Church: FERMANAGH, Births recorded in Maguiresbridge CoI 1865-1899 Ireland Genealogy Project Archives Contributed by George Armstrong ____________________________________________________ BIRTHS RECORDED IN MAGUIRESBRIDGE C. OF I. 1841 - 1865 TRANSCRIBED BY GEORGE ARMSTRONG © 2015 PRONI MIC 1/60/1 BAPTISMS CONTINUE THROUGH TO 1921 ON THIS MICROFILM PERMISSION TO PUBLISH GRANTED BY DEPUTY OF RECORDS, PRONI Key *=As Record (Widw Page. Scroll to the Right to see all information) Index at the bottom of the page. Also See Part 1 ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== BORN BAPTISED CHILDS NAME FATHERS NAME FATHERS NAME MOTHERS NAME MOTHERS NAME RESIDENCE OCCUPATION BAPTISED/REGISTERED BY COMMENTS ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 15/1/1865 19/1/1865 Martha Anne Robert HAMILTON Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Cattle Dealer William W. Deering 16/2/1865 20/2/1865 William William WALKER Jane not listed Millwood Labourer William W. Deering 31/1/1865 27/2/1865 George Rennick Ruthurn? John Echlien? MATTHEWS Hester not listed Lisduff Late Captain in 14th. Regiment of Foot William W. Deering 12/3/1865 16/3/1865 Annie Jane William HUNTER Susanna not listed Lislea Farmer William W. Deering 26/8/1864 8/4/1865 Margaret not listed not listed Jane MCFARLAND From Irvinestown, Lodging in Coolcrannel not listed William W. Deering 17/3/1865 23/4/1865 Elizabeth William PHAIR Jane not listed Drumleagues Big Farmer William W. Deering 25/4/1865 25/4/1865 John William GRAHAM Ellen not listed Maguiresbridge Rag Man William W. Deering 25/4/1865 25/4/1865 Mary Jane William GRAHAM Ellen not listed Maguiresbridge Rag Man William W. Deering 22/4/1865 7/5/1865 Charles William MCCLELLAND Mary not listed Maguiresbridge Shoemaker William W. Deering 15/5/1865 4/6/1865 Robert not listed not listed Margaret GRADY Maguiresbridge not listed William W. Deering 5/5/1865 8/6/1865 Jane Noble CLARKE Mary Anne not listed Kilmore Farmer William W. Deering 21/4/1865 9/7/1865 Mathew Richard TRIMBLE Eliza Jane not listed Edragole (Edergole?) Farmer William W. Deering 15/8/1865 3/9/1865 James John BOARDMAN Sarah not listed Coolbeg Labourer William W. Deering 13/9/1865 17/9/1865 Jane not listed not listed Anne SOMMERS Kilc----? or Drumgoon not listed William W. Deering 22/10/1865 12/11/1865 Margaret George MORRISON Jane not listed Lisnagole Farmer William W. Deering 9/9/1865 10/12/1865 William Hugh DENNIS Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer William W. Deering 5/1/1865 * 7/1/1866 Mary Jane not listed not listed Rose BARTON Staff Island not listed William W. Deering Child listed as illegitimate 23/1/1866 11/2/1866 James Arthur James ROBINSON Eliza not listed Lisnagole Farmer William W. Deering 17/1/1866 25/2/1866 Sarah James THOMPSON Sarah not listed Coolcrannel Labourer William W. Deering 6/2/1866 25/2/1866 Robert William GARDINER Elizabeth not listed Corrard Farmer William W. Deering 27/1/1865 * 2/3/1866 William William RAINBIRD Selina not listed Gledstown Carpenter William W. Deering 1/2/1866 11/3/1866 Emma Jane James ACHESON Ellen not listed Lisaderney (Lisadearny?) Labourer William W. Deering 27/11/1865 25/3/1866 Louisa Jane James CARSON Mary not listed Gledstown Methodist Preacher William W. Deering 19/3/1866 29/4/1866 John William MCCLELLAND Mary not listed Maguiresbridge Shoemaker William W. Deering 27/2/1866 27/5/1866 Thomas James ALLEN Charlotte not listed Drumgowna Farmer William W. Deering 28/3/1866 27/5/1866 Elizabeth Andrew DOWNEY Eliza not listed Innishleague Labourer William W. Deering 13/4/1866 27/5/1866 James James THOMPSON Margaret not listed Millwood Farmer William W. Deering 20/4/1866 27/5/1866 Margaret Thomas HOGG Anne not listed Bonahesco (Bunnahesco?) Farmer William W. Deering 8/3/1866 17/6/1866 Mary Jane Thomas George DOONAN Elizabeth not listed Maguiresbridge Merchant, Shop Keeper William W. Deering 9/7/1866 16/7/1866 Robert Robert DEVERS Eliza not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer William W. Deering 15/7/1866 31/7/1866 William Thomas not listed not listed Mary Anne DALY Arnmore? not listed William W. Deering Child listed as illegitimate 12/8/1866 13/8/1866 John James not listed not listed Mary Jane NELSON Maguiresbridge not listed William W. Deering 21/8/1866 6/9/1866 Robert not listed not listed Mary Jane ADAMS Gledstown not listed William W. Deering 10/9/1866 19/9/1866 William William CARROLL Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Dealer William W. Deering 28/7/1866 23/9/1866 Sarah Eleanor George BELL Jane Anne not listed Corrard Farmer William W. Deering 26/8/1866 30/9/1866 Alice James IRVINE Mary not listed Bonahesco (Bunnahesco?) Farmer William W. Deering 8/8/1866 18/11/1866 Robert Moreton Jackson PARKINSON Catherine not listed Edragole (Edergole?) Farmer William W. Deering 9/10/1866 25/11/1866 Annabella Francis MORRISON Elizabeth not listed Corraclare Farmer William W. Deering not listed 23/12/1866 not listed John VEITCH Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer William W. Deering 10/9/1866 24/12/1866 Robert not listed not listed Elizabeth JOHNSTONE Gledstown not listed William W. Deering 18/11/1866 26/12/1866 Priscilla Rebecca Hugh CONNELLY Isabella not listed Kilronan, Lisnaskea Farmer William W. Deering 22/1/1867 10/2/1867 Annabella Robert MONTGOMERY Isabella not listed Corrard Labourer William W. Deering not listed 18/2/1867 Adam Archibald GRAHAM Mary not listed Drumgoon Carpenter William W. Deering 10/2/1867 16/3/1867 Ellen John TROTTER Anne not listed Drumgoon Labourer William W. Deering 1/4/1867 4/4/1867 William James ROBINSON Eliza not listed Lisnagole Farmer William W. Deering 1/4/1867 4/4/1867 Mark Robert James ROBINSON Eliza not listed Lisnagole Farmer William W. Deering 4/4/1867 7/4/1867 John James Francis DENNIS Margaret Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer William W. Deering 27/3/1867 21/4/1867 Sarah Anne William MCVITTIE Sarah not listed Lisaderney (Lisadearny?) Labourer William W. Deering 22/4/1867 19/5/1867 William William GRAHAM Ellen not listed Maguiresbridge Rag Man William W. Deering 31/10/1866 26/5/1867 William Charles ELLIOTT Eliza not listed Tattinderry Labourer William W. Deering 13/4/1867 16/6/1867 Elizabeth James ACHESON Ellen not listed Lisaderney (Lisadearny?) Labourer William W. Deering not listed 28/6/1867 Margaret Anne William SLATER Elizabeth not listed Formerly of Drumharriff now in New York Labourer William W. Deering Child listed as 5 1/2 years old prior to baptism 17/5/1867 3/7/1867 Richard Richard TRIMBLE Eliza Jane not listed Edragole (Edergole?) Farmer William W. Deering 14/1/1867 15/7/1867 David Andrew BARTON Elizabeth not listed Staff Island Farmer William W. Deering 12/11/1863 * 10/8/1867 Mary Andrew BARTON Elizabeth not listed Staff Island Farmer William W. Deering 3/7/1867 11/8/1867 Mary Jane William FAIR Jane not listed Drumleagues Farmer William W. Deering 5/7/1867 15/8/1867 Margaret Rebecca Joseph HOEY Elizabeth not listed Tattinderry Farmer William W. Deering 4/8/1867 20/10/1867 Josephine James MORRISON Mary not listed Aghinure Farmer William W. Deering 3/11/1867 17/11/1867 John Thomas Robert LOWRY Elizabeth not listed Drumroo Farmer William W. Deering not listed 24/11/1867 Robert William RAINBIRD Selina not listed Gledstown Carpenter William W. Deering 25/10/1867 8/12/1867 James Finlay PARKINSON Sarah not listed Tully Farmer William W. Deering 12/12/1867 2/1/1868 Elizabeth Robert CRANSTON Anne not listed Cornafanoghy? (Cornafannoge), Parish of Aghavea Labourer William W. Deering not listed 23/3/1868 not listed not listed THOMPSON not listed not listed not listed Labourer William W. Deering 14/3/1868 19/4/1868 Thomas Noble CLARKE Mary not listed Kilmore? Farmer William W. Deering 25/4/1868 24/5/1868 Mary Jane Robert DEVERS Eliza not listed Maguiresbridge Butcher William W. Deering 21/3/1868 31/5/1868 Anna Louisa Thomas PATTERSON Matilda not listed Lisaderney (Lisadearny?) Labourer William W. Deering 12/1/1868 21/6/1868 Walter Thomas George DOONAN Elizabeth not listed Maguiresbridge Merchant, Shop Keeper William W. Deering 3/3/1868 5/7/1868 Robert Charles BLEAKLEY Mary Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Carpenter William W. Deering 1/4/1868 5/7/1868 Robert Abraham ADAMS Anne not listed Gledstown Scutcher William W. Deering 26/7/1868 4/8/1868 Samuel Little John DOONAN Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Merchant William W. Deering 20/7/1868 17/9/1868 Irwin? Charles ELLIOTT Eliza not listed Tattinderry Labourer William W. Deering 29/3/1868 30/9/1868 Margaret Andrew ARMSTRONG Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer W. Gonig? 