Church: FERMANAGH, Births recorded in Irvinestown Methodist Circuit 1829-1913 Ireland Genealogy Project Archives Church Records Contributed by George Armstrong *Permission To Publish Granted By Deputy Keeper of Records, PRONI _______________________ Births recorded in Irvinestown Methodist Circuit 1829-1913 Transcribed by George Armstrong © 2014 PRONI. MIC/1E/37 (With permission from PRONI) (Records listed in order of baptismal dates not birth dates.) Key * = as record Dates are Day/Month/Year See index at the bottom of the page. ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== BORN BAPTISED CHILDS FATHER'S FATHER'S MOTHERS MOTHERS RESIDENCE BAPTISED BY / COMMENTS NAME FORENAME SURNAME FORENAME SURNAME REBORDED BY ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 27/2/1829 27/2/1829 William Fitzmorris FARRLEL Ann -- Townawanny William Hamilton 26/7/1830 4/8/1830 Martha John ROBINSON Elizabeth -- kimid???? Archibald Murdock 16/12/1830 23/12/1830 Isaac James MELDRUM not listed -- Corlave Archibald Murdock 28/12/1830 18/2/1831 Catherine Fitzmorris FARREL Ann -- not listed Archibald Murdock 10/2/1831 18/2/1831 Andrew James GREGORY Elizabeth -- not listed Archibald Murdock 5/2/1831 16/2/1831 George William STEPHENSON Elizabeth -- not listed Archibald Murdock 1/12/1831 7/12/1831 Mary James HAMILTON?? Euphimia??? -- not listed William Douglas 20/11/1831 26/11/1831 William George GINN Elizabeth -- not listed William Douglas 23/10/1831 4/1/1832 Isabella David WILEY?? Jane -- not listed William Douglas 23/1/1832 24/1/1832 James Francis MCCUTCHAN Jane -- not listed William Douglas 9/2/1832 20/2/1832 Anne James REID Isabella -- not listed William Douglas 1/4/1832 13/4/1832 John James ROBINSON Isabella -- not listed William Douglas 1/5/1832 12/5/1832 Eliza Robert BRUSTER Eliza -- not listed William Douglas 28/5/1832 19/6/1832 Robert Charles RILEY??? Jane -- not listed William Douglas 3/10/1832 16/10/1832 Eliza Edward MOUNTAIN??? Anne -- not listed William Douglas 16/10/1832 22/10/1832 Susan Will NOBLE Susan -- not listed William Douglas 7/11/1832 21/11/1832 William George SOMERVILLE Jane -- not listed William Douglas 2/12/1832 29/12/1832 Eliza Guy BLEAKLY Mary -- not listed William Douglas 1/12/1832 9/1/1833 Sarah Ann Will MAGRATH Mary -- not listed William Douglas 3/3/1833 7/3/1833 William Will STEPHENSON Mary -- not listed William Douglas 6/7/1833 12/8/1833 William James HAMILTON Euphimia??? -- not listed William Douglas 7/9/1833 13/9/1833 William David WILEY?? Margaret -- not listed William Douglas 21/9/1833 26/9/1833 Robert Francis MCCUTCHAN Jane -- not listed William Douglas 29/10/1833 9/11/1833 Margaret Thomas WILSON Eliza -- not listed William Douglas 21/12/1833 23/12/1833 Robert William MAXWELL Ann -- not listed William Douglas 27/1/1834 20/2/1834 Catherine Kit MOORE Catherine -- not listed William Douglas 9/4/1834 12/4/1834 James James COLLINS Isabella -- not listed William Douglas 3/4/1834 14/4/1834 James John? BROWN Elizabeth -- not listed William Douglas 1/4/1834 19/4/1834 George George SOMERVILLE Jane -- not listed William Douglas 16/4/1834 23/4/1834 Elizabeth Daniel MAGEE Mary -- not listed William Douglas 30/5/1834 6/6/1834 John David BRUSTER Margaret -- not listed William Douglas 18/8/1834 6/9/1834 Jane John GINN Eliza -- not listed James Lynch 13/9/1834 20/9/1834 Benjamin Greg BLEAKLY Mary -- not listed William Kidd 18/10/1834 23/10/1834 Mary Hugh WARNOCK Sarah -- not listed William Kidd 16/11/1834 23/11/1834 Eliza Jane Daniel VIRTUE?? Margaret -- not listed William Kidd 10/11/1834 28/11/1834 Susanah Thomas POTTER Ann -- not listed William Kidd 1/11/1834 4/12/1834 Margaret Will SMITH Margaret -- not listed James Lynch ?/11/1834 7/12/1834 William Will ROBINSON Eliza -- not listed James Lynch 26/11/1834 23/12/1834 Rebecca Alexander CLINTON Eliza -- not listed James Lynch 8/12/1834 10/1/1835 Eliza James BRUCE Mary -- not listed James Lynch 30/11/1834 20/1/1835 Mary Ann Anthony HURST Lucinda -- not listed James Lynch 31/12/1834 25/1/1835 Mary Ann William NOBLE Susan -- not listed James Lynch 16/12/1834 27/1/1835 John John BROWN Isabel -- not listed William Kidd 23/2/1835 18/3/1835 Euphimia David WILEY?? Margaret -- not listed James Lynch 25/3/1835 31/3/1835 Martha Robert WILSON Mary -- not listed William Kidd 19/5/1835 25/5/1835 Frances Ann Robert SOMERVILLE Margaret -- not listed William Kidd 11/6/1835 19/6/1835 William Henry MONAGHAN Catherine -- not listed William Kidd 20/10/1834 26/6/1835 Isabella William JOHNSTON Ann -- not listed William Kidd 15/7/1835 3/8/1835 Anne James BELL Hanah -- not listed James Rutledge 9/11/1835 14/11/1835 Matilda John FARREL Mary -- not listed James Lynch 13/11/1835 14/11/1835 Eliza John MCCREA Mary -- not listed James Lynch 29/9/1835 16/11/1835 Mary Jane William STEPHENSON Mary -- not listed James Lynch 16/11/1835 not listed James John STEPHENSON Barbara -- not listed James Lynch 16/11/1835 23/11/1835 Eliza Jane David VIRTUE Margaret -- not listed James Lynch 9/12/1835 28/12/1835 Christiana Will MAXWELL Ann -- not listed James Lynch 31/3/1836 13/4/1836 Margaret Sam HURST Mary -- not listed James Lynch 14/4/1836 24/4/1836 John Thomas GAWLEY Jane -- not listed James Lynch 5/7/1836 29/7/1836 John Walter BEATTY Ann -- not listed James Rutledge 17/7/1836 8/8/1836 Sarah Daniel MAGEE Mary -- not listed James Rutledge 17/10/1836 4/11/1836 William William NOBLE Susan -- not listed James Rutledge 2/11/1836 16/11/1836 Joseph Joseph MITCHELL Elizabeth -- not listed James Rutledge 22/3/1837 11/5/1837 William James WAMSLEY Jane -- not listed James Rutledge 23/4/1837 15/5/1837 William Will FLEMING Ann -- not listed James Rutledge 16/5/1837 26/5/1837 George Andrew MOFFAT Eliza -- not listed James Rutledge 8/6/1837 15/6/1837 Henry Giles Alexander IRVINE Hester -- not listed Thomas Meredith 14/5/1837 11/8/1837 Catherine Will WILSON Eliza -- not listed James Rutledge 28/9/1837 6/10/1837 Robert Robert GRAHAM Mary A. -- not listed James Rutledge 15/10/1837 18/10/1837 Margaret Hugh WARNOCK Sarah -- not listed James Rutledge 23/10/1837 4/12/1837 William James BELL Hana -- not listed John Jebb 22/11/1837 6/12/1837 George George GINN Eliza -- not listed John Jebb 6/1/1838 30/1/1838 Jane Robert SOMERVILLE Margaret -- not listed James Rutledge 9/3/1838 28/3/1838 John Mathew HENDERSON Jane -- not listed James Rutledge 8/4/1838 20/4/1838 William James GILMORE Mary -- not listed James Rutledge 18/4/1838 20/4/1838 Robert William GRAHAM Isabela * -- not listed James Rutledge 1/5/1838 29/5/1838 John Robert SPEARS Elizabeth -- not listed James Rutledge 3/6/1838 22/7/1838 William William YOUNG Ann -- not listed James Rutledge 3/8/1838 29/8/1838 Thomas Thomas ARMSTRONG Mary -- not listed John Jebb 27/9/1838 5/10/1838 James Will WILSON Eliza -- not listed James Rutledge 24/7/1838 7/10/1838 Edward John ARMSTRONG Ann -- not listed James Rutledge 14/12/1838 24/12/1838 Henry Henry CHARLTON Sarah -- not listed James Rutledge 15/12/1838 28/12/1838 John Robert GRAHAM Mary A. -- not listed James Rutledge 15/12/1838 23/1/1839 Margaret George GRAHAM Ann -- Skeoge (Skeogue?) James Rutledge 3/2/1839 7/2/1839 Eliza William FAIR Ann -- Tepid Mountain????, Parish of Derryvullan James Rutledge 17/11/1839 29/11/1839 James Walter BEATTY Ann -- Drum----???? James McCutchan 7/8/1839 1/12/1839 Joseph James WAMSLEY Jane -- not listed James McCutchan 2/12/1839 1/1/1840 Matilda William YOUNG Ann -- Irvinestown James McCutchan ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== BORN BAPTISED CHILDS FATHER'S FATHER'S MOTHERS MOTHERS RESIDENCE BAPTISED BY / COMMENTS NAME FORENAME SURNAME FORENAME SURNAME REBORDED BY ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 29/2/1840 24/3/1840 Thomas Will or David (see comments) HAMILTON Anne -- Tulnagin (Tullanaginn?) James McCutchan Listed on 2 seperate records, one as Will the other as David 20/4/1839 * 26/4/1840 James David WITHERINGTON Eliza -- Irvinestown James McCutchan 19/4/1840 20/5/1840 Thomas Thomas ARMSTRONG Mary -- Cabragh James Rutledge 7/5/1840 27/5/1840 William Hugh WARNOCK Sarah -- Bohavny???? (Bohevny?) James McCutchan 15/3/1838 * 30/6/1840 William William JOHNSTON Ann -- Lowtherstown James Rutledge 14/7/1840 15/7/1840 Robert James CULLEN Isabella -- not listed John Nesbitt 20/7/1840 24/7/1840 Mary Jane William WILSON Eliza -- not listed John Nesbitt 7/8/1841 8/8/1841 Elizabeth Mary Robert NESBITT Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 9/9/1841 12/11/1841 Ann Jane Alexander IRVINE Hester -- not listed William Mulloy 20/8/1841 23/12/1841 John William SCOTT Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 26/8/1841 30/12/1841 James James JONSTON Sarah -- not listed William Mulloy 10/12/1841 31/12/1841 Jane William WILSON May--ia???? -- not listed William Mulloy 26/12/1841 7/1/1842 Cathrine * Adam RITCHY Eliza -- not listed William Mulloy 3/1/1842 12/1/1842 Isabella William RAMSEY Mary -- not listed William Mulloy 6/1/1842 12/1/1842 William Thomas ARMSTRONG Mary -- not listed William Mulloy 14/1/1842 29/1/1842 Hariet Maud Gerg?? BLAKELY Mary -- not listed William Mulloy 2/2/1842 4/3/1842 Margaret William WILSON Eliza -- not listed William Mulloy 15/2/1842 5/3/1842 Mathew Robert MCKEECHAN??? Eleanor -- not listed William Mulloy 7/3/1842 9/3/1842 James Joseph WILEY?? Matilda -- not listed William Mulloy 1/1/1841 10/1/1841 Thomas Joseph WILEY?? Matilda -- not listed William Mulloy 3/3/1842 11/3/1842 Edward James MAGUIRE Margaret -- not listed William Mulloy 4/3/1842 3/4/1842 Eliza William WILSON Eliza -- not listed William Mulloy 27/3/1842 30/4/1842 Margaret Chittick MCGORMAN???? Margaret -- not listed William Mulloy 12/4/1842 30/4/1842 Margaret Jane Robert GRAHAM Mary A. -- not listed William Mulloy 20/4/1842 1/5/1842 Catherine Andrew? MAGUIRE Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 20/4/1842 1/5/1842 Ann Andrew? MAGUIRE Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 1/5/1842 25/5/1842 Mary Ann James IRVINE Anabella -- not listed William Mulloy 30/5/1842 14/7/1842 Margaret Thomas SPEAR Sarah -- not listed William Mulloy 28/5/1842 22/7/1842 Garit???? Alexander William GRAHAM Isabella -- not listed William Mulloy 28/7/1842 25/8/1842 Charles Christopher MCQUADE?? Mary -- not listed William Mulloy 10/9/1842 30/9/1842 Catherine James WAMSLEY Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 24/9/1842 11/10/1842 Sarah Jane Hugh WARNOCK?? Sarah -- not listed William Mulloy 26/10/1842 29/10/1842 Cathrine * Christopher ARMSTRONG Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 5/11/1842 18/11/1842 William James??? BELL Annie???? -- not listed William Mulloy 28/11/1842 29/11/1842 Charles Arthur??? GRAHAM Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 13/12/1842 31/12/1842 William Douglas Robert NESBITT Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 9/1/1843 24/1/1843 Thomas Janes BELL Hanah -- not listed William Mulloy 16/1/1843 29/1/1843 John Thomas WAKER???? * Bell -- not listed William Mulloy 10/2/1843 24/2/1843 Thomas William INGRAM Margaret -- not listed William Hoey 24/2/1843 12/3/1843 Hugh William IRVINE Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 18/3/1843 25/3/1843 Charles Arthur JOHNSTON Mary -- not listed William Mulloy 8/4/1843 16/4/1843 Robert Robert INGRAM Isabella -- not listed William Hoey 30/1/1843 28/4/1843 Margaret John GRAHAM Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 24/1/1843 7/5/1843 Margaret James GILIMER?? * Mary -- not listed William Mulloy 15/4/1843 20/5/1843 Thomas Francis WHITTAKER Susana -- not listed William Mulloy 25/4/1843 27/5/1843 Catherine George MOFFATT Catherine -- not listed William Hoey 14/5/1843 30/5/1843 Robert Robert KNOX Catharine * -- not listed William Hoey 18/5/1843 2/6/1843 Isabella William IRVINE Eliza -- not listed William Mulloy 15/5/1843 4/6/1843 Elizabeth William HOEY Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 11/6/1843 19/6/1843 Elizabeth William G-----???? Jane -- not listed illegible 11/8/1843 24/8/1843 Mary Ann Andrew JOHNSTON Susana -- not listed William Hoey 24/8/1843 26/8/1843 Anne Jane William RAMSEY Isabella -- not listed William Hoey 21/8/1843 5/9/1843 William Alexander YOUNG Anne -- not listed William Mulloy 3/11/1843 9/11/1843 Mary?? Catherine Hester Alexander IRVINE Hester -- not listed William Mulloy 14/11/1843 30/11/1843 Andrew John RALSTON Ann? -- not listed William Mulloy 4/2/1844 20/2/1844 Isabella Johnston? G------???? Ann???? -- not listed William Mulloy illegible 28/2/1844 illegible (male) illegible ILLEGIBLE illegible -- not listed William Mulloy 14/2/1844 6/3/1844 Sarah??? Stewart??? BRIEN???? Eliza -- not listed illegible 25/12/1843 17/3/1844 George James MAGUIRE?? Margaret -- not listed William Hoey 29/2/1844 19/3/1844 Ann Francis KNOX Ann -- not listed William Mulloy 3/4/1844 4/4/1844 George Christopher BLEAKLY Mary Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 2/4/1844 6/4/1844 David David ELLIOTT Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 9/4/1844 18/4/1844 Jane??? Elizabeth James JOHNSTON Sarah -- not listed William Mulloy 24/4/1844 26/4/1844 Ralph Henry CARRIGAN Margaret -- not listed William Hoey 22/4/1844 16/5/1844 Sarah Thomas SPEAR Sarah -- not listed William Mulloy 12/5/1844 24/5/1844 Charles William WILSON Eliza -- not listed William Mulloy 7/4/1844 29/5/1844 George James MAGEE??? Margaret -- not listed William Mulloy 16/5/1844 6/6/1844 James???? James ILLEGIBLE illegible -- not listed William Hoey 20/7/1844 25/8/1844 Anthony William YOUNG Jane -- Lowtherstown John Armstrong 31/8/1844 18/9/1844 Catherine Thomas ARMSTRONG Mary -- Cabra (Cabragh?) John Armstrong 20/9/1844 4/10/1844 Mary George ELLIOTT Jane -- Druminchin James Donald 8/9/1844 18/10/1844 Jane Samuel MAGUIRE Susan -- Cools (sa record) John Armstrong 15/9/1844 1/11/1844 Ann Richard BEATTY??? Lucy -- illegible John Armstrong 29/9/1844 1/11/1844 Margaret Arthur JOHNSTON Mary -- Glassmullagh (Glasmullagh?) John Armstrong 17/10/1844 8/11/1844 Sarah Robert GRAHAM Mary Anne -- Lettermoney James Donald 3/11/1844 25/11/1844 Sarah William WILSON Eliza -- Lowtherstown John Armstrong 29/11/1844 7/1/1845 Mary John PHILLIPS Jane -- Newpark John Armstrong 21/11/1844 13/1/1845 Agnes Maxwell Robert NESBITT Jane -- Lowtherstown William Douglas 4/1/1844 * 19/1/1845 Jane Robert INGRAM Isabella -- Ballindullagh James Donald 1/3/1845 10/3/1845 John John SIMPSON Mary -- Drumskerry John Armstrong 4/3/1845 27/3/1845 Mary James GILMORE Mary -- Cornacrana???? James Donald 18/2/1845 29/3/1845 Matilda James GORMAN??? Matilda -- not listed John Armstrong 13/2/1845 14/4/1845 George Thomas ALEXANDER Sara -- Ballyard??? John Armstrong 1/3/1845 14/4/1845 Ann Eliza Arthur GRAHAM Jane -- Shanmullagh John Armstrong 23/4/1845 1/5/1845 Eliza Edward ARMSTRONG Isabella -- Tirwiney (Tirwinny?) James Donald 29/4/1845 1/5/1845 James James HILLIARD Isabella -- Coolgarren???? (Coolgarran?) John Armstrong 28/4/1845 2/5/1845 John William IRWIN Eliza -- Coolgarren (Coolgarran?) John Armstrong 25/5/1845 27/5/1845 Ann Richard ROBINSON Catherine -- Inishmore?? John Armstrong 10/5/1845 31/5/1845 Robert James IRWIN Anabella -- Drum----???? John Armstrong 27/7/1845 10/8/1845 Amen--???? (female) William IRWIN Isabela * -- Newpark John Armstrong 23/8/1845 2/9/1845 Rebecca Antiny * SMITH Davina?? -- Lowtherstown John Armstrong 19/8/1845 12/9/1845 William Adam RICHEY Elizabeth -- Drum------???? John Armstrong 13/8/1845 20/9/1845 George James DONALD Margaret -- Lowtherstown John Armstrong 29/9/1845 4/10/1845 Mary John BEACOM Lucy -- Glassmullagh (Glasmullagh?) John Armstrong 21/9/1845 19/10/1845 Catherine William YOUNG Jane -- Lowtherstown John Armstrong 1/10/1845 26/10/1845 Margaret John BLAKELY Ann -- Lowtherstown John Armstrong 14/11/1845 23/11/1845 William William IRWIN Jane -- Lowtherstown John Armstrong 14/11/1845 23/11/1845 Margaret Jane William IRWIN Jane -- Lowtherstown John Armstrong 24/11/1845 30/12/1845 Mary Ann Thomas ELLIS Lidia -- Aughnama (Aghama?) John Armstrong 1/1/1846 2/1/1846 Margaret Joseph WILEY Matilda -- Lisna----???? John Armstrong 9/1/1846 22/1/1846 Wesley Henry James MAGUIRE Margaret -- Cules James Donald 10/1/1846 23/1/1846 Margaret Francis WHITTAKER?? Susan -- Glenarn John Armstrong 26/1/1846 20/2/1846 Eliza William BARTLY Sara -- Dilly----???? John Armstrong 24/2/1846 27/3/1846 James Robert GRAHAM Mary -- Lettermony (Lettermoney?) John Armstrong 8/2/1846 29/3/1846 William William INGRAM Margaret -- Tully John Armstrong 16/3/1846 1/4/1846 Mary Jane William CARSON Margaret -- Lowtherstown John Armstrong 9/2/1846 2/4/1846 Cathern Christy BLAKELY Mary Jane -- Drum------???? John Armstrong 5/2/1846 4/4/1846 Margaret William RICHEY Matilda -- Galbaly (Galbally?) James Donald 15/3/1846 12/4/1846 James Thomas SPR--???? Sara -- Lack John Armstrong 18/4/1846 28/4/1846 Thomas Thomas ARMSTRONG Jane -- Kilmore John Armstrong 10/5/1846 14/5/1846 Edward James JOHNSTON Sara -- Knockro (Knockroe?) John Armstrong 13/7/1846 3/8/1846 Catherine Andrew JOHNSTON Susan -- Keeran James Black 20/7/1846 10/8/1846 Samuel Hugh BRALLEN Jane -- Ballyard James Black 24/7/1846 25/8/1846 Lucinda Stewart BRIEN Elizabeth -- Rosscor James Black 2/9/1846 6/10/1846 James Alexander Anthony SMITH Dorcus -- Rosscor James Black 29/11/1846 31/12/1846 Martha William WILSON Elizabeth -- Crossen (Crossan?) James Black 8/12/1846 18/12/1846 George Robert INGRAM Isabella -- not listed James Black 23/1/1847 31/1/1847 Mary Thomas BLEAKLEY Margaret -- not listed James Black 7/2/1847 28/2/1847 Henry Henry RAMSEY Anne -- not listed James Black 16/2/1847 4/8/1847 John Henry James ELLIOTT Maryanne -- Buncrana James Black 31/8/1847 7/9/1847 Samuel James JOHNSTON Mary -- Cornamuckla (Cornamucklagh?) James Black 31/12/1847 27/1/1848 Lydia Thomas ELLIS Lydia -- not listed James Black 5/3/1848 24/3/1848 Thomas Thomas BREEN Rebecca -- not listed James Black 16/4/1848 23/4/1848 Irwine John JOHNSTON Christian -- not listed James Black 11/6/1848 15/6/1848 James Guy James HENDERSON Ann -- not listed James Black 7/7/1848 13/7/1848 John William WILSON Elizabeth -- Crossen (Crossan?) James Black 24/6/1847 * 23/7/1848 Margaret Douglas * Robert NESBITT Jane -- Londonderry William Douglas 12/4/1848 13/9/1848 Joseph William RICHEY Matilda -- not listed James Collier 25/9/1848 11/10/1848 Anthony Anthony SMITH Dorcus -- not listed James Black 18/10/1848 18/11/1848 William Christopher BLEAKLEY Mary Jane -- not listed James Collier 5/11/1848 18/11/1848 George John BLEAKLEY Isabella -- not listed James Collier 31/10/1848 24/11/1848 Mary Jane William INGRAM Margaret -- not listed James Collier 6/12/1848 10/12/1848 John Edward GOMERLY???? Sarah -- not listed James Collier 25/12/1848 5/1/1849 William Robert GRAHAM Maryanne -- not listed James Black 17/12/1848 16/1/1849 Joseph Charles WILEY Eliza -- not listed James Collier 11/1/1849 19/1/1849 Eliza Mary Robert INGRAM Isabella -- not listed James Collier 31/8/1848 26/1/1849 Lewis James WALMSLEY Jane -- not listed James Collier 27/1/1849 15/2/1849 Eliza William IRWIN Elizabeth -- not listed James Collier 30/1/1849 19/2/1849 James John SMITH Margaret -- not listed James Collier 10/2/1849 22/3/1849 William Henry Thomas MCCUSKER Dorathea -- not listed James Collier 25/2/1849 18/5/1849 Charlotte Ann Henry HENDERSON Elizabeth -- not listed James Collier 7/4/1849 18/5/1849 Robert James GILMORE Mary -- not listed James Collier 11/3/1849 22/5/1849 Mary Joseph WILEY Matilda -- not listed Andrew Fl---ton???? 10/4/1849 22/5/1849 James Edward ARMSTRONG Isabella -- not listed James Collier 18/5/1849 22/5/1849 Elizabeth Charles KEYS Elizabeth -- not listed James Collier 7/5/1849 14/6/1849 Edward Andrew FIFE Mary Anne -- not listed James Collier 10/5/1849 1/8/1849 Mary Jane