Carlow County - Ireland Genealogical Projects (IGP TM)
Strawhall 1901 1911 ensus of Ireland
Carlow . Ireland.
Strawhall House.
Griffiths Valuation map of Strawhall c.1850s
Recorded in the in 1901 Census of Iteland.
Residents of a house 7 in Strahall Rural (Carlow, Carlow)
Birth Surname Forename Age Sex Relation Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital
Status1837 McRea Anastasia
(nee Dunne)64 Female Head of Family RC County Wicklow -Not Listed Widow 1883 McRea Annie 18 Female Daughter RC Co Carlow Scholar Not Married 1885 McRea John 16 Male Son RC Co Carlow Not Listed Not Married 1868 Byrne Margaret 33 Female Servant RC Carlow, Graigue Gen Servant Deaf 1901 Residents at 6.2 in Strawhall Urban (Carlow, Carlow)
The following are a list of persons whe were living or employed on the Strawhall estate in 1901
Birth Surname Forename Age Sex Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status 1886 McRea Patrick 15 Male RC Co Carlow Farmer Not Married 1877 Nolan Michael 24 Male RC Co Carlow Farmer Not Married 1856 Geoghagan James 45 Male RC Carlow Gas Fitter Married 1884 Hogan John 17 Male RC Co Carlow Farm Servant Not Married 1839 Murphy Edward 62 Male RC Co Carlow Ironmonger Not Married 1886 Mc Rea Patrick 15 Male RC Co Carlow Farmer Not Married 1864 Harris David 37 Male CoE England Servant Married 1844 Jacob Robert 57 Male CoI Co Carlow Servant Not Married 1810 Lynan T Joseph 91 Male RC Carlow Seed Merchant (Retired) Widower 1881 Balfe Julia 20 Female RC Carlow Servant Not Married 1883 Mc Corkell T Agnes 18 Female RC Co Cavan Clerk Not Married 1888 Holden Mary 13 Female RC Co Carlow Scholar Not Married 1875 Neill Kate 26 Female RC Kildare Servant Not Married 1893 Brien Mary 8 Female RC Co Carlow Scholar Not Married 1891 Kelly Susan 10 Female CoI Carlow Scholar Not Married 1879 Tunstead Annie 22 Female CoI Queens County Shop Assistant Not Married In the 1911 census of Ireland there were no McRea's recorded living in Carlow.
Strawhall Estate was owned by Arundel Best, Esq, and he leased the estate to Henry Bruen who is also an occupier of the estate.
Strawhall estate covers the Lunatic Asylum and the County Infirmary which are located on the Athy Road.
James Heron, b.1831, lived and farmed Strawhall, Carlow.
Strawhall House is a classical composition with a house flanked by wings. The main house has a five-bay, two storey façade over a basement. The roof is high-pitched with natural slates and has end stacks. The Walls have rough-cast in recent years but the windows retain single-pane, timber sashes. The round headed, limestone door case dates from the early 19th century and has a delicate architrave and is approached up a wide flight of steps. The wings have half-hexagon bows and contain tall windows. The single bay links to the wings contain round headed door cases similar to the main door case.
The back of the house has been much altered. Across the yard is a fine range of stables which dates from the early 19th century and has a pedimented centre piece which formerly contained a tall carriage arch. The stables and house together make a very fine composition. The house dates from the mid 18th century having a high pitched roof and a rhythm to the fenestration, which dates from that period. It was remodelled and had the wings and stables added in the early 19th century – possible circa 1810. The house belonged to the Bruen Family who employed Sir Richard Morrison at Oak Park and it is possible that he had a hand in the remodelling of the house.
Strawhall, Carlow Businesses
There is currently a Saw Hill on the estate which is owned by the Lennon Bros Sawmills, of Strawhall, Athy rd, Carlow. In the 1911 census of Ireland there is a Mr William Wright listed who worked at the sawmills between 1880 to 1916 as a Forester and living on the Strawhall estate with his wife JuliaWright (nee Walsh), and his family. Info about Mr Wright was provided by Julia Gibson Mr Wright's Greatgrandaughter.
Griffiths Valuation of Strawhall Carlow 1852
Occupier Surname Occupier Forename County Parish BRUEN HENRY Carlow Carlow LALOR MICHAEL Carlow Carlow Unoccupied Carlow Carlow BOLGER WILLIAM Carlow Carlow GALBALLY JOHN Carlow Carlow GALBALLY OLIVER Carlow Carlow COOPER J.S. Carlow Carlow CARPENTER JOHN Carlow Carlow PORTER JAMES Carlow Carlow MOYLAN PATRICK Carlow Carlow BYRNE CATHERINE O. Carlow Carlow KEELY LAWRENCE Carlow Carlow HALY RT.REV.DR.FRAS. Carlow Carlow JOHNSON WILLIAM Carlow Carlow HAUGHTON THOMAS Carlow Carlow GUARDIANS OF THE POOR OF CARLOW UNION Carlow Carlow MOORE MICHAEL Carlow Carlow WARREN EDWARD Carlow Carlow HARVEY NL Carlow Carlow WHITMORE WILLIAM Carlow Carlow WHITMORE WILLIAM Carlow Carlow WHITMORE WILLIAM Carlow Carlow WHITMORE WILLIAM Carlow Carlow WHITMORE WILLIAM Carlow Carlow Unoccupied Carlow Carlow GUARDIANS OF THE POOR OF CARLOW UNION Carlow Carlow COUNTY INFIRMARY Carlow Carlow RAWSON THOMAS Carlow Carlow GOVERNORS OF THE LUNATIC ASYLUM Carlow Carlow WHITE MATTHEW E. Carlow Carlow PARSONS LETITIA Carlow Carlow BRENNAN TIMOTHY Carlow Carlow FARRELL WILLIAM Carlow Carlow DRENNAN EDWARD Carlow Carlow G.S.& W.RAILWAY Carlow Carlow BARROW NAVIGATION CO. Carlow Carlow
John McRea HOME FAMLEY NAMES Please report any links or images which do not open to
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- © 2001 County Carlow Genealogy IGP