14/8/1868 18/10/1868 Mary George BELL Jane Anne not listed Corrard Farmer W. Gonig? 22/11/1868 not listed Margaret Jane John IRVINE Rhoda not listed Killacloughy (Killycloghy?) Farmer W. Gonig? 11/11/1868 17/1/1869 Mary Jane Thomas WILSON Christiana not listed Drumleagues Farmer E.M. Weir 9/2/1869 11/2/1869 Mary Jane not listed not listed Margaret BEATTY Skeagh not listed Arthur M. Dobbs 11/2/1869 19/2/1869 Mary Jane not listed not listed Lizzie ADAMS Maguiresbridge not listed Arthur M. Dobbs 7/4/1869 17/4/1869 Isabella John DEVERS Rebecca not listed Maguiresbridge Butcher B. Moffett 16/12/1868 9/5/1869 Charlotte? James ALLEN Charlotte not listed Drumg-----? Farmer Arthur M. Dobbs 4/4/1869 30/5/1869 James Francis MORRISSON * Elizabeth not listed Corraclare Farmer Arthur M. Dobbs 20/4/1869 6/6/1869 Mary Jane Robert MONTGOMERY Isabella not listed Lisdrum Labourer Arthur M. Dobbs 14/5/1869 20/6/1859 Emma Jane not listed LOVITT? not listed not listed Maguiresbridge not listed Arthur M. Dobbs 4/6/1869 20/6/1869 John William RAINBIRD Selina not listed Maguiresbridge Carpenter Arthur M. Dobbs 21/5/1869 27/6/1869 Christopher James THOMPSON Margaret not listed Millwood Farmer Arthur M. Dobbs 13/6/1869 15/8/1869 James William James ACHESON Ellen not listed Lisaderney? (Lisadearny?) Labourer Arthur M. Dobbs 9/7/1869 28/8/1869 Margaret Anne James WILEY Margaret not listed Drumgoon Miller Arthur M. Dobbs 10/7/1869 11/9/1869 George Henry John TAYLOR Alice not listed Gledstown Labourer Arthur M. Dobbs 1/7/1869 19/9/1869 James William Archibald NOBLE Elizabeth not listed Maguiresbridge School Master Robert Beatty 7/8/1869 19/9/1869 John James ROBINSON Elizabeth not listed Lisnagole Farmer Robert Beatty 11/10/1869 12/12/1869 Henry Finlay PARKINSON Sarah not listed Tully Farmer Arthur M. Dobbs 20/11/1869 19/12/1869 Matilda William FAIR Jane not listed Drumleagues Farmer W.S. Burnside 24/12/1869 28/12/1869 William Thomas DOONAN Elizabeth not listed Maguiresbridge Shop Keeper Arthur M. Dobbs 8/11/1869 30/12/1869 James John FIFE Mary anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Arthur M. Dobbs 14/12/1869 30/12/1869 James William GRAHAM Ellen? not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Arthur M. Dobbs 14/11/1869 17/1/1870 John Thomas Thomas PATTERSON Matilda not listed Lisaderney (Lisadearny?) Labourer Arthur M. Dobbs not listed 30/1/1870 Thomas Robert George JOHNSTON Mary Jane not listed Corranewy Sergeant in Police Arthur M. Dobbs ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== BORN BAPTISED CHILDS NAME FATHERS NAME FATHERS NAME MOTHERS NAME MOTHERS NAME RESIDENCE OCCUPATION BAPTISED/REGISTERED BY COMMENTS ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 7/3/1870 9/3/1870 Francis Francis GRAHAM Susan Anne not listed Lislea Farmer E.M. Weir 24/4/1870 29/4/1870 James James NELSON Jane CAVEL Maguiresbridge not listed E.M. Weir 18/1/1870 22/5/1870 Edward James THOMPSON Sarah not listed Aghnascue (Aghnaskew?) Labourer H.H. Holmes 20/6/1870 14/8/1870 Mary Jane William HAYES Jane not listed Drumharrow? Labourer John Orr 21/8/1870 18/9/1870 Robert James IRWIN Mary not listed Bonahesco (Bunnahesco?) Farmer John Orr 9/6/1870 9/10/1870 George Andrew ARMSTRONG Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer John Orr 9/9/1870 23/10/1870 Catherine Elizabeth Francis DENNIS Margaret Jane not listed Lisadearney (Lisadearny?) Labourer John Orr not listed 6/11/1870 Thomas not listed HOG not listed not listed not listed Farmer John Orr 22/9/1870 22/1/1871 Montgomery James ROBINSON Margaret not listed Clay Farmer John Orr Birth date given as 22/9/1871 & baptismal date as 22/1/1871. Assumed that birth date should 25/10/1870 31/1/1871 Louisa Ellen William GARDINER Catherine not listed Corrard Farmer John Orr 18/3/1871 26/3/1871 William John James SHERRETT OR STERRETT? Mary Anne not listed Corfannan R.I.C. John Orr 14/3/1871 16/4/1871 Sarah John FIFE Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer John Orr 8/4/1871 14/5/1871 Geraldine? Rachel William WILEY? Eliza Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Merchant John Orr 20/4/1871 14/5/1871 William John William ELLIOTT Charlotte not listed Millwood Labourer W.S. Burnside 20/4/1871 14/5/1871 William Joseph HARVEY Mariah not listed Boyhill Farmer John Orr 1/4/1871 11/6/1871 Francis Francis GRAHAM Susan not listed Lislea Farmer John Orr 9/5/1871 11/6/1871 Mark Mark PERCY Letitia not listed Lisnagole Farmer John Orr 16/7/1871 17/9/1871 Margaret Anne William BELL Fanny ELLIOTT Killyrover Farmer John Orr 9/8/1871 5/11/1871 Anne Robert MCCLINTOCK Jane HALL Lebally Farmer John Orr 28/12/1871 21/1/1872 Margaret Robert FOWLER Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Farmer John Orr Birth date given as 28/12/1872 & baptismal date as 21/1/1872. Assumed that birth date should 1/1/1872 2/2/1872 William Hamilton HUNTER Catherine not listed Lislea Farmer John Orr 18/9/1871 4/2/1872 Finlay James HOWE Margaret not listed Tatnamona (Tattenamona?) Farmer John Orr Birth date given as 18/9/1872 & baptismal date as 4/2/1872. Assumed that birth date should b 1/10/1871 4/2/1872 George Richard Charles BLEAKLEY Mary Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Carpenter John Orr 4/1/1872 4/2/1872 Elizabeth William DOUGLAS Jane not listed Drumcoon? (Drumcoo or Drumgoon?) Labourer John Orr 16/1/1872 24/2/1872 Mary? Jane Thomas DAVIS Teresa? not listed Maguiresbridge Dealer John Orr 14/2/1872 29/2/1872 Elizabeth William GRAHAM Ellen not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer John Orr 19/1/1872 2/3/1872 Fanny Amelia William GARDINER Catherine not listed Corrard Farmer John Orr 31/1/1871 not listed William James NELSON Alice not listed Lislea Farmer John Orr 12/2/1872 2/6/1872 John William Thomas HALL Ellen not listed Lebally Farmer John Orr 2/6/1872 21/7/1872 Narriett Thomas PATTERSON Matilda not listed Lisadearney (Lisadearny?) Labourer John Orr 15/7/1872 25/8/1872 Elizabeth Jane Robert BRYANS Elizabeth not listed Littlemount Labourer W.S. Burnside 28/6/1872 8/9/1872 Margaret William FAIR Jane not listed Drumleagues Farmer John Orr ?/5/1872 15/9/1872 James William James HURST Mary FORSTER Killycloghey (Killycloghy?) Farmer John Orr 12/5/1872 22/9/1872 Elizabeth James THOMPSON Sarah not listed Aghnascue (Aghnaskew?) Labourer John Orr 31/8/1872 30/9/1872 Thomas John TAYLOR Alice not listed Gledstown Labourer John Orr 9/9/1872 15/10/1872 Alexander Andrew ARMSTRONG Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer John Orr 31/8/1872 31/10/1872 Letitia Margaret James ALLEN Charlotte not listed Drumgowna Farmer John Orr 27/8/1872 10/11/1872 Letitia Elizabeth James MONTGOMERY Margaret not listed Clay Farmer John Orr not listed 24/11/1872 Margaret Jane not listed COALTER not listed not listed Millwood Labourer John Orr 9/11/1872 30/11/1872 William Irwin Richard BEATTY Mary Anne not listed Irvy? Farmer John Orr 16/11/1872 22/12/1872 William James PHILLIPS Mary not listed Millwood Cooper John Orr 17/1/1873 9/2/1873 Richard Alexander Richard MCSEVAN? Elizabeth not listed Maguiresbridge Shoemaker Robert N. Atwill 24/2/1871 * 15/3/1873 Thomas William John Dunbar ELLIOTT Mary Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Shopkeeper John Orr 15/2/1873 16/3/1873 Henry Hugh MCCOLLUM Susan not listed Tully Labourer John Orr 17/2/1873 6/4/1873 Joseph Henry William GARDINER Catherine not listed Corrard Farmer John Orr 19/5/1873 22/6/1873 Noble Noble NOBLE * Eliza Atwill? not listed Drummeer Labourer John Orr not listed 28/9/1873 Catherine John FIFE Mary anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer John Orr 18/10/1873 9/11/1873 Margaret Jane Charles BEATTY Mary Anne MCVIETY Maguiresbridge Farmer John Orr 31/10/1873 17/11/1873 Francis Francis DENNIS Margaret Jane not listed Lisdrum Labourer John Orr 15/4/1873 7/12/1873 James Thomas Humphrey BOYD Jane not listed Drumbrughas Farmer John Orr 26/7/1873 7/12/1873 Thomas William PRENTICE? Margaret not listed Tully Labourer John Orr 9/9/1873 not listed John Francis Michael MASON Fanny not listed Drumgoon Steward John Orr 10/4/1874 ?/5/1874 Mary Anne William JOHNSTON Eliza not listed Irvy? Farmer John Orr 15/4/1874 21/6/1874 David? Charles? BLEAKLEY Mary Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Carpenter John Orr 9/1/1873 not listed Sophia Catherine James NELSON Alice not listed Lislea Farmer John Orr 11/8/1874 6/9/1874 Sarah John TAYLOR Alice not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Thomas Averell? 4/7/1874 11/10/1874 Mary Andrew COULTER? Margaret not listed Kilmore Herd Thomas Averell? 19/?