Gerard BRIEN Jane -- Ederny, Co. Fermanagh W.S. Campbell 31/7/1849 3/8/1849 Mary Mathew SPEIR * Margaret -- Lack W.S. Campbell 24/6/1849 12/8/1849 William James IRVINE Annabella -- Duncan??? W.S. Campbell 27/8/1849 26/9/1849 William William KNOX Margaret -- Drumsouna (Drumsawna?) W.S. Campbell 26/8/1849 15/11/1849 James George HENDERSON Mary -- Cabbragh (Cabragh?) W.S. Campbell 15/7/1849 21/11/1849 Margaret Christopher MALDOON Ann -- Corlought (Corlaght?), Lack W.S. Campbell 2.12.1849 6/12/1849 Margaret Andrew JOB Jane -- Cora---????Barr W.S. Campbell ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== BORN BAPTISED CHILDS FATHER'S FATHER'S MOTHERS MOTHERS RESIDENCE BAPTISED BY / COMMENTS NAME FORENAME SURNAME FORENAME SURNAME REBORDED BY ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 23/1/1850 17/2/1850 Francis Thomas ELLIS Lydia -- Aughnamo (Aghnamoe?) W.S. Campbell 1/2/1850 22/2/1850 Sarah??? Jane Charles WILEY Eliza -- Lisnahanna W.S. Campbell 21/1/1850 12/3/1850 James James KNOX Mary -- Mullinroddy (Mullanrody?) W.S. Campbell 12/3/1850 29/3/1850 Wesley William WILSON Eliza -- Crossen (Crossan?) W.S. Campbell 28/3/1850 21/4/1850 Thomas William YOUNG Jane -- Lowtherstown W.S. Campbell 28/4/1850 2/6/1850 Maryane * John STEWART Ann -- Lowtherstown W.S. Campbell 26/5/1850 8/6/1850 Magolin * (female) Guy BLEAKLY Ann -- Glassmullagh (Glasmullagh?) W.S. Campbell 23/3/1850 13/6/1850 Francis Thomas ARMSTRONG Mary -- Cabbragh (Cabragh?) Edward Best 22/4/1850 14/7/1850 William Douglas John HAZELTON Eliza -- Wicklow William Douglas 8/4/1850 15/8/1850 Alexander John MILLIGAN Annie -- not listed William Hoey 8/7/1850 17/8/1850 Charles Wiley Robert GRAHAM Maryann??? -- Lettermony (Lettermoney?) W.S. Campbell 7/4/1850 28/8/1850 James Charles ARMSTRONG Jane??? -- Tullinagin (Tullanaginn?) W.S. Campbell 26/7/1850 29/8/1850 Hugh Richard GRAHAM Rebecca -- not listed William Hoey 18/6/1850 31/8/1850 Rebecca Robert CARTER?? Mary -- not listed William Hoey 11/7/1850 25/9/1850 John Thomas BELL Ann -- Near Ederny W.S. Campbell 13/6/1850 17/10/1850 Lucinda John BEACOM Lucinda -- not listed William Hoey 11/12/1850 20/12/1850 James Andrew JOHNSTON Susana -- Keeran W.S. Campbell 1/11/1850 26/12/1850 John Patrick ANDERSON Margaret -- not listed William Hoey 12/12/1850 26/12/1850 Margaret George BLEAKLY Ellen Jane -- not listed William Hoey 21/12/1850 12/1/1851 Robert Henry RAMSY * Ann -- Ballindullagh W.S. Campbell 29/12/1850 18/1/1851 Charles John WILEY Ellen -- Drumskinny??? W.S. Campbell 23/12/1850 21/2/1851 George William GUNNIS Rebecca -- Bushill???? W.S. Campbell 18/2/1851 21/2/1851 William Thomas IRWIN Ann -- Deer Park W.S. Campbell 11/2/1851 1/3/1851 Booth * David WILEY Rebecca -- Drumskinny W.S. Campbell 3/11/1850 7/3/1851 Isabella John BROWN Isabella -- not listed William Hoey 21/2/1851 7/3/1851 William John Anthony SMITH Dorcas -- not listed William Hoey 2/3/1851 9/3/1851 Charles Alexander YOUNG Ann -- Ardvarny W.S. Campbell 8/3/1851 20/3/1851 William George HENDERSON Mary -- Cabbragh (Cabragh?) W.S. Campbell 12/1/1851 3/4/1851 Mary Jane Christopher BLEAKLY Mary Jane -- Druminchin W.S. Campbell 5/3/1851 6/4/1851 Isabella Johnston GREY Isabella -- Yellow Church W.S. Campbell 16/4/1851 2/5/1851 George John BLEAKLY Isabella -- not listed William Hoey 18/4/1851 3/5/1851 Andrew William MONTGOMERY Sidney -- Whitehill W.S. Campbell 12/2/1851 18/5/1851 Henrietta Edward ARMSTRONG Isabella -- Thornhill W.S. Campbell 1/4/1851 19/5/1851 Charlotte Jared BRIEN Jane -- Ederny W.S. Campbell 28/4/1851 23/5/1851 John James ARMSTRONG Sarah -- not listed William Hoey 5/4/1851 5/4/1851 Mary Nathaniel HOOD Margaret -- Raheeny???? W.S. Campbell 6/5/1851 21/7/1851 Robert George MOFFATT Ann -- not listed William Hoey 12/7/1851 22/7/1851 Sarah Jane Charles WILEY Elizabeth -- not listed William Hoey 13/7/1851 29/8/1851 John George Edward FIFE?? Elizabeth -- Sligo William Hoey 22/8/1851 13/9/1851 Catherine Jane John WALKER Elizabeth -- not listed William Hoey 12/10/1851 13/11/1851 Rachel John SMYTH Margaret -- not listed William Hoey 2/12/1851 5/12/1851 Mary Ann James JOHNSTON Sarah -- not listed William Hoey 20/1/1852 31/1/1852 Martha William SWANSTON Anne -- not listed William Hoey 22/1/1852 2/3/1852 Matilda Joseph WILEY Matilda -- not listed William Hoey 6/2/1852 23/3/1852 Andrew Andrew FIFE Mary Anne -- not listed William Hoey 11/11/1851 3/3/1852 William Michael LINDSAY Christiana -- not listed William Hoey 16/3/1852 8/4/1852 Thomas Thomas ELLIS Lydia -- not listed William Hoey 1/11/1850 * 29/4/1852 Catherine Georgina Robert NESBITT Jane -- not listed William Douglas 10/3/1852 27/5/1852 Eliza Jane Thomas ARMSTRONG Mary -- Cabra (Cabragh?) William Hoey 11/6/1852 18/6/1852 Elizabeth Jane Robert GRAHAM Mary Anne -- Lettermony (Lettermoney?) William Hoey 24/5/1852 19/6/1852 John James THOMPSON Jane -- Fearney (Ferney?) William Hoey 1/8/1852 1/10/1852 James George BLAKELY Eliza Jane -- not listed John Gilbert 1/11/1852 5/12/1852 John John JOHNSTON Christian -- not listed John Gilbert 14/7/1853 20/3/1853 Charles William RICHEY?? Matilda -- not listed John Gilbert 28/2/1853 21/3/1853 Margaret Thomas COSGROVE??? Doroatha * -- not listed John Gilbert 10/3/1853 30/3/1853 James John ARMSTRONG Jane -- not listed John Gilbert 26/2/1853 4/4/1853 John James GILMORE Mary -- not listed John Gilbert 14/3/1853 8/4/1853 Elizabeth Euphinia???? William WILSON Elizabeth -- not listed John Gilbert 31/3/1853 28/5/1853 William Francis William MONTGOMERY Sidney -- not listed John Gilbert 27/7/1853 6/8/1853 Samuel Anthony SMYTH Dorcas -- not listed Frederick Elliott 30/6/1853 11/8/1853 Catherine Henry BELL Isabella -- not listed Frederick Elliott 11/7/1853 1/9/1853 James Christopher BLEAKLEY Mary -- not listed Frederick Elliott 22/7/1853 30/9/1853 Margaret Jane George HENDERSON Mary -- not listed Frederick Elliott 6/10/1853 13/10/1853 Isabella William SWANSTON Jane -- not listed Frederick Elliott 2/10/1853 22/10/1853 Mary Jane James THOMPSON Jane -- not listed Frederick Elliott 18/10/1853 22/12/1853 Emily Charles WILEY Elizabeth -- not listed Frederick Elliott 3/3/1854 24/3/1854 Mary George GRAHAM Catherine -- not listed Frederick Elliott 26/5/1854 2/6/1854 Eliza Charles JOHNSTON Mary Anne -- not listed Frederick Elliott 10/1/1854 7/8/1854 William Magee William DOUGLAS Eliza -- not listed William Douglas 28/6/1854 9/8/1854 Isabella Anne Robert GRAHAM Mary Anne -- not listed Frederick Elliott 18/1/1854 11/8/1854 John William Charles WILEY Jane -- not listed Frederick Elliott 13/7/1854 14/8/1854 Andrew Andrew HENDERSON Catherine -- not listed Frederick Elliott 10/10/1854 9/11/1854 Sarah Aaron RHAMSEY * Jane -- not listed Frederick Elliott 26/2/1855 28/2/1855 Rebekah James LAW Anne -- not listed Frederick Elliott 14/3/1855 23/4/1855 Mary Anne William MONTGOMERY Sidney -- not listed Frederick Elliott 8/4/1855 8/5/1855 William William GINN Rebecca -- not listed Frederick Elliott 24/3/1855 25/5/1855 James Johnston GREY Isabella -- not listed Frederick Elliott 7/5/1855 1/6/1855 Mary John COULTER Rebecca -- not listed Frederick Elliott 19/5/1855 6/6/1855 Eliza James GILMORE Mary -- not listed Frederick Elliott 25/6/1855 17/7/1855 Jane Frederick (Rev.) ELLIOTT Jane -- not listed William Douglas 21/5/1855 8/8/1855 Margaret Mary Elizabeth William DOUGLAS Eliza -- not listed William Douglas 11/8/1855 17/8/1855 Christopher Christopher BLEAKLY Mary Jane -- Druminchin Samuel Johnston 9/8/1855 20/8/1855 Elizabeth James THOMPSON Jane -- Fearney (Ferney?) Samuel Johnston 29/5/1855 30/8/1855 Margaret William IRVINE Elizabeth -- not listed Samuel Johnston 4/9/1855 17/9/1855 Catherine George BLEAKELY Eliza Jane -- Druminchin?? Samuel Johnston 14/10/1855 4/12/1855 Annie Charles WILEY Eliza -- not listed James Carey 13/1/1856 7/2/1856 John William SWANSTON Ann -- Galbally Samuel Johnston 8/2/1856 17/4/1856 Isabella Henry BELL Isabella -- not listed James Carey 30/3/1856 1/5/1856 James Arthur JOHNSTON Mary -- Keeran Samuel Johnston 11/3/1856 18/5/1856 Anne Elizabeth Samuel (Rev.) JOHNSTON Frances Anne -- not listed William Douglas 15/5/1856 13/6/1856 Eliza Jane Thomas MCKUSKER Dorothea -- Druman--------???? Samuel Johnston 2/1/1856 17/6/1856 Catherine Isabella John (Rev.) HAZELTON Eliza -- not listed William Douglas not listed 2/7/1856 Elizabeth ??? Jane??? George HENDERSON Mary -- not listed Samuel Johnston 5/8/1856 3/10/1856 Sarah??? Robert GRAHAM Mary -- not listed Samuel Johnston 10/9/1856 3/10/1856 James William GINN Rebecca -- not listed Samuel Johnston 18/10/1856 7/11/1856 Thomas Thomas CHAMBERS Jane -- not listed Samuel Johnston 12/9/1856 26/1/1857 Elizabeth Ann Thomas HUNTER Margaret -- not listed Samuel Johnston 14/12/1856 3/2/1857 Sarah J. John LAW Ann -- not listed Samuel Johnston 5/12/1856 11/2/1857 Sydney (female) William MONTGOMERY Sydney -- not listed Samuel Johnston 7/2/1857 10/3/1857 Samuel??? James GILMORE Mary -- not listed Samuel Johnston 4/2/1857 11/3/1857 Elizabeth James LAW Ann -- not listed Samuel Johnston 14/2/1857 11/3/1857 Mary Ann Christopher SYMPSON??? Irvine or Irvina -- not listed Samuel Johnston 22/1/1857 13/4/1857 Joseph Oliver VIRTUE Susan -- not listed Samuel Johnston 6/2/1857 13/4/1857 Catherine Edward ARMSTRONG Isabella -- not listed Samuel Johnston 20/2/1857 13/4/1857 Isabella Arthur JOHNSTON Rebecca -- not listed Samuel Johnston 1/4/1857 21/5/1857 Robert James GRAHAM Margaret -- not listed Samuel Johnston 21/3/1856 * 22/5/1857 Robert John Robert GILMORE Sarah -- not listed Samuel Johnston 29/4/1857 19/6/1857 Samuel Thomas Samuel (Rev.) JOHNSTON Frances A. -- not listed William Douglas 22/9/1856 9/7/1857 Charles James William DOUGLAS Eliza -- not listed John Hazelton 5/8/1857 29/8/1857 Olive Jane John HETHERINGTON Jane -- not listed Samuel Johnston 22/7/1847 * 23/9/1857 John Charles WILEY Eliza -- not listed Samuel Johnston 7/7/1857 27/9/1857 Gibson Johnston GREY Isabella -- not listed Samuel Johnston 1/8/1857 5/10/1857 Louisa Jane Robert GILMORE Sarah -- not listed Samuel Johnston 25/8/1857 29/10/1857 William Samuel James (Rev.) CAREY Margaret -- not listed William Douglas 25/2/1858 29/4/1858 George Henry BELL Isabella -- not listed Samuel Johnston 6/4/1858 ?/5/1858 Eliza William GINN Rebecca -- not listed Samuel Johnston 18/5/1858 3/6/1858 Mary Jane John FITZPATRICK Catherine -- not listed Samuel Johnston 18/5/1858 4/6/1858 Mary Jane John FITCH Catherine -- not listed Samuel Johnston 1/5/1858 11/7/1858 Eliza Letitia John MCCLELLAND Isabella -- not listed Samuel Johnston 18/6/1858 11/7/1858 Margaret George MARSHALL Corrie?? -- not listed Samuel Johnston 11/7/1858 28/7/1858 Andrew Andrew FLEMING Mary -- not listed Joseph Johnston 26/7/1858 21/10/1858 Samuel Henry William DOUGLAS Eliza -- not listed William Douglas 8/1/1859 5/2/1859 Sarah Jane Charles BLAKELY Mary Jane -- not listed Joseph Johnston 21/1/1859 8/3/1859 Andrew James GILMORE Mary -- not listed Irvine Johnston 6/1/1859 10/3/1859 Margaret William RICHEY Catherine -- not listed Joseph Johnston 8/3/1859 23/3/1859 Francis Edward ARMSTRONG Isabella -- not listed Joseph Johnston 20/1/1859 3/4/1859 Mary Esther James (Rev.) CAREY Margaret -- not listed William Douglas 24/3/1859 13/4/1859 Joseph Andrew Joseph (Rev.) JOHNSTON Margaret -- not listed James Calvert 28/3/1859 18/5/1859 Henry Johnston Robert GILMORE Sarah -- not listed Irvine Johnston 27/5/1859 10/6/1859 Thomas Thomas MCCUSKER Dorothea -- not listed Joseph Johnston 31/5/1859 19/6/1859 Robert Oliver VIRTUE Susan -- not listed Joseph Johnston 6/4/1858 * 15/7/1859 Eliza John HAZELTON Eliza -- not listed William Douglas 21/6/1859 15/7/1859 Anne Jane John HAZELTON Eliza -- not listed William Douglas 15/6/1859 19/7/1859 Margaret Thomas HUNTER Margaret -- not listed Charles Woods 5/6/1859 29/7/1859 Sarah Anne Joseph WIELY * (WILEY?) Matilda -- not listed Joseph Johnston 18/8/1859 17/10/1859 David Charles WILEY Eliza -- not listed Joseph Johnston 26/9/1859 4/11/1859 Margaret Johnston GREY Isabella -- not listed Joseph Johnston 16/9/1858 * 7/11/1859 George George BLAKELY Eliza -- not listed Irvine Johnston 4/10/1859 30/10/1859 Catherine William THOMPSON Eliza -- not listed Joseph Johnston 4/11/1859 10/11/1859 Robert W.J. * JOHNSTON Margaret -- not listed Joseph Johnston 18/6/1859 8/1/1860 John James John MCCLELLAND Isabella -- not listed Irvine Johnston 8/11/1859 14/1/1860 Mathew George HENDERSON Mary -- not listed Irvine Johnston 9/11/1859 21/1/1860 Charles Robert WILEY Jane -- Drumski---???? George W. Patrick or Patchak? ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== BORN BAPTISED CHILDS FATHER'S FATHER'S MOTHERS MOTHERS RESIDENCE BAPTISED BY / COMMENTS NAME FORENAME SURNAME FORENAME SURNAME REBORDED BY ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 14/3/1860 16/4/1860 George William GINN Rebecca -- not listed Joseph Johnston 5/1/1860 19/4/1860 Robert William MONTGOMERY Sidney -- not listed Joseph Johnston see comments 27/4/1860 Mary Atkin William DOUGLAS Eliza -- not listed William Douglas Birth listed as 24/9/1860 . Probably should be 24/9/1859 since Baptismal date was 27/4/1860 10/4/1860 10/9/1860 Anna Levinia Charles (Rev.) WOOD Sarah -- not listed Robert Hewitt 10/9/1860 14/9/1860 Andrew John JOHNSTON Sharlotte -- not listed Robert Hewitt 26/4/1860 27/9/1860 Robert Samuel Finley Charles GRAHAM Margaret -- not listed Robert Hewitt 14/7/1860 27/9/1860 Martha William SWANSTON? Ann -- not listed Robert Hewitt 28/9/1860 28/12/1860 John William George BLAKLEY Eliza Jane -- not listed Robert Hewitt 17/11/1860 6/1/1861 Emily Maria Francis GIBSON Eliza -- not listed Robert Hewitt 21/10/1860 23/1/1861 Frederick William Robert BLAKELY Eliza -- not listed Robert Hewitt 4/4/1861 24/4/1861 Robert William KNOX Margaret -- not listed Robert Hewitt 21/4/1861 1/5/1861 Mary Jane Richard ELLIOTT Jane -- not listed Robert Hewitt 24/4/1861 5/7/1861 Mary Jane Irvine Thomas CROZIER Dorothea -- not listed Robert Hewitt 13/3/1861 9/8/1861 James Alexander William RICHEY Catherine -- not listed Robert Hewitt 7/5/1861 15/8/1861 Mary Jane George MARSHAL Irvine -- not listed Robert Hewitt 4/7/1861 15/8/1861 Mary Anne David WEIR Jane -- not listed Robert Hewitt 17/6/1861 22/8/1861 Margaret Jane Andrew FIFE Christiana -- not listed Robert Hewitt 18/7/1861 13/9/1861 Sarah Wiley Charles GRAHAM Margaret -- not listed George Barnes 9/9/1861 17/9/1861 Arthur Arthur KNOX Mary Jane -- not listed Robert Hewitt 8/9/1860 * 23/9/1861 Elizabeth Robert GILMORE Sarah -- not listed Robert Hewitt 22/9/1861 24/9/1861 George James WIER Mary -- not listed George Barnes 7/11/1861 20/12/1861 Sharlott Charles BLAKLEY Mary Jane -- not listed Robert Hewitt 3/2/1862 27/2/1862 Charles William John JOHNSTON Margaret -- not listed Robert Hewitt 6/3/1862 6/4/1862 Robert George James ELLIOTT Margaret -- not listed Robert Hewitt 12/3/1862 6/4/1862 Sofia Jane John GRAY Margaret -- not listed Robert Hewitt 8/12/1861 19/4/1862 Emely * Johnston GRAY Isabella -- not listed Robert Hewitt 8/5/1862 21/5/1862 Isabella Oliver VERTUE * Susan -- not listed Robert Hewitt 15/3/1862 26/5/1862 Thomas William GINN Rebecca -- not listed George Barnes 14/4/1862 27/5/1862 Elizabeth Charles WILEY Elizabeth -- not listed Robert Hewitt 4/4/1862 2/8/1862 Robert John Edward BACOM Mary Ann -- not listed Robert Hewitt 8/7/1862 7/8/1862 Samuel Johnston MCCLEAN Lucinda -- not listed James Edwards 9/8/1862 15/8/1862 Jane Thomas ARMSTRONG Rebecca -- Parkhill Robert Hewitt 20/8/1862 29/8/1862 Thomas Hewitt Francis GIBSON Elizabeth -- Togherdoo??? Robert Hewitt 1/7/1862 17/10/1862 Benjamine Irvine Gorrell Robert BLEAKLY Eliza -- not listed James Edwards 1/10/1862 1/11/1862 Eliza Jane George BLEAKLY Eliza Jane -- not listed James Edwards 19/7/1862 15/11/1862 Alexander Andrew HENDERSON Catherine -- not listed Robert Hewitt 7/10/1862 5/12/1862 Elizabeth Maria Charles GRAHAM Margaret -- not listed James Edwards 27/12/1862 23/1/1863 Catherine Moira Christopher CROW Margaret -- not listed James Edwards 22/11/1862 5/2/1863 Thomas Ebenezer William MONTGOMERY Sidney -- not listed Robert Hewitt 17/12/1862 25/2/1863 John John WALKER Mary -- not listed Robert Hewitt 28/1/1863 25/2/1863 Thomas James WALMSLEY Jane -- not listed Robert Hewitt 2/2/1863 16/3/1863 Margaret Elizabeth Thomas CROZIER Dorothea -- not listed Robert Hewitt 12/3/1863 1/4/1863 George John FIFE Isabella -- not listed Robert Hewitt 28/3/1863 1/4/1863 Andrew Thomas NELSON Mary -- not listed Robert Hewitt 8/5/1863 16/5/1863 Irvine Charles BLEAKLY Mary Jane -- not listed James Edwards 30/4/1863 28/5/1863 Anne Alicia John BRIEN Jane -- not listed James Edwards 22/5/1863 2/6/1863 William John Irvine SWANTON * Rosana -- not listed James Edwards 12/5/1863 3/6/1863 Mary Jane William SWANSTON Anne -- not listed Robert Hewitt 21/6/1863 21/7/1863 Eliza Arthur JOHNSTON Rebecca -- not listed James Edwards 20/4/1863 5/8/1863 Mary William JOHNSTON Mary -- not listed Irvine Johnston 25/5/1863 1/9/1863 Alexander Andrew FYFFE Christian -- not listed Thomas Meredith 18/8/1863 6/9/1863 Gerrard Beatty John IRVINE Jane -- not listed James Edwards 6/8/1863 18/9/1863 Thomas Alexander Robert ARMSTRONG Rebecca -- not listed Thomas Meredith 29/7/1863 3/10/1863 John Robert John GRAY Margaret -- not listed James Edwards 8/9/1863 4/11/1863 John Robert WILEY Jane -- not listed James Edwards 3/1/1864 13/2/1864 Charles Charles WILEY Eliza -- not listed James Edwards 11/4/1864 28/4/1864 Mary Thomas ARMSTRONG Rebecca -- not listed James Edwards 19/3/1864 12/5/1864 Sarah Anne William GINN Rebecca -- Dromore Thomas Meredith 29/1/1864 13/5/1864 Sarah Anne Johnston GRAY Isabella -- not listed James Edwards 11/5/1864 30/5/1864 Emily James EDWARDS Theresa Anne -- not listed Thomas Meredith 14/4/1864 9/6/1864 Henry James GRAHAM Mary -- not listed James Edwards 7/4/1864 11/6/1864 Robert Martin JOHNSTON Jane -- not listed James Edwards 24/5/1864 12/6/1864 Irvine Robert SHARP Eliza Jane -- not listed James Edwards 17/6/1864 11/7/1864 Mary Anne William John JOHNSTON Margaret -- Tirmacspird Thomas Meredith 13/10/1864 3/11/1864 Bertha Jane John DAY Jane -- not listed Thomas Meredith 7/10/1864 25/11/1864 Ellenor Charles BLEAKLY Mary Jane -- not listed James Edwards 9/10/1864 21/12/1864 Margaret John WALKER Mary -- not listed Thomas Meredith 26/11/1864 8/1/1865 Andrew Wesley Thomas CROZIER Dorothea -- not listed Thomas Meredith 23/12/1864 11/1/1865 Mary Jane Arthur KNOX Mary Jane -- not listed James Edwards 17/2/1865 12/4/1865 Samuel James Edward BACOM Mary Anne -- not listed James Edwards 14/4/1865 15/5/1865 Oliver Oliver VIRTUE Susanna -- not listed Thomas Meredith 15/4/1865 16/5/1865 David John JOHNSTON Charlotte -- not listed Thomas Meredith 1/2/1864 * 23/6/1865 Robert Guy Robert BLEAKLY Eliza -- not listed James Edwards 19/5/1865 23/6/1865 Elizabeth Mary Robert BLEAKLY Eliza -- not listed James Edwards 16/6/1865 22/7/1865 Elizabeth Robert ARMSTRONG Rebecca -- not listed Thomas Meredith 19/6/1865 26/7/1865 George Charles CHITTICK Jane -- not listed Thomas Meredith 15/7/1865 1/8/1865 Rebecca John FYFFE Isabella -- not listed Thomas Meredith 9/7/1865 23/8/1865 Jane Robert WILEY Jane -- not listed Thomas Meredith 24/7/1865 30/8/1865 Margaret William SWANSTON Anne -- not listed John Carson 1/9/1865 26/9/1865 Eliza Jane John ALLEN Isabella -- not listed John Carson 13/9/1865 17/10/1865 Margaret Jane John SOMERVILLE Anne -- not listed Thomas Meredith 29/8/1865 14/11/1865 Margaret Jane Johnston BEACOM Eliza -- not listed Thomas Meredith 19/9/1865 23/11/1865 Arthur William GINN Rebecca -- not listed Thomas Meredith 18/11/1865 11/12/1865 Frederick James ELLIOTT Margaret -- not listed Thomas Meredith 1/11/1865 2/1/1866 Martha John WALKER Eliza -- not listed Thomas Meredith 20/1/1866 31/1/1866 Allen Irvine HAMILTON Anne Jane -- not listed John Carson 13/1/1866 13/2/1866 Lucinda Andrew FYFFE Christian -- not listed Thomas Meredith 11/1/1866 17/2/1866 Irvine Blakely John GRAY Margaret -- not listed John Carson 12/3/1866 29/4/1866 Johnston George BLAKELY Eliza Jane -- not listed Thomas Meredith 18/4/1866 9/5/1866 Mary Ann Aaron CORRAN?? Mary -- not listed John Carson not listed 12/5/1866 John William Robert SHARPE Eliza Jane -- not listed John Carson ?