The old Carlow Boat Club on Skinners Lane
alongside Corcoran & Co
Ltd Motor Garage & Stores taken from Carlow Bridge c.1968

Carlow Boat Club 1968
(Photo by W. Muldowney) |

Carlow Boat Club 2006
(Photo by W. Muldowney) |
History of
Carlow Rowing Club
Carlow Rowing Club is amongst the earliest of Irish Rowing Clubs. The
first record of a regatta dates from 1859 but it is thought that boat
races began even before that time. One of the first meetings of what was
then known as the Carlow Regatta Yard, was held in the Corn Exchange
(Deighton Hall) in May 1860. Among those who attended were James Bolger,
P. Bourke, James Comerford and Henry Boake. Darby Henry Cooper of Hanover
House was elected Treasurer. The next regatta was fixed for July 18th,
1860. Sir John Acton the M.P. for the Borough of Carlow presented a cup in
his name for this regatta. The cup mysteriously disappeared and was never

- A miniature kayak paddle won by M. F. Barnes at the Carlow
Regatta of 1868.
- Source: Carlow Museum.
In 1861, the prize fund amounted to £34 and ten shillings. The rowing
races began at a point know as Sandy Hills owned by Pat McDonald and the
course extended to the Old Graves. However this regatta ran at a loss and
all proceedings were abandoned until 1864. In that year a regatta with
less valuable prizes and a reduced number of races was held. The committee
did not meet again until 1867 and in the following year, the regatta took
place at Cloydagh Pool, a few miles south of Carlow town. The list of
prizes was impressive and included two cups called the Carlow Challenge
and Acton Cup, two gold rings, a breast pin for scullers and a silver
paddle. The latter was awarded to winners of a canoe race. This race was
won by Mr. F. Barnes who was the first captain of the Carlow Rowing Club.
In March 1869, the club was organised on a more formal footing. Hugh
Doyle was elected secretary and J.F. Lynch was appointed Treasurer. Rules
were drawn up and the annual subscription was fixed at one sovereign (21
shillings). During that year F. Barnes was elected Captain and Mick Hayden
was appointed boat keeper. The first reference to the annual procession of
boats from the boathouse to the milestone was recorded in 1869. The annual
regatta of 1869 was held in October. It was in the same year that the
Carlow Rowing Club acquired their premises beside the River Barrow.
Official Rowing Club 1869
This article taken from the Carlow Post
20th March 1869 states that a Rowing Club has been organized in
We have heard with considerable satisfaction
that the gentlemen who have for some years catered for the public
amusement by sustaining an annual regatta, have organized a Rowing
Club. Amongst the benefits to be derived there-from we look on a
“Champion” prize intended to be competed for by members of clubs
situated on the Barrow, as not the least as, though its means, we
may, before many years, be able to send a “Barrow” crew to
successfully some of the prizes at the “Metropolitan” or other
regattas. The want of a Boat-house has been long felt by boat
owners, and we are informed the committee appointed for general
purposes, have had their attention especially directed to this
subject. – We are not at present in a position to enter more fully
into the subject, but hope ere long to present the Club to the
public in a more perfect working form – as yet we can only wish its
promoters every success.
In 1882, events at the Carlow Regatta included Junior Pairs, Senior
Pairs and First Class Fours. The club was flourishing and by 1884 recorded
a membership of 95. The rules of the club were revised in 1889. In 1892
the Carlow Rowing Club won a legal battle over the Barrow Navigation
Company. The company had introduced Bye Laws, which stated that rowing
boats were liable to a "lockage charge of 1d per boat and 4d if propelled
by steam or towed from the banks". The club protested to the Board of
Trade. They deemed these bye laws to be interfering with long established
rights. The Board of Trade found in favour of the club and the bye laws
were disallowed.
The early twentieth century period was a successful period for the
Carlow Éigse Regatta 1993 Carlow Rowing Club. Four members Messrs Bell,
Boake, Duggan and Orr were regular competitors who brought honour to the
In recent years the Carlow Rowing Club has recorded numerous successes
in National and International competitions. The Carlow Rowing Club's
regatta is heralded by its colourful and well designed posters all over
Carlow. The Rowing Club premises are still beside the River Barrow. The
spirit of the founding members still lives on although the clubs Colours
have changed from the original blue and white to green and white
The River Barrow provided
an excellent venue for the setting up of a Rowing Club in the county.
However races and regattas had taken place in private boat-houses prior to
establishment of the rowing club in circa 1860. The Carlow Rowing Club is
still competing at all levels.
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