/1874 15/11/1874 Thomas James ROBINSON? Eliza not listed Lisnagole Farmer William Chapman 24/10/1874 15/11/1874 Nixon Hamilton Hamilton HUNTER Catherine not listed Lslea Farmer John Orr not listed 29/11/1874 James Hawell Patrick? Hawell ILLEGIBLE Mary Anne Daily not listed Derrylee, Maguiresbridge Servants William Chapman not listed 13/12/1874 Thomas John WILSON? Martha not listed Aughinure (Aghinure?) Farmer William Chapman 9/7/1874 10/1/1875 Sarah Jane James MONTGOMERY Margaret not listed illegible Farmer William Chapman 2/2/1875 18/2/1875 Alexander Robert ILLEGIBLE Lizzie not listed Drum---? Farmer William Chapman 16/1/1875 22/3/1875 John Robert Joseph NEVILLE Anne not listed Lisduff Herd William Chapman 5/2/1875 7/4/1875 Joseph Thomas PATTERSON Matilda not listed Lisaderny (Lisadearny?) Labourer William Chapman 23/12/1874 11/4/1875 Jane Andrew ARMSTRONG Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer William Chapman 14/4/1875 16/5/1875 Elizabeth Jane John RAINBIRD Margaret not listed Gledstown Carpenter William Chapman 9/5/1875 6/6/1875 James William James THOMPSON Sarah not listed Aughnascue (Aghnaskew?) Labourer William Chapman 27/7/1875 25/8/1875 Margaret Anne George MORRISON Jane CRATIN? Ballindolagh? (Ballydoolagh?) Grocer William Chapman 5/9/1875 19/9/1875 Anne John MCMULLEN Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer William Chapman 20/8/1875 20/9/1875 Leticia Noble DENNIS Eliza not listed Lislea Labourer William Chapman 14/8/1875 19/11/1875 Robert John WILSON Martha not listed Aughanure (Aghinure?) Farmer William Chapman 18/10/1875 14/1/1876 Martha Elizabeth James WILEY Margaret not listed Drumgoon Farmer William Chapman 27/11/1875 16/1/1876 Elizabeth John FIFE Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer William Chapman 5/9/1875 25/2/1876 Annie William PRENTICE Margaret not listed Tully Labourer William Chapman 1/2/1876 5/4/1876 William Thomas James ROBINSON Margaret not listed Clay Farmer William Chapman 13/3/1876 7/5/1876 James John SUMERVILLE Eliza not listed Gledstown Labourer William Chapman 17/3/1876 10/5/1876 John Thomas Thomas MACDONAGH Christian not listed Tully Labourer William Chapman 4/4/1876 10/5/1876 Catherine Hamilton HUNTER Catherine not listed Lislea Farmer William Chapman 25/5/1876 13/6/1876 Elinor Jane Thomas HALL Elinor not listed Leiboly (Lebally?) Farmer William Chapman 7/5/1876 15/6/1876 Alfred William GARDNER Catherine not listed Currard (Corrard?) Farmer William Chapman 10/6/1876 2/7/1876 Emma Jane John CARLTON Elizabeth not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer William Chapman 16/2/1876 4/6/1876 George Willis Luke Patrick KNIGHT Frances Elizabeth not listed Abbey Lodge Gentleman John Reid 2/6/1876 30/6/1876 William James HALL Mary not listed Kitnamullagh (Kiltnamullagh?) Farmer William Chapman 18/4/1876 31/7/1876 William John JOHNSTON Letticia not listed Lislea Farmer William Chapman Date of birth listed as 31/7/1876 & baptismal date as 18/4//1876. Assumed these to be the ot 26/6/1876 31/7/1876 Mary Anne Charles BEATTY Mary Anne not listed Drumgoon, Maguiresbridge Labourer William Chapman Date of birth listed as 31/7/1876 & baptismal date as 26/6/1876. Assumed these to be the oth 11/7/1876 13/8/1876 Margaret Anne Henry SUMMERS Sidney not listed Drumgoon Farmer William Chapman 10/9/1876 19/9/1876 James Mark PERRY Alice not listed Lisnagole Farmer William Chapman 7/6/1876 27/9/1876 William George James MONTGOMERY Margaret not listed Clay Farmer William Chapman 15/10/1876 29/12/1876 Joseph Joseph PARKER Elizabeth not listed Maguiresbridge Carpenter William Chapman 30/11/1876 31/12/1876 Joseph Henry Francis DENNIS Mary Jane not listed Tattinderry Labourer William Chapman not listed 5/1/1877 Eliza Jane Henry LAWE? Maria not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer William Chapman 26/11/1876 11/1/1877 William George Robert SHAW Amelia not listed Lisaderny (Lisadearny?) Farmer William Chapman 11/11/1876 23/1/1877 Henry Henry ALGEO Mary not listed Millwood Carpenter William Chapman 7/1/1877 26/1/1877 Mary Jane Finley PARKINSON Sarah not listed Tully Farmer William Chapman 2/2/1877 5/3/1877 Noble Andrew Jams ALLEN Charlotte not listed Drumgowna Farmer William Chapman 1/1/1877 6/4/1877 Jane Thomas CARTER Elizabeth not listed Currard (Corrard?) Farmer William Chapman 3/2/1877 9/5/1877 Mary Anne William THOMPSON Grace not listed KiltyClogher (Killyclogher?) Farmer William Chapman 2/4/1877 9/5/1877 Joseph John SWINDLE Ellen not listed Tully Labourer William Chapman 7/4/1877 4/5/1877 Margaret Anne John JOHNSTON Litticia not listed Lislea Farmer William Chapman 3/5/1877 9/5/1877 Mary Frances Edwine or Edwina Luke Patrick KNIGHT Frances Elizabeth not listed Abbey Lodge Gentleman William Cripps Ledger 11/4/1877 14/5/1877 William William PRENTICE Margaret not listed Tully Labourer William Chapman 22/2/1877 27/5/1877 Sarah Ellenor John WILSON Martha not listed Aughanure (Aghinure?) Farmer William Chapman 25/5/1877 7/6/1877 Leticia Jane James HALL Mary not listed Kitnamullagh (Kiltnamullagh?) Farmer William Chapman 8/4/1877 20/6/1877 Joseph Hamilton IRWIN Mary Anne not listed Tully Labourer William Chapman 9/8/1877 2/9/1877 George John CONNAWIN? Catherine not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer William Chapman 27/3/1877 16/9/1877 Andrew Andrew ARMSTRONG Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer William Chapman 27/7/1877 6/11/1877 Emily Henry SUMMERS Sidney not listed Drumgoon Farmer William Chapman 9/7/1877 18/11/1877 Anne Jane Joseph NEVILLE Anne not listed Lisduff Labourer William Chapman 12/11/1877 6/1/1878 Alice John FERRIS Elizabeth Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Smyth * Smith? William Chapman 6/2/1878 12/3/1878 Samuel Mark PERRY Alice not listed Lisnagole Farmer William Chapman 7/3/1878 3/5/1878 John Robert Charles CASSIDAY Mary not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer William Chapman 12/3/1878 25/5/1878 Margaret Hamilton HUNTER Catherine not listed Lislea Farmer William Chapman 13/4/1878 9/6/1878 Emma Jane John FIFE Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge La or small Trader William Chapman 14/7/1878 13/6/1878 Mary Thomas IRWIN Elizabeth not listed Kilmore Labourer William Chapman 20/6/1878 24/7/1878 George John WILSON Martha not listed Aughinure (Aghinure?) Farmer William Chapman Birth date given as 24/7/1878 & baptismal date as 20/6/1878. Assumed these to be reversed 29/10/1878 27/11/1878 James Robert John RAINBIRD Margaret not listed Maguiresbridge Nailor to Trade William Chapman 28/10/1878 28/11/1878 Carolina? William GARDNER Catherine not listed Currard (Corrard?) Farmer William Chapman 30/11/1878 ?/1/1879 Annie Magdalin Thomas HALL Elenor not listed Laboly (Lebally?) Farmer William Chapman 4/11/1878 19/1/1879 Luines? Francis Skilten? Luke Patrick KNIGHT Frances Elizabeth not listed Abbey Lodge Gentleman William Chapman 17/12/1878 20/1/1879 Robert Johnston Thomas PATTERSON Matilda not listed Lisaderny (Lisadearny?) Labourer William Chapman 3/2/1879 19/2/1879 Maria Henery SUMMERS Sidney not listed Drumgoon Farmer William Chapman 29/12/1878 24/2/1879 Frances James MONTGOMERY Margaret not listed Clay Farmer William Chapman 4/2/1879 2/4/1879 John Thomas James HALL Mary not listed Kitnamullagh (Kiltnamullagh?) Farmer William Chapman 29/3/1879 2/4/1879 Charles Joseph SWINDLE Ellen not listed Drum---? Herd William Chapman 20/3/1879 11/5/1879 George Johnston THOMPSON Mary Jane not listed Drumgoon Labourer William Chapman 11/5/1879 27/5/1879 Isaac James ROBINSON Margaret not listed Clay Farmer William Chapman 25/5/1879 13/6/1879 George William THOMPSON Grace not listed KiltyClogher (Killyclogher?) Farmer William Chapman 2/3/1879 19/6/1879 George William PRENTICE Margaret not listed Tully Scutcher William Chapman 23/6/1879 15/7/1879 William James James BURNSIDE Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Car Driver William Chapman 30/9/1879 2/11/1879 Isabella Benjamin KENNEDY Emma Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Hotel Keeper Charles J. Ward 2/9/1879 22/11/1879 John John WILSON Martha not listed Aughanure (Aghinure?) Farmer Charles J. Ward 7/8/1879 2/2/1880 Jane John JOHNSTON Letitia not listed Lislea Farmer Charles J. Ward 19/8/1879 8/2/1880 John Finley Finley PARKINSON Sarah not listed Tully Farmer Charles J. Ward 6/12/1879 10/2/1879 Thomas Robert Robert SHAW Emilia not listed Lisaderney (Lisadearny?) Farmer Charles J. Ward ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== BORN BAPTISED CHILDS NAME FATHERS NAME FATHERS NAME MOTHERS NAME MOTHERS NAME RESIDENCE OCCUPATION BAPTISED/REGISTERED BY COMMENTS ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 28/1/1880 19/2/1880 John James