/4/1865 * 19/7/1866 Margaret John WILSON Matilda -- not listed William Mulloy 24/6/1866 8/8/1866 Jane John BRIEN Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 14/7/1866 7/9/1866 Thomas Lendrum Joseph WALLACE Sarah Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 22/9/1866 8/10/1866 Edward James MACKEY Fanny -- not listed William Mulloy 24/10/1866 24/11/1866 George Martin JOHNSTON Jane -- Aughills * (Oghill?) John Carson 11/11/1866 27/11/1866 Rebecca William John JOHNSTON Margaret -- not listed William Mulloy 12/9/1866 30/11/1866 Martha Jane Johnston GRAY Isabella -- Druminchin John Carson 1/8/1866 23/12/1866 Catherine Ellen John WALKER Mary -- not listed William Mulloy 31/1/1866 * 5/2/1867 William Charles BLAKELY Mary Jane -- not listed John Carson 6/2/1867 13/2/1867 Rebecca Maria Edward BEACOM Mary Anne -- not listed John Carson 11/12/1866 15/2/1867 John Christopher BLAKELY Mary Jane -- not listed John Carson 18/1/1867 17/2/1867 Thomas James Thomas CROZIER Dorothea -- not listed John Carson 10/3/1867 19/3/1867 Rebecca Anne John ARMSTRONG Catherine -- not listed William Mulloy 4/3/1867 3/4/1867 Mary Jane Thomas ANDERSON Margaret Anne -- not listed John Carson 16/4/1867 2/5/1867 Mathew Henry Mathew HENDERSON Martha -- not listed William Mulloy 8/4/1867 22/5/1867 James Richard ELLIOTT Jane -- not listed John Carson 8/4/1867 28/5/1867 Catherine Arthur KNOX Mary Jane -- not listed John Carson 16/4/1867 30/5/1867 William Robert ARMSTRONG Rebecca -- not listed William Mulloy 26/5/1867 3/6/1867 Mary Anne William RENNICK Jane -- not listed John Carson 4/6/1867 28/7/1867 Harriet Rebeckia Robert BLAKELEY * Eliza -- not listed Irvine Johnston 28/10/1864 * 30/7/1867 Emily Ka---??? Jane John MCCLELLAND Isabella -- not listed Irvine Johnston 9/7/1867 31/7/1867 Isabella Jane Irvine JOHNSTON Irvine * -- not listed William Mulloy 9/7/1867 31/7/1867 Elizabeth Irvine Irvine JOHNSTON Irvine * -- not listed William Mulloy 18/8/1867 26/8/1867 Sarah Jane Thomas MAXWELL Susanna -- not listed Thomas Greer 1/6/1867 30/8/1867 Willis?? Henry William GINN Rebecca -- not listed Thomas Greer 11/7/1867 17/9/1867 Sarah Anne John SOMERVILLE Anne -- not listed William Mulloy 12/8/1867 2/10/1867 James James WALMSLEY Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 18/9/1866 * 6/10/1867 Jane Eliza John WILSON Matilda -- not listed William Mulloy 31/8/1867 6/11/1867 Catherine Jane Joseph WALLACE Sarah Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 27/10/1867 28/11/1867 James William HAMILTON Matilda -- not listed Thomas Greer 19/12/1867 23/1/1868 Caroline John HAMILTON Jane -- not listed Thomas Greer 11/1/1868 2/2/1868 Susana Robert SHARP Eliza Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 22/1/1868 5/2/1868 Jane Anne Charles CHITTICK Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 17/2/1868 8/3/1868 Alicia George HENDERSON Eliza -- not listed William Mulloy 26/1/1868 11/3/1868 Rebekah Jane Irvine HAMILTON Anne Jane -- not listed Thomas Greer 18/2/1868 15/3/1868 Mary Ann Andrew WOOD Mary -- not listed Thomas Greer 26/2/1868 20/3/1868 Thomas William SWANSTON Ann -- not listed Thomas Greer 2/2/1868 26/3/1868 Mary Jane Thomas ARMSTRONG Rebecca -- not listed Thomas Greer 15/2/1868 16/5/1868 James Samuel JOHNSTON Catherine -- not listed Thomas Greer 1/3/1868 2/6/1868 Thomas James John FYFFE Isabella -- not listed William Mulloy 22/7/1868 9/8/1868 Matilda Margaret Robert GRAY Sarah Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 25/5/1868 1/9/1868 William Samuel William JOHNSTON Margaret -- not listed William Mulloy 4/7/1868 27/9/1868 John William Thomas CROZIER Dorothea -- not listed Thomas Greer 22/9/1868 22/10/1868 Johnston Johnston GRAY Isabella -- not listed Thomas Greer 4/10/1868 29/10/1868 Elizabeth John KNOX Elizabeth -- not listed William Mulloy 18/5/1868 8/11/1868 William Jerad * John GRAY Margaret -- not listed William Mulloy 17/12/1868 19/1/1869 Sidney Arthur JOHNSTON Rebekah -- not listed William Mulloy 11/2/1869 4/4/1869 Sarah Robert SIMPSON Mary Ann -- not listed Thomas Greer 27/3/1869 10/4/1869 John James ARTHURS Mary A. -- not listed Thomas Greer 28/3/1869 10/4/1869 Esther Thomas MAXWELL Susanna -- not listed Thomas Greer 13/5/1869 27/5/1869 Mary Graham Joseph WALLACE Sarah Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 21/4/1867 * 3/6/1869 Letitia Jane John CAMPBELL Mary Frances -- not listed William Mulloy 19/1/1869 3/6/1869 Elizabeth John CAMPBELL Mary Frances -- not listed William Mulloy 16/4/1869 6/6/1869 Frederick William William CHAPMAN Susanna -- not listed Thomas Greer 31/5/1869 19/6/1869 Robert George Arthur KNOX Mary Jane -- not listed Thomas Greer 3/5/1869 2/7/1869 John Martin JOHNSTON Jane -- not listed William Mulloy 31/5/1869 5/7/1869 John Hiram Robert ARMSTRONG Rebecca -- not listed William Mulloy 28/5/1869 23/7/1869 George Mathew HENDERSON Martha -- not listed John Scott McDade 24/6/1869 1/9/1869 John James John BRIEN Jane -- not listed John Scott McDade 19/8/1869 5/9/1869 George Arthur GRAHAM Margaret -- not listed William Charles North 10/7/1869 9/9/1869 Margaret Irvine Robert Penn * SAWERS??? Margaret -- not listed John Scott McDade 22/8/1869 13/9/1869 John Jared John SOMERVILLE Anne -- not listed John Scott McDade 7/9/1869 28/9/1869 George William LEE Laticia * -- not listed William Charles North 30/8/1869 10/10/1869 James Andrew WOOD Mary -- not listed John Scott McDade 26/6/1869 27/10/1869 James John WALKER Mary -- not listed John Scott McDade 12/6/1869 28/10/1869 Harriet Anne George WALMSLEY Catherine -- not listed John Scott McDade 29/8/1869 12/11/1869 Maria Ellen John GRAY Margaret -- not listed John Scott McDade 2/10/1869 12/11/1869 John Edward James GORMLEY Hannah -- not listed John Scott McDade 7/11/1869 19/11/1869 Maggie Jane William JOHNSTON Margaret -- not listed John Scott McDade 6/12/1869 30/12/1869 Martha Richard FUNSTON Elizabeth -- not listed John Scott McDade 20/8/1869 20/1/1870 Rebecca Charles CHITTICK Jane -- not listed John Scott McDade 6/1/1870 16/2/1870 Sarah Robert GRAY Sarah Jane -- not listed John Scott McDade 13/11/1869 5/3/1870 Eliza Anne Robert WILEY Jane -- not listed John Scott McDade 26/10/1869 10/3/1870 Margaret William GINN Rebecca -- not listed John Scott McDade 6/11/1869 13/4/1870 Joseph James WALMSLEY Jane -- not listed John Scott McDade 2/11/1869 19/5/1870 Rebecca Anne Thomas ARMSTRONG Rebecca -- not listed John Scott McDade ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== BORN BAPTISED CHILDS FATHER'S FATHER'S MOTHERS MOTHERS RESIDENCE BAPTISED BY / COMMENTS NAME FORENAME SURNAME FORENAME SURNAME REBORDED BY ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 11/4/1870 2/6/1870 Maria Charles BLAKELY Mary Jane -- not listed William Charles North 13/3/1870 10/6/1870 Irvine Irvine HAMILTON Anne Jane -- not listed John Scott McDade 13/6/1870 27/6/1870 Catherine Thomas CROZIER Dorothea -- not listed John Scott McDade 8/6/1870 2/7/1870 William Henry William MULLIGAN Anne -- not listed Thomas Wiley 21/6/1870 16/7/1870 Irvine James BROWN Mary -- not listed John Scott McDade 22/6/1870 4/8/1870 John Taylor John HAMILTON Jane -- not listed William Charles North 2/9/1870 11/9/1870 Eliza Anne James LITTLE Sarah -- not listed John Scott McDade 19/9/1870 2/10/1870 Harriett Rebecca William RENNICK Jane -- not listed William Charles North 9/9/1870 22/10/1870 Sarah Jane John ARMSTRONG Helena -- not listed John Scott McDade 1/9/1870 9/11/1870 Thomas James Thomas ANDERSON Margaret A. -- Delyhan???? William Charles North 26/8/1870 12/11/1870 Robert Henry John MCDADE Anne C. -- not listed William Charles North 7/6/1870 19/11/1870 George Samuel JOHNSTON Catherine -- illegible William Charles North 7/10/1870 7/12/1870 Thomas Thomas MOFFATT Ann -- Killsmallen (Kilsmullan?) William Charles North 23/10/1870 24/12/1870 Harriett William SWANSTON Ann -- Galbally?? William Charles North 8/11/1870 25/12/1870 Mary Ann James WALKER Eliza -- Skeog (Skeogue?) William Charles North 17/12/1870 15/1/1871 John John MULDOON Eliza -- Corlaght, Tirwinney (Tirwinny?) John Scott McDade 11/1/1871 28/1/1871 Arthur Arthur JOHNSTON Rebecca -- Milrow???? William Charles North 14/1/1871 29/1/1871 Robert Robert SHARPE Eliza Jane -- Yellow Church John Scott McDade 11/10/1870 9/2/1871 John Robert Johnston GRAY Isabella -- Druminchin William Charles North 15/12/1870 9/2/1871 Robert John Christopher CROWE Margaret -- illegible William Charles North 20/1/1871 17/2/1871 Lucinda Smith Joseph WALLACE Sarah Jane -- Aghadara (Aghadarragh?) William Mulloy 21/2/1871 22/3/1871 Margaret Jane William SOMMERVILLE Sarah -- Makeny (Makenny) John Scott McDade 4/1/1871 2/4/1871 Margaret Isabella Arthur GRAHAM Margaret -- Newparke (Newpark?) John Scott McDade 28/2/1871 11/4/1871 Susan John JOHNSTON Charlotte -- Mulban (Mweelbane?) John Scott McDade 11/4/1871 24/4/1871 Andrew Archibald MCGAHIE Sarah -- Magheracross John Scott McDade 1/3/1871 12/5/1871 William John William HAMILTON Matilda -- Rahony??? William Charles North 23/5/1871 24/5/1871 Mary Robert SIMPSON Mary A. -- Killsmullen (Kilsmullan?) William Charles North 31/3/1871 1/6/1871 Elizabeth John CROWE Elizabeth -- Lettermoney William Charles North 2/4/1871 2/6/1871 Mathew Martin JOHNSTON Jane -- Aughills * (Oghill?) William Charles North 12/6/1871 14/6/1871 James James FORSTER Mary Anne -- Killymendon William Charles North 12/6/1871 14/6/1871 Margaret Anne James FORSTER Mary Anne -- Killymendon William Charles North 18/5/1871 23/6/1871 Irvine Andrew WORD OR WARD?? Mary -- Farmhill William Charles North 8/7/1871 4/8/1871 Martha Steele Hugh HAMILTON Margaret -- Dergany John Scott McDade 19/7/1871 7/8/1871 Anne Thomas MAXWELL Susan -- Kantytrindle (Cantytrindle?) John Scott McDade 13/7/1871 7/9/1871 Thomas John Lowther BEACOM Rebecca -- Scallon (Scallen?) John Scott McDade 24/9/1871 19/10/1871 Susan Catherine John FIFE Eliza Catherine -- Rahall John Scott McDade 3/11/1871 19/11/1871 George Henry MULLIGAN Anne -- Castletown, Near Trillick John Scott McDade 6/10/1871 4/12/1871 Thomas John WALKER Elizabeth -- Makeny (Makenny) John Scott McDade 17/3/1869 * 6/12/1871 Isabella Anne William JOHNSTON Mary Jane -- not listed John Scott McDade 31/8/1871 14/12/1871 John Robert George ALLEN Susan -- Moneykee James Elliott 8/2/1871 19/12/1871 Andrew James KNOX?? Anne Jane -- Mullinroddy (Mullanrody?) John Scott McDade 27/12/1871 7/1/1872 Margaret Anne John BRIEN Sara -- Drogan John Scott McDade 15/12/1871 23/1/1872 John Noble John ARMSTRONG Eliza Jane -- Sydare (Sidaire?) John Scott McDade not listed 29/1/1872 John Robert William SPROULE Margaret -- Drumbulkin (Drumbulcan?) James Elliott not listed not listed Andrew Joseph WILSON Eliza -- (--oughmore????), Co. Tyrone James Elliott 10/2/1872 15/2/1872 Jane William WALMSLEY Jane -- Tullinaglug (Tullanaglug?) John Scott McDade 20/1/1872 26/2/1872 James William LEE Letty -- Effernan John Scott McDade 1/3/1872 14/3/1872 Arthur Andrew KEYS Mary -- Ednamohill (Edenamohill?) John Scott McDade 22/6/1870 * 2/4/1872 Andrew Thomas John MCFARLAND Agnes Jane -- Drumrainey (Drumrainy?) John Scott McDade 11/3/1872 2/4/1872 Christopher Christopher BLAKELY Margaret -- Makeny (Makenny) John Scott McDade 4/4/1872 20/4/1872 Martha Jane Thomas ARMSTRONG Catherine -- Tullinagin (Tullanaginn?) John Scott McDade 12/2/1872 26/4/1872 John Thomas Robert GRAY Sarah Jane -- Tully John Scott McDade 16/3/1872 16/5/1872 Robert John James JONES Mary Jane -- Crimlin John Scott McDade 25/3/1872 29/5/1872 John James John TURNER Catherine -- Cabra (Cabragh?) John Scott McDade 15/2/1872 3/7/1872 Robert John William GINN Rebecca -- Ballindullagh John Scott McDade 18/6/1872 15/8/1872 Sarah Jane James GORMERLY * Hannah -- Cules James Edwards 9/8/1872 25/8/1872 James William MILLIGAN Margaret -- Colaghty James Edwards 2/7/1872 6/9/1872 Rachel James GRAHAM Eliza Jane -- Roscorr (Roscor?) James Edwards 21/5/1872 19/9/1872 Jennett Maria John WALKER Mary -- Drumbow (Drumbo?) James Edwards 20/7/1872 18/10/1872 Thomas Mowbray James (Rev.) EDWARDS Theresa -- Irvinestown James Edwards 19/9/1872 23/12/1872 Sarah Jane William OVENS Jane -- Doogary James Edwards 5/12/1872 21/1/1873 Robert George Christopher MELDRUM Mary -- Relagh James Edwards 14/12/1872 21/1/1873 Margaret Anne John MELDRUM Anne Jane -- Relagh James Edwards 22/11/1872 26/1/1873 Robert Alexander Thomas CROZIER Dorothea -- Ballinamallard James Edwards 7/11/1872 27/1/1873 William John Robert ARMSTRONG Christiana -- Epheron * James Edwards 16/10/1872 3/2/1873 Annie Maria Hugh HAMILTON Margaret -- Dergany James Edwards 22/1/1872 * 4/2/1873 Barbara Jane William JOHNSTON Mary J. -- Woodhill James Edwards 30/1/1873 8/2/1873 James James ARTHURS Mary A. -- Kantytrindle (Cantytrindle?) James Edwards 1/12/1872 2/3/1873 Anne Eliza Andrew ROULSTON Anne -- Aughaleague (Aghaleague?) James Edwards 27/11/1872 5/3/1873 Martha Jane Mathew HENDERSON Martha -- Mossfield James Edwards 25/1/1873 6/3/1873 Joseph Henry Joseph MCFARLAND Lizzie -- Newpark James Edwards 7/3/1873 28/3/1873 Francis Johnston GRAY Isabella -- Druminchin James Edwards 19/3/1873 13/4/1873 Margaret Jane Thomas BEACOM Georgina -- Irvinestown James Edwards 5/3/1873 14/4/1873 Catherine John HETHERINGTON Mary -- Makeny (Makenny) James Edwards 17/3/1873 17/4/1873 John Irvine?? William LAW Mary -- Ednagee (Edenagee?) James Edwards 13/3/1873 21/4/1873 Charles Charles CHITTICK Jane -- Realtons James Edwards 15/3/1873 24/4/1873 Isabella Jane John FIFE Eliza C. -- Garvaghy James Edwards 2/4/1873 20/5/1873 Irvine William MCWADE Anne -- Dreigh James Edwards 22/4/1873 21/5/1873 Thomas Edward BARTON Eliza -- Tullyninchrin???? (Tullynincrin?) James Edwards 31/3/1873 23/5/1873 Christopher John CRANE Eliza -- Lettermoney James Edwards not listed 28/5/1873 Margaret Jane George ALLEN Susan -- Moneykee James Elliott 29/3/1873 4/6/1873 John Cullen Daniel CAMPBELL Jane -- Barra (Baragh?) James Edwards 7/12/1872 8/6/1873 Euphemia John WILSON Matilda -- Fintona, Co. Tyrone James Elliott 25/5/1871 * 25/6/1873 Mary Frances John CAMPBELL Mary F. -- Ballinamallard John Scott McDade 29/2/1873 25/6/1873 Sariah * John CAMPBELL Mary F. -- Ballinamallard John Scott McDade 7/4/1873 26/6/1873 Rebecca John HUNTER Eliza -- Cullaghmore???? James Edwards 7/6/1873 30/6/1873 Mary James BROWN Mary Jane -- Scallon (Scallen?) James Edwards 6/1/1873 4/7/1873 Eliza Jane James KNOX Anne -- Mullinroddy (Mullanrody?) James Edwards 11/5/1873 13/7/1873 Andrew Andrew WOODS Mary -- Farmhill James Edwards 28/6/1873 15/7/1873 Sarah Ellen Richard ELLIOTT Jane -- Kesh James Edwards 5/8/1873 9/9/1873 George Archibald MCGAHIE Sarah -- Magheracross James Edwards 6/6/1873 19/9/1873 Matilda Charles KEYS Eliza -- Keenaghan James Edwards 19/5/1873 5/10/1873 William James James GORMERLY * Hannah -- Cules James Edwards 21/9/1873 9/10/1873 Edward Edward BEACOM Mary A. -- Esker James Edwards 25/4/1873 16/10/1873 Rebecca Hugh KEYS Sarah -- not listed James Bradshaw 19/9/1873 20/10/1873 Edward David WEIR Jane -- Termacspird (Tirmacspird?) James Edwards 23/8/1873 23/10/1873 Emily William John HALL Elizabeth -- Ederney (Ederny?) James Edwards 14/4/1873 26/10/1873 Mary Arthur GRAHAM Margaret -- Newpark James Kirkwood ?/9/1873 11/11/1873 Samuel James Martin JOHNSTON Jane -- Aughills * (Oghill?) James Edwards 20/1/1874 3/2/1874 John William SOMERVILLE Sarah -- Makeny (Makenny) James Edwards 5/12/1873 8/2/1874 John John HEMPHILL Rebecca -- Termacspird (Tirmacspird?) James Edwards 28/1/1874 10/2/1874 Rebecca Sarah James BROWN Eliza -- Tedd James Edwards 26/12/1873 13/2/1874 Sarah Joseph WALLACE Sarah Jane -- Aghadara (Aghadarragh?) James Edwards 14/12/1873 7/3/1874 Hannah Elizabeth Charles BLAKELY Mary Jane -- Cabara (Cabragh?) James Kirkwood 29/4/1873 30/3/1874 Emily Robert MCCLELLAND Catherine -- Makeny (Makenny) James Edwards 28/3/1874 17/4/1874 Rebecca Georgina Thomas BEACOM Georgina -- Irvinestown James Edwards 8/2/1874 19/4/1874 Samuel Thomas CROZIER Dorothea -- Ballinamallard James Edwards 24/3/1874 9/5/1874 Lowther Lowther BEACOM Rebecca -- Scallon (Scallen?) James Edwards 14/4/1874 6/6/1874 Sarah Jane Lancelot GINN Leah -- Ardlogher (Ardlougher?) James Edwards 24/3/1874 7/6/1874 James Henry Hugh HAMILTON Margaret -- Dergany James Edwards 7/5/1874 8/6/1874 Jane Frances John ARMSTRONG Eliza J. -- Whitehill James Edwards 22/4/1874 11/6/1874 Mathew James WALMSLEY Jane -- Tulnaglug (Tullanaglug?) James Kirkwood 29/6/1874 6/7/1874 George Christopher BLAKELY Margaret -- Makeny (Makenny) James Edwards 24/5/1874 17/7/1874 Robert John HUNTER Eliza -- Cullaghmore James Edwards 1/8/1874 8/10/1874 Elizabeth Arthur GRAHAM Margaret -- Newpark James Edwards 8/6/1874 28/10/1874 Margaret Anne William OVENS Jane -- Doogary James Edwards 27/9/1874 1/11/1874 Eliza Catherine Christopher MELDRUM Mary -- Relagh Gunnis (Guinness?) James Edwards 11/10/1874 16/11/1874 Isabella John MELDRUM Anne -- Relagh Gunnis (Guinness?) James Edwards 1/9/1874 2/1/1875 Mary Irvine HAMILTON Anne -- Drumsmall???? James Edwards 1/11/1874 4/1/1875 Margaret Jane James GRAHAM Eliza -- Roscorr (Roscor?) James Edwards 19/1/1875 28/1/1875 George A. William MULLIGAN Margaret -- Drumacahun?? (Drmmmacahan?) James Edwards 5/2/1875 18/2/1875 Elizabeth John ROBINSON ????? Jane -- Magheragart, Co. Tyrone James Bradshaw 20/2/1875 5/3/1875 William Andrew William RENNICK Jane -- Trillick James Edwards 23/12/1874 6/3/1875 Joseph William JOHNSTON Mary J. -- Woodhill James Edwards 28/1/1875 2/4/1875 Eliza Anne John FIFE Catherine -- Garvaghy James Edwards 25/2/1875 16/4/1875 Lizzie Frances Joseph MCFARLAND Lizzie -- Newpark James Edwards 30/3/1875 21/4/1875 Gabriel Spence Richard COULTER Matilda Jane -- Corlaght James Bradshaw 14/3/1875 15/6/1875 Charles William SPROULE Margaret -- Drumbulkin (Drumbulcan?) James Bradshaw 18/6/1875 8/7/1875 Isabella Thomas CROZIER Dorothea -- Ballinamallard James Edwards 3/6/1875 30/7/1875 Thomas David Thomas MAXWELL Susan -- Druminchin Hugh Thompson Roulston 4/6/1875 10/8/1875 David James Arthur KNOX Mary Jane -- Drum-----agh???? James B. Templeton 15/7/1875 13/8/1875 Thomas John CROWE Eliza -- Lettermoney Hugh Thompson Roulston 31/5/1875 26/9/1875 Mary Frances Louisa John Walter MOORE Mary Jane -- Fintona, Co. Tyrone James Bradshaw 23/8/1875 29/9/1875 William Robert WILSON Susan Matilda -- Crossan Wallace McMullen 28/2/1875 5/10/1875 John Robert Archie MCGAHIE Sarah -- Magheracross Hugh Thompson Roulston 9/10/1875 16/11/1875 Margaret Anne Robert ARMSTRONG Mary Anne -- Mullinroddy (Mullanrody?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 6/12/1874 * 21/12/1875 William Daniel CAMPBELL Jane -- Saloon (Salloon?) James Edwards 29/7/1875 30/12/1875 Anne Jane Robert ARMSTRONG Christian -- Kilskeery Hugh Thompson Roulston 3/10/1875 6/1/1876 Irvine Martin JOHNSTON Jane -- Aughills * (Oghill?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 11/1/1876 1/2/1876 Frances Anne John HETHERINGTON Mary Anne -- Makeny (Makenny) Hugh Thompson Roulston 1/1/1876 8/2/1876 Susanna Edward JOHNSTON Eliza Jane -- Keeran Hugh Thompson Roulston 27/1/1876 17/2/1876 Thomas Thomas BEACOM Geo. Rebecca * -- Irvinestown James Bradley Templeton 24/12/1875 3/3/1875 Henry William John AIKEN Anne -- Cabara (Cabragh?) James Bradley Templeton 6/2/1876 3/3/1876 Isabella Anne Charles BLAKELY Mary Jane -- Cabara?? (Cabragh?) James Bradley Templeton 18/12/1875 25/3/1876 Marian James CALDWELL Margaret -- Rehall Hugh Thompson Roulston 11/3/1876 26/4/1876 Isabella Anne James BROWN Mary Jane -- Scallen Hugh Thompson Roulston 29/12/1875 30/4/1876 Mary Anne John HEMPHILL Rebecca -- Terwinney (Tirwinny?), Termacspurd (Tirnacspird?