Thomas Date was to appear before the Magistrate on which John Byrne told him it was a bad job but Thomas Date again replyed that no one would find out.

John Byrne Saith that he is well acquainted with the hand writing of John Nowlan and that the signature which appeared on the Stamp was not written by John Nowlan.

John Bynre further Saith that on the 17th of September last he was out at Knockindrain  with Thomas Date and Arthur Byrne and that he saw the Servant boy hand to Thomas Date a blank Stamp which he had brought from Moneybeg [Bagenalstown] and he then heard Arthur Byrne say to Thomas Date that he would fill the Stamp copying from a receipt from John Nowlan that would do for [ ? ] it purported to be his receipt for £4 on account of rent for Francis Murphy and bore the signature of John Nowlan

(signed) John Byrne,
Sworn before me this 11th of November 1822.
(signed) Fitz Gerald.

The above is a true and accurate transcript of the original document.

22nd January 1822. Recognizance.

James Nicholson and John Leonard going Bond for Hamilton Gardiner, all Householders in the town of Carlow  proceeding in case against Mary Regan, Bond taken and acknowledged by Edward Box.


The above is a true and accurate transcript of the original document.

Transcribed by Jean Casey, 2010 & 

Friend of Carlow 2012.

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