William TIERNEY Elizabeth not listed Drumeer (Drummeer?) Labourer Charles J. Ward 7/11/1879 16/3/1880 Sarah Jane James WILEY Margaret not listed Drumgoon Farmer Charles J. Ward 5/2/1880 22/3/1880 Henrietta Charlotte Hamilton HUNTER Catherine not listed Lislea Farmer Charles J. Ward 29/3/1880 24/4/1880 Elizabeth Noble Luke Patrick KNIGHT Frances Elizabeth not listed Abbey Lodge Sub Sherriff Charles J. Ward 27/4/1880 12/6/1880 William Thomas IRWIN Elizabeth not listed Maguiresbridge Scutcher Charles J. Ward 15/3/1880 4/7/1880 Sidney Henry SOMERS Sidney not listed Drumgoon Farmer Charles J. Ward 10/7/1880 27/9/1880 Anna Elizabeth Mark PERRY Alice not listed Lisnagole Farmer Charles J. Ward 31/7/1880 27/9/1880 William Frederick Thomas PATTERSON Matilda not listed Lisaderney (Lisadearny?) Labourer Charles J. Ward 21/9/1880 10/10/1880 Robert James BURNSIDE Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Car Driver Charles J. Ward 11/12/1880 31/3/1881 Sarah not listed not listed Catherine SHANNON Giltagh not listed Charles J. Ward 14/4/1881 23/5/1881 William Alexander William PRENTICE Margaret not listed Tully Mills Scutcher Charles J. Ward 18/3/1881 31/5/1881 Mary Anne John HALL Martha not listed Pettigoe, Co. Donegal Police, Sub constable Charles J. Ward 17/3/1881 5/6/1881 Mary Elizabeth Thomas HALL Eleanor not listed Lebally Farmer Charles J. Ward 28/5/1881 22/6/1881 James not listed not listed Margaret LITTLE Maguiresbridge not listed Charles J. Ward Child listed as illegitimate 24/5/1881 24/7/1881 Emma Jane Johnson THOMPSON Mary Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Charles J. Ward 10/4/1881 27/7/1881 Rachel Maggie Joseph NEVILLE Anne not listed Lisdough * ( Lisdoo?) Caretaker Charles J. Ward 6/8/1881 9/10/1881 Humes John WILSON Martha not listed Aghanure (Aghinure?) Farmer F. Bevan Sponsors, G. Bell, C. Wilson & S. Bell. 17/8/1881 30/10/1881 Magdalin Adelaide James HALL Mary not listed Kitnamullagh (Kiltnamullagh?) Farmer William Cripps Ledger 9/10/1881 3/11/1881 Robert Benjamin Noble Robert KENNEDY Emma Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Mechanic R.N. Atwell Birth date given as 3/11/1881 & baptismal date as 9/10/1881. Assumed these to be reversed 8/9/1881 18/11/1881 Isabella Andrew ARMSTRONG Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer R.N. Atwell 8/11/1881 21/11/1881 Isabel not listed not listed Mary A. KERR illegible not listed William Cripps Ledger 20/10/1881 13/1/1882 Catherine not listed not listed Mary O'BRIEN Maguiresbridge not listed J. Pritchard Child listed as illegitimate 18/10/1881 20/1/1882 Elizabeth Francis FAIR Elizabeth not listed Drumgoon Labourer J. Pritchard 7/10/1881 20/2/1882 William Hamilton Robert ARMSTRONG Eliza Jane not listed Clay Farmer J. Pritchard 31/12/1881 20/2/1882 James Robert STOCKDALE Margaret not listed Maguiresbridge Station Master J. Pritchard 31/12/1881 27/2/1882 Frances Elizabeth Alexandra Luke KNIGHT Frances not listed Abbey Lodge Gentleman A. H. Hamilton 28/12/1881 27/2/1882 Joseph James GRAYDON Margaret not listed Drumgoon Coachman J. Pritchard 12/2/1882 2/3/1882 William Thomas Robert HENDERSON Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Baker J. Pritchard 27/2/1882 7/5/1882 Eliza Jane Thomas IRWIN Elizabeth not listed Tully Scutcher Joseph Abbott 31/3/1882 7/5/1882 Maggie Jane John MCLOUGHLIN Lizzie not listed Coolcran Labourer Joseph Abbott 20/5/1882 not listed Eliza Anne William MCFARLAND Margaret not listed Coolcrannel? Labourer Joseph Abbott 27/6/1882 5/7/1882 Mary Anne Thomas Henry HAZLETT Annie not listed Maguiresbridge Blacksmith Robert A. Atwell 22/7/1882 13/8/1882 Anne Jane John TAYLOR Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 10/4/1882 14/8/1882 Maud William GARDINER Catherine not listed Corrard, Maguiresbridge Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 7/8/1882 20/8/1882 William John Hamilton DICK Jane not listed Lislea Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson ?/?/1871 * 21/8/1882 Emma John? CANNAVAN Catherine not listed Maguiresbridge Cattle Dealer Abraham Augustus Watson ?/?/1876 * 21/8/1882 Thomas William John CANNAVAN Catherine not listed Maguiresbridge Cattle Dealer Abraham Augustus Watson 14/6/1882 21/8/1882 Eliza Jane William DOUGLAS Margaret not listed Aghanure (Aghinure?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 9/7/1882 21/8/1882 George William RAINBIRD Selina not listed Maguiresbridge Carpenter Abraham Augustus Watson 1/5/1882 29/8/1882 Elizabeth Joseph NEVILLE Anne not listed Lisduff Caretaker Abraham Augustus Watson 2/9/1882 12/11/1882 Henry Hamilton IRWINE Mary Anne not listed Tully Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 4/12/1882 14/1/1883 George Robert James BURNSIDE Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Car Driver Abraham Augustus Watson 3/12/1882 3/5/1883 Amelia Robert SHAW Amelia not listed Lisaderney (Lisadearny?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 7/1/1883 20/5/1883 Thomas John RAINBIRD Margaret not listed Gledstown Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 29/1/1883 10/6/1883 Catherine Letitia Finley PARKINSON Sarah not listed Tully Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 30/4/1883 8/7/1883 Walter Thomas MATILDA Patterson not listed Lisaderney (Lisadearny?) Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 25/5/1883 29/7/1883 Elizabeth John WILSON Martha not listed Aughanure (Aghinure?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 30/7/1883 22/8/1883 William James William LENDRUM Mary Anne not listed Skeagh Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 27/8/1883 28/8/1883 Louisa Robert STOCKDALE Margaret not listed Drumgoon Station Master, G.N.R. (Great Northern Railway) Abraham Augustus Watson 24/7/1883 4/9/1883 Eliza Jane not listed not listed Eliza Jane BEATTY Skeagh not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 22/7/1883 7/9/1883 George William George NOBLE Mary Anne not listed Aughnascue (Aghnaskew?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 31/8/1883 19/9/1883 Anne Jane William Thomas GRAHAM Mary not listed Mullaghmakervy (Mullaghmakevy?), Maguiresbridge Carpenter William Cripps Ledger 4/10/1883 13/11/1883 Anne Charles MCCLINTOCK Mary not listed Aughanure (Aghinure?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 14/11/1883 22/11/1883 William Alexander William SIMONTON Charlotte not listed Drummeer Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 26/7/1883 3/12/1883 Rebecca Adelaide Thomas HALL Eleanor not listed Leiboly (Lebally?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 22/8/1883 16/12/1883 Julia Anna Abraham Augustus WATSON Julia Anna Blake not listed The Parsonage, Maguiresbridge Clergyman John William Kaye 1/3/1884 11/4/1884 Elizabeth Nixon Robert Benjamin KENNEDY Emma Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Mechanic Abraham Augustus Watson 25/2/1884 13/4/1884 William Johnston THOMPSON Mary Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Thatcher Abraham Augustus Watson 24/5/1884 5/7/1884 Alexander John FYFE Mary not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 6/6/1884 11/7/1884 Samuel Humphrey BOYD Jane not listed Drumbroughas (Drumbrughas?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 6/6/1884 11/7/1884 Humphrey Humphrey BOYD Jane not listed Drumbroughas (Drumbrughas?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 19/6/1884 11/7/1884 Robert Robert HENDERSON Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Baker John Crawford Irwin 7/8/1884 7/9/1884 Mary Ellen Hamilton DICK Jane not listed Giltagh Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 30/9/1884 30/9/1884 Eva Abraham Augustus WATSON Julia Anna Blake not listed The Parsonage, Maguiresbridge Clerk Abraham Augustus Watson 15/8/1884 12/10/1884 Cymina * Thomas IRVINE Elizabeth not listed Tully Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 1/10/1884 24/10/1884 Frances Anne Francis SWINDLE Frances Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Shopkeeper Abraham Augustus Watson 1/11/1884 30/11/1884 Sarah Ellen John TAYLOR Mary Anne not listed Drumgoon Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 12/11/1884 6/12/1884 Anne Eliza Hamilton HUNTER Margaret Jane not listed Lislea Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 4/12/1884 29/12/1884 William James Thomas CHARTRES Elizabeth Sarah not listed Cornashannel Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 20/12/1884 20/1/1885 Emma Jane William MACFARLAND Margaret not listed Drumgoon Lane, Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 3/2/1885 2/4/1885 Margaret Emma Mark PERRY Alicia not listed Lisnagole Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 2/4/1885 20/4/1885 William James Thomas BOOTH Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 25/3/1885 7/6/1885 George James William WILSON Elizabeth not listed Maguiresbridge Primitive Methodist Preacher Abraham Augustus Watson 6/5/1885 13/6/1885 Martha John WILSON Martha not listed Aughanure (Aghinure?