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 22/5/1876 29/5/1876 William James JOHNSTON Margaret -- Mulban (Mweelbane?), Colaghty Hugh Thompson Roulston 12/9/1874 * 30/5/1876 Isabella Thomas ARMSTRONG Rebecca -- Parkhill Hugh Thompson Roulston 10/5/1876 3/7/1876 Anne Josephiine Hugh Thompson (Rev.) ROULSTON Margaret -- Irvinestown Irvine Johnston 9/6/1876 6/7/1876 Leah Lancelot GINN Leah -- Ardlogher (Ardlougher?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 24/6/1876 18/7/1876 Leah Anne William SOMMERVILLE Sarah -- Makeny (Makenny) Hugh Thompson Roulston 6/7/1876 24/7/1876 Wilhelmina Margaret Irvine VIRTUE Christiana -- Stranahone, Lack Hugh Thompson Roulston 28/5/1876 1/8/1876 William Hamilton John ARMSTRONG Eliza Jane -- Sydare (Sidaire?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 25/7/1876 17/8/1876 John William O'DONNELL Rebecca -- Rosgueer???? (Rossgweer?) James C. Waugh 6/2/1876 21/8/1876 Anne Robert COWAN Mary Jane -- Beigh (Beagh?) James C. Waugh 12/7/1876 9/9/1876 William King Irvine HAMILTON Anne Jane -- Drumsonas (Drumsonnis?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 28/8/1876 12/9/1876 Sarah Christopher BLEAKLY Margaret -- Makeny (Makenny) Hugh Thompson Roulston 17/10/1876 25/10/1876 Eliza Ellen Robert BEACOM Margaret -- Clareview Hugh Thompson Roulston 4/10/1876 2/11/1876 Sydney Jane Andrew ROULSTON Anne -- Augaleague (Aghaleague?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 26/10/1876 19/11/1876 John James GRAHAM Jane -- Roscorr (Roscor?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 23/10/1876 23/11/1876 George Stewart George EVANS Mary Jane -- Glenarn John C. Irvine 14/11/1876 1/1/1877 James John MELDRUM Anne Jane -- Relagh Gunnis (Guinness?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 14/11/1876 7/2/1877 Sarah John WALKER Eliza -- Makeny (Makenny) Hugh Thompson Roulston 28/1/1877 11/2/1877 Robert John William RENNICK Jane -- Trillick Hugh Thompson Roulston 22/1/1877 20/3/1877 Charles Robert ARMSTRONG Christian -- Kilskeery Hugh Thompson Roulston 2/3/1877 20/3/1877 Margaret Charles CHITTICK Jane -- Realtons Hugh Thompson Roulston 1/3/1877 18/4/1877 Andrew Andrew Cunagham???? GRAHAM??? Mary -- Newpark Hugh Thompson Roulston 16/2/1877 15/5/1877 Samuel Archie MCGAHIE Sarah -- Magheracross Hugh Thompson Roulston 14/4/1877 17/5/1877 Dorothea John FYFFE Catherine -- Garvaghy Hugh Thompson Roulston 8/1/1877 19/5/1877 William Edward Lowther BEACOM Rebecca -- Scallen Hugh Thompson Roulston 9/3/1877 31/5/1877 Samuel Hugh Hugh HAMILTON Margaret -- Dergany Hugh Thompson Roulston 14/5/1877 8/6/1877 Margaret Anne Edward BRIEN Lucinda -- Roscorr (Roscor?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 18/7/1877 29/8/1877 Jane Elizabeth Louisa George IRVINE Anne -- Drumbulkin (Drumbulcan?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 20/7/1877 2/9/1877 Rachel Andrew WOODS Mary -- Farmhill Hugh Thompson Roulston 28/10/1877 14/9/1877 Richard John Richard COULTER Matilda Jane -- Corlaght John C. Irvine 31/8/1877 3/10/1877 Joseph Charles Joseph MCFARLAND Elizabeth -- Newpark Hugh Thompson Roulston 15/8/1877 19/10/1877 Margaret Elizabeth Joseph WALLACE Sarah J. -- Aghadara (Aghadarragh?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 3/9/1877 2/11/1877 John John CROWE Eliza -- Lettermoney? Hugh Thompson Roulston 10/7/1877 12/11/1877 Thomas William MILLIGAN Margaret -- Drummakahun??? (Drummacahan?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 3/10/1877 12/11/1877 Susanna Andrew JOHNSTON Catherine -- Keerin (Keeran?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 31/10/1877 19/11/1877 Rebecca Scott James RITCHIE Jane -- Galbaly?? (Galbally?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 20/6/1877 21/11/1877 Armour Alcorn (male) Robert WILSON Susan -- Crossan Hugh Thompson Roulston 27/11/1877 17/12/1877 David Irwin William OVENS Jane -- Doogary Hugh Thompson Roulston 2/11/1877 18/12/1877 George Strong Christopher MELDRUM Mary -- Relagh Hugh Thompson Roulston 1/12/1877 23/12/1877 Edward James GORMLY Hannah -- Cules Hugh Thompson Roulston 12/1/1878 13/1/1878 Alfred Benjamin Wesley William SWANSTON Anne -- Galbally Hugh Thompson Roulston 7/12/1877 16/2/1877 Emily John WALKER Mary -- Drumbow (Drumbo?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 27/1/1878 18/2/1878 Margaret Elizabeth Hugh Thompson (Rev.) ROULSTON Margaret -- not listed John Dwyer 18/1/1878 25/2/1878 William Arthur GRAHAM Margaret -- Newpark Hugh Thompson Roulston 6/10/1877 17/3/1878 Alicia Dorothea Georgina Thomas CROZIER Dorothea -- Ballinamallard Hugh Thompson Roulston 5/9/1874 * 11/6/1878 Robert Wallace John MCFARLAND Agnes J. -- Drumrainy?? Hugh Thompson Roulston 10/6/1877 * 11/6/1878 Joseph John MCFARLAND Agnes J. -- Drumrainy?? Hugh Thompson Roulston 25/2/1877 11/6/1878 William John CAMPBELL Mary Frances -- Ballinamallard Hugh Thompson Roulston 18/5/1878 12/6/1878 Mary Jane Francis SPROULE Elizabeth -- Drum-----???? Hugh Thompson Roulston 27/5/1878 13/6/1878 James James BROWN Mary J. -- Scallen Hugh Thompson Roulston 29/4/1878 17/6/1878 Anne Elizabeth Andrew KEYS Mary -- Ednamohill (Edenamohill?) John Coulter 7/6/1878 10/7/1878 Isabella Johnston Robert GRAY Sarah Jane -- illegible Hugh Thompson Roulston 2/7/1878 11/7/1878 William John Thomas BROWN??? Rebecca G. -- Irvinestown?? Hugh Thompson Roulston 2/6/1878 5/8/1878 Robert William LEE Letitia -- Effernan Thomas Cooke 8/7/1878 6/8/1878 Joseph Alexander Young Henry CHARLETON Ellenor -- Gaboly???? (Galbally?) Thomas Wiley 12/1/1878 14/10/1878 Jemima Jane John HEMPHILL Rebecca -- Terwinney (Tirwinny?) Thomas Cooke 13/9/1878 29/10/1878 Edward William Edward BRIEN Lucinda -- Stranagomer (Stranagummer?) Thomas Cooke 15/11/1878 25/11/1878 Isabella James GRAHAM Jane -- Rosscor (listed as) possibly Roscor Thomas Cooke 16/9/1878 29/11/1878 Samuel William GINN Rebecca -- Ballindullagh Thomas Cooke 14/11/1878 13/12/1878 William John MOFFITT Frances -- Saloon (Salloon?) Thomas Cooke 11/9/1878 1/1/1879 Hester Louisa James (Rev.) DALY Mary -- Irvinestown Thomas Cooke 25/12/1878 2/1/1879 James John HETHERINGTON Mary Anne -- Makeny (Makenny) Thomas Cooke 8/11/1878 13/2/1879 Ann Jane William Thomas BROWNLOW Martha -- Drumskinny Thomas Cooke 20/5/1878 21/3/1879 Martin Martin JOHNSTON Jane -- Oghill Thomas Cooke 18/11/1878 3/4/1879 Mariah George IRVINE Annie -- Drumbulkin (Drumbulcan?) Thomas Cooke 10/1/1879 22/5/1879 Irvina Susan Irvine VIRTUE Susan -- Stranahone Thomas Cooke 22/3/1879 10/6/1879 Robert Robert ARMSTRONG Christian -- Kilskeery Thomas Cooke 1/10/1878 not listed Margaret Andrew JOHNSTON Catherine * -- Keeran John Coulter 15/4/1879 not listed Andrew Andrew JOHNSTON Susan * -- Keeran John Coulter 2/4/1879 10/8/1879 Mary?? Ann John MULDOON Elizabeth -- not listed James Daly 7/4/1879 14/8/1879 Robert Lowther BEACOM Rebecca -- Scolan (Scollen?) James Daly 7/7/1879 21/9/1879 Elizabeth Jane Arthur GRAHAM Margaret -- not listed James Daly 24/8/1879 21/9/1879 Robert Ernest Joseph MACFARLAND Elizabeth -- Newpark James Daly 11/7/1879 28/9/1879 Margaret Ann James GORMLY Hannah -- Cules James Daly 16/6/1879 2/10/1879 Richard Arthur James CAULDWELL Margaret -- Rahall James Daly 21/7/1879 6/10/1879 Andrew William JOHNSTON Elizabeth -- Stranadara?? (Stranadarriff?) James Daly 12/8/1879 3/10/1879 William Irvine Andrew WOODS Mary -- Farmhill James Daly 29/9/1879 30/11/1879 Joseph William MILLIGAN Margaret -- not listed James Daly 19/10/1879 11/12/1879 John William John FIFE Catherine -- not listed James Daly 15/12/1879 12/1/1880 Robert William WHITTAKER Catherine -- Stranahone John J. Hutchinson 24/11/1879 15/1/1880 Robert George Robert SARAH JANE Gray -- not listed James Daly ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== BORN BAPTISED CHILDS FATHER'S FATHER'S MOTHERS MOTHERS RESIDENCE BAPTISED BY / COMMENTS NAME FORENAME SURNAME FORENAME SURNAME REBORDED BY ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 23/1/1880 25/2/1880 Elizabeth Anne John AIKEN Anne -- Cabra (Cabragh?) John J. Hutchinson 27/2/1880 21/3/1880 Emily William RENNICK Jane -- Trillick James Daly 4/2/1880 16/4/1880 Robert John CROWE Elizabeth -- not listed James Daly 14/2/1879 * 12/5/1880 William Archibald??? MCGAUGHEY Sarah -- not listed John J. Hutchinson 17/4/1880 22/5/1880 Charles see comments RINCHEY???? See comments -- not listed James Daly Parents listed as Joseph & Charles???????? 20/2/1880 24/5/1880 Mary Catherine William OVENS Jane -- not listed James Daly 3/5/1880 31/5/1880 Eliza Jane Andrew JOHNSTON Catherine -- not listed John J. Hutchinson 24/5/1880 22/7/1880 Ellen Maria William Thomas BROWNLEE Martha -- not listed John J. Hutchinson 11/7/1880 2/8/1880 Anne William CLARK Ann -- Tedd James Daly 19/6/1880 9/8/1880 Henry John JOHNSTON Margaret -- Sanahone???? (Stranahone?) James Daly 7/6/1880 7/9/1880 Isabella Jane John James VIRTUE Elizabeth -- Termacspird?? (Tirmacspird?) James Daly 28/5/1880 17/9/1880 Robert Rolland?? Edward BRIEN Lucinda -- Stranagomer (Stranagummer?) James Daly 20/8/1880 24/9/1880 William John Thomas William IRWIN Mary -- Drumharvey James Daly 4/8/1880 21/11/1880 Mary Jane Amelia Thomas MC--ARRES???? Catherine -- Irvinestown John J. Hutchinson 19/8/1880 8/12/1880 Sophia Jane James DALY Mary -- Irvinestown Thomas Cooke 24/11/1880 16/12/1880 William Irvine Andrew KEYS Mary -- Ednamohill (Edenamohill?) John J. Hutchinson 1/11/1880 19/12/1880 Mysie???? (female) Thomas BEACOM Rebecca -- Irvinestown James Daly 15/12/1880 17/2/1881 John Robert Hugh HAMILTON Margaret -- not listed James Daly 30/12/1880 4/3/1881 Elizabeth Anne James GRAHAM Elizabeth J. -- Roscor James Daly 14/3/1881 13/4/1881 Elizabeth Martha George CHENEY Jane -- Ferney James Daly 18/2/1881 18/4/1881 George William WEIR Anne -- Stranadariff James Daly 24/3/1881 18/4/1881 William Archibald DUNCAN Anne Jane -- Killyary???? James Daly 5/2/1881 30/4/1881 Elizabeth Lancelot GINN Leah -- Ardlougher James Daly 14/1/1881 24/5/1881 Mary Anne William PORTER Margaret -- Derry James Daly 20/3/1881 24/5/1881 Mary Anne John CLUFF Jane -- not listed James Daly 1/6/1881 12/6/1881 Charlotte Catherine James JONES Mary Jane -- Crimlin James Daly 13/5/1881 30/6/1881 Margaret Sarah James CAULDWELL Margaret -- Rahall John J. Hutchinson 11/6/1881 13/7/1881 Anne Jane Charles MARTIN Isabella -- Moneykee James Daly 13/3/1881 22/7/1881 Archie Archie MCGAHIE Sarah -- Magheracross Thomas Rutherford 11/3/1881 1/8/1881 Allen Robert ARMSTRONG Christian -- Kilskeery Thomas Rutherford 24/3/1881 12/8/1881 Mary Ellen William MAXWELL Ellen -- Glassmullough (Glasmullagh?) Thomas Rutherford 29/5/1881 19/8/1881 Lucinda Edward BRYINE??? Lucinda -- Stranagomer (Stranagummer?) Thomas Rutherford 11/8/1881 ?10/1881 Charles James JOHNSTON Margaret -- illegible Thomas Rutherford 5/9/1881 27/10/1881 George Edward George ALLEN Susan -- Moneykee Thomas Rutherford 4/11/1881 4/12/1881 Edward James Thomas MCMORRIS Catherine -- Irvinestown Thomas Rutherford 1/11/1881 7/12/1881 Joseph John Wesley Joseph WALLACE Sarah Jane -- Augh----???? Thomas Rutherford 3/10/1881 27/12/1881 David John JOHNSTON Eliza -- Keeran Thomas Rutherford 30/9/1881 11/1/1882 John Irvine James GOURLEY Ellen -- illegible Thomas Rutherford 5/9/1881 10/2/1882 Elizabeth Marie Simon ILLEGIBLE Letitia -- illegible Thomas Rutherford 6/1/1882 7/3/1882 Edward John FIFFE Catherine -- Garvaghy Thomas Rutherford 23/9/1881 13/3/1882 Martha John ELLIOTT Bella -- illegible Thomas Ross 8/2/1882 * 12/3/1883 James William JOHNSTON Lizzie -- not listed John Elliott 15/12/1881 19/3/1882 Francis James John MULDOON Eliza -- Corlaughty (Corlaght?) Thomas Rutherford 16/1/1882 20/3/1882 Eliza William JOHNSTON Margaret -- Stranadarriff Thomas Rutherford 19/12/1881 23/3/1882 Jane Andrew MCCOURT Catherine -- Moneykee Thomas Rutherford 23/3/1882 10/4/1882 Jane William LEE Lettie??? -- Effernan Thomas Rutherford 18/12/1881 11/4/1882 William James Robert BROWN Eliza Jane -- illegible Thomas Rutherford 17/5/1881 * 3/6/1882 James Lowther BEACOM Rebecca -- Scallon (Scallen?) Thomas Rutherford 7/8/1882 8/8/1882 Caroline??? Irvine KEYS Eliza -- Strana----???? Thomas Rutherford 10/8/1882 30/8/1882 Robert John Joseph ELLIOTT Margaret -- illegible Thomas Rutherford 28/5/1882 9/10/1882 Louisa Emily McCullagh William??? JONES??? Jane -- Doogery (Doogary?) Thomas Rutherford 15/11/1882 7/1/1883 Martha William RENNICK Jane -- illegible Thomas Rutherford 23/9/1882 8/1/1883 Eliza Jane William THOMPSON Sarah -- illegible Thomas Rutherford 20/9/1882 14/1/1883 Mary Jane James WATSON Mary J. -- illegible John Elliott 28/9/1882 24/1/1883 Robert John JOHNSTON Eliza -- Terwiny?? (Tirwinny?) John Elliott 24/9/1882 13/2/1883 William James William PORTER?? Margaret Jane -- Derry Thomas Rutherford 28/11/1882 20/2/1883 Irwin James GOURLY Isabella -- Galbally?? Thomas Rutherford 2/3/1883 8/4/1883 Robert Irwin John BRIAN Sarah -- Drogan Thomas Rutherford 17/2/1883 10/5/1883 James Henry???? Henry CHARLETON Ellen -- Galbally Thomas Rutherford 19/3/1883 13/5/1883 Francis Andrew KEYS Mary -- Edenamohill Thomas Rutherford 18/4/1883 10/6/1883 Sarah E--gor???? Archie DUNCAN Anne J. -- illegible Thomas Rutherford 27/3/1883 11/6/1883 Thomas James James GRAHAM Ellen Jane -- Roscor Thomas Rutherford 24/4/1883 4/7/1883 Lizzie Anne A----???? WOODS Jane -- illegible Thomas Rutherford 11/6/1883 4/7/1883 Catherine Easther James THOMPSON Catherine -- Newpark Thomas Rutherford 15/6/1883 9/7/1883 Andrew Andrew JOHNSTON illegible Jane -- Kilmore Thomas Rutherford 15/3/1883 28/7/1883 Hugh Walter Simon DUDGION * Lettia * -- Irvinestown John Elliott 1/7/1883 31/7/1883 William James James CALDWELL Margaret -- Rahall John Elliott 12/9/1883 13/11/1883 Thomas John James JOHNSTON Eliza J. -- Keeran Thomas Rutherford 7/11/1883 7/1/1884 Mary Jane Arthur JOHNSTON Sarah Ann -- Glassmullough (Glasmullagh?) John Elliott 22/12/1883 24/1/1884 Maggie Bell David ADAMS Elizabeth -- Belfast Thomas Rutherford 6/2/1884 not listed Minnie Andrew MCCOURT Catherine -- not listed not listed 14/12/1883 9/2/1884 Mary Elizabeth William HENDERSON Jane -- Shanmullagh John Elliott 18/1/1884 7/3/1884 Elizabeth William CARSON Lizzie -- Tullinagin (Tullanaginn?) John Elliott 8/3/1884 9/4/1884 Emily James LEITH Mary Anne -- Irvinestown John Elliott 21/1/1884 12/5/1884 Robert William JOHNSTON Margaret -- illegible Thomas Rutherford 30/4/1884 19/5/1884 William John William WHITKER * Cathrin * -- illegible Thomas Rutherford 7/4/1884 15/6/1884 Henry William William H. FLETCHER Maria -- Drumanny?? (Drumany?) John Elliott 19/4/1884 30/6/1884 John Wesley Patterson John (Rev.) ELLIOTT Elizabeth -- Irvinestown Thomas Rutherford 2/4/1883 24/7/1884 Mary Jane Thomas (Rev.) RUTHERFORD Margaret -- illegible John Elliott 20/4/1884 1/9/1884 Elizabeth Evangeline James GORMLY Isabella -- Togherdoo??? James Carey 16/6/1884 25/9/1884 Thomas William MAXWELL Ellen -- Shanmullagh John Elliott 9/7/1884 28/9/1884 Rebecca John MCKINNEY Mary Jane -- Aughna---???? John Elliott 8/7/1884 25/9/1884 Mary John FIFE Eliza C. -- Garvaghy John Elliott 21/10/1883 30/9/1884 Thomas Henry Archie MCGAHIE Sarah -- Magheracross John Elliott 11/11/1883 4/10/1884 Margaret Ann William MULLIGAN Margaret -- Drumahone (Drummahon?) John Elliott 20/10/1884 23/11/1884 Mary Elizabeth Andrew MCFARLAND Martha -- Logadoo???? John Elliott 12/3/1884 25/11/1884 Phebe??? Jane John AKIN??? Ann -- Cabra (Cabragh?) John Elliott 9/10/1884 26/12/1884 Henry Henry ARMSTRONG Louisa -- Irvinestown James Carey 10/11/1884 15/1/1885 William Allen William THOMPSON Jane -- Lisdoo James Carey 24/11/1884 2/2/1885 Hugh Thomas WOODS Sarah Ann -- Garrison John Elliott 25/1/1885 20/2/1885 Eva Maud James GORMLY Hannah -- Cules John Elliott 4/1/1885 10/3/1885 Charles John John STEWART Lizzie -- Drumduff John Elliott 8/1/1885 24/4/1885 David Joseph WILEY Eliza -- illegible James Carey 5/3/1885 12/5/1885 Jonas Christopher Archibald DUNCAN Anne Jane -- Killyary???? 13/3/1885 14/6/1885 Wilhimina Simon DUDGION * Letitia -- Irvinestown John Elliott 29/5/1885 21/7/1885 Mary E. John J. JOHNSTON Eliza J. -- not listed Andrew Cullen 14/8/1885 18/10/1885 John James Arthur JOHNSTON Sarah Ann -- Glassmullough (Glasmullagh?) Henry Newton Kevin 26/8/1885 3/11/1885 Sarah Ann Robert BROWN Eliza Jane -- Tedd Henry Newton Kevin 7/10/1885 6/11/1885 John William John MCCARTNEY Mary A. JOHNSTON not listed Henry Newton Kevin Child --as illegitimate 5/8/1885 7/11/1885 Elizabeth Florence John BRIEN Sarah -- Drogan Henry Newton Kevin 11/1/1885 17/12/1885 Mary Anne William JOHNSTON Lizzie -- Lack James Carey 17/11/1885 30/12/1885 Georgina Frances Johnston IRVINE Mary -- not listed T. Orr 21/10/1885 4/1/1886 William George James MONTGOMERY Isabella -- Loughterush Henry Newton Kevin 12/11/1885 5/1/1886 Florinda Ellen Andrew FRAZER Leah -- Garvaghy Henry Newton Kevin 13/11/1885 5/1/1886 Martha John FIFE Catherine -- Garvaghy Henry Newton Kevin 7/12/1885 7/1/1886 Edward Armstrong Irvine HAMILTON Henrietta -- not listed Henry Newton Kevin 22/1/1886 11/2/1886 John James George MILLIGAN Catherine -- illegible Henry Newton Kevin 7/10/1885 22/6/1886 Thomas James William Henry FLETCHER Maria -- Drumdra-y???? Henry Newton Kevin 23/1/1886 28/2/1886 Mary Lizzie John MCKINNEY Mary J. -- Aughmore??? (Aghamore?) Henry Newton Kevin 28/1/1886 6/4/1886 Abbrella Minerva William HUNTER Mary A. -- Derryallen Henry Newton Kevin 26/2/1886 6/4/1886 Robert John Christy BEATTY Margaret -- Screebee (Screeby?) Henry Newton Kevin 28/12/1885 11/4/1886 Henry Newton Kibonan * Henry Newton KEVIN Annie -- not listed W. Crawford 4/9/1885 17/6/1886 Charles Henry James CALDWELL Margaret -- not listed Ebenezer Webster 16/5/1886 16/7/1886 Mary Jane Robert LOANE Charlotte -- not listed Henry Newton Kevin 27/6/1886 27/8/1886 Annetta??? Archie MCGAHIE Sarah -- Magheracross William Addy 30/3/1886 5/9/1886 Isabella Annie Thomas MCMORRIS Kate -- Irvinestown Henry Newton Kevin 12/8/1886 7/9/1886 William Henry William WEIR Ann -- Culbaine???? Henry Newton Kevin 21/7/1886 21/9/1886 Lizzie Mary William IRVINE Mary -- Drumharvy???? Henry Newton Kevin 6/6/1886 26/9/1886 John Henry ARMSTRONG Louisa -- Irvinestown Henry Newton Kevin 12/7/1886 26/9/1886 Margaret Florence John STEWART Elizabeth -- Drumduff Henry Newton Kevin 5/9/1886 27/9/1886 Walter Robert MCFARLAND Martha -- illegible William Addy 19/8/1886 4/10/1886 Robert John James JOHNSTON Margaret -- Millbane (Mweelbane?) Henry Newton Kevin 6/5/1886 13/10/1886 Margaret Ann William JOHNSTON Margaret -- Stranadarriff William Addy 19/9/1886 23/10/1886 Mary john YOUNG Mary Jane -- Crossan William Addy 19/10/1886 24/11/1886 Ida Mary James GORMLY Isabella -- Gabaly?? (Galbally?) William Addy 2/9/1886 25/10/1886 James Andrew MCCOURT Catherine -- not listed Henry Newton Kevin 16/5/1886 11/11/1886 Jennie Williamina * William HENDERSON Jane -- Shanmullagh Henry Newton Kevin 24/10/1886 14/12/1886 Eva James GRAHAM Jane -- Roscor Henry Newton Kevin 30/12/1886 3/2/1887 Florence Ann William THOMPSON Jane -- Lisdoo Henry Newton Kevin 15/11/1886 24/2/1887 Frances Isabella Anna Alex. William MCCLELLAND Jane H. -- Irvinestown Henry Newton Kevin 6/2/1887 6/3/1887 John Armstrong John ROGERS Isabella -- Carrickamulkin, Drumquin Henry Newton Kevin 1/3/1887 6/3/1887 Arthur Arthur JOHNSTON Sarah A. -- Glassmullough (Glasmullagh?) Henry Newton Kevin 29/8/1886 8/3/1887 Thomas Robinson John AEKIN * Anne -- Cabra (Cabragh?) William Addy 15/3/1887 29/3/1887 Margaret Anne John James JOHNSTON Eliza Jane -- Keeran William Addy 22/3/1887 30/3/1887 Susan William JOHNSTON Lizzie -- Stranadarra (Stranadarriff?) William Addy 28/2/1887 18/4/1887 Samuel Joseph Archy DUNCAN Ann Jane -- Killiary???? Henry Newton Kevin 11/3/1887 27/4/1887 Eliza Jane James MORRISON Margaret -- Loughterush Henry Newton Kevin 11/2/1886 * 1/5/1887 John James INGRAM Alice -- Knockrow (Knockroe?) William Addy 9/3/1887 1/5/1887 John Edward Edward GORMELY * Mary Jane -- Cules Henry Newton Kevin 8/3/1887 6/5/1887 Margaret Mary James BLEAKLY Rebecca -- Drumchrin William Addy 31/12/1886 12/5/1887 Harriett Lucinda William MAXWELL Ellen -- Glassmullough (Glasmullagh?) William Addy 20/5/1887 12/6/1887 James William WHITTAKER Catherine -- Stranahone William Addy 23/4/1887 26/5/1887 William Alexander John IRVINE Jane -- Lurganboy Henry Newton Kevin 4/6/1887 3/8/1887 William William CARSON Elizabeth -- Tullanagin (Tullanaginn?) Henry Newton Kevin 2/4/1887 15/9/1887 John Allan ARMSTRONG Ann Sophia -- Feglish Henry Newton Kevin 3/9/1887 16/9/1887 Robert James Robert NEVILLE Jane -- Caran (Carran?), Trillick Henry Newton Kevin 7/8/1887 13/10/1887 William John Johnston CLUFF Catherine MCQUADE Drigh (Dreigh?) Henry Newton Kevin Child --as illegitimate 28/9/1887 26/10/1887 Alice William HENDERSON Jane -- Shanmullagh Henry Newton Kevin 4/8/1887 14/11/1887 Lizzie Ellen James GILMORE Lizzie -- Cornacrea, Kesh Henry Newton Kevin 20/10/1887 20/11/1887 James William John MOORE Mary Ann -- Barnalackin??? (Barnalackan?) Henry Newton Kevin 24/10/1887 6/12/1887 Robert Johnston Jones Thomas RUTHERFORD Lizzie -- not listed Henry Newton Kevin 19/11/1887 6/12/1887 William James Christopher William HUNTER Mary Ann -- Derryallen Henry Newton Kevin 20/1/1888 31/1/1888 Elizabeth Mary William WEIR Ann -- Stranadarriff Henry Newton Kevin 17/10/1887 2/2/1888 Maria Jane William Henry FLETCHER Maria Jane -- Drumderg Henry Newton Kevin 17/12/1887 2/2/1888 Mary Jane Christopher BEATTY Margaret -- Screebe (Screeby?) Henry Newton Kevin 2/3/1888 1/4/1888 Annie Kevin Johnston IRVINE Mary -- Yellow Church Henry Newton Kevin 21/2/1888 4/4/1888 Hester Susan John MCKINNY Mary Jane -- not listed Henry Newton Kevin 25/2/1888 6/4/1888 Maxwell Grant Davidson Thomas BEACOM Rebecca Georgina -- Irvinestown Henry Newton Kevin 24/3/1888 11/5/1888 Mary Elizabeth James HENDERSON Sarah J. -- Cabra (Cabragh?) Henry Newton Kevin 13/7/1888 2/8/1888 Mary Emma Jane Alexander William MCCLELLAND Jane H. -- Irvinestown Hugh Thompson Roulston 27/4/1888 30/8/1888 Newberry Wilson James CALDWELL Margaret -- Rahall Hugh Thompson Roulston 2/7/1888 23/9/1888 Stella Louisa Henry ARMSTRONG Louisa -- Irvinestown Hugh Thompson Roulston 3/11/1888 13/11/1888 Margaret Jane John IRVINE Sarah -- Lurgan Hugh Thompson Roulston 28/4/1888 22/11/1888 Elizabeth Anne Robert LONE Charlotte -- Cabra (Cabragh?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 7/6/1888 22/11/1888 John Cunningham Simon DUDGEON Letitia -- Irvinestown Hugh Thompson Roulston 30/9/1888 20/12/1888 Thomas James John STUART Elizabeth -- Drumduff Hugh Thompson Roulston 16/9/1888 19/12/1888 James Albert James GILMORE Lizzie A -- Cornacrea??? Hugh Thompson Roulston 17/12/1888 6/1/1889 Esther Edward GORMLY Margaret J. -- Cules Hugh Thompson Roulston 29/11/1888 9/1/1889 Mary Jane Robert COULTER Catherine -- Skeagh (Skea?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 6/12/1888 25/1/1889 Sarah James BLEAKLY Rebecca -- Drum---???? Hugh Thompson Roulston 12/1/1889 7/2/1889 James James JOHNSTON Margaret -- Millbane (Mweelbane?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 16/11/1888 17/2/1889 Thomas Ambrose Arthur JOHNSTON Sarah A. -- Glassmullough (Glasmullagh?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 9/8/1888 15/3/1889 Alice B. John AIKEN Anne -- Cabra (Cabragh?) W.E. Maguire 10/9/1888 26/3/1889 Robert William MAXWELL Ellie -- Glassmullough (Glasmullagh?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 29/12/1888 28/3/1889 William Thomas Christy BEATTY Margaret -- Scribbie (Screeby?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 8/2/1889 31/3/1889 Isabella James NOBLE Annabella -- Drogan Hugh Thompson Roulston 6/1/1889 15/4/1889 Eliza Catherine William JOHNSTON Lizzie -- Stranadarra (Stranadarriff?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 10/3/1889 15/4/1889 Robert John John James JOHNSTON Eliza -- Keerin (Keeran?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 29/1/1889 18/4/1889 Robert Allen Abraham Allen ARMSTRONG Anna S. -- Feglish Hugh Thompson Roulston 29/3/1889 24/5/1889 Mary Eva James MORRISON Margaret -- Laughterush (Loughterush?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 2/4/1889 31/5/1889 Isabella Andrew MCCOURT Catherine -- Moneyrice (Monavreece?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 5/5/1889 31/5/1889 Charles Norman Irvine BLEAKLY Maggie -- Relagh Guiness (Guinness?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 31/3/1889 5/7/1889 James Ritchie James GOURLEY Isabella -- Galbally Hugh Thompson Roulston 3/6/1889 25/8/1889 Selena William A. FLETCHER Maria A. -- Drum-----???? Hugh Thompson Roulston 2/8/1889 12/9/1889 William Frederick Thomas RUTHERFORD Lizzie -- Scribbie (Screeby?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 19/8/1889 20/9/1889 Gertrude Evylen * Hugh Thompson (Rev.) ROULSTON Maggie -- Irvinestown Irvine Johnston 16/5/1889 7/10/1889 Louisa John FYFE Catherine -- Garvaghy?? Hugh Thompson Roulston 15/9/1889 19/11/1889 Abrilla Minerva William HUNTER Mary A. -- Derryallen Hugh Thompson Roulston 13/4/1889 13/12/1889 Maggie Emma William IRVINE Mary -- Drumharvy???? Hugh Thompson Roulston 25/11/1889 9/1/1890 Margaret Jane Thomas MCMORRIS Mary A. -- Druminchin Hugh Thompson Roulston 9/12/1889 4/2/1890 Robert John IRVINE Sarah -- Lurganboy Hugh Thompson Roulston 26/12/1890 17/2/1890 Margaret Jane Thomas VIRTUE Susan -- Termacspird?? (Tirmacspird?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 4/9/1889 20/2/1890 Joseph James MONTGOMERY Isabella -- Laughterush (Loughterush?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 16/10/1889 13/3/1890 William Alexander Henry ARMSTRONG Eleanor Louisa -- Irvinestown Hugh Thompson Roulston ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== BORN BAPTISED CHILDS FATHER'S FATHER'S MOTHERS MOTHERS RESIDENCE BAPTISED BY / COMMENTS NAME FORENAME SURNAME FORENAME SURNAME REBORDED BY ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 10/2/1890 15/4/1890 Mary Selina Archie DUNCAN Anne -- Killyary???? Hugh Thompson Roulston 11/3/1890 29/4/1890 Joseph John STEWART Lizzie -- Drumduff Hugh Thompson Roulston 5/4/1890 22/5/1890 Eliza Jane Thomas CLUFF Mary A. -- Drigh (Dreigh?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 17/2/1890 29/5/1890 Margaret Edith John MCKINNY Mary J. -- Aughnama (Aughama?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 9/3/1890 6/6/1890 Mary Ethel John MOORE Mary Anne -- Barneylouken???? (Barnalackan?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 29/3/1890 14/7/1890 Elizabeth Mary James GORMLEY Hannah -- Cules Hugh Thompson Roulston 30/3/1890 12/8/1890 Edward Ernest Edward MOORE Margaret -- Lisnarick Hugh Thompson Roulston 30/5/1890 16/8/1890 Esther Robert COULTER Catherine -- Skeagh (Skea?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 20/7/1890 16/8/1890 Joseph Edward GORMLEY Margaret Jane -- Cules Hugh Thompson Roulston 9/7/1890 11/9/1890 Mary William THOMPSON Anne -- Clooncandra (Cloncandra?_ Hugh Thompson Roulston ?/6/1890 4/10/1890 Francis Henry William MAXWELL Ellie -- Glassmullough (Glasmullagh?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 7/6/1890 26/10/1890 Anna Letitia Alex. W. MCCLELLAND Jane -- Irvinestown Hugh Thompson Roulston 26/10/1889 * 31/10/1890 Ann Elizabeth Thomas BEACOM Georgina -- Irvinestown Hugh Thompson Roulston 8/8/1890 10/11/1890 Martha Ellen Robert LOANE Charlotte -- Cabra (Cabragh?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 17/9/1890 12/11/1890 George James James HENDERSON Sarah Jane -- Cabra (Cabragh?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 5/10/1890 2/12/1890 Edith James GILMORE Lizzie -- illegible Hugh Thompson Roulston 2/8/1890 21/12/1890 Elizabeth Emily Arthur JOHNSTON Sarah A. -- Glassmullough (Glasmullagh?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 26/6/1890 27/12/1890 Maud Hamulet??? Heorge GINN Matilda -- Camden Street, Dublin Hugh Thompson Roulston 12/10/1890 1/1/1891 Frances Helena Thomas RUTHERFORD Lizzie -- Scribbie (Screeby?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 30/11/1890 1/1/1891 Stephenson George KERR Dorah -- Skeagh (Skea?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 16/7/1890 6/2/1891 Alice Elethea??? William IRVINE Mary -- Drumh---???? Hugh Thompson Roulston 9/3/1891 16/3/1891 Thomas William JOHNSTON Lizzie -- Stranadara?? (Stranadarriff?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 10/1/1891 20/4/1891 Mary Jane Irvine BLEAKLY Margaret -- illegible Hugh Thompson Roulston 16/2/1891 21/4/1891 Thomas Irvine Thomas BLEAKLY not listed -- Tullywilly???? (Tullywolly?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 17/10/1890 26/4/1891 Ethel Letitia Simon DUDGEON Letitia -- Irvinestown Hugh Thompson Roulston 14/1/1891 27/4/1891 William John Thomas MCMORRIS Mary A. -- Druminchin Hugh Thompson Roulston 6/3/1891 10/5/1891 Anne Jane John MILLIGAN Rebecca -- Edenamohill Hugh Thompson Roulston 31/1/1891 11/6/1891 James William CARSON Lizzie -- Tulnagin (Tullanaginn?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 27/4/1891 14/6/1891 William Andrew Robert NEVILLE Jane -- Caron (Carran?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 17/10/1890 11/7/1891 Albert Ernest James CALDWELL Margaret -- Rehal (Rahall?) Hugh Thompson Roulston 27/6/1891 11/7/1891 William Thomas James BLEAKLY Rebecca -- Drumcrin Hugh Thompson Roulston 23/6/1891 12/7/1891 William George William HENDERSON Jane -- Shanmullagh Hugh Thompson Roulston 24/6/1891 12/7/1891 Bertha Emilia not listed NOT LISTED Catherine WOODS Galbally Hugh Thompson Roulston Child --as illegitimate 4/7/1891 12/7/1891 Ethel Sarah William HUNTER Mary A. -- Derryallen Hugh Thompson Roulston 24/4/1891 13/7/1891 Albert Edward William H. FLETCHER Maria -- Drumad---???? Hugh Thompson Roulston 25/5/1891 14/7/1891 Violet Henry ARMSTRONG Ellen Louisa -- Irvinestown Hugh Thompson Roulston 30/7/1891 12/11/1891 Lilian Alexander MCCLELLAND Lilian -- not listed William Alford 27/9/1891 23/11/1891 Robert James GILMORE Lizzie -- not listed William Alford 24/10/1891 16/1/1892 William Arthur Allen ARMSTRONG Anne S. -- not listed William Alford 22/12/1891 22/1/1892 Isabella George HETHERINGTON Ellen -- Keerin (Keeran?) William Alford 8/1/1892 16/2/1892 Arthur Wesley James JOHNSTON Margaret -- Millbane (Mweelbane?) William Alford 8/12/1891 17/3/1892 John James John IRVINE Jane -- Lurganboy William Alford 4/3/1892 2/4/1892 Samuel Thomas MCMORRIS Mary A. -- Druminchin William Alford 8/1/1889 * 10/4/1892 Mary Ellen James DUNLOP Mary Jane -- Near Dromore Joseph D. Ritchey 3/4/1892 10/4/1892 George William James DUNLOP Mary Jane -- Near Dromore Joseph D. Ritchey 16/12/1891 19/4/1892 Samuel Agustus John STUART Elizabeth -- Drumduff William Alford 8/4/1892 15/5/1892 Edward Henry Neville GIBSON Caroline -- Togherdoo??? William Alford 26/5/1892 31/5/1892 Martha Robert COULTER Catherine -- Skeagh (Skea?) William Alford 29/2/1892 6/6/1892 Isabella Jane Archibald DUNCAN Anne Jane -- Killyary???? William Alford 5/4/1892 14/6/1892 Stewart Johnston Thomas BLEAKLY Minnie -- Tullywilly???? (Tullywolly?) William Alford 14/4/1892 5/7/1892 Hugh Andrew MCCOURT Catherine -- Moneykee William Alford 3/5/1892 9/7/1892 Mary Jane Edward GORMLEY M. Jane -- Cules William Alford 24/3/1892 14/7/1892 James Thomas Thomas CLUFFE? Mary Anne -- not listed William Alford 10/7/1891 * 30/7/1892 John James George HURST Ellen -- Knockroe William Alford 29/8/1892 19/8/1892 Florence Maria Thomas BEACOM R. Georgina -- not listed William Alford 8/5/1892 30/8/1892 Theodore Henry ARMSTRONG Ellen Louisa -- not listed William Alford 13/6/1892 5/9/1892 Lizzie Jane Thomas RUTHERFORD L.J. * -- Scribbie (Screeby?) William Alford 19/5/1892 10/9/1892 John Robert LONE Charlotte -- not listed William Alford 25/8/1892 12/9/1892 Isabella Maud Mary Edward ARMSTRONG Margaret -- Terwinney (Tirwinny?) William Alford 15/7/1892 26/9/1892 Rebecca Charlott William JOHNSTON Lizzie -- not listed William Alford 30/10/1892 15/11/1892 Robert Irwin Thomas CRAWFORD Maggie -- not listed William Alford 1/6/1892 16/11/1892 Bella Jane William KNOX Sarah Anne -- not listed William Alford 29/5/1892 8/1/1893 Annie May Archibald FUNSTON Annie -- not listed William Alford 28/12/1892 15/1/1893 Charles Alford Arthur JOHNSTON Sarah A. -- Glassmullough (Glasmullagh?) William Alford 30/9/1892 25/1/1893 Catherine Julia John FYFE Catherine -- Kinine William Alford 15/10/1892 6/2/1893 Anne Jane Robert IRVINE Eliza Jane -- Drumduff William Alford 31/10/1892 13/2/1893 Andrew Alford Thomas WOODS Sarah Anne -- Garrison Glebe William Alford 22/12/1892 10/3/1893 Jane James HENDERSON A. Jane -- Cabra (Cabragh?) William Alford 14/4/1892 25/3/1893 Thomas Andrew Irvine BLEAKLEY Maggie -- not listed William Alford 5/1/1893 25/3/1893 Charles William BLEAKELY Martha J. -- not listed William Alford 20/3/1893 19/4/1893 William John William John MOORE Mary Anne -- Barnalacken (Barnalackan?) David Moore 20/1/1893 27/4/1893 William David John MCKENNY Mary Jane -- not listed William Alford 7/1/1893 29/4/1893 Mary Jane George HURST Ellen -- not listed William Alford 17/4/1893 9/5/1893 Isabella Jane John James JOHNSTON Eliza -- Keeran?? William Alford 3/3/1893 16/5/1893 Mary Jane George HETHERINGTON Ellen -- Keeran, near Irvinestown William Alford 1/5/1893 7/6/1893 Fanny Thomas MCMORRIS Mary A. -- Druminchin William Alford 10/4/1893 13/6/1893 Isabella Eva William HENDERSON Jane -- Shanmullagh William Alford 27/5/1893 31/7/1893 Florence Rebecca Mary William Ed. JOHNSTON Rebecca -- Lack William Alford 30/6/1893 1/8/1893 John James John MILLIGAN Rebecca -- not listed William Alford 7/7/1893 22/8/1893 Jane Henry ARMSTRONG E. Louisa -- not listed William Alford 19/6/1893 26/9/1893 Mary Elizabeth Thomas BLEAKLEYS Minnie -- Tullywilly???? (Tullywolly?) William Alford 17/8/1893 1/10/1893 Neville Herbert Neville GIBSON Caroline -- illegible William Alford 30/11/1892 * 3/2/1894 Ethel Evangeline William ALFORD Annie -- Irvinestown Robert Dowling 5/11/1893 14/3/1894 Lizzie Jane Edward MOORE Maggie -- Drumarky William Alford 24/10/1893 3/20/1994 Joseph John IRVINE Jane -- Mullinroddy (Mullanrody?) William Alford 24/2/1894 4/4/1894 Thomas William Thomas DARRICK Nora -- Mullafarn (Mullaghfarne?) William Alford 4/3/1894 9/4/1894 Lizzie Eveline Robert IRVINE Eliza Jane -- Drumduff William Alford 8/2/1894 11/4/1894 Andrew James GILMORE Lizzie -- Cornacrea William Alford 22/5/1893 17/4/1894 William George John GRAHAM Sarah -- Shanmullagh Robert Dowling 8/1/1894 18/5/1894 William Franklin Robert John GINN Anna Maria -- Aughaleague (Aghaleague?) William Alford 27/4/1894 30/5/1894 Eliza Anne Irvine FRAZER Isabella -- not listed William Alford 7/4/1894 11/6/1894 Sarah Anne Thomas George MARSHALL Annie -- Tirmacspird William Alford 18/4/1894 15/6/1894 Eva Elizabeth Benjamin?? BLEAKLEY Martha -- not listed William Alford 4/12/1893 21/6/1894 Robert William CARSON Elizabeth -- not listed Robert Dowling 30/3/1894 11/7/1894 Annie Sophia Allen ARMSTRONG Anna S. -- Feglish William Alford 28/6/1894 11/7/1894 Sarah Anne Joseph WILEY Eliza -- Lisnahanna William Alford 16/7/1894 20/9/1894 Andrew Thompson Andrew FRAZER Leath?? -- Tullynichrin (Tullynincrin?) Horatio G. Collins 1/8/1894 23/9/1894 Francis Christopher Arthur JOHNSTON Sarah Ann -- Glassmullough (Glasmullagh?) James Frazer 20/8/1894 23/9/1894 Robert John William WATSON Fanny -- Galbaly (Galbally?) Horatio G. Collins 30/5/1894 9/10/1894 Margaret Eveline Archibald FUNSTON Annie -- not listed William Alford 8/8/1894 16/10/1894 Elizabeth Emily Robert COULTER Katherine -- Skeagh (Skea?), Trillick Horatio G. Collins 30/5/1894 6/12/1894 Isabella Annie Thomas CLUFF Mary Ann -- Dreigh James Frazer 15/11/1894 9/1/1895 James Brian Henry George BREEN??? Catherine Ann -- Drumbulkin (Drumbulcan?) James Frazer 14/8/1894 21/1/1895 Jane Thomas CRAWFORD Margaret Jane -- not listed James Frazer 29/8/1894 4/2/1895 Eric Eustace Knox James FRAZER Kate -- not listed Benson E. Gentleman 25/6/1894 4/3/1895 Emily Frances John FIFE Lizzie Katherine -- not listed Horatio G. Collins 15/2/1894 * 7/3/1895 Mabella Georgina Thomas RUTHERFORD Elizabeth -- not listed James Frazer 8/7/1894 8/4/1895 George Thomas MCMORRIS Mary Anne -- not listed Horatio G. Collins 12/1/1895 9/4/1895 John Luther Archy DUNCAN Annie Jane -- not listed James Frazer 1/12/1894 7/5/1895 Sarah Kaltlin??? William JOHNSTON Elizabeth -- not listed James Frazer 14/11/1894 17/5/1895 Herbert Hugh James MORRISON Margaret -- illegible James Frazer 12/5/1894 * 17/5/1895 Letitia Isabella Robert LONE Charlotte -- Cabra (Cabragh?) James Frazer 15/4/1895 9/6/1895 Frederick James Neville GIBSON Caroline -- Togherdoo??? James Frazer 5/1/1895 28/6/1895 Martha Maria Christopher GRAHAM Anne -- not listed Horatio G. Collins 6/6/1895 26/8/1895 Alfred Reginald Henry ARMSTRONG Ellen Louisa -- illegible James Frazer 21/5/1895 27/8/1895 William Edward John James JOHNSTON Eliza -- Kerin (Keeran?) James Frazer 23/8/1895 22/9/1895 Edward James Edward ARMSTRONG Margaret -- Terwinny (Tirwinny?) James Frazer 3/6/1895 1/10/1895 Robert Wilson Thomas BLAKLEY Minnie -- Tullywilly???? (Tullywolly?) James Frazer 8/6/1895 3/12/1895 Margaret Jane Robert John ILLEGIBLE Sarah Jane -- illegible William Alford 1/11/1895 18/12/1895 Edward James GILMORE Lizzie -- Cornacrea James Frazer 22/11/1895 5/1/1896 Anne Jane Thomas LAW Elizabeth -- Mullaghfarn? (Mullaghfarne?) James Frazer 22/9/1895 23/1/1896 Maggie Ann Edward MOORE Maggie -- not listed James Frazer 22/12/1895 7/2/1896 Robert John William HENDERSON Jane -- Shanmullagh Henry Bell 27/12/1895 20/2/1896 James Wesley John MCKINNEY Mary Jane -- Augha----???? James Frazer 16/1/1896 10/3/1896 Annie Susan Thomas VIRTUE Susan -- Terwinney (Tirwinny?) James Frazer 9/2/1896 7/4/1896 Dina Adeline Mary Joseph WATSON Jane -- illegible James Frazer 17/11/1895 14/4/1896 William John James HENDERSON Sarah Jane -- Cabra (Cabragh?) James Frazer 1/4/1896 26/4/1896 Anne Eliza Andrew KNOX Mary Jane -- Mullaghfarn (Mullaghfarne?) James Frazer 16/1/1896 1/5/1896 Mary Ann Thomas MCMORRIS Mary Ann -- Cules George V. Crook 27/11/1895 5/5/1896 Lizzie Jane Thomas George MARSHIL Annie -- Termacspird?? (Tirmacspird?) James Frazer 8/2/1896 28/5/1896 Maria Edith Thomas RUTHERFORD Lizzie Jane -- Edna-----???? James Frazer 26/4/1896 24/7/1896 Herbert Alexander John STEWART Lizzie -- Drumduff James Frazer 9/1/1896 27/7/1896 David Samuel James JOHNSTON Margaret -- Mullban??? (Mweelbane?) James Frazer 27/3/1896 27/7/1896 Eliza Mary William WEIR Elizabeth -- Mullban??? (Mweelbane?) James Frazer 25/3/1896 30/7/1896 Violet Louisa Maria Irvine BLAKELY Margaret -- Laterush (Loughterush?) James Frazer 20/7/1896 11/9/1896 William William MOORE?? Jane -- Cabra (Cabragh?) James Frazer 9/10/1895 * 1/10/1896 Jane William BOWLES Susan -- not listed James Frazer 1/9/1896 4/10/1896 Sarah Ann Arthur JOHNSTON Sarah Ann -- Glassmullough?? (Glasmullagh?) James Frazer 4/7/1896 26/10/1896 Myrtle Henry ARMSTRONG E. Louisa -- Irvinestown James Frazer 30/5/1896 27/10/1896 Muriel James (Rev.) FRAZER Kate -- not listed James Robertson 14/10/1896 5/11/1896 William James CRAIGMILES Mary Ann -- Aughnam???? James Frazer 