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 5/6/1885 12/7/1885 Thomas John James BURNSIDE Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Car Driver Abraham Augustus Watson 30/3/1885 18/7/1885 John? Thomas illegible ARMSTRONG Eliza Jane not listed Clay Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 1/7/1885 30/7/1885 Joseph James Joseph NEVILE * Anne not listed Lisduff Caretaker Abraham Augustus Watson 5/1/1886 12/1/1886 Frederick William Robert Benjamin KENNEDY Emma Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Car Driver Abraham Augustus Watson 3/12/1885 1/2/1886 Johnston Johnston THOMPSON Mary Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 14/11/1885 8/2/1886 Emily Maud Thomas HALL Eleanor not listed Leiboly (Lebally?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 9/3/1886 19/3/1886 James Edward not listed not listed Mary LITTLE Coolcrannel not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 18/3/1886 26/3/1886 Francis Robert STOCKDALE Margaret not listed Drumgoon Station Master, G.N.R. (Great Northern Railway) Abraham Augustus Watson 9/3/1886 30/3/1886 James Alexander David BEATTY Rosanna not listed Gledstown Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 28/4/1886 28/5/1886 Edward not listed not listed Sarah BEATTY Gledstown Servant Abraham Augustus Watson 29/5/1886 5/6/1886 William Robert not listed not listed Jane SOMERS Kilnair? not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 9/1/1886 5/7/1886 John Thomas not listed not listed Martha ARMSTRONG Coolcrannel Servant Abraham Augustus Watson 2/7/1886 16/7/1886 George Thomas CHARTRES Elizabeth Sarah not listed Cornashannel Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 3/7/1886 1/8/1886 Thomas Thomas IRVINE Elizabeth not listed Tully Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 4/8/1886 6/8/1886 Charles Philip Luke KNIGHT Frances not listed Abbey Lodge Sub Sherriff Abraham Augustus Watson 28/6/1886 30/9/1886 Robert Robert ARMSTRONG Eliza Jane not listed Clay Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 10/6/1886 17/10/1886 Emily Caroline Frances Abraham Augustus WATSON Julia Anne not listed The Parsonage, Maguiresbridge Clerk Abraham Augustus Watson 25/9/1886 17/10/1886 Maria John TAYLOR Mary Anne not listed Drumgoon Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 16/11/1886 17/12/1886 Francis Francis SWINDLE Frances Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Merchant Abraham Augustus Watson 7/12/1886 30/12/1886 William Francis not listed not listed Martha Jane CLINGAN Maguiresbridge not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 9/12/1886 19/1/1887 William John Charles MCCLINTOCK Mary not listed Aughinure (Aghinure?) Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 21/8/1886 1/4/1887 Fawcett Robert SHAW Amelia not listed Lisaderney (Lisadearny?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 1/5/1887 28/6/1887 Edith May Robert Benjamin KENNEDY Emma Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Car Driver Abraham Augustus Watson 8/6/1887 3/7/1887 William John William MCFARLAND Margaret not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 18/5/1887 10/7/1887 Amelia Caroline Charles MCGRATH Anna Maria not listed Maguiresbridge Goods Clerk, Clogher Valley Tramway Abraham Augustus Watson 9/5/1887 15/7/1887 Elizabeth John WILSON Martha not listed Aughanure (Aghinure?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 23/5/1887 12/8/1887 Joseph Joseph NEVILLE Anne not listed Lisduff Caretaker Abraham Augustus Watson 19/8/1887 22/9/1887 Elizabeth Thomas BOOTH Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 15/9/1887 29/10/1887 Victor William LeEstrange? Abraham Augustus WATSON Julia Anne Blake not listed The Parsonage, Maguiresbridge Clerk John William Kaye 10/9/1887 4/11/1887 Robert Victor Johnston THOMPSON Mary Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 7/11/1887 15/11/1887 Anne Jane William SIMONTON Charlotte not listed Drummeer? Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 25/6/1887 22/12/1887 James Andrew ALLEN Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Baker Abraham Augustus Watson 12/12/1887 26/12/1887 John Thomas Thomas CHARTRES Elizabeth Sarah not listed Maguiresbridge Grocer Abraham Augustus Watson 29/10/1888 12/2/1889 Eva Jane William RAINBIRD Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Carpenter Abraham Augustus Watson 29/3/1888 6/5/1888 Letitia Thomas IRVINE Elizabeth not listed Tully Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 3/5/1888 1/6/1888 Mary Jane Stewart CREIGHTON Letitia not listed Drumgoon Herd Abraham Augustus Watson 20/5/1888 22/6/1888 Maggie Elizabeth David BEATTY Rosanna not listed Hollywood,Tully Herd Abraham Augustus Watson 22/6/1888 16/9/1888 Ethel Florence Thomas HALL Eleanor not listed Leiboly (Lebally?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 24/10/1888 8/11/1888 Isabella not listed not listed Sarah BEATTY Hollywood, Maguiresbridge Servant Abraham Augustus Watson 9/1/1889 22/2/1889 Isabella John MCCRACKIN Isabella not listed Kilnashanbola (Killashanbally?) Railway Porter Abraham Augustus Watson 16/9/1888 15/3/1889 George Henry Robert ARMSTRONG Eliza Jane not listed Clay Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 5/4/1889 19/5/1889 James Robert ARMSTRONG Eliza Jane not listed Clay Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 23/6/1889 8/7/1889 Eveleen not listed not listed Mary LITTLE Coolcrannel not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 11/7/1889 22/7/1889 Thomas William SIMONTON Charlotte not listed Drummeer Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 1/6/1889 5/8/1889 Eveleen Margaret Humphrey BOYD Jane not listed Drumbrughas Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 17/7/1889 8/8/1889 Margaret John WILSON Martha not listed Aughanure (Aghinure?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 30/11/1889 5/12/1889 Robert Thomas CHARTRES Elizabeth Sarah not listed Maguiresbridge Shopkeeper Abraham Augustus Watson ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== BORN BAPTISED CHILDS NAME FATHERS NAME FATHERS NAME MOTHERS NAME MOTHERS NAME RESIDENCE OCCUPATION BAPTISED/REGISTERED BY COMMENTS ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 5/1/1890 15/1/1890 William Robert John TAYLOR Mary Anne not listed Drumg-----? Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 3/2/1890 7/2/1890 Thomas James John KYLE Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Hawker Abraham Augustus Watson 4/12/1889 8/2/1890 Robert Noble CLARKE Jane not listed Kilmore Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 11/12/1889 6/4/1890 Reginald Henry Nickson Abraham Augustus WATSON Julia Anne Blake not listed The Parsonage, Maguiresbridge Clergyman Abraham Augustus Watson 22/11/1889 18/4/1890 Joseph Robert SHAW Amelia not listed Lisadearney (Lisadearny?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 13/2/1890 25/4/1890 Margaret Ellen Johnston THOMPSON Mary Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 4/5/1890 18/5/1890 Martha Jane Charles MCCLINTOCK Mary not listed Aughinure (Aghinure?) Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 12/9/1890 15/9/1890 Robert Thomas IRVINE Elizabeth not listed Killycloghey (Killycloghy?) Herd Abraham Augustus Watson 12/9/1890 15/9/1890 Noble Thomas IRVINE Elizabeth not listed Killycloghey (Killycloghy?) Herd Abraham Augustus Watson 30/10/1890 1/12/1890 Alfred William MCFARLAND Margaret not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 4/11/1890 16/12/1890 Anne John ROBERTS Catherine not listed Gledstown Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 25/5/1890 7/1/1891 Emma Jane Isaac HAMILTON Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Hotel Proprietor Abraham Augustus Watson 14/12/1890 20/1/1891 William James not listed not listed Annie CREIGHTON Gledstown not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 11/12/1890 2/2/1891 Leslie Robert ARMSTRONG Eliza Jane not listed Clay Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 15/2/1891 29/2/1891 Elizabeth Margaret Thomas TROTTER Elizabeth not listed Maguiresbridge Carpenter Abraham Augustus Watson 13/11/1890 23/3/1891 George not listed not listed Sarah HICKS Gledstown not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 7/4/1891 10/4/1891 Samuel William SIMONTON Charlotte not listed Drummeer Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 1/4/1891 21/4/1891 James James LINDSAY Margaret not listed Cornashannel Caretaker Abraham Augustus Watson 17/5/1891 6/7/1891 John John WILSON Martha not listed Aughinure (Aghinure?