14/10/1896 5/11/1896 Mary James CRAIGMILES Mary Ann -- Aughnam???? James Frazer 2/10/1896 2/12/1896 William Frederick William Thomas ELKIN??? Rebecca -- Esker??? James Frazer 2/9/1896 21/12/1896 Alfred Johnston James CROTHERS Hanna Elizabeth -- Kilterney (Kiltierney?) James Frazer 6/11/1896 12/1/1897 Thomas Andrew John MILLIGAN Rebecca -- Edenamohill James Frazer 28/10/1896 29/1/1897 Annie May John WYLIE Jane -- not listed W. Eleworth Lawson 14/9/1896 see comments John Thomas CRAWFORD Margaret Jane -- Knockrow (Knockroe?) James Frazer Baptismal date listed as 1/3/1896. Probably should be 1/3/1897 8/12/1896 15/3/1897 Robert Newton?? Charles JOHNSTON Sarah Ann -- Bracklin James Frazer 13/8/1896 17/3/1897 John Wesley William BLAKELY Mary Jane -- Cabra (Cabragh?) James Frazer 20/1/1897 5/4/1897 Lizzie Ann John IRVINE Jane -- Drumduff James Frazer 18/2/1897 15/4/1897 Joseph Robert COULTER Katherine -- Skeagh (Skea?), Trillick James Frazer 20/12/1896 6/5/1897 Olive Susan Benjamin BLAKLEY Martha -- illegible James Frazer 9/4/1897 14/5/1897 Sarah James MORRISON Margaret -- Laughterush (Loughterush?) James Frazer 1/6/1896 * 8/7/1897 Susan Florence? Archibald FUNSTON Annie -- Irvinestown James Frazer 3/6/1897 9/7/1897 Robert James Edward GORMLEY Margaret Jane -- Cules James Frazer 30/5/1897 27/8/1897 Harriett Louisa Edward MOORE Maggie -- Lisnarick James Bradshaw 5/4/1897 28/9/1897 Henry Robert Frederick W. BLEAKLEY Deborah N. -- Kinine James Bradshaw 28/8/1897 26/10/1897 Margaret Thomas LAW Elizabeth -- not listed James Bradshaw 6/10/1897 26/10/1897 James Andrew Andrew KNOX Mary -- not listed James Bradshaw 13/7/1897 13/12/1897 Eva Louisa William JOHNSTON Elizabeth -- not listed James Bradshaw 14/8/1897 13/12/1897 David William WEIR Isabella -- not listed James Bradshaw 2/8/1897 1/1/1898 Helen Frances Hope William MCCREA Maggie -- not listed James Bradshaw 19/11/1897 16/1/1898 Walter St. Clair Neville GIBSON Caroline -- Togherdoo??? James Bradshaw 30/9/1897 11/3/1898 Isabella Florence Thomas MCMORRIS Mary Ann -- not listed James Bradshaw 31/1/1898 28/4/1898 Emmie Louisa Thomas RUTHERFORD Lizzie -- Edenclaw James Bradshaw 28/11/1897 8/2/1898 Allan Andrew MCCOURT Catherine -- Moneykee not listed 15/7/1893 * 15/3/1898 Louisa Earle John Elmore MONTGOMERY Elizabeth J. -- not listed James Bradshaw 26/4/1895 * 15/3/1898 Robert John Elmore John Elmore MONTGOMERY Elizabeth J. -- not listed James Bradshaw 7/10/1897 15/3/1898 Elizabeth Jane John Elmore MONTGOMERY Elizabeth J. -- not listed James Bradshaw 7/2/1898 16/4/1898 James James CRAIGMILES Mary Ann -- not listed James Bradshaw 1/2/1898 31/7/1898 Enid Anetta James ABRAHAM Mary Jane -- not listed James Bradshaw 1/5/1897 * 22/8/1898 Francis Hugh Thomas George MARSHALL Annie -- not listed James Bradshaw 6/6/1898 29/8/1898 George William CARSON Elizabeth -- not listed James Bradshaw Listed twice, dates also listed as 4/6/1898 & 27/8/1898 8/6/1898 29/8/1898 Lowther Foster George BEACOM Minnie Jane -- not listed James Bradshaw 5/8/1898 7/9/1898 Edward Louis Herbert James William LINDSAY Maggie Jane -- not listed James Bradshaw 5/7/1898 29/9/1898 William John William John CALDWELL Elizabeth -- not listed James Bradshaw 2/10/1898 12/12/1898 Charles Illegible Webster Benjamin BLEAKLEY Martha -- not listed E. Webster 26/11/1898 22/1/1899 Margretta? John GIBSON Mary Jane -- not listed James Bradshaw 12/10/1898 30/1/1899 Marian Louisa William Thomas ELKIN Rebecca -- not listed James Bradshaw 7/12/1898 6/3/1899 Margaret Rebecca Arthur JOHNSTON Sarah Jane -- not listed James Bradshaw 16/1/1899 6/3/1899 Thomas Andrew William John MOFFETT Isabella -- not listed James Bradshaw 13/1/1899 20/8/1899 Charles Edwin Charles NOT LISTED not listed -- not listed James Bradshaw 6/5/1899 20/8/1899 William James Robert JOHNSTON Kate Helena -- not listed James Bradshaw 20/7/1899 22/9/1899 Violet Elizabeth Jane Adam ARMSTRONG Annie -- not listed James Bradshaw 8/3/1899 7/10/1899 Thomas James Thomas CRAWFORD Margaret -- not listed James Bradshaw 19/6/1899 21/10/1899 Samuel John Robert Robert COULTER Jeanie -- not listed James Bradshaw 23/2/1899 6/11/1899 Irvine Albert Irvine BLEAKLEY??? Maggie -- not listed James Bradshaw 12/6/1899 6/11/1899 Charles Roland James CARROTHERS Hannah Elizabeth -- not listed James Bradshaw 2/11/1899 7/11/1899 Florence Margaret William STRONG Martha C. -- not listed James Bradshaw 15/7/1899 16/11/1899 Isabella Arline Amelia James W. LINDSAY Maggie -- not listed James Bradshaw 8/12/1899 8/1/1900 William James Robert COULTER Cassie -- Skeagh (Skea?) James Ritchie 25/8/1899 10/2/1900 Isabella Emily William MEGAHEY Mary Jane -- Kiltierney James Bradshaw 21/10/1899 20/4/1900 John Robert James MONTGOMERY Isabella -- not listed James Bradshaw ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== BORN BAPTISED CHILDS FATHER'S FATHER'S MOTHERS MOTHERS RESIDENCE BAPTISED BY / COMMENTS NAME FORENAME SURNAME FORENAME SURNAME REBORDED BY ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 28/1/1900 23/4/1900 George Herbert Joseph WATSON Jane -- not listed James Bradshaw 12/3/1900 28/4/1900 Esther James BROWN Mary Ann -- not listed James Bradshaw 2/4/1900 28/4/1900 George Andrew KNOX Mary -- Tulnagin (Tullanaginn?) James Bradshaw 11/4/1900 30/4/1900 David Andrew Edward WEIR Mary Eliza -- not listed James Bradshaw 30/4/1900 17/6/1900 Margaret Ann William WEIR Isabella -- Keeran James Bradshaw 20/4/1900 29/6/1900 John Frederick Joseph D. RITCHIE Evangeline Mary -- not listed James Ritchie 15/2/1900 5/7/1900 Robert Henry James CRAWFORD Florence -- not listed James Bradshaw 15/6/1900 22/7/1900 Henry Charles Neville GIBSON Caroline -- Togherdoo??? Joseph D. Ritchey 29/9/1899 16/8/1900 Robert Charles BEATTY Catherine -- illegible James Ritchie 17/7/1900 19/8/1900 Margaret Rebecca James A. PORTER Sarah -- Derry?? James Ritchie 14/4/1900 31/8/1900 Dorothea Susanna Wesley Robert LOANE Charlotte -- Cabra (Cabragh?) James Ritchie 10/7/1900 13/9/1900 George Edward Edward FERGUSON Mary Jane -- Glasgow Joseph D. Ritchey 3/5/1900 18/9/1900 Robert Henry Breen Richard MAGAHIE?? Mary Ellen -- not listed Joseph D. Ritchey 10/5/1898 * 18/10/1900 Bella Jane Thomas Ebinezer MONTGOMERY Cassie -- Whitehill Joseph D. Ritchey 4/8/1899 * 18/10/1900 Lillie May Thomas Ebinezer MONTGOMERY Cassie -- Whitehill Joseph D. Ritchey 9/8/1900 19/10/1900 George George BEACOM Mary Jane -- Glassmullagh (Glasmullagh?), Irvinestown Joseph D. Ritchey 22/10/1900 5/11/1900 Charles Edward William John MOFFITT Isabella -- Tiermacspird (Tirmacspird?) Joseph D. Ritchey 1/11/1900 25/11/1900 Evelyn Mary Charleton GIBSON Jeannie -- Togherdoo??? Joseph D. Ritchey 19/11/1900 11/12/1900 Redrers???? James GOURLEY Isabella -- Galbally Joseph D. Ritchey 15/5/1899 * 13/12/1900 John Robinson Archibald FUNSTON Annie -- Irvinestown James Bradshaw 15/6/1900 7/1/1901 Robert John Robert JOHNSTON Kate Helena -- Tiermacspird (Tirmacspird?) Joseph D. Ritchey 27/11/1899 * 11/1/1901 Cecil Steward William MCCREA Maggie A. -- Irvinestown Joseph D. Ritchey 8/11/1900 17/1/1901 Benjamin James GILMORE Lizzie Ann -- Cornacrea Joseph D. Ritchey 17/3/1901 28/3/1901 Mary Ellen Arthur JOHNSTON Rebecca -- Irvinestown Joseph D. Ritchey 5/10/1898 * 25/4/1901 Andrew James MORRISON Margaret -- Laughterush (Loughterush?) James Ritchie 26/5/1900 25/4/1901 Elsie James MORRISON Margaret -- Laughterush (Loughterush?) James Ritchie 1/5/1901 19/5/1901 Evelyn John GIBSON Mary Jane -- Near Crossan Joseph D. Ritchey 26/6/1901 4/8/1901 Frederick Robert Henry FUNSTON Maggie -- Galbally Joseph D. Ritchey 17/6/1901 6/8/1901 Alfred Edward Samuel Thomas GIBSON Sarah Alicia -- Esker Joseph D. Ritchey 23/6/1901 21/10/1901 Florence Charlotte Arthur JOHNSTON Sarah Ann -- Glassmullagh (Glasmullagh?) Joseph D. Ritchey 9/8/1901 12/12/1901 Mary Charles BEATTY Catherine -- Aughnamoe?? (Aghnamoe?) Joseph D. Ritchey 26/12/1901 1/2/1902 Joseph Charles Richard MAGAHIE Mary Ellen -- not listed Joseph D. Ritchey 19/1/1901 7/1/1902 Kathleen Sadleir * Fred W. BLEAKLEY Deborah -- Garvaghey (Garvaghy?) Joseph D. Ritchey 18/1/1902 16/2/1902 Martha Jane James Alfred PORTER Sarah -- Derry, Kilskeery Joseph D. Ritchey 23/7/1901 28/3/1902 William John Nesbitt William Henry GINN Martha -- Ballindullagh Joseph D. Ritchey 23/7/1901 14/4/1902 Isabella Florence Thomas CRAWFORD Margaret Jane -- Knockroe Joseph D. Ritchey 4/2/1902 2/5/1902 Elizabeth Ethel James CRAWFORD Florence -- Drumarkey (Drumarky?), Lisnarick Joseph D. Ritchey 28/5/1902 6/7/1902 Francis Herbert Charleton GIBSON Jeannie -- Togherdoo??? Joseph D. Ritchey 30/3/1902 14/7/1902 James William Kirk James William LINDSAY Maggiev Jane -- Irvinestown Thomas M. Edwards 14/4/1902 23/7/1902 Maggie James BROWN Mary Ann -- Edenamohill Joseph D. Ritchey 7/7/1902 19/8/1902 Mary Elizabeth Thomas LAW Elizabeth -- Mullaghfarn (Mullaghfarne?) Joseph D. Ritchey 20/4/1902 28/8/1902 Selina Florence John PERRY Sarah Jane -- Cules Joseph D. Ritchey 16/6/1902 4/9/1902 Louisa Maggie Thomas CLUFF Mary Anne -- Dreigh Thomas M. Edwards 27/8/1902 4/9/1902 John James Alexander MILLIGAN Sarah -- Killycappy Joseph D. Ritchey 11/5/1902 4/10/1902 Minnie James HENDERSON Sarah Jane -- Cabra (Cabragh?) Thomas M. Edwards 9/10/1902 28/10/1902 Thomas John Henry JOHNSTON Isabella -- Parkhill Thomas M. Edwards 29/11/1901 27/10/1902 Margaret Regina William John MOFFITT Isabella -- Tiermacspird (Tirmacspird?) Joseph D. Ritchey 25/7/1901 * 3/12/1092 Winifred Sarah Louisa Robert LOANE Charlotte -- Cabra (Cabragh?) Joseph D. Ritchey 10/1/1902 23/12/1902 Francis Robert JOHNSTON Kate Helena -- Tiermacspird (Tirmacspird?) Thomas M. Edwards 4/11/1902 5/2/1903 Anna Lucinda John G. SOMERVILLE Maggie A. -- Tullyrain Joseph D. Ritchey 14/2/1902 * 17/2/1903 Ernest Percival Graham Joseph David RITCHIE Evangeline Mary -- Irvinestown Thomas M. Edwards 22/10/1902 27/2/1903 Rebecca Adeline Thomas RUTHERFORD Lizzie Jane -- not listed Thomas M. Edwards 20/1/1903 16/4/1903 Robert Robert COULTER Catherine -- Skeagh (Skea?) Thomas M. Edwards 23/3/1903 30/4/1903 Sarah Jane Charles BEATTY Cassie -- Aughnamoe (Aghnamoe?) Thomas M. Edwards 28/7/1900 * 3/7/1903 Maria Thomas MCMORRIS Mary A. -- Druminchin Joseph D. Ritchey 14/4/1902 * 3/7/1903 Thomas James Thomas MCMORRIS Mary A. -- Druminchin Joseph D. Ritchey 2/7/1902 * 14/8/1903 Frederick William Irvine BLEAKLEY Maggie -- Relaghunnis (Relagh Guinness?) Thomas Moore 26/1/1903 17/9/1903 Arthur George William MCCREA Maggie A. -- Irvinestown Thomas Moore 8/5/1903 17/9/1803 Elizabeth Samuel GIBSON Sarah E. -- Esker Thomas Moore 31/8/1903 27/9/1903 Martha Maria James A. PORTER Sarah -- Derry, Kilskeery Thomas Moore 19/5/1903 6/10/1903 Margaret Evelyn Thomas BLEAKLEY Mary -- Tullywilly???? (Tullywolly?) Thomas Moore 25/2/1903 19/11/1903 May Florence Willis H. GINN Martha -- Ballindullagh Thomas Moore 1/10/1903 29/11/1903 Edith Jane Henry FUNSTON Maggie -- Galbally Thomas Moore 19/11/1903 9/2/1904 William Albert James JOHNSTON Susan -- Glenross Thomas Moore 26/11/1903 10/2/1904 William James Ernest Thomas L. WALLACE Sarah Jane -- Aughadarra (Aghadarragh?) Thomas Moore 28/9/1903 14/3/1904 Edward George BEACOM Minnie -- Glasmullagh Thomas Moore 28/1/1904 14/3/1904 William Robert Andrew Robert LOANE Charlotte -- Cabra (Cabragh?) Thomas Moore 24/11/1903 24/3/1904 David James MORRISON Margaret -- Laughterush (Loughterush?) Thomas Moore 14/2/1904 3/4/1904 Meta Elizabeth Charleton GIBSON Jane -- Togherdoo??? Hugh T. Nixon 28/12/1903 14/4/1904 Jemima James RAMSEY Anna -- Rosscolbin (Rosscolban?), Kesh Hugh T. Nixon 23/3/1904 26/4/1904 James Thomas LAW Elizabeth -- Mullaghfarn (Mullaghfarne?) Thomas Moore 16/5/1904 28/5/1904 John Henderson Thomas ELLIOTT Eliza -- Laughterush (Loughterush?) Thomas Moore 16/5/1904 28/5/1904 Robert Mosgrove Thomas ELLIOTT Eliza -- Laughterush (Loughterush?) Thomas Moore 25/7/1904 28/8/1904 Rebecca Georgina Willis H. GINN Martha -- Ballindullagh Thomas Moore 12/1/1904 12/9/1904 Robert Ernest Arthur JOHNSTON Sarah A. -- Glassmullagh (Glasmullagh?) Thomas Moore 27/8/1904 7/11/1904 Louie Isabella Annie William CHITTICK Eliza J. -- Bracklin Thomas Moore 8/11/1904 28/11/1904 Sarah Alexander MILLIGAN Sarah -- Lack Thomas Moore 15/1/1905 22/3/1905 Elizabeth Edward JOHNSTON Isabella -- Stranadarra (Stranadarriff?) Thomas Moore 2/1/1905 15/4/1905 Rachel William WRAY Mary C. -- Ardlougher Thomas Moore 10/4/1905 3/6/1905 Frederick John James JOHNSTON Susan -- Glenross Thomas Moore 15/8/1905 6/6/1905 George David Thomas CRAWFORD Maggie J. -- Knockroe Thomas Moore 14/5/1905 7/6/1905 Elizabeth John IRVINE Anne J. -- Drumharvey Thomas Moore 12/6/1905 5/7/1905 Irvine William MCCUTCHEON Jane -- Legnameltogue Thomas Moore 9/6/1905 6/8/1905 Florence Charleton GIBSON Jeannie -- Togherdoo??? Thomas Moore 18/2/1905 27/9/1905 John Robert George BEACOM Mary J. -- Glassmullagh (Glasmullagh?), Irvinestown Thomas Moore 4/12/1904 28/9/1905 Samuel James Charles BEATTIE Cassie -- Aughnamoe (Aghnamoe?) Thomas Moore 9/30/1905 7/12/1905 Violet Eliza Jane William STRONG Mary A. -- Kilskeery Thomas Moore 4/4/1905 25/1/1905 James Donnelly William MCCREA Maggie A. -- Irvinestown Thomas Moore 19/1/1906 12/4/1906 Anna Bella Andrew FUNSTON Isabella -- Drumsowna (Drumsawna?) Thomas Moore 17/2/1906 16/4/1906 Annie Louisa Kathleen Edward WEIR Mary E. -- Millbane (Mweelbane?) Thomas Moore 13/12/1905 20/5/1906 Helena Kathleen Robert JOHNSTON Kate H. -- Tirmacspird Thomas Moore 25/3/1906 26/5/1906 Theodora Kathleen William CHITTICK Elizabeth J. -- Bracklin Thomas Moore 6/8/1905 4/6/1906 Leslie Nixon Thomas CLARKE Elizabeth -- Irvinestown Thomas Moore 16/7/1906 22/8/1906 Maggie Robert COULTER Cassie -- Skeag???? (Skea?) W.H. Cory 16/6/1906 24/9/1906 William Robert John Robert CROZIER Alicia -- Ederney (Ederny?) W.J. Clayton 31/3/1906 23/10/1906 Violet Maria James RAWLEY?? Annie Georgina -- Moynahan (Moynaghan?) W.J. Clayton 21/8/1906 30/10/1906 William Charles William Francis KEYS Sarah Jane -- Rahall W.J. Clayton 2/9/1906 6/11/1906 Edward Ernest James JOHNSTON Susan -- Glenross W.J. Clayton 15/4/1906 30/11/1906 John Anderson Irvine DEVITT Maggie -- Blackagh???? * (Brackagh?) W.J. Clayton 17/7/1906 11/12/1906 Robert James not listed NOT LISTED Susan SHARPE Buninnubber (Bunnynubber?) W.J. Clayton Fathers name stroked out. Child --as illegitimate 29/12/1906 10/2/1907 Margretta Henry FUNSTON Maggie -- Galbally W.J. Clayton 24/6/1906 21/2/1907 Hermina Christina Kathleen Robert LOANE Charlotte -- Cabra (Cabragh?) W.J. Clayton 10/12/1906 18/4/1907 Thomas Henry John MORRISON Margaret -- Laughterush (Loughterush?) W.H. Cory 22/2/1907 17/5/1907 Frances Maude Robert BROWN Maggie Anne -- illegible W.H. Cory 22/2/1907 17/5/1907 Sarah Jane Robert BROWN Maggie Anne -- illegible W.H. Cory 31/3/1907 11/7/1907 Lillie Jane Hugh KEYS Lizzie Jane -- Bushill * W.J. Clayton 25/5/1906 * 11/7/1907 Margaret Kathleen Willis GINN Martha -- Ballindullagh W.H. Cory 25/7/1907 10/9/1907 Matilda Josephine Thomas LAW Elizabeth -- Mullaghfarn (Mullaghfarne?) W.J. Clayton 19/6/1907 13/9/1907 Edith Muriel William STRONG Mary -- Kilskeery W.H. Cory 17/7/1907 8/10/1907 Ethel Elizabeth Robert JOHNSTON Kate Helena -- Tiermacspird (Tirmacspird?) W.J. Clayton 10/10/1907 6/11/1907 Mary Edward JOHNSTON Bella Jane -- Stranadarra (Stranadarriff?) W.J. Clayton 10/9/1907 28/11/1907 Sarah Jane Florence Thomas Lendrum WALLACE Sarah Jane -- Aughadarra (Aghadarragh?) W.J. Clayton 18/9/1907 7/2/1908 Albert John R. CROZIER Alicia Annie -- Ederney (Ederny?) W.J. Clayton 13/8/1907 14/2/1908 William James George BEACOM Mary Jane -- not listed W.J. Clayton 1/11/1907 10/3/1908 Alfred James William F. KEYS Sarah J. -- Rahall W.J. Clayton 28/5/1906 * 11/3/1908 John Robert John IRVINE Annie J. -- Drumharvey W.J. Clayton 16/2/1908 11/3/1908 Jennie Eileen John IRVINE Annie J. -- Drumharvey W.J. Clayton 20/8/1907 1/5/1908 Christopher Herbert Thomas CRAWFORD Margaret -- Knockroe W.J. Clayton 19/3/1908 22/5/1908 William Ernest Andrew FUNSON * Isabella -- Drumsowna (Drumsawna?) W.J. Clayton 3/6/1908 19/8/1908 Margaret William WRAY Mary -- Ardlougher W.J. Clayton 4/11/1907 8/9/1908 William Allen Betty F. William BLEAKLEY Deborah N. -- not listed W.J. Clayton 24/12/1907 9/12/1908 Mabel William CHITTICK Elizabeth Jane -- Bracklin W.J. Clayton 16/1/1908 16/12/1908 George Ernest Willis H. MARTHA Ginn -- Ardlougher W.J. Clayton 1/4/1908 27/1/1909 Charlotte Florence Jane Edward WEIR Mary Eliza -- Millbane (Mweelbane?) W.J. Clayton 7/2/1909 24/3/1909 Charles Wesley Charles WYLIE Maggie E. -- Drumskinny W.H. Cory 14/3/1909 27/3/1909 Mary Edith Henry FUNSTON Elizabeth -- Togherdoo??? W.H. Cory 28/1/1909 30/3/1909 Margaret Jane William F. KEYS Sarah Jane -- Rahall W.J. Clayton 29/1/1909 22/4/1909 Jane William MURPHY Fannie -- Irvinestown W.J. Clayton 15/12/1908 18/5/1909 William John Hugh KEYS Lizzie -- Bushill * W.J. Clayton 25/1/1905 * 19/5/1909 Violet Kathleen Charles JOHNSTON Sarah Ann -- Bracklin W.J. Clayton 29/3/1907 * 19/5/1909 Emmeline Margaret Charles JOHNSTON Sarah Ann -- Bracklin W.J. Clayton 17/5/1909 28/5/1909 James Henry Henry JOHNSTON Isabella -- Parkhill W.J. Clayton 28/8/1908 2/6/1909 David Newton James TURNER Esther -- Tummery W.J. Clayton 19/4/1907 * 4/6/1909 William Herbert William MCCREA Maggie -- Irvinestown W.J. Clayton 15/2/1909 24/6/1909 William Porter William STRONG Mary -- Kilskeery Robert Moore 27/3/1909 1/7/1909 Mary Evangeline Robert BROWN Margaret Anne -- Dreigh Robert Moore 4/10/1909 20/1/1910 Louisa Maude Robert JOHNSTON Kate Helena -- Termacspird (Tirmacspird?) Robert Moore 1/3/1909 4/2/1910 Nora Elizabeth Fred William BLEAKLEY Deborah -- Garvaghy Robert Moore 15/10/1909 7/2/1910 Florence Jane John R. CROZIER Alicia Annie -- Ederney (Ederny?) Robert Moore 20/11/1909 10/2/1910 Mary Eveleen Andrew FUNSTON Isabella -- Drumsowna (Drumsawna?) Robert Moore 30/9/1909 1/4/1910 Henry John Alexander William MCCREA Margaret A. -- Irvinestown Robert Moore 16/4/1910 9/6/1910 Mary Louisa Joseph W. BROWN Elizabeth Mary -- Scollon (Scallen?) Robert Moore 28/11/1909 28/6/1910 Frederick Thomas WEIR Selina Ellen -- Stranadarra (Stranadarriff?) Robert Moore 7/6/1909 * 19/8/1910 Nixon William George ALLINGHAM Ellen -- Aughinver (Aghinver?) Robert Moore ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== BORN BAPTISED CHILDS FATHER'S FATHER'S MOTHERS MOTHERS RESIDENCE BAPTISED BY / COMMENTS NAME FORENAME SURNAME FORENAME SURNAME REBORDED BY ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 15/6/1910 11/10/1910 Mary Isabella Sophia William Francis KEYS Sarah J. -- Rahall Robert Moore 28/8/1910 17/10/1910 Mary Rebecca Joseph ALEXANDER Maggie -- Drumadr-----???? Robert Moore 24/9/1910 22/2/1911 Victor George William STRONG Mary -- Kilskeery Robert Moore 30/1/1910 * 11/7/1911 Evelyn Florence George HENDERSON Maggie Jane -- Laughty??? * Robert Moore 31/3/1910 * 14/7/1911 Elizabeth William WRAY Mary C. -- Ardlougher Robert Moore 12/6/1911 21/8/1911 Elizabeth Jane Joseph William BROWN Elizabeth Mary -- Scallon (Scallen?) Robert Moore 14/2/1910 * 3/9/1911 Sarah Evangeline Charles JOHNSTON Sarah Anne -- Bracklin Robert Moore 14/6/1911 18/10/1911 Ethel Mary Robert John JOHNSTON Maggie -- Stranadarra (Stranadarriff?) Robert Moore 13/7/1911 2/1/1912 Francis William Francis KEYS Sarah Jane -- Rahall Robert Moore 13/7/1911 29/2/1912 Robert Robert BROWN Margaret Anne -- Dreigh Robert Moore 22/7/1911 29/2/1912 Emily Maude not listed NOT LISTED Lizzie THOMPSON Cloncandra Robert Moore Child --as illegitimate 11/12/1911 3/3/1912 Isabella Henry FUNSTON Maggie -- Galbally Robert Moore 27/8/1911 21/3/1912 Annie Elizabeth Hugh KEYS Lizzie -- Bushill * Robert Moore 8/6/1912 1/8/1912 James Cecil James JOHNSTON Susan -- Glenross W.J. Young 7/5/1912 19/8/1912 