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 31/5/1891 9/7/1891 Samuel not listed not listed Catherine CLINGAN Maguiresbridge not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 9/2/1892 19/2/1892 Sarah Stewart CREIGHTON Letitia not listed Drumgoon Herd Abraham Augustus Watson 24/2/1892 3/3/1892 Alfred Charles MCCLINTOCK Mary not listed Aughinure (Aghinure?) Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 4/4/1892 5/4/1892 David David BEATTY Rosanna not listed Hollywood, Tully Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 12/3/1892 5/5/1892 William Henry John KYLE Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Hawker Abraham Augustus Watson 28/5/1892 1/6/1892 Anne Thomas IRVINE Elizabeth not listed Killycloghey (Killycloghy?) Herd Abraham Augustus Watson 28/5/1892 4/6/1892 William John Thomas CASSIDY Jane not listed Gledstown Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 28/5/1892 10/6/1892 Eliza Jane not listed not listed Annie CREIGHTON Maguiresbridge not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 15/3/1892 6/7/1892 Isabella Adam SMITH Margaret not listed Maguiresbridge Tin Smith Abraham Augustus Watson 17/6/1892 27/7/1892 Francis Henry Thomas CHARTRES Elizabeth Sarah not listed Maguiresbridge Grocer Abraham Augustus Watson 27/7/1892 6/8/1892 John Thomas Thomas TROTTER Elizabeth not listed Maguiresbridge Carpenter Abraham Augustus Watson 13/7/1892 7/8/1892 John Francis Isaac HAMILTON Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Hotel Proprietor Abraham Augustus Watson 1/12/1892 1/12/1892 Henry William DELMORE Celia not listed Maguiresbridge Shoemaker Abraham Augustus Watson 1/6/1892 2/12/1892 Frederick Humphrey BOYD Jane not listed Drumbrughas Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 21/10/1892 2/12/1892 Margaret Anne John CAMPBELL Elizabeth not listed Drumgoon Steward Abraham Augustus Watson 23/11/1892 31/1/1893 William Edgar Robert HAMILTON Margaret Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Merchant Abraham Augustus Watson 4/12/1892 16/2/1893 Elizabeth William RAINBIRD Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Carpenter Abraham Augustus Watson 17/2/1893 4/3/1893 John Francis John TAYLOR Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 8/4/1893 21/4/1893 William Henry Edward BEACOM Annie Jane not listed Lislea Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 28/3/1893 28/4/1893 Richard John Richard HOWE Mary Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Blacksmith Abraham Augustus Watson 15/4/1893 3/5/1893 Hariet William MCFARLAND Margaret not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 19/3/1893 30/5/1893 Rebecca John WILSON Martha not listed Aughinure (Aghinure?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 9/7/1893 26/7/1893 Margaret Ellen William SIMONTON Charlotte not listed Drummeer Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 11/8/1893 27/9/1893 Sarah Jane William IRVINE Margaret not listed Coolcrannel Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 20/9/1893 20/10/1893 Edmund Robert ARMSTRONG Eliza Jane not listed Clay Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 18/12/1893 4/2/1894 Robert Given Robert HAMILTON Margaret Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Merchant Abraham Augustus Watson 6/3/1894 8/3/1894 John James Edward BEACOM Annie Jane not listed Lislea Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 22/1/1894 16/3/1894 Andrew Hugh ROSS Eliza not listed Leiboly (Lebally?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 17/1/1894 21/3/1894 Elizabeth Maud Charles MCCLINTOCK Mary not listed Aughinure (Aghinure?) Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 16/4/1894 3/5/1894 Margaret Jane Thomas BOOTH Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 2/5/1894 7/5/1894 Hamilton Thomas IRVINE Elizabeth not listed Killycloghey (Killycloghy?) Herd Abraham Augustus Watson 21/1/1894 10/6/1894 Francis Richard John McDonnell Abraham Augustus WATSON Julia Anne Blake not listed The Parsonage, Maguiresbridge Clergyman Abraham Augustus Watson 15/6/1894 22/7/1894 James Frederick Johnston THOMPSON Mary Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 10/5/1894 28/7/1894 Robert John LEE Elizabeth not listed Killycloghey (Killycloghy?) Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 17/7/1894 14/8/1894 William John John? CAMPBELL Elizabeth not listed Drumgoon Steward Abraham Augustus Watson 28/8/1894 4/10/1894 William Robert Richard HOWE Mary Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Blacksmith Abraham Augustus Watson 16/1/1895 17/3/1895 Emily Maud James LUNNEY Hannah not listed Garravoghill (Garvoghill?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 11/3/1895 29/3/1895 Edward James Edward BEACOM Annie Jane not listed Lislea Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 1/3/1895 15/4/1895 George Francis William RAINBIRD Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Carpenter Abraham Augustus Watson 14/7/1895 22/7/1895 Isabella William SIMONTON Charlotte not listed Drumeer (Drummeer?) Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 17/5/1894 * 6/8/1895 Emily Robert ARMSTRONG Elizab Jane not listed Clay Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 28/8/1895 7/9/1895 Henry Acheson Henry BOOTH Annie Margaret not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 18/9/1895 19/9/1895 Robert Henry William SIMONTON Charlotte not listed Drummeer Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 22/9/1895 18/11/1895 Frances Maud Charles Edward CHARLESTON Frances Amelia not listed Corrard Factory Overseer Abraham Augustus Watson 25/11/1895 17/12/1895 Mary Jane Robert PHAIR Elizabeth Anne not listed Coolcrannel Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 20/1/1896 24/2/1896 Douglas Charles Charles MCCLINTOCK Mary not listed Aughinure (Aghinure?) Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 20/4/1896 27/4/1896 Robert Francis Maguire Alexander IRVINE Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Land Steward Abraham Augustus Watson 13/4/1896 17/5/1896 Alexander Francis George ARMSTRONG Elizabeth not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 22/3/1896 26/6/1896 John Robert William IRVINE Margaret not listed Conawaries?, Clabby Scutcher Abraham Augustus Watson 22/5/1896 5/7/1896 William Albert? Foster William GRAHAM Margaret not listed Maguiresbridge Merchant Abraham Augustus Watson 21/6/1896 16/7/1896 Mary Anne James REILLY Catherine not listed Coolcrannel Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 17/7/1896 4/8/1896 Florence Gertrude William David PARKINSON Margaret not listed Maguiresbridge Merchant Abraham Augustus Watson 4/8/1896 8/8/1896 George Edmund not listed not listed Sarah Jane FORSTER Corryanne (Curryann?) not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 5/7/1874 * 17/11/1896 Henry Henry BOOTH Mary Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 5/11/1896 16/12/1896 William Edward Robert PALMER Mary not listed Drumgoon Land Steward Abraham Augustus Watson 25/11/1896 9/1/1897 Sarah Ellen John James TAYLOR Jane not listed Lisduff Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 7/1/1897 19/1/1897 Sarah Anne Thomas BOOTH Mary Anne not listed Chapel Lane, Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 18/11/1896 27/1/1897 Catherine William John SHERRITT OR SKERRITT? Annie not listed Kilnashanbola (Killashanbally?) not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 17/3/1897 11/4/1897 John James James LUNNY Hannah not listed Garravoghill (Garvoghill?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 2/5/1897 3/5/1897 Margaret Jane William DELMORE Celia not listed Chapel Lane, Maguiresbridge Shoemaker Abraham Augustus Watson 8/3/1897 16/5/1897 William Johnston Robert MARSHALL Letitia not listed Drumgoon Station Master, G.N.R. (Great Northern Railway) Abraham Augustus Watson 15/4/1897 18/6/1897 Sarah Jane James LINDSAY Margaret not listed Cornashannel Herd Abraham Augustus Watson 31/5/1896 * 20/7/1897 Elizabeth Robert ARMSTRONG Eliza Jane not listed Clay Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 16/8/1897 22/8/1897 Noble Ernest William GRAHAM Margaret not listed Maguiresbridge Merchant Abraham Augustus Watson 16/8/1897 22/8/1897 Gertrude Olive William GRAHAM Margaret not listed Maguiresbridge Merchant Abraham Augustus Watson 29/7/1897 4/11/1897 Margaret Annie Isabella Robert HAMILTON Margaret Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Post Master Abraham Augustus Watson 4/11/1897 25/11/1897 Mary not listed not listed Annie CREIGHTON The Alley, Maguiresbridge not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 5/1/1898 5/1/1898 Anne Jane Henry BOOTH Annie Margaret not listed Coolcrannel Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 14/10/1897 21/1/1898 Margaret Anne William IRVINE Margaret not listed Conawaries?, Clabby Miller Abraham Augustus Watson 5/1/1898 6/2/1898 Edith Miriam William David PARKINSON Margaret not listed Maguiresbridge Merchant Abraham Augustus Watson 3/2/1897 8/2/1897 John George William SIMONTON Charlotte not listed Drummeer Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 2/11/1897 23/2/1898 Emily Jane Hugh ROSS Eliza Anne not listed Leiboly (Lebally?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 4/9/1897 24/3/1898 Alice Susanna Edward BEACOM Annnie Jane not listed Lislea Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 21/3/1898 20/4/1898 Letitia not listed not listed Mary Anne BEATTY Tully not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 2/6/1898 2/6/1898 Margaret Anne William RAINBIRD Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Carpenter Abraham Augustus Watson 12/6/1898 8/9/1898 Mary Florence Johnston THOMPSON Mary Jane not listed Maguiresbridge Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 19/1/1899 28/1/1899 Elizabeth not listed not listed Martha VEITCH Elbow Lane, Maguiresbridge not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 25/8/1898 21/3/1899 Eliza Jane George ARMSTRONG Elizabeth not listed Killyshanboley (Killashanbally?) Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 20/2/1899 5/4/1899 Edith Elizabeth John ROBINSON Mary Jane not listed Lisnagole Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 12/2/1899 7/4/1899 Mary Alice Maud William GRAHAM Margaret not listed Maguiresbridge Merchant Abraham Augustus Watson 28/4/1899 29/4/1899 Margaret Jane Thomas CHARTRES Elizabeth Sarah not listed Maguiresbridge Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 12/6/1899 29/6/1899 Mary Florence Thomas BOOTH Mary Anne not listed Lisnagole Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 25/6/1899 3/7/1899 William John William DELMORE Celia not listed Chapel Lane, Maguiresbridge Shoemaker Abraham Augustus Watson 2/5/1899 16/7/1899 Melvin Wilson James LUNNEY Hannah not listed Garravoghill (Garvoghill?) Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 25/5/1899 27/7/1899 Martha Elizabeth May Thomas HUMPHREYS Margaret Anne not listed Drumgoon Miller Abraham Augustus Watson 21/7/1899 28/7/1899 James Edward William SIMONTON Charlotte not listed Drummeer Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 14/3/1899 1/8/1899 Samuel Robert ARMSTRONG Eliza Jane not listed Clay Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 4/5/1899 8/8/1899 Florence Elizabeth not listed not listed Elizabeth YAW Maguiresbridge not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 14/7/1899 26/10/1899 Thomas Irwin Robert HAMILTON Margaret Anne not listed Maguiresbridge Post Master Abraham Augustus Watson 14/9/1899 27/10/1899 Ethel Margaret Isabella William RUDDELL Cathleen Elizabeth not listed Maguiresbridge Scripture Reader Abraham Augustus Watson 14/10/1899 30/10/1899 John George James BELL Mary Eleanor not listed Corrard Farmer Abraham Augustus Watson 25/10/1899 30/10/1899 Lily Josephine Charles MCCLINTOCK Mary not listed Aughinure (Aghinure?) Labourer Abraham Augustus Watson 22/10/1899 21/11/1899 James Andrew William John SHERRITT OR SKERRITT? Annie not listed Killyshanbolley (Killashanbally?) not listed Abraham Augustus Watson 13/10/1899 26/11/1899 Mary Mildred William David PARKINSON Margaret not listed Maguiresbridge Merchant Abraham Augustus Watson ===== INDEX ===== ACHESON Elizabeth 16/6/1867 ACHESON Emma Jane 11/3/1866 ACHESON James William 15/8/1869 ADAMS Robert 5/7/1868 ALGEO Henry 23/1/1877 ALLEN Charlotte? 9/5/1869 ALLEN James 22/12/1887 ALLEN Letitia Margaret 31/10/1872 ALLEN Noble Andrew 5/3/1877 ALLEN Thomas 27/5/1866 ARMSTRONG Alexander 15/10/1872 ARMSTRONG Alexander Francis 17/5/1896 ARMSTRONG Andrew 16/9/1877 ARMSTRONG Edmund 20/10/1893 ARMSTRONG Eliza Jane 21/3/1899 ARMSTRONG Elizabeth 20/7/1897 ARMSTRONG Emily 6/8/1895 ARMSTRONG George 9/10/1870 ARMSTRONG George Henry 15/3/1889 ARMSTRONG Isabella 18/11/1881 ARMSTRONG James 19/5/1889 ARMSTRONG Jane 11/4/1875 ARMSTRONG John? Thomas 18/7/1885 ARMSTRONG Leslie 2/2/1891 ARMSTRONG Margaret 30/9/1868 ARMSTRONG Robert 30/9/1886 ARMSTRONG Samuel 1/8/1899 ARMSTRONG William Hamilton 20/2/1882 BARTON David 15/7/1867 BARTON Mary 10/8/1867 BEACOM Alice Susanna 24/3/1898 BEACOM Edward James 29/3/1895 BEACOM John James 8/3/1894 BEACOM William Henry 21/4/1893 BEATTY David 5/4/1892 BEATTY James Alexander 30/3/1886 BEATTY Maggie Elizabeth 22/6/1888 BEATTY Margaret Jane 9/11/1873 BEATTY Mary Anne 31/7/1876 BEATTY William Irwin 30/11/1872 BELL John George 30/10/1899 BELL Margaret Anne 17/9/1871 BELL Mary 18/10/1868 BELL Sarah Eleanor 23/9/1866 BLEAKLEY David? 21/6/1874 BLEAKLEY George Richard 4/2/1872 BLEAKLEY Robert 5/7/1868 BOARDMAN James 3/9/1865 BOOTH Anne Jane 5/1/1898 BOOTH Elizabeth 22/9/1887 BOOTH Henry 17/11/1896 BOOTH Henry Acheson 7/9/1895 BOOTH Margaret Jane 3/5/1894 BOOTH Mary Florence 29/6/1899 BOOTH Sarah Anne 19/1/1897 BOOTH William James 20/4/1885 BOYD Eveleen Margaret 5/8/1889 BOYD Frederick 2/12/1892 BOYD Humphrey 11/7/1884 BOYD James Thomas 7/12/1873 BOYD Samuel 11/7/1884 BRYANS Elizabeth Jane 25/8/1872 BURNSIDE George Robert 14/1/1883 BURNSIDE Robert 10/10/1880 BURNSIDE Thomas John 12/7/1885 BURNSIDE William James 15/7/1879 CAMPBELL Margaret Anne 2/12/1892 CAMPBELL William John 14/8/1894 CANNAVAN Emma 21/8/1882 CANNAVAN Thomas William 21/8/1882 CARLTON Emma Jane 2/7/1876 CARROLL William 19/9/1866 CARSON Louisa Jane 25/3/1866 CARTER Jane 6/4/1877 CASSIDAY John Robert 3/5/1878 CASSIDY William John 4/6/1892 CHARLESTON Frances Maud 18/11/1895 CHARTRES Francis Henry 27/7/1892 CHARTRES George 16/7/1886 CHARTRES John Thomas 26/12/1887 CHARTRES Margaret Jane 29/4/1899 CHARTRES Robert 5/12/1889 CHARTRES William James 29/12/1884 CLARKE Jane 8/6/1865 CLARKE Robert 8/2/1890 CLARKE Thomas 19/4/1868 COALTER Margaret Jane 24/11/1872 CONNAWIN? George 2/9/1877 CONNELLY Priscilla Rebecca 26/12/1866 COULTER? Mary 11/10/1874 CRANSTON Elizabeth 2/1/1868 CREIGHTON Mary Jane 1/6/1888 CREIGHTON Sarah 19/2/1892 DAVIS Mary? Jane 24/2/1872 DELMORE Henry 1/12/1892 DELMORE Margaret Jane 3/5/1897 DELMORE William John 3/7/1899 DENNIS Catherine Elizabeth 23/10/1870 DENNIS Francis 17/11/1873 DENNIS John James 7/4/1867 DENNIS Joseph Henry 31/12/1876 DENNIS Leticia 20/9/1875 DENNIS William 10/12/1865 DEVERS Isabella 17/4/1869 DEVERS Mary Jane 24/5/1868 DEVERS Robert 16/7/1866 DICK Mary Ellen 7/9/1884 DICK William John 20/8/1882 DOONAN Mary Jane 17/6/1866 DOONAN Samuel Little 4/8/1868 DOONAN Walter 21/6/1868 DOONAN William 28/12/1869 DOUGLAS Eliza Jane 21/8/1882 DOUGLAS Elizabeth 4/2/1872 DOWNEY Elizabeth 27/5/1866 ELLIOTT Irwin? 17/9/1868 ELLIOTT Thomas William 15/3/1873 ELLIOTT William 26/5/1867 ELLIOTT William John 14/5/1871 FAIR Elizabeth 20/1/1882 FAIR Margaret 8/9/1872 FAIR Mary Jane 11/8/1867 FAIR Matilda 19/12/1869 FERRIS Alice 6/1/1878 FIFE Catherine 28/9/1873 FIFE Elizabeth 16/1/1876 FIFE Emma Jane 9/6/1878 FIFE James 30/12/1869 FIFE Sarah 16/4/1871 FOWLER Margaret 21/1/1872 FYFE Alexander 5/7/1884 GARDINER Fanny Amelia 2/3/1872 GARDINER Joseph Henry 6/4/1873 GARDINER Louisa Ellen 31/1/1871 GARDINER Maud 14/8/1882 GARDINER Robert 25/2/1866 GARDNER Alfred 15/6/1876 GARDNER Carolina? 28/11/1878 GRAHAM Adam 18/2/1867 GRAHAM Anne Jane 19/9/1883 GRAHAM Elizabeth 29/2/1872 GRAHAM Francis 11/6/1871 GRAHAM Francis 9/3/1870 GRAHAM Gertrude Olive 22/8/1897 GRAHAM James 30/12/1869 GRAHAM John 25/4/1865 GRAHAM Mary Alice Maud 7/4/1899 GRAHAM Mary Jane 25/4/1865 GRAHAM Noble Ernest 22/8/1897 GRAHAM William 19/5/1867 GRAHAM William Albert? Foster 5/7/1896 GRAYDON Joseph 27/2/1882 HALL Annie Magdalin ?