Kathleen Rachel John R. CROZIER Alicia Annie -- Ederney (Ederny?) W.J. Young 25/7/1912 1/9/1912 Frederick Alexander James MOORE Mary Anne -- Dromore Road Station W.J. Young 11/7/1912 10/9/1912 Margaret Jane William JOHNSTON Mary Jane -- Millbane (Mweelbane?) W.J. Young 3/7/1912 11/9/1912 Margaret Jane John CUNNINGHAM Martha Jane -- Skeagh (Skea?) W.J. Young 25/5/1912 26/9/1912 Richard George ALLINGHAM Ellen -- not listed W.J. Young 19/3/1911 * 27/9/1912 Joseph Arthur WOODS Catherine -- Marrock?? W.J. Young 22/4/1912 27/9/1912 Henry Hamilton William J. WOODS Maggie -- Tiermacspird (Tirmacspird?) W.J. Young 8/11/1912 19/11/1912 Matilda Jane Irvine ARMSTRONG Annie Maria -- Carn W.J. Young 8/11/1912 19/11/1912 Elizabeth Deborah Irvine ARMSTRONG Annie Maria -- Carn W.J. Young 3/12/1912 27/11/1912 Elizabeth Mary Adam GRAHAM Isabella -- Mullaghfarn (Mullaghfarne?) W.J. Young 26/10/1911 * 9/12/1912 James Dudley Francis William COOPER Annie Margaret -- Keenogue W.J. Young 13/4/1912 28/12/1912 George George HENDERSON Maggie Jane -- Laughty??? * W.J. Young 6/12/1912 7/1/1913 John Gerrard William Gerrard GREY Elizabeth -- Oughill (Oghill?) W.J. Young INDEX ================================================================ FATHERS SURNAME CHILD'S NAME BAPTISM DATE ================================================================ ABRAHAM ENID ANETTA 31/7/1898 ADAMS MAGGIE BELL 24/1/1884 AEKIN * THOMAS ROBINSON 8/3/1887 AIKEN ALICE B. 15/3/1889 AIKEN ELIZABETH ANNE 25/2/1880 AIKEN HENRY WILLIAM 3/3/1875 AKIN??? PHEBE??? JANE 25/11/1884 ALEXANDER GEORGE 14/4/1845 ALEXANDER MARY REBECCA 17/10/1910 ALFORD ETHEL EVANGELINE 3/2/1894 ALLEN ELIZA JANE 26/9/1865 ALLEN GEORGE EDWARD 27/10/1881 ALLEN JOHN ROBERT 14/12/1871 ALLEN MARGARET JANE 28/5/1873 ALLINGHAM NIXON WILLIAM 19/8/1910 ALLINGHAM RICHARD 26/9/1912 ANDERSON JOHN 26/12/1850 ANDERSON MARY JANE 3/4/1867 ANDERSON THOMAS JAMES 9/11/1870 ARMSTRONG ALFRED REGINALD 26/8/1895 ARMSTRONG ALLEN 1/8/1881 ARMSTRONG ANNE JANE 30/12/1875 ARMSTRONG ANNIE SOPHIA 11/7/1894 ARMSTRONG CATHERINE 13/4/1857 ARMSTRONG CATHERINE 18/9/1844 ARMSTRONG CATHRINE * 29/10/1842 ARMSTRONG CHARLES 20/3/1877 ARMSTRONG EDWARD 7/10/1838 ARMSTRONG EDWARD JAMES 22/9/1895 ARMSTRONG ELIZA 1/5/1845 ARMSTRONG ELIZA JANE 27/5/1852 ARMSTRONG ELIZABETH 22/7/1865 ARMSTRONG ELIZABETH DEBORAH 19/11/1912 ARMSTRONG FRANCIS 23/3/1859 ARMSTRONG FRANCIS 13/6/1850 ARMSTRONG HENRIETTA 18/5/1851 ARMSTRONG HENRY 26/12/1884 ARMSTRONG ISABELLA 30/5/1876 ARMSTRONG ISABELLA MAUD MARY 12/9/1892 ARMSTRONG JAMES 28/8/1850 ARMSTRONG JAMES 22/5/1849 ARMSTRONG JAMES 30/3/1853 ARMSTRONG JANE 22/8/1893 ARMSTRONG JANE 15/8/1862 ARMSTRONG JANE FRANCES 8/6/1874 ARMSTRONG JOHN 15/9/1887 ARMSTRONG JOHN 26/9/1886 ARMSTRONG JOHN 23/5/1851 ARMSTRONG JOHN HIRAM 5/7/1869 ARMSTRONG JOHN NOBLE 23/1/1872 ARMSTRONG MARGARET ANNE 16/11/1875 ARMSTRONG MARTHA JANE 20/4/1872 ARMSTRONG MARY 28/4/1864 ARMSTRONG MARY JANE 26/3/1868 ARMSTRONG MATILDA JANE 19/11/1912 ARMSTRONG MYRTLE 26/10/1896 ARMSTRONG REBECCA ANNE 19/3/1867 ARMSTRONG REBECCA ANNE 19/5/1870 ARMSTRONG ROBERT 10/6/1879 ARMSTRONG ROBERT ALLEN ABRAHAM 18/4/1889 ARMSTRONG SARAH JANE 22/10/1870 ARMSTRONG STELLA LOUISA 23/9/1888 ARMSTRONG THEODORE 30/8/1892 ARMSTRONG THOMAS 29/8/1838 ARMSTRONG THOMAS 20/5/1840 ARMSTRONG THOMAS 28/4/1846 ARMSTRONG THOMAS ALEXANDER 18/9/1863 ARMSTRONG VIOLET 14/7/1891 ARMSTRONG VIOLET ELIZABETH JANE 22/9/1899 ARMSTRONG WILLIAM 30/5/1867 ARMSTRONG WILLIAM 12/1/1842 ARMSTRONG WILLIAM ALEXANDER 13/3/1890 ARMSTRONG WILLIAM ARTHUR 16/1/1892 ARMSTRONG WILLIAM HAMILTON 1/8/1876 ARMSTRONG WILLIAM JOHN 27/1/1873 ARTHURS JAMES 8/2/1873 ARTHURS JOHN 10/4/1869 BACOM ROBERT JOHN 2/8/1862 BACOM SAMUEL JAMES 12/4/1865 BARTLY ELIZA 20/2/1846 BARTON THOMAS 21/5/1873 BEACOM ANN ELIZABETH 31/10/1890 BEACOM EDWARD 9/10/1873 BEACOM EDWARD 14/3/1904 BEACOM ELIZA ELLEN 25/10/1876 BEACOM FLORENCE MARIA 19/8/1892 BEACOM GEORGE 19/10/1900 BEACOM JAMES 3/6/1882 BEACOM JOHN ROBERT 27/9/1905 BEACOM LOWTHER 9/5/1874 BEACOM LOWTHER FOSTER 29/8/1898 BEACOM LUCINDA 17/10/1850 BEACOM MARGARET JANE 14/11/1865 BEACOM MARGARET JANE 13/4/1873 BEACOM MARY 4/10/1845 BEACOM MAXWELL GRANT DAVIDSON 6/4/1888 BEACOM MYSIE???? (FEMALE) 19/12/1880 BEACOM REBECCA GEORGINA 17/4/1874 BEACOM REBECCA MARIA 13/2/1867 BEACOM ROBERT 14/8/1879 BEACOM THOMAS 17/2/1876 BEACOM THOMAS JOHN 7/9/1871 BEACOM WILLIAM EDWARD 19/5/1877 BEACOM WILLIAM JAMES 14/2/1908 BEATTIE SAMUEL JAMES 28/9/1905 BEATTY JAMES 29/11/1839 BEATTY JOHN 29/7/1836 BEATTY MARY 12/12/1901 BEATTY MARY JANE 2/2/1888 BEATTY ROBERT 16/8/1900 BEATTY ROBERT JOHN 6/4/1886 BEATTY SARAH JANE 30/4/1903 BEATTY WILLIAM THOMAS 28/3/1889 BEATTY??? ANN 1/11/1844 BELL ANNE 3/8/1835 BELL CATHERINE 11/8/1853 BELL GEORGE 29/4/1858 BELL ISABELLA 17/4/1856 BELL JOHN 25/9/1850 BELL THOMAS 24/1/1843 BELL WILLIAM 4/12/1837 BELL WILLIAM 18/11/1842 BLAKELEY * HARRIET REBECKIA 28/7/1867 BLAKELY CATHERN 2/4/1846 BLAKELY CHRISTOPHER 2/4/1872 BLAKELY FREDERICK WILLIAM 23/1/1861 BLAKELY GEORGE 6/7/1874 BLAKELY GEORGE 7/11/1859 BLAKELY HANNAH ELIZABETH 7/3/1874 BLAKELY HARIET MAUD 29/1/1842 BLAKELY ISABELLA ANNE 3/3/1876 BLAKELY JAMES 1/10/1852 BLAKELY JOHN 15/2/1867 BLAKELY JOHN WESLEY 17/3/1897 BLAKELY JOHNSTON 29/4/1866 BLAKELY MARGARET 26/10/1845 BLAKELY MARIA 2/6/1870 BLAKELY SARAH JANE 5/2/1859 BLAKELY VIOLET LOUISA MARIA 30/7/1896 BLAKELY WILLIAM 5/2/1867 BLAKLEY JOHN WILLIAM 28/12/1860 BLAKLEY OLIVE SUSAN 6/5/1897 BLAKLEY ROBERT WILSON 1/10/1895 BLAKLEY SHARLOTT 20/12/1861 BLEAKELY CATHERINE 17/9/1855 BLEAKELY CHARLES 25/3/1893 BLEAKLEY CHARLES ILLEGIBLE WEBSTER 12/12/1898 BLEAKLEY EVA ELIZABETH 15/6/1894 BLEAKLEY FREDERICK WILLIAM 14/8/1903 BLEAKLEY GEORGE 18/11/1848 BLEAKLEY HENRY ROBERT 28/9/1897 BLEAKLEY JAMES 1/9/1853 BLEAKLEY KATHLEEN SADLEIR * 7/1/1902 BLEAKLEY MARGARET EVELYN 6/10/1903 BLEAKLEY MARY 31/1/1847 BLEAKLEY NORA ELIZABETH 4/2/1910 BLEAKLEY THOMAS ANDREW 25/3/1893 BLEAKLEY WILLIAM 18/11/1848 BLEAKLEY WILLIAM ALLEN BETTY 8/9/1908 BLEAKLEY??? IRVINE ALBERT 6/11/1899 BLEAKLEYS MARY ELIZABETH 26/9/1893 BLEAKLY BENJAMIN 20/9/1834 BLEAKLY BENJAMINE IRVINE GORRELL 17/10/1862 BLEAKLY CHARLES NORMAN 31/5/1889 BLEAKLY CHRISTOPHER 17/8/1855 BLEAKLY ELIZA 29/12/1832 BLEAKLY ELIZA JANE 1/11/1862 BLEAKLY ELIZABETH MARY 23/6/1865 BLEAKLY ELLENOR 25/11/1864 BLEAKLY GEORGE 4/4/1844 BLEAKLY GEORGE 2/5/1851 BLEAKLY IRVINE 16/5/1863 BLEAKLY MAGOLIN * (FEMALE) 8/6/1850 BLEAKLY MARGARET 26/12/1850 BLEAKLY MARGARET MARY 6/5/1887 BLEAKLY MARY JANE 3/4/1851 BLEAKLY MARY JANE 20/4/1891 BLEAKLY ROBERT GUY 23/6/1865 BLEAKLY SARAH 12/9/1876 BLEAKLY SARAH 25/1/1889 BLEAKLY STEWART JOHNSTON 14/6/1892 BLEAKLY THOMAS IRVINE 21/4/1891 BLEAKLY WILLIAM THOMAS 11/7/1891 BOWLES JANE 1/10/1896 BRALLEN SAMUEL 10/8/1846 BREEN THOMAS 24/3/1848 BREEN??? JAMES BRIAN 9/1/1895 BRIAN ROBERT IRWIN 8/4/1883 BRIEN ANNE ALICIA 28/5/1863 BRIEN CHARLOTTE 19/5/1851 BRIEN EDWARD WILLIAM 29/10/1878 BRIEN ELIZABETH FLORENCE 7/11/1885 BRIEN JANE 8/8/1866 BRIEN JOHN JAMES 1/9/1869 BRIEN LUCINDA 25/8/1846 BRIEN MARGARET ANNE 8/6/1877 BRIEN MARGARET ANNE 7/1/1872 BRIEN MARY JANE 1/8/1849 BRIEN ROBERT ROLLAND?? 17/9/1880 BRIEN???? SARAH??? 6/3/1844 BROWN ELIZABETH JANE 21/8/1911 BROWN ESTHER 28/4/1900 BROWN FRANCES MAUDE 17/5/1907 BROWN IRVINE 16/7/1870 BROWN ISABELLA 7/3/1851 BROWN ISABELLA ANNE 26/4/1876 BROWN JAMES 13/6/1878 BROWN JAMES 14/4/1834 BROWN JOHN 27/1/1835 BROWN MAGGIE 23/7/1902 BROWN MARY 30/6/1873 BROWN MARY EVANGELINE 1/7/1909 BROWN MARY LOUISA 9/6/1910 BROWN REBECCA SARAH 10/2/1874 BROWN ROBERT 29/2/1912 BROWN SARAH ANN 3/11/1885 BROWN SARAH JANE 17/5/1907 BROWN WILLIAM JAMES 11/4/1882 BROWN??? WILLIAM JOHN 11/7/1878 BROWNLEE ELLEN MARIA 22/7/1880 BROWNLOW ANN JANE 13/2/1879 BRUCE ELIZA 10/1/1835 BRUSTER ELIZA 12/5/1832 BRUSTER JOHN 6/6/1834 BRYINE??? LUCINDA 19/8/1881 CALDWELL ALBERT ERNEST 11/7/1891 CALDWELL CHARLES HENRY 17/6/1886 CALDWELL MARIAN 25/3/1876 CALDWELL NEWBERRY WILSON 30/8/1888 CALDWELL WILLIAM JAMES 31/7/1883 CALDWELL WILLIAM JOHN 29/9/1898 CAMPBELL ELIZABETH 3/6/1869 CAMPBELL JOHN CULLEN 4/6/1873 CAMPBELL LETITIA JANE 3/6/1869 CAMPBELL MARY FRANCES 25/6/1873 CAMPBELL SARIAH * 25/6/1873 CAMPBELL WILLIAM 21/12/1875 CAMPBELL WILLIAM 11/6/1878 CAREY MARY ESTHER 3/4/1859 CAREY WILLIAM SAMUEL 29/10/1857 CARRIGAN RALPH 26/4/1844 CARROTHERS CHARLES ROLAND 6/11/1899 CARSON ELIZABETH 7/3/1884 CARSON GEORGE 29/8/1898 CARSON JAMES 11/6/1891 CARSON MARY JANE 1/4/1846 CARSON ROBERT 21/6/1894 CARSON WILLIAM 3/8/1887 CARTER?? REBECCA 31/8/1850 CAULDWELL MARGARET SARAH 30/6/1881 CAULDWELL RICHARD ARTHUR 2/10/1879 CHAMBERS THOMAS 7/11/1856 CHAPMAN FREDERICK WILLIAM 6/6/1869 CHARLETON JAMES HENRY???? 10/5/1883 CHARLETON JOSEPH ALEXANDER YOUNG 6/8/1878 CHARLTON HENRY 24/12/1838 CHENEY ELIZABETH MARTHA 13/4/1881 CHITTICK CHARLES 21/4/1873 CHITTICK GEORGE 26/7/1865 CHITTICK JANE ANNE 5/2/1868 CHITTICK LOUIE ISABELLA ANNIE 7/11/1904 CHITTICK MABEL 9/12/1908 CHITTICK MARGARET 20/3/1877 CHITTICK REBECCA 20/1/1870 CHITTICK THEODORA KATHLEEN 26/5/1906 CLARK ANNE 2/8/1880 CLARKE LESLIE NIXON 4/6/1906 CLINTON REBECCA 23/12/1834 CLUFF ELIZA JANE 22/5/1890 CLUFF ISABELLA ANNIE 6/12/1894 CLUFF LOUISA MAGGIE 4/9/1902 CLUFF MARY ANNE 24/5/1881 CLUFF WILLIAM JOHN 13/10/1887 CLUFFE? JAMES THOMAS 14/7/1892 COLLINS JAMES 12/4/1834 COOPER JAMES DUDLEY 9/12/1912 CORRAN?? MARY ANN 9/5/1866 COSGROVE??? MARGARET 21/3/1853 COULTER ELIZABETH EMILY 16/10/1894 COULTER ESTHER 16/8/1890 COULTER GABRIEL SPENCE 21/4/1875 COULTER JOSEPH 15/4/1897 COULTER MAGGIE 22/8/1906 COULTER MARTHA 31/5/1892 COULTER MARY 1/6/1855 COULTER MARY JANE 9/1/1889 COULTER RICHARD JOHN 14/9/1877 COULTER ROBERT 16/4/1903 COULTER SAMUEL JOHN ROBERT 21/10/1899 COULTER WILLIAM JAMES 8/1/1900 COWAN ANNE 21/8/1876 CRAIGMILES JAMES 16/4/1898 CRAIGMILES MARY 5/11/1896 CRAIGMILES WILLIAM 5/11/1896 CRANE CHRISTOPHER 23/5/1873 CRAWFORD CHRISTOPHER HERBERT 1/5/1908 CRAWFORD ELIZABETH ETHEL 2/5/1902 CRAWFORD GEORGE DAVID 6/6/1905 CRAWFORD ISABELLA FLORENCE 14/4/1902 CRAWFORD JANE 21/1/1895 CRAWFORD JOHN SEE COMMENTS CRAWFORD ROBERT HENRY 5/7/1900 CRAWFORD ROBERT IRWIN 15/11/1892 CRAWFORD THOMAS JAMES 7/10/1899 CROTHERS ALFRED JOHNSTON 21/12/1896 CROW CATHERINE MOIRA 23/1/1863 CROWE ELIZABETH 1/6/1871 CROWE JOHN 2/11/1877 CROWE ROBERT 16/4/1880 CROWE ROBERT JOHN 9/2/1871 CROWE THOMAS 13/8/1875 CROZIER ALBERT 7/2/1908 CROZIER ALICIA DOROTHEA GEORGINA 17/3/1878 CROZIER ANDREW WESLEY 8/1/1865 CROZIER CATHERINE 27/6/1870 CROZIER FLORENCE JANE 7/2/1910 CROZIER ISABELLA 8/7/1875 CROZIER JOHN WILLIAM 27/9/1868 CROZIER KATHLEEN RACHEL 19/8/1912 CROZIER MARGARET ELIZABETH 16/3/1863 CROZIER MARY JANE IRVINE 5/7/1861 CROZIER ROBERT ALEXANDER 26/1/1873 CROZIER SAMUEL 19/4/1874 CROZIER THOMAS JAMES 17/2/1867 CROZIER WILLIAM ROBERT 24/9/1906 CULLEN ROBERT 15/7/1840 CUNNINGHAM MARGARET JANE 11/9/1912 DALY HESTER LOUISA 1/1/1879 DALY SOPHIA JANE 8/12/1880 DARRICK THOMAS WILLIAM 4/4/1894 DAY BERTHA JANE 3/11/1864 DEVITT JOHN ANDERSON 30/11/1906 DONALD GEORGE 20/9/1845 DOUGLAS CHARLES JAMES 9/7/1857 DOUGLAS MARGARET MARY ELIZABETH 8/8/1855 DOUGLAS MARY ATKIN 27/4/1860 DOUGLAS SAMUEL HENRY 21/10/1858 DOUGLAS WILLIAM MAGEE 7/8/1854 DUDGEON ETHEL LETITIA 26/4/1891 DUDGEON JOHN CUNNINGHAM 22/11/1888 DUDGION * HUGH WALTER 28/7/1883 DUDGION * WILHIMINA 14/6/1885 DUNCAN ISABELLA JANE 6/6/1892 DUNCAN JOHN LUTHER 9/4/1895 DUNCAN JONAS CHRISTOPHER 12/5/1885 DUNCAN MARY SELINA 15/4/1890 DUNCAN SAMUEL JOSEPH 18/4/1887 DUNCAN SARAH E--GOR???? 10/6/1883 DUNCAN WILLIAM 18/4/1881 DUNLOP GEORGE WILLIAM 10/4/1892 DUNLOP MARY ELLEN 10/4/1892 EDWARDS EMILY 30/5/1864 EDWARDS THOMAS MOWBRAY 18/10/1872 ELKIN MARIAN LOUISA 30/1/1899 ELKIN??? WILLIAM FREDERICK 2/12/1896 ELLIOTT DAVID 6/4/1844 ELLIOTT FREDERICK 11/12/1865 ELLIOTT JAMES 22/5/1867 ELLIOTT JANE 17/7/1855 ELLIOTT JOHN HENDERSON 28/5/1904 ELLIOTT JOHN HENRY 4/8/1847 ELLIOTT JOHN WESLEY PATTERSON 30/6/1884 ELLIOTT MARTHA 13/3/1882 ELLIOTT MARY 4/10/1844 ELLIOTT MARY JANE 1/5/1861 ELLIOTT ROBERT GEORGE 6/4/1862 ELLIOTT ROBERT JOHN 30/8/1882 ELLIOTT ROBERT MOSGROVE 28/5/1904 ELLIOTT SARAH ELLEN 15/7/1873 ELLIS FRANCIS 17/2/1850 ELLIS LYDIA 27/1/1848 ELLIS MARY ANN 30/12/1845 ELLIS THOMAS 8/4/1852 EVANS GEORGE STEWART 23/11/1876 FAIR ELIZA 7/2/1839 FARREL CATHERINE 18/2/1831 FARREL MATILDA 14/11/1835 FARRLEL WILLIAM 27/2/1829 FERGUSON GEORGE EDWARD 13/9/1900 FIFE ANDREW 23/3/1852 FIFE EDWARD 14/6/1849 FIFE ELIZA ANNE 2/4/1875 FIFE EMILY FRANCES 4/3/1895 FIFE GEORGE 1/4/1863 FIFE ISABELLA JANE 24/4/1873 FIFE JOHN WILLIAM 11/12/1879 FIFE MARGARET JANE 22/8/1861 FIFE MARTHA 5/1/1886 FIFE MARY 25/9/1884 FIFE SUSAN CATHERINE 19/10/1871 FIFE?? JOHN GEORGE 29/8/1851 FIFFE EDWARD 7/3/1882 FITCH MARY JANE 4/6/1858 FITZPATRICK MARY JANE 3/6/1858 FLEMING ANDREW 28/7/1858 FLEMING WILLIAM 15/5/1837 FLETCHER ALBERT EDWARD 13/7/1891 FLETCHER HENRY WILLIAM 15/6/1884 FLETCHER MARIA JANE 2/2/1888 FLETCHER SELENA 25/8/1889 FLETCHER THOMAS JAMES 22/6/1886 FORSTER JAMES 14/6/1871 FORSTER MARGARET ANNE 14/6/1871 FRAZER ANDREW THOMPSON 20/9/1894 FRAZER ELIZA ANNE 30/5/1894 FRAZER ERIC EUSTACE KNOX 4/2/1895 FRAZER FLORINDA ELLEN 5/1/1886 FRAZER MURIEL 27/10/1896 FUNSON * WILLIAM ERNEST 22/5/1908 FUNSTON ANNA BELLA 12/4/1906 FUNSTON ANNIE MAY 8/1/1893 FUNSTON EDITH JANE 29/11/1903 FUNSTON FREDERICK ROBERT 4/8/1901 FUNSTON ISABELLA 3/3/1912 FUNSTON JOHN ROBINSON 13/12/1900 FUNSTON MARGARET EVELINE 9/10/1894 FUNSTON MARGRETTA 10/2/1907 FUNSTON MARTHA 30/12/1869 FUNSTON MARY EDITH 27/3/1909 FUNSTON MARY EVELEEN 10/2/1910 FUNSTON SUSAN FLORENCE? 8/7/1897 FYFE CATHERINE JULIA 25/1/1893 FYFE LOUISA 7/10/1889 FYFFE ALEXANDER 1/9/1863 FYFFE DOROTHEA 17/5/1877 FYFFE LUCINDA 13/2/1866 FYFFE REBECCA 1/8/1865 FYFFE THOMAS JAMES 2/6/1868 G-----???? ELIZABETH 19/6/1843 G------???? ISABELLA 20/2/1844 GAWLEY JOHN 24/4/1836 GIBSON ALFRED EDWARD 6/8/1901 GIBSON EDWARD HENRY 15/5/1892 GIBSON ELIZABETH 17/9/1803 GIBSON EMILY MARIA 6/1/1861 GIBSON EVELYN 19/5/1901 GIBSON EVELYN MARY 25/11/1900 GIBSON FLORENCE 6/8/1905 GIBSON FRANCIS HERBERT 6/7/1902 GIBSON FREDERICK JAMES 9/6/1895 GIBSON HENRY CHARLES 22/7/1900 GIBSON MARGRETTA? 22/1/1899 GIBSON META ELIZABETH 3/4/1904 GIBSON NEVILLE HERBERT 1/10/1893 GIBSON THOMAS HEWITT 29/8/1862 GIBSON WALTER ST. CLAIR 16/1/1898 GILIMER?? * MARGARET 7/5/1843 GILMORE ANDREW 8/3/1859 GILMORE ANDREW 11/4/1894 GILMORE BENJAMIN 17/1/1901 GILMORE EDITH 2/12/1890 GILMORE EDWARD 18/12/1895 GILMORE ELIZA 6/6/1855 GILMORE ELIZABETH 23/9/1861 GILMORE HENRY JOHNSTON 18/5/1859 GILMORE JAMES ALBERT 19/12/1888 GILMORE JOHN 4/4/1853 GILMORE LIZZIE ELLEN 14/11/1887 GILMORE LOUISA JANE 5/10/1857 GILMORE MARY 27/3/1845 GILMORE ROBERT 18/5/1849 GILMORE ROBERT 23/11/1891 GILMORE ROBERT JOHN 22/5/1857 GILMORE SAMUEL??? 10/3/1857 GILMORE WILLIAM 20/4/1838 GINN ARTHUR 23/11/1865 GINN ELIZA ?/5/1858 GINN ELIZABETH 30/4/1881 GINN GEORGE 6/12/1837 GINN GEORGE 16/4/1860 GINN JAMES 3/10/1856 GINN JANE 6/9/1834 GINN LEAH 6/7/1876 GINN MARGARET 10/3/1870 GINN MARGARET KATHLEEN 11/7/1907 GINN MAUD HAMULET??? 27/12/1890 GINN MAY FLORENCE 19/11/1903 GINN REBECCA GEORGINA 28/8/1904 GINN ROBERT JOHN 3/7/1872 GINN SAMUEL 29/11/1878 GINN SARAH ANNE 12/5/1864 GINN SARAH JANE 6/6/1874 GINN THOMAS 26/5/1862 GINN WILLIAM 26/11/1831 GINN WILLIAM 8/5/1855 GINN WILLIAM FRANKLIN 18/5/1894 GINN WILLIAM JOHN NESBITT 28/3/1902 GINN WILLIS?? HENRY 30/8/1867 GOMERLY???? JOHN 10/12/1848 GORMAN??? MATILDA 29/3/1845 GORMELY * JOHN EDWARD 1/5/1887 GORMERLY * SARAH JANE 15/8/1872 GORMERLY * WILLIAM JAMES 5/10/1873 GORMLEY ELIZABETH MARY 14/7/1890 GORMLEY JOHN EDWARD 12/11/1869 GORMLEY JOSEPH 16/8/1890 GORMLEY MARY JANE 9/7/1892 GORMLEY ROBERT JAMES 9/7/1897 GORMLY EDWARD 23/12/1877 GORMLY ELIZABETH EVANGELINE 1/9/1884 GORMLY ESTHER 6/1/1889 GORMLY EVA MAUD 20/2/1885 GORMLY IDA MARY 24/11/1886 GORMLY MARGARET ANN 28/9/1879 GOURLEY JAMES RITCHIE 5/7/1889 GOURLEY JOHN IRVINE 11/1/1882 GOURLEY REDRERS???? 11/12/1900 GOURLY IRWIN 20/2/1883 GRAHAM ANN ELIZA 14/4/1845 GRAHAM CHARLES 29/11/1842 GRAHAM CHARLES WILEY 17/8/1850 GRAHAM ELIZABETH 8/10/1874 GRAHAM ELIZABETH ANNE 4/3/1881 GRAHAM ELIZABETH JANE 21/9/1879 GRAHAM ELIZABETH JANE 18/6/1852 GRAHAM ELIZABETH MARIA 5/12/1862 GRAHAM ELIZABETH MARY 27/11/1912 GRAHAM EVA 14/12/1886 GRAHAM GARIT???? ALEXANDER 22/7/1842 GRAHAM GEORGE 5/9/1869 GRAHAM HENRY 9/6/1864 GRAHAM HUGH 29/8/1850 GRAHAM ISABELLA 25/11/1878 GRAHAM ISABELLA ANNE 9/8/1854 GRAHAM JAMES 27/3/1846 GRAHAM JOHN 19/11/1876 GRAHAM JOHN 28/12/1838 GRAHAM MARGARET 23/1/1839 GRAHAM MARGARET 28/4/1843 GRAHAM MARGARET ISABELLA 2/4/1871 GRAHAM MARGARET JANE 4/1/1875 GRAHAM MARGARET JANE 30/4/1842 GRAHAM MARTHA MARIA 28/6/1895 GRAHAM MARY 26/10/1873 GRAHAM MARY 24/3/1854 GRAHAM RACHEL 6/9/1872 GRAHAM ROBERT 21/5/1857 GRAHAM ROBERT 6/10/1837 GRAHAM ROBERT 20/4/1838 GRAHAM ROBERT SAMUEL FINLEY 27/9/1860 GRAHAM SARAH 8/11/1844 GRAHAM SARAH WILEY 13/9/1861 GRAHAM SARAH??? 3/10/1856 GRAHAM THOMAS JAMES 11/6/1883 GRAHAM WILLIAM 25/2/1878 GRAHAM WILLIAM 5/1/1849 GRAHAM WILLIAM GEORGE 17/4/1894 GRAHAM??? ANDREW 18/4/1877 GRAY EMELY * 19/4/1862 GRAY FRANCIS 28/3/1873 GRAY IRVINE BLAKELY 17/2/1866 GRAY ISABELLA JOHNSTON 10/7/1878 GRAY JOHN ROBERT 3/10/1863 GRAY JOHN ROBERT 9/2/1871 GRAY JOHN THOMAS 26/4/1872 GRAY JOHNSTON 22/10/1868 GRAY MARIA ELLEN 12/11/1869 GRAY MARTHA JANE 30/11/1866 GRAY MATILDA MARGARET 9/8/1868 GRAY SARAH 16/2/1870 GRAY SARAH ANNE 13/5/1864 GRAY SOFIA JANE 6/4/1862 GRAY WILLIAM JERAD * 8/11/1868 GREGORY ANDREW 18/2/1831 GREY GIBSON 27/9/1857 GREY ISABELLA 6/4/1851 GREY JAMES 25/5/1855 GREY JOHN GERRARD 7/1/1913 GREY MARGARET 4/11/1859 GUNNIS GEORGE 21/2/1851 HALL EMILY 23/10/1873 HAMILTON ALLEN 31/1/1866 HAMILTON ANNIE MARIA 3/2/1873 HAMILTON CAROLINE 23/1/1868 HAMILTON EDWARD ARMSTRONG 7/1/1886 HAMILTON IRVINE 10/6/1870 HAMILTON JAMES 28/11/1867 HAMILTON JAMES HENRY 7/6/1874 HAMILTON JOHN ROBERT 17/2/1881 HAMILTON JOHN TAYLOR 4/8/1870 HAMILTON MARTHA STEELE 4/8/1871 HAMILTON MARY 2/1/1875 HAMILTON REBEKAH JANE 11/3/1868 HAMILTON SAMUEL HUGH 31/5/1877 HAMILTON THOMAS 24/3/1840 HAMILTON WILLIAM 12/8/1833 HAMILTON WILLIAM JOHN 12/5/1871 HAMILTON WILLIAM KING 9/9/1876 HAMILTON?? MARY 7/12/1831 HAZELTON ANNE JANE 15/7/1859 HAZELTON CATHERINE ISABELLA 17/6/1856 HAZELTON ELIZA 15/7/1859 HAZELTON WILLIAM DOUGLAS 14/7/1850 HEMPHILL JEMIMA JANE 14/10/1878 HEMPHILL JOHN 8/2/1874 HEMPHILL MARY ANNE 30/4/1876 HENDERSON ALEXANDER 15/11/1862 HENDERSON ALICE 26/10/1887 HENDERSON ALICIA 8/3/1868 HENDERSON ANDREW 14/8/1854 HENDERSON CHARLOTTE ANN 18/5/1849 HENDERSON ELIZABETH ??? JANE??? 2/7/1856 HENDERSON EVELYN FLORENCE 11/7/1911 HENDERSON GEORGE 28/12/1912 HENDERSON GEORGE 23/7/1869 HENDERSON GEORGE JAMES 12/11/1890 HENDERSON ISABELLA EVA 13/6/1893 HENDERSON JAMES 15/11/1849 HENDERSON JAMES GUY 15/6/1848 HENDERSON JANE 10/3/1893 HENDERSON JENNIE WILLIAMINA * 11/11/1886 HENDERSON JOHN 28/3/1838 HENDERSON MARGARET JANE 30/9/1853 HENDERSON MARTHA JANE 5/3/1873 HENDERSON MARY ELIZABETH 11/5/1888 HENDERSON MARY ELIZABETH 9/2/1884 HENDERSON MATHEW 14/1/1860 HENDERSON MATHEW HENRY 2/5/1867 HENDERSON MINNIE 4/10/1902 HENDERSON ROBERT JOHN 7/2/1896 HENDERSON WILLIAM 20/3/1851 HENDERSON WILLIAM GEORGE 12/7/1891 HENDERSON WILLIAM JOHN 14/4/1896 HETHERINGTON CATHERINE 14/4/1873 HETHERINGTON FRANCES ANNE 1/2/1876 HETHERINGTON ISABELLA 22/1/1892 HETHERINGTON JAMES 2/1/1879 HETHERINGTON MARY JANE 16/5/1893 HETHERINGTON OLIVE JANE 29/8/1857 HILLIARD JAMES 1/5/1845 HOEY ELIZABETH 4/6/1843 HOOD MARY 5/4/1851 HUNTER ABBRELLA MINERVA 6/4/1886 HUNTER ABRILLA MINERVA 19/11/1889 HUNTER ELIZABETH ANN 26/1/1857 HUNTER ETHEL SARAH 12/7/1891 HUNTER MARGARET 19/7/1859 HUNTER REBECCA 26/6/1873 HUNTER ROBERT 17/7/1874 HUNTER WILLIAM JAMES CHRISTOPHER 6/12/1887 HURST JOHN JAMES 30/7/1892 HURST MARGARET 13/4/1836 HURST MARY ANN 20/1/1835 HURST MARY JANE 29/4/1893 ILLEGIBLE ELIZABETH MARIE 10/2/1882 ILLEGIBLE ILLEGIBLE (MALE) 28/2/1844 ILLEGIBLE JAMES???? 