/1/1879 HALL Elinor Jane 13/6/1876 HALL Emily Maud 8/2/1886 HALL Ethel Florence 16/9/1888 HALL John Thomas 2/4/1879 HALL John William 2/6/1872 HALL Leticia Jane 7/6/1877 HALL Magdalin Adelaide 30/10/1881 HALL Mary Anne 31/5/1881 HALL Mary Elizabeth 5/6/1881 HALL Rebecca Adelaide 3/12/1883 HALL William 30/6/1876 HAMILTON Emma Jane 7/1/1891 HAMILTON John Francis 7/8/1892 HAMILTON Margaret Annie Isabella 4/11/1897 HAMILTON Martha Anne 19/1/1865 HAMILTON Robert Given 4/2/1894 HAMILTON Thomas Irwin 26/10/1899 HAMILTON William Edgar 31/1/1893 HARVEY William 14/5/1871 HAYES Mary Jane 14/8/1870 HAZLETT Mary Anne 5/7/1882 HENDERSON Robert 11/7/1884 HENDERSON William Thomas 2/3/1882 HOEY Margaret Rebecca 15/8/1867 HOG Thomas 6/11/1870 HOGG Margaret 27/5/1866 HOWE Finlay 4/2/1872 HOWE Richard John 28/4/1893 HOWE William Robert 4/10/1894 HUMPHREYS Martha Elizabeth May 27/7/1899 HUNTER Anne Eliza 6/12/1884 HUNTER Annie Jane 16/3/1865 HUNTER Catherine 10/5/1876 HUNTER Henrietta Charlotte 22/3/1880 HUNTER Margaret 25/5/1878 HUNTER Nixon Hamilton 15/11/1874 HUNTER William 2/2/1872 HURST James William 15/9/1872 ILLEGIBLE Alexander 18/2/1875 ILLEGIBLE James Hawell 29/11/1874 IRVINE Alice 30/9/1866 IRVINE Anne 1/6/1892 IRVINE Cymina * 12/10/1884 IRVINE Hamilton 7/5/1894 IRVINE John Robert 26/6/1896 IRVINE Letitia 6/5/1888 IRVINE Margaret Anne 21/1/1898 IRVINE Margaret Jane not listed IRVINE Noble 15/9/1890 IRVINE Robert 15/9/1890 IRVINE Robert Francis Maguire 27/4/1896 IRVINE Sarah Jane 27/9/1893 IRVINE Thomas 1/8/1886 IRWIN Eliza Jane 7/5/1882 IRWIN Joseph 20/6/1877 IRWIN Mary 13/6/1878 IRWIN Robert 18/9/1870 IRWIN William 12/6/1880 IRWINE Henry 12/11/1882 JOHNSTON Jane 2/2/1880 JOHNSTON Margaret Anne 4/5/1877 JOHNSTON Mary Anne ?/5/1874 JOHNSTON Thomas Robert 30/1/1870 JOHNSTON William 31/7/1876 KENNEDY Edith May 28/6/1887 KENNEDY Elizabeth Nixon 11/4/1884 KENNEDY Frederick William 12/1/1886 KENNEDY Isabella 2/11/1879 KENNEDY Robert Benjamin Noble 3/11/1881 KNIGHT Charles Philip 6/8/1886 KNIGHT Elizabeth Noble 24/4/1880 KNIGHT Frances Elizabeth Alexandra 27/2/1882 KNIGHT George Willis 4/6/1876 KNIGHT Luines? Francis Skilten? 19/1/1879 KNIGHT Mary Frances Edwine or Edwina 9/5/1877 KYLE Thomas James 7/2/1890 KYLE William Henry 5/5/1892 LAWE? Eliza Jane 5/1/1877 LEE Robert 28/7/1894 LENDRUM William James 22/8/1883 LINDSAY James 21/4/1891 LINDSAY Sarah Jane 18/6/1897 LOVITT? Emma Jane 20/6/1859 LOWRY John Thomas 17/11/1867 LUNNEY Emily Maud 17/3/1895 LUNNEY Melvin Wilson 16/7/1899 LUNNY John James 11/4/1897 MACDONAGH John Thomas 10/5/1876 MACFARLAND Emma Jane 20/1/1885 MARSHALL William Johnston 16/5/1897 MASON John Francis not listed MATILDA Walter 8/7/1883 MATTHEWS George Rennick Ruthurn? 27/2/1865 MCCLELLAND Charles 7/5/1865 MCCLELLAND John 29/4/1866 MCCLINTOCK Alfred 3/3/1892 MCCLINTOCK Anne 13/11/1883 MCCLINTOCK Anne 5/11/1871 MCCLINTOCK Douglas Charles 24/2/1896 MCCLINTOCK Elizabeth Maud 21/3/1894 MCCLINTOCK Lily Josephine 30/10/1899 MCCLINTOCK Martha Jane 18/5/1890 MCCLINTOCK William John 19/1/1887 MCCOLLUM Henry 16/3/1873 MCCRACKIN Isabella 22/2/1889 MCFARLAND Alfred 1/12/1890 MCFARLAND Eliza Anne not listed MCFARLAND Hariet 3/5/1893 MCFARLAND William John 3/7/1887 MCGRATH Amelia Caroline 10/7/1887 MCLOUGHLIN Maggie Jane 7/5/1882 MCMULLEN Anne 19/9/1875 MCSEVAN? Richard Alexander 9/2/1873 MCVITTIE Sarah Anne 21/4/1867 MONTGOMERY Annabella 10/2/1867 MONTGOMERY Frances 24/2/1879 MONTGOMERY Letitia Elizabeth 10/11/1872 MONTGOMERY Mary Jane 6/6/1869 MONTGOMERY Sarah Jane 10/1/1875 MONTGOMERY William George 27/9/1876 MORRISON Annabella 25/11/1866 MORRISON Josephine 20/10/1867 MORRISON Margaret 12/11/1865 MORRISON Margaret Anne 25/8/1875 MORRISSON * James 30/5/1869 NELSON James 29/4/1870 NELSON Sophia Catherine not listed NELSON William not listed NEVILE * Joseph James 30/7/1885 NEVILLE Anne Jane 18/11/1877 NEVILLE Elizabeth 29/8/1882 NEVILLE John Robert 22/3/1875 NEVILLE Joseph 12/8/1887 NEVILLE Rachel Maggie 27/7/1881 NOBLE George William 7/9/1883 NOBLE James William 19/9/1869 NOBLE * Noble 22/6/1873 not listed Catherine 13/1/1882 not listed Edward 28/5/1886 not listed Eliza Jane 10/6/1892 not listed Eliza Jane 4/9/1883 not listed Elizabeth 28/1/1899 not listed Eveleen 8/7/1889 not listed Florence Elizabeth 8/8/1899 not listed George 23/3/1891 not listed George Edmund 8/8/1896 not listed Isabel 21/11/1881 not listed Isabella 8/11/1888 not listed James 22/6/1881 not listed James Edward 19/3/1886 not listed Jane 17/9/1865 not listed John James 13/8/1866 not listed John Thomas 5/7/1886 not listed Letitia 20/4/1898 not listed Margaret 8/4/1865 not listed Mary 25/11/1897 not listed Mary Jane 11/2/1869 not listed Mary Jane 19/2/1869 not listed Mary Jane 7/1/1866 not listed Robert 24/12/1866 not listed Robert 4/6/1865 not listed Robert 6/9/1866 not listed Samuel 9/7/1891 not listed Sarah 31/3/1881 not listed William Francis 30/12/1886 not listed William James 20/1/1891 not listed William Robert 5/6/1886 not listed William Thomas 31/7/1866 PALMER William Edward 16/12/1896 PARKER Joseph 29/12/1876 PARKINSON Catherine Letitia 10/6/1883 PARKINSON Edith Miriam 6/2/1898 PARKINSON Florence Gertrude 4/8/1896 PARKINSON Henry 12/12/1869 PARKINSON James 8/12/1867 PARKINSON John Finley 8/2/1880 PARKINSON Mary Jane 26/1/1877 PARKINSON Mary Mildred 26/11/1899 PARKINSON Robert Moreton 18/11/1866 PATTERSON Anna Louisa 31/5/1868 PATTERSON John Thomas 17/1/1870 PATTERSON Joseph 7/4/1875 PATTERSON Narriett 21/7/1872 PATTERSON Robert Johnston 20/1/1879 PATTERSON William Frederick 27/9/1880 PERCY Mark 11/6/1871 PERRY Anna Elizabeth 27/9/1880 PERRY James 19/9/1876 PERRY Margaret Emma 2/4/1885 PERRY Samuel 12/3/1878 PHAIR Elizabeth 23/4/1865 PHAIR Mary Jane 17/12/1895 PHILLIPS William 22/12/1872 PRENTICE Annie 25/2/1876 PRENTICE George 19/6/1879 PRENTICE William 14/5/1877 PRENTICE William Alexander 23/5/1881 PRENTICE? Thomas 7/12/1873 RAINBIRD Elizabeth 16/2/1893 RAINBIRD Elizabeth Jane 16/5/1875 RAINBIRD Eva Jane 12/2/1889 RAINBIRD George 21/8/1882 RAINBIRD George Francis 15/4/1895 RAINBIRD James Robert 27/11/1878 RAINBIRD John 20/6/1869 RAINBIRD Margaret Anne 2/6/1898 RAINBIRD Robert 24/11/1867 RAINBIRD Thomas 20/5/1883 RAINBIRD William 2/3/1866 REILLY Mary Anne 16/7/1896 ROBERTS Anne 16/12/1890 ROBINSON Edith Elizabeth 5/4/1899 ROBINSON Isaac 27/5/1879 ROBINSON James Arthur 11/2/1866 ROBINSON John 19/9/1869 ROBINSON Mark Robert 4/4/1867 ROBINSON Montgomery 22/1/1871 ROBINSON William 4/4/1867 ROBINSON William Thomas 5/4/1876 ROBINSON? Thomas 15/11/1874 ROSS Andrew 16/3/1894 ROSS Emily Jane 23/2/1898 RUDDELL Ethel Margaret Isabella 27/10/1899 SHAW Amelia 3/5/1883 SHAW Fawcett 1/4/1887 SHAW Joseph 18/4/1890 SHAW Thomas Robert 10/2/1879 SHAW William George 11/1/1877 SHERRETT OR STERRET? William John 26/3/1871 SHERRITT or SKERRIT? Catherine 27/1/1897 SHERRITT or SKERRITT? James Andrew 21/11/1899 SIMONTON Anne Jane 15/11/1887 SIMONTON Isabella 22/7/1895 SIMONTON James Edward 28/7/1899 SIMONTON John George 8/2/1897 SIMONTON Margaret Ellen 26/7/1893 SIMONTON Robert Henry 19/9/1895 SIMONTON Samuel 10/4/1891 SIMONTON Thomas 22/7/1889 SIMONTON William Alexander 22/11/1883 SLATER Margaret Anne 28/6/1867 SMITH Isabella 6/7/1892 SOMERS Sidney 4/7/1880 STOCKDALE Francis 26/3/1886 STOCKDALE James 20/2/1882 STOCKDALE Louisa 28/8/1883 SUMERVILLE James 7/5/1876 SUMMERS Emily 6/11/1877 SUMMERS Margaret Anne 13/8/1876 SUMMERS Maria 19/2/1879 SWINDLE Charles 2/4/1879 SWINDLE Frances Anne 24/10/1884 SWINDLE Francis 17/12/1886 SWINDLE Joseph 9/5/1877 TAYLOR Anne Jane 13/8/1882 TAYLOR George Henry 11/9/1869 TAYLOR John Francis 4/3/1893 TAYLOR Maria 17/10/1886 TAYLOR Sarah 6/9/1874 TAYLOR Sarah Ellen 30/11/1884 TAYLOR Sarah Ellen 9/1/1897 TAYLOR Thomas 30/9/1872 TAYLOR William Robert 15/1/1890 THOMPSON Christopher 27/6/1869 THOMPSON Edward 22/5/1870 THOMPSON Elizabeth 22/9/1872 THOMPSON Emma Jane 24/7/1881 THOMPSON George 11/5/1879 THOMPSON George 13/6/1879 THOMPSON James 27/5/1866 THOMPSON James Frederick 22/7/1894 THOMPSON James William 6/6/1875 THOMPSON Johnston 1/2/1886 THOMPSON Margaret Ellen 25/4/1890 THOMPSON Mary Anne 9/5/1877 THOMPSON Mary Florence 8/9/1898 THOMPSON not listed 23/3/1868 THOMPSON Robert Victor 4/11/1887 THOMPSON Sarah 25/2/1866 THOMPSON William 13/4/1884 TIERNEY John James 19/2/1880 TRIMBLE Mathew 9/7/1865 TRIMBLE Richard 3/7/1867 TROTTER Elizabeth Margaret 29/2/1891 TROTTER Ellen 16/3/1867 TROTTER John Thomas 6/8/1892 VEITCH not listed 23/12/1866 WALKER William 20/2/1865 WATSON Emily Caroline Frances 17/10/1886 WATSON Eva 30/9/1884 WATSON Francis Richard John McDonnell 10/6/1894 WATSON Julia Anna 16/12/1883 WATSON Reginald Henry Nickson 6/4/1890 WATSON Victor William LeEstrange? 29/10/1887 WILEY Margaret Anne 28/8/1869 WILEY Martha Elizabeth 14/1/1876 WILEY Sarah Jane 16/3/1880 WILEY? Geraldine? Rachel 14/5/1871 WILSON Elizabeth 15/7/1887 WILSON Elizabeth 29/7/1883 WILSON George 24/7/1878 WILSON George James 7/6/1885 WILSON Humes 9/10/1881 WILSON John 22/11/1879 WILSON John 6/7/1891 WILSON Margaret 8/8/1889 WILSON Martha 13/6/1885 WILSON Mary Jane 17/1/1869 WILSON Rebecca 30/5/1893 WILSON Robert 19/11/1875 WILSON Sarah Ellenor 27/5/1877 WILSON? Thomas 13/12/1874