6/6/1844 ILLEGIBLE MARGARET JANE 3/12/1895 INGRAM ELIZA MARY 19/1/1849 INGRAM GEORGE 18/12/1846 INGRAM JANE 19/1/1845 INGRAM JOHN 1/5/1887 INGRAM MARY JANE 24/11/1848 INGRAM ROBERT 16/4/1843 INGRAM THOMAS 24/2/1843 INGRAM WILLIAM 29/3/1846 IRVINE ALICE ELETHEA??? 6/2/1891 IRVINE ANN JANE 12/11/1841 IRVINE ANNE JANE 6/2/1893 IRVINE ANNIE KEVIN 1/4/1888 IRVINE ELIZABETH 7/6/1905 IRVINE GEORGINA FRANCES 30/12/1885 IRVINE GERRARD BEATTY 6/9/1863 IRVINE HENRY GILES 15/6/1837 IRVINE HUGH 12/3/1843 IRVINE ISABELLA 2/6/1843 IRVINE JANE ELIZABETH LOUISA 29/8/1877 IRVINE JENNIE EILEEN 11/3/1908 IRVINE JOHN JAMES 17/3/1892 IRVINE JOHN ROBERT 11/3/1908 IRVINE JOSEPH 3/20/1994 IRVINE LIZZIE ANN 5/4/1897 IRVINE LIZZIE EVELINE 9/4/1894 IRVINE LIZZIE MARY 21/9/1886 IRVINE MAGGIE EMMA 13/12/1889 IRVINE MARGARET 30/8/1855 IRVINE MARGARET JANE 13/11/1888 IRVINE MARIAH 3/4/1879 IRVINE MARY ANN 25/5/1842 IRVINE MARY?? CATHERINE HESTER 9/11/1843 IRVINE ROBERT 4/2/1890 IRVINE WILLIAM 12/8/1849 IRVINE WILLIAM ALEXANDER 26/5/1887 IRWIN AMEN--???? (FEMALE) 10/8/1845 IRWIN ELIZA 15/2/1849 IRWIN JOHN 2/5/1845 IRWIN MARGARET JANE 23/11/1845 IRWIN ROBERT 31/5/1845 IRWIN WILLIAM 21/2/1851 IRWIN WILLIAM 23/11/1845 IRWIN WILLIAM JOHN THOMAS 24/9/1880 JOB MARGARET 6/12/1849 JOHNSTON ANDREW NOT LISTED JOHNSTON ANDREW 9/7/1883 JOHNSTON ANDREW 14/9/1860 JOHNSTON ANDREW 6/10/1879 JOHNSTON ANNE ELIZABETH 18/5/1856 JOHNSTON ARTHUR 28/1/1871 JOHNSTON ARTHUR 6/3/1887 JOHNSTON ARTHUR WESLEY 16/2/1892 JOHNSTON BARBARA JANE 4/2/1873 JOHNSTON CATHERINE 3/8/1846 JOHNSTON CHARLES 25/3/1843 JOHNSTON CHARLES ?10/1881 JOHNSTON CHARLES 27/2/1862 JOHNSTON CHARLES ALFORD 15/1/1893 JOHNSTON DAVID 16/5/1865 JOHNSTON DAVID 27/12/1881 JOHNSTON DAVID SAMUEL 27/7/1896 JOHNSTON EDWARD 14/5/1846 JOHNSTON EDWARD ERNEST 6/11/1906 JOHNSTON ELIZA 21/7/1863 JOHNSTON ELIZA 2/6/1854 JOHNSTON ELIZA 20/3/1882 JOHNSTON ELIZA CATHERINE 15/4/1889 JOHNSTON ELIZA JANE 31/5/1880 JOHNSTON ELIZABETH 22/3/1905 JOHNSTON ELIZABETH EMILY 21/12/1890 JOHNSTON ELIZABETH IRVINE 31/7/1867 JOHNSTON EMMELINE MARGARET 19/5/1909 JOHNSTON ETHEL ELIZABETH 8/10/1907 JOHNSTON ETHEL MARY 18/10/1911 JOHNSTON EVA LOUISA 13/12/1897 JOHNSTON FLORENCE CHARLOTTE 21/10/1901 JOHNSTON FLORENCE REBECCA MARY 31/7/1893 JOHNSTON FRANCIS 23/12/1902 JOHNSTON FRANCIS CHRISTOPHER 23/9/1894 JOHNSTON FREDERICK JOHN 3/6/1905 JOHNSTON GEORGE 24/11/1866 JOHNSTON GEORGE 19/11/1870 JOHNSTON HELENA KATHLEEN 20/5/1906 JOHNSTON HENRY 9/8/1880 JOHNSTON IRVINE 6/1/1876 JOHNSTON IRWINE 23/4/1848 JOHNSTON ISABELLA 13/4/1857 JOHNSTON ISABELLA 26/6/1835 JOHNSTON ISABELLA ANNE 6/12/1871 JOHNSTON ISABELLA JANE 31/7/1867 JOHNSTON ISABELLA JANE 9/5/1893 JOHNSTON JAMES 20/12/1850 JOHNSTON JAMES 1/5/1856 JOHNSTON JAMES 7/2/1889 JOHNSTON JAMES 16/5/1868 JOHNSTON JAMES 12/3/1883 JOHNSTON JAMES CECIL 1/8/1912 JOHNSTON JAMES HENRY 28/5/1909 JOHNSTON JANE??? ELIZABETH 18/4/1844 JOHNSTON JOHN 5/12/1852 JOHNSTON JOHN 2/7/1869 JOHNSTON JOHN JAMES 18/10/1885 JOHNSTON JOSEPH 6/3/1875 JOHNSTON JOSEPH ANDREW 13/4/1859 JOHNSTON LOUISA MAUDE 20/1/1910 JOHNSTON MAGGIE JANE 19/11/1869 JOHNSTON MARGARET NOT LISTED JOHNSTON MARGARET 1/11/1844 JOHNSTON MARGARET ANN 13/10/1886 JOHNSTON MARGARET ANNE 29/3/1887 JOHNSTON MARGARET JANE 10/9/1912 JOHNSTON MARGARET REBECCA 6/3/1899 JOHNSTON MARTIN 21/3/1879 JOHNSTON MARY 6/11/1907 JOHNSTON MARY 5/8/1863 JOHNSTON MARY ANN 24/8/1843 JOHNSTON MARY ANN 5/12/1851 JOHNSTON MARY ANNE 17/12/1885 JOHNSTON MARY ANNE 11/7/1864 JOHNSTON MARY E. 21/7/1885 JOHNSTON MARY ELLEN 28/3/1901 JOHNSTON MARY JANE 7/1/1884 JOHNSTON MATHEW 2/6/1871 JOHNSTON REBECCA 27/11/1866 JOHNSTON REBECCA CHARLOTT 26/9/1892 JOHNSTON ROBERT 24/1/1883 JOHNSTON ROBERT 11/6/1864 JOHNSTON ROBERT 10/11/1859 JOHNSTON ROBERT 12/5/1884 JOHNSTON ROBERT ERNEST 12/9/1904 JOHNSTON ROBERT JOHN 4/10/1886 JOHNSTON ROBERT JOHN 15/4/1889 JOHNSTON ROBERT JOHN 7/1/1901 JOHNSTON ROBERT NEWTON?? 15/3/1897 JOHNSTON SAMUEL 7/9/1847 JOHNSTON SAMUEL JAMES 11/11/1873 JOHNSTON SAMUEL THOMAS 19/6/1857 JOHNSTON SARAH ANN 4/10/1896 JOHNSTON SARAH EVANGELINE 3/9/1911 JOHNSTON SARAH KALTLIN??? 7/5/1895 JOHNSTON SIDNEY 19/1/1869 JOHNSTON SUSAN 11/4/1871 JOHNSTON SUSAN 30/3/1887 JOHNSTON SUSANNA 12/11/1877 JOHNSTON SUSANNA 8/2/1876 JOHNSTON THOMAS 13/11/1883 JOHNSTON THOMAS 16/3/1891 JOHNSTON THOMAS AMBROSE 17/2/1889 JOHNSTON THOMAS JOHN 28/10/1902 JOHNSTON VIOLET KATHLEEN 19/5/1909 JOHNSTON WILLIAM 29/5/1876 JOHNSTON WILLIAM 30/6/1840 JOHNSTON WILLIAM ALBERT 9/2/1904 JOHNSTON WILLIAM EDWARD 27/8/1895 JOHNSTON WILLIAM JAMES 20/8/1899 JOHNSTON WILLIAM SAMUEL 1/9/1868 JONES CHARLOTTE CATHERINE 12/6/1881 JONES ROBERT JOHN 16/5/1872 JONES??? LOUISA EMILY MCCULLAGH 9/10/1882 JONSTON JAMES 30/12/1841 KERR STEPHENSON 1/1/1891 KEVIN HENRY NEWTON KIBONAN * 11/4/1886 KEYS ALFRED JAMES 10/3/1908 KEYS ANNE ELIZABETH 17/6/1878 KEYS ANNIE ELIZABETH 21/3/1912 KEYS ARTHUR 14/3/1872 KEYS CAROLINE??? 8/8/1882 KEYS ELIZABETH 22/5/1849 KEYS FRANCIS 13/5/1883 KEYS FRANCIS 2/1/1912 KEYS LILLIE JANE 11/7/1907 KEYS MARGARET JANE 30/3/1909 KEYS MARY ISABELLA SOPHIA 11/10/1910 KEYS MATILDA 19/9/1873 KEYS REBECCA 16/10/1873 KEYS WILLIAM CHARLES 30/10/1906 KEYS WILLIAM IRVINE 16/12/1880 KEYS WILLIAM JOHN 18/5/1909 KNOX ANN 19/3/1844 KNOX ANNE ELIZA 26/4/1896 KNOX ARTHUR 17/9/1861 KNOX BELLA JANE 16/11/1892 KNOX CATHERINE 28/5/1867 KNOX DAVID JAMES 10/8/1875 KNOX ELIZA JANE 4/7/1873 KNOX ELIZABETH 29/10/1868 KNOX GEORGE 28/4/1900 KNOX JAMES 12/3/1850 KNOX JAMES ANDREW 26/10/1897 KNOX MARY JANE 11/1/1865 KNOX ROBERT 30/5/1843 KNOX ROBERT 24/4/1861 KNOX ROBERT GEORGE 19/6/1869 KNOX WILLIAM 26/9/1849 KNOX?? ANDREW 19/12/1871 LAW ANNE JANE 5/1/1896 LAW ELIZABETH 11/3/1857 LAW JAMES 26/4/1904 LAW JOHN IRVINE?? 17/4/1873 LAW MARGARET 26/10/1897 LAW MARY ELIZABETH 19/8/1902 LAW MATILDA JOSEPHINE 10/9/1907 LAW REBEKAH 28/2/1855 LAW SARAH J. 3/2/1857 LEE GEORGE 28/9/1869 LEE JAMES 26/2/1872 LEE JANE 10/4/1882 LEE ROBERT 5/8/1878 LEITH EMILY 9/4/1884 LINDSAY EDWARD LOUIS HERBERT 7/9/1898 LINDSAY ISABELLA ARLINE AMELIA 16/11/1899 LINDSAY JAMES WILLIAM KIRK 14/7/1902 LINDSAY WILLIAM 3/3/1852 LITTLE ELIZA ANNE 11/9/1870 LOANE DOROTHEA SUSANNA WESLEY 31/8/1900 LOANE HERMINA CHRISTINA KATHLEEN 21/2/1907 LOANE MARTHA ELLEN 10/11/1890 LOANE MARY JANE 16/7/1886 LOANE WILLIAM ROBERT ANDREW 14/3/1904 LOANE WINIFRED SARAH LOUISA 3/12/1092 LONE ELIZABETH ANNE 22/11/1888 LONE JOHN 10/9/1892 LONE LETITIA ISABELLA 17/5/1895 MACFARLAND ROBERT ERNEST 21/9/1879 MACKEY EDWARD 8/10/1866 MAGAHIE JOSEPH CHARLES 1/2/1902 MAGAHIE?? ROBERT HENRY BREEN 18/9/1900 MAGEE ELIZABETH 23/4/1834 MAGEE SARAH 8/8/1836 MAGEE??? GEORGE 29/5/1844 MAGRATH SARAH ANN 9/1/1833 MAGUIRE ANN 1/5/1842 MAGUIRE CATHERINE 1/5/1842 MAGUIRE EDWARD 11/3/1842 MAGUIRE JANE 18/10/1844 MAGUIRE WESLEY HENRY 22/1/1846 MAGUIRE?? GEORGE 17/3/1844 MALDOON MARGARET 21/11/1849 MARSHAL MARY JANE 15/8/1861 MARSHALL FRANCIS HUGH 22/8/1898 MARSHALL MARGARET 11/7/1858 MARSHALL SARAH ANNE 11/6/1894 MARSHIL LIZZIE JANE 5/5/1896 MARTHA GEORGE ERNEST 16/12/1908 MARTIN ANNE JANE 13/7/1881 MAXWELL ANNE 7/8/1871 MAXWELL CHRISTIANA 28/12/1835 MAXWELL ESTHER 10/4/1869 MAXWELL FRANCIS HENRY 4/10/1890 MAXWELL HARRIETT LUCINDA 12/5/1887 MAXWELL MARY ELLEN 12/8/1881 MAXWELL ROBERT 26/3/1889 MAXWELL ROBERT 23/12/1833 MAXWELL SARAH JANE 26/8/1867 MAXWELL THOMAS 25/9/1884 MAXWELL THOMAS DAVID 30/7/1875 MC--ARRES???? MARY JANE AMELIA 21/11/1880 MCCARTNEY JOHN 6/11/1885 MCCLEAN SAMUEL 7/8/1862 MCCLELLAND ANNA LETITIA 26/10/1890 MCCLELLAND ELIZA LETITIA 11/7/1858 MCCLELLAND EMILY 30/3/1874 MCCLELLAND EMILY KA---??? JANE 30/7/1867 MCCLELLAND FRANCES ISABELLA ANNA 24/2/1887 MCCLELLAND JOHN JAMES 8/1/1860 MCCLELLAND LILIAN 12/11/1891 MCCLELLAND MARY EMMA JANE 2/8/1888 MCCOURT ALLAN 8/2/1898 MCCOURT HUGH 5/7/1892 MCCOURT ISABELLA 31/5/1889 MCCOURT JAMES 25/10/1886 MCCOURT JANE 23/3/1882 MCCOURT MINNIE NOT LISTED MCCREA ARTHUR GEORGE 17/9/1903 MCCREA CECIL STEWARD 11/1/1901 MCCREA ELIZA 14/11/1835 MCCREA HELEN FRANCES HOPE 1/1/1898 MCCREA HENRY JOHN ALEXANDER 1/4/1910 MCCREA JAMES DONNELLY 25/1/1905 MCCREA WILLIAM HERBERT 4/6/1909 MCCUSKER THOMAS 10/6/1859 MCCUSKER WILLIAM HENRY 22/3/1849 MCCUTCHAN JAMES 24/1/1832 MCCUTCHAN ROBERT 26/9/1833 MCCUTCHEON IRVINE 5/7/1905 MCDADE ROBERT HENRY 12/11/1870 MCFARLAND ANDREW THOMAS 2/4/1872 MCFARLAND JOSEPH 11/6/1878 MCFARLAND JOSEPH CHARLES 3/10/1877 MCFARLAND JOSEPH HENRY 6/3/1873 MCFARLAND LIZZIE FRANCES 16/4/1875 MCFARLAND MARY ELIZABETH 23/11/1884 MCFARLAND ROBERT WALLACE 11/6/1878 MCFARLAND WALTER 27/9/1886 MCGAHIE ANDREW 24/4/1871 MCGAHIE ANNETTA??? 27/8/1886 MCGAHIE ARCHIE 22/7/1881 MCGAHIE GEORGE 9/9/1873 MCGAHIE JOHN ROBERT 5/10/1875 MCGAHIE SAMUEL 15/5/1877 MCGAHIE THOMAS HENRY 30/9/1884 MCGAUGHEY WILLIAM 12/5/1880 MCGORMAN???? MARGARET 30/4/1842 MCKEECHAN??? MATHEW 5/3/1842 MCKENNY WILLIAM DAVID 27/4/1893 MCKINNEY JAMES WESLEY 20/2/1896 MCKINNEY MARY LIZZIE 28/2/1886 MCKINNEY REBECCA 28/9/1884 MCKINNY HESTER SUSAN 4/4/1888 MCKINNY MARGARET EDITH 29/5/1890 MCKUSKER ELIZA JANE 13/6/1856 MCMORRIS EDWARD JAMES 4/12/1881 MCMORRIS FANNY 7/6/1893 MCMORRIS GEORGE 8/4/1895 MCMORRIS ISABELLA ANNIE 5/9/1886 MCMORRIS ISABELLA FLORENCE 11/3/1898 MCMORRIS MARGARET JANE 9/1/1890 MCMORRIS MARIA 3/7/1903 MCMORRIS MARY ANN 1/5/1896 MCMORRIS SAMUEL 2/4/1892 MCMORRIS THOMAS JAMES 3/7/1903 MCMORRIS WILLIAM JOHN 27/4/1891 MCQUADE?? CHARLES 25/8/1842 MCWADE IRVINE 20/5/1873 MEGAHEY ISABELLA EMILY 10/2/1900 MELDRUM ELIZA CATHERINE 1/11/1874 MELDRUM GEORGE STRONG 18/12/1877 MELDRUM ISAAC 23/12/1830 MELDRUM ISABELLA 16/11/1874 MELDRUM JAMES 1/1/1877 MELDRUM MARGARET ANNE 21/1/1873 MELDRUM ROBERT GEORGE 21/1/1873 MILLIGAN ALEXANDER 15/8/1850 MILLIGAN ANNE JANE 10/5/1891 MILLIGAN JAMES 25/8/1872 MILLIGAN JOHN JAMES 4/9/1902 MILLIGAN JOHN JAMES 11/2/1886 MILLIGAN JOHN JAMES 1/8/1893 MILLIGAN JOSEPH 30/11/1879 MILLIGAN SARAH 28/11/1904 MILLIGAN THOMAS 12/11/1877 MILLIGAN THOMAS ANDREW 12/1/1897 MITCHELL JOSEPH 16/11/1836 MOFFAT GEORGE 26/5/1837 MOFFATT CATHERINE 27/5/1843 MOFFATT ROBERT 21/7/1851 MOFFATT THOMAS 7/12/1870 MOFFETT THOMAS ANDREW 6/3/1899 MOFFITT CHARLES EDWARD 5/11/1900 MOFFITT MARGARET REGINA 27/10/1902 MOFFITT WILLIAM 13/12/1878 MONAGHAN WILLIAM 19/6/1835 MONTGOMERY ANDREW 3/5/1851 MONTGOMERY BELLA JANE 18/10/1900 MONTGOMERY ELIZABETH JANE 15/3/1898 MONTGOMERY JOHN ROBERT 20/4/1900 MONTGOMERY JOSEPH 20/2/1890 MONTGOMERY LILLIE MAY 18/10/1900 MONTGOMERY LOUISA EARLE 15/3/1898 MONTGOMERY MARY ANNE 23/4/1855 MONTGOMERY ROBERT 19/4/1860 MONTGOMERY ROBERT JOHN ELMORE 15/3/1898 MONTGOMERY SYDNEY (FEMALE) 11/2/1857 MONTGOMERY THOMAS EBENEZER 5/2/1863 MONTGOMERY WILLIAM FRANCIS 28/5/1853 MONTGOMERY WILLIAM GEORGE 4/1/1886 MOORE CATHERINE 20/2/1834 MOORE EDWARD ERNEST 12/8/1890 MOORE FREDERICK ALEXANDER 1/9/1912 MOORE HARRIETT LOUISA 27/8/1897 MOORE JAMES 20/11/1887 MOORE LIZZIE JANE 14/3/1894 MOORE MAGGIE ANN 23/1/1896 MOORE MARY ETHEL 6/6/1890 MOORE MARY FRANCES LOUISA 26/9/1875 MOORE WILLIAM JOHN 19/4/1893 MOORE?? WILLIAM 11/9/1896 MORRISON ANDREW 25/4/1901 MORRISON DAVID 24/3/1904 MORRISON ELIZA JANE 27/4/1887 MORRISON ELSIE 25/4/1901 MORRISON HERBERT HUGH 17/5/1895 MORRISON MARY EVA 24/5/1889 MORRISON SARAH 14/5/1897 MORRISON THOMAS HENRY 18/4/1907 MOUNTAIN??? ELIZA 16/10/1832 MULDOON FRANCIS JAMES 19/3/1882 MULDOON JOHN 15/1/1871 MULDOON MARY?? ANN 10/8/1879 MULLIGAN GEORGE 19/11/1871 MULLIGAN GEORGE A. 28/1/1875 MULLIGAN MARGARET ANN 4/10/1884 MULLIGAN WILLIAM HENRY 2/7/1870 MURPHY JANE 22/4/1909 NELSON ANDREW 1/4/1863 NESBITT AGNES MAXWELL 13/1/1845 NESBITT CATHERINE GEORGINA 29/4/1852 NESBITT ELIZABETH MARY 8/8/1841 NESBITT MARGARET DOUGLAS * 23/7/1848 NESBITT WILLIAM DOUGLAS 31/12/1842 NEVILLE ROBERT JAMES 16/9/1887 NEVILLE WILLIAM ANDREW 14/6/1891 NOBLE ISABELLA 31/3/1889 NOBLE MARY ANN 25/1/1835 NOBLE SUSAN 22/10/1832 NOBLE WILLIAM 4/11/1836 NOT LISTED BERTHA EMILIA 12/7/1891 NOT LISTED CHARLES EDWIN 20/8/1899 NOT LISTED EMILY MAUDE 29/2/1912 NOT LISTED ROBERT JAMES 11/12/1906 O'DONNELL JOHN 17/8/1876 OVENS DAVID IRWIN 17/12/1877 OVENS MARGARET ANNE 28/10/1874 OVENS MARY CATHERINE 24/5/1880 OVENS SARAH JANE 23/12/1872 PERRY SELINA FLORENCE 28/8/1902 PHILLIPS MARY 7/1/1845 PORTER MARGARET REBECCA 19/8/1900 PORTER MARTHA JANE 16/2/1902 PORTER MARTHA MARIA 27/9/1903 PORTER MARY ANNE 24/5/1881 PORTER?? WILLIAM JAMES 13/2/1883 POTTER SUSANAH 28/11/1834 RALSTON ANDREW 30/11/1843 RAMSEY ANNE JANE 26/8/1843 RAMSEY HENRY 28/2/1847 RAMSEY ISABELLA 12/1/1842 RAMSEY JEMIMA 14/4/1904 RAMSY * ROBERT 12/1/1851 RAWLEY?? VIOLET MARIA 23/10/1906 REID ANNE 20/2/1832 RENNICK EMILY 21/3/1880 RENNICK HARRIETT REBECCA 2/10/1870 RENNICK MARTHA 7/1/1883 RENNICK MARY ANNE 3/6/1867 RENNICK ROBERT JOHN 11/2/1877 RENNICK WILLIAM ANDREW 5/3/1875 RHAMSEY * SARAH 9/11/1854 RICHEY JAMES ALEXANDER 9/8/1861 RICHEY JOSEPH 13/9/1848 RICHEY MARGARET 4/4/1846 RICHEY MARGARET 10/3/1859 RICHEY WILLIAM 12/9/1845 RICHEY?? CHARLES 20/3/1853 RILEY??? ROBERT 19/6/1832 RINCHEY???? CHARLES 22/5/1880 RITCHIE ERNEST PERCIVAL GRAHAM 17/2/1903 RITCHIE JOHN FREDERICK 29/6/1900 RITCHIE REBECCA SCOTT 19/11/1877 RITCHY CATHRINE * 7/1/1842 ROBINSON ANN 27/5/1845 ROBINSON ELIZABETH 18/2/1875 ROBINSON JOHN 13/4/1832 ROBINSON MARTHA 4/8/1830 ROBINSON WILLIAM 7/12/1834 ROGERS JOHN ARMSTRONG 6/3/1887 ROULSTON ANNE ELIZA 2/3/1873 ROULSTON ANNE JOSEPHIINE 3/7/1876 ROULSTON GERTRUDE EVYLEN * 20/9/1889 ROULSTON MARGARET ELIZABETH 18/2/1878 ROULSTON SYDNEY JANE 2/11/1876 RUTHERFORD EMMIE LOUISA 28/4/1898 RUTHERFORD FRANCES HELENA 1/1/1891 RUTHERFORD LIZZIE JANE 5/9/1892 RUTHERFORD MABELLA GEORGINA 7/3/1895 RUTHERFORD MARIA EDITH 28/5/1896 RUTHERFORD MARY JANE 24/7/1884 RUTHERFORD REBECCA ADELINE 27/2/1903 RUTHERFORD ROBERT JOHNSTON JONES 6/12/1887 RUTHERFORD WILLIAM FREDERICK 12/9/1889 SARAH JANE ROBERT GEORGE 15/1/1880 SAWERS??? MARGARET IRVINE 9/9/1869 SCOTT JOHN 23/12/1841 SHARP IRVINE 12/6/1864 SHARP SUSANA 2/2/1868 SHARPE JOHN WILLIAM 12/5/1866 SHARPE ROBERT 29/1/1871 SIMPSON JOHN 10/3/1845 SIMPSON MARY 24/5/1871 SIMPSON SARAH 4/4/1869 SMITH ANTHONY 11/10/1848 SMITH JAMES 19/2/1849 SMITH JAMES ALEXANDER 6/10/1846 SMITH MARGARET 4/12/1834 SMITH REBECCA 2/9/1845 SMITH WILLIAM JOHN 7/3/1851 SMYTH RACHEL 13/11/1851 SMYTH SAMUEL 6/8/1853 SOMERVILLE ANNA LUCINDA 5/2/1903 SOMERVILLE FRANCES ANN 25/5/1835 SOMERVILLE GEORGE 19/4/1834 SOMERVILLE JANE 30/1/1838 SOMERVILLE JOHN 3/2/1874 SOMERVILLE JOHN JARED 13/9/1869 SOMERVILLE MARGARET JANE 17/10/1865 SOMERVILLE SARAH ANNE 17/9/1867 SOMERVILLE WILLIAM 21/11/1832 SOMMERVILLE LEAH ANNE 18/7/1876 SOMMERVILLE MARGARET JANE 22/3/1871 SPEAR MARGARET 14/7/1842 SPEAR SARAH 16/5/1844 SPEARS JOHN 29/5/1838 SPEIR * MARY 3/8/1849 SPR--???? JAMES 12/4/1846 SPROULE CHARLES 15/6/1875 SPROULE JOHN ROBERT 29/1/1872 SPROULE MARY JANE 12/6/1878 STEPHENSON GEORGE 16/2/1831 STEPHENSON JAMES NOT LISTED STEPHENSON MARY JANE 16/11/1835 STEPHENSON WILLIAM 7/3/1833 STEWART CHARLES JOHN 10/3/1885 STEWART HERBERT ALEXANDER 24/7/1896 STEWART JOSEPH 29/4/1890 STEWART MARGARET FLORENCE 26/9/1886 STEWART MARYANE * 2/6/1850 STRONG EDITH MURIEL 13/9/1907 STRONG FLORENCE MARGARET 7/11/1899 STRONG VICTOR GEORGE 22/2/1911 STRONG VIOLET ELIZA JANE 7/12/1905 STRONG WILLIAM PORTER 24/6/1909 STUART SAMUEL AGUSTUS 19/4/1892 STUART THOMAS JAMES 20/12/1888 SWANSTON ALFRED BENJAMIN WESLEY 13/1/1878 SWANSTON HARRIETT 24/12/1870 SWANSTON ISABELLA 13/10/1853 SWANSTON JOHN 7/2/1856 SWANSTON MARGARET 30/8/1865 SWANSTON MARTHA 31/1/1852 SWANSTON MARY JANE 3/6/1863 SWANSTON THOMAS 20/3/1868 SWANSTON? MARTHA 27/9/1860 SWANTON * WILLIAM JOHN 2/6/1863 SYMPSON??? MARY ANN 11/3/1857 THOMPSON CATHERINE 30/10/1859 THOMPSON CATHERINE EASTHER 4/7/1883 THOMPSON ELIZA JANE 8/1/1883 THOMPSON ELIZABETH 20/8/1855 THOMPSON FLORENCE ANN 3/2/1887 THOMPSON JOHN 19/6/1852 THOMPSON MARY 11/9/1890 THOMPSON MARY JANE 22/10/1853 THOMPSON WILLIAM ALLEN 15/1/1885 TURNER DAVID NEWTON 2/6/1909 TURNER JOHN JAMES 29/5/1872 VERTUE * ISABELLA 21/5/1862 VIRTUE ANNIE SUSAN 10/3/1896 VIRTUE ELIZA JANE 23/11/1835 VIRTUE IRVINA SUSAN 22/5/1879 VIRTUE ISABELLA JANE 7/9/1880 VIRTUE JOSEPH 13/4/1857 VIRTUE MARGARET JANE 17/2/1890 VIRTUE OLIVER 15/5/1865 VIRTUE ROBERT 19/6/1859 VIRTUE WILHELMINA MARGARET 24/7/1876 VIRTUE?? ELIZA JANE 23/11/1834 WAKER???? * JOHN 29/1/1843 WALKER CATHERINE ELLEN 23/12/1866 WALKER CATHERINE JANE 13/9/1851 WALKER EMILY 16/2/1877 WALKER JAMES 27/10/1869 WALKER JENNETT MARIA 19/9/1872 WALKER JOHN 25/2/1863 WALKER MARGARET 21/12/1864 WALKER MARTHA 2/1/1866 WALKER MARY ANN 25/12/1870 WALKER SARAH 7/2/1877 WALKER THOMAS 4/12/1871 WALLACE CATHERINE JANE 6/11/1867 WALLACE JOSEPH JOHN WESLEY 7/12/1881 WALLACE LUCINDA SMITH 17/2/1871 WALLACE MARGARET ELIZABETH 19/10/1877 WALLACE MARY GRAHAM 27/5/1869 WALLACE SARAH 13/2/1874 WALLACE SARAH JANE FLORENCE 28/11/1907 WALLACE THOMAS LENDRUM 7/9/1866 WALLACE WILLIAM JAMES ERNEST 10/2/1904 WALMSLEY HARRIET ANNE 28/10/1869 WALMSLEY JAMES 2/10/1867 WALMSLEY JANE 15/2/1872 WALMSLEY JOSEPH 13/4/1870 WALMSLEY LEWIS 26/1/1849 WALMSLEY MATHEW 11/6/1874 WALMSLEY THOMAS 25/2/1863 WAMSLEY CATHERINE 30/9/1842 WAMSLEY JOSEPH 1/12/1839 WAMSLEY WILLIAM 11/5/1837 WARNOCK MARGARET 18/10/1837 WARNOCK MARY 23/10/1834 WARNOCK WILLIAM 27/5/1840 WARNOCK?? SARAH JANE 11/10/1842 WATSON DINA ADELINE MARY 7/4/1896 WATSON GEORGE HERBERT 23/4/1900 WATSON MARY JANE 14/1/1883 WATSON ROBERT JOHN 23/9/1894 WEIR ANNIE LOUISA KATHLEEN 16/4/1906 WEIR CHARLOTTE FLORENCE JANE 27/1/1909 WEIR DAVID 13/12/1897 WEIR DAVID ANDREW 30/4/1900 WEIR EDWARD 20/10/1873 WEIR ELIZA MARY 27/7/1896 WEIR ELIZABETH MARY 31/1/1888 WEIR FREDERICK 28/6/1910 WEIR GEORGE 18/4/1881 WEIR MARGARET ANN 17/6/1900 WEIR MARY ANNE 15/8/1861 WEIR WILLIAM HENRY 7/9/1886 WHITKER * WILLIAM JOHN 19/5/1884 WHITTAKER JAMES 12/6/1887 WHITTAKER ROBERT 12/1/1880 WHITTAKER THOMAS 20/5/1843 WHITTAKER?? MARGARET 23/1/1846 WIELY * (WILEY?) SARAH ANNE 29/7/1859 WIER GEORGE 24/9/1861 WILEY ANNIE 4/12/1855 WILEY BOOTH * 1/3/1851 WILEY CHARLES 13/2/1864 WILEY CHARLES 18/1/1851 WILEY CHARLES 21/1/1860 WILEY DAVID 17/10/1859 WILEY DAVID 24/4/1885 WILEY ELIZA ANNE 5/3/1870 WILEY ELIZABETH 27/5/1862 WILEY EMILY 22/12/1853 WILEY JANE 23/8/1865 WILEY JOHN 23/9/1857 WILEY JOHN 4/11/1863 WILEY JOHN WILLIAM 11/8/1854 WILEY JOSEPH 16/1/1849 WILEY MARGARET 2/1/1846 WILEY MARY 22/5/1849 WILEY MATILDA 2/3/1852 WILEY SARAH ANNE 11/7/1894 WILEY SARAH JANE 22/7/1851 WILEY SARAH??? JANE 22/2/1850 WILEY?? EUPHIMIA 18/3/1835 WILEY?? ISABELLA 4/1/1832 WILEY?? JAMES 9/3/1842 WILEY?? THOMAS 10/1/1841 WILEY?? WILLIAM 13/9/1833 WILSON ANDREW NOT LISTED WILSON ARMOUR ALCORN (MALE) 21/11/1877 WILSON CATHERINE 11/8/1837 WILSON CHARLES 24/5/1844 WILSON ELIZA 3/4/1842 WILSON ELIZABETH EUPHINIA???? 8/4/1853 WILSON EUPHEMIA 8/6/1873 WILSON JAMES 5/10/1838 WILSON JANE 31/12/1841 WILSON JANE ELIZA 6/10/1867 WILSON JOHN 13/7/1848 WILSON MARGARET 19/7/1866 WILSON MARGARET 9/11/1833 WILSON MARGARET 4/3/1842 WILSON MARTHA 31/3/1835 WILSON MARTHA 31/12/1846 WILSON MARY JANE 24/7/1840 WILSON SARAH 25/11/1844 WILSON WESLEY 29/3/1850 WILSON WILLIAM 29/9/1875 WITHERINGTON JAMES 26/4/1840 WOOD ANNA LEVINIA 10/9/1860 WOOD JAMES 10/10/1869 WOOD MARY ANN 15/3/1868 WOODS ANDREW 13/7/1873 WOODS ANDREW ALFORD 13/2/1893 WOODS HENRY HAMILTON 27/9/1912 WOODS HUGH 2/2/1885 WOODS JOSEPH 27/9/1912 WOODS LIZZIE ANNE 4/7/1883 WOODS RACHEL 2/9/1877 WOODS WILLIAM IRVINE 3/10/1879 WORD OR WARD???? IRVINE 23/6/1871 WRAY ELIZABETH 14/7/1911 WRAY MARGARET 19/8/1908 WRAY RACHEL 15/4/1905 WYLIE ANNIE MAY 29/1/1897 WYLIE CHARLES WESLEY 24/3/1909 YOUNG ANTHONY 25/8/1844 YOUNG CATHERINE 19/10/1845 YOUNG CHARLES 9/3/1851 YOUNG MARY 23/10/1886 YOUNG MATILDA 1/1/1840 YOUNG THOMAS 21/4/1850 YOUNG WILLIAM 5/9/1843 YOUNG WILLIAM 22/7/1838