fermanagh-aghalurcher -- 1. Here lie)th the body of John Leonard (who departed) this Tenth day of May........(L)ord God 1681 and in the 63 year of (his age). Also thes body of Mary Leonarde (who died) the 22nd day of August 1706. (this stone was erected by Bernard Lenard of Drumbrughosse. in memory of Fa & Mo.
2. Hic iacet corpus Adam (c)leric Vicarii generalis Dioc Clogherensis et rectoris Parochiae de Aghalurgher anno aetatis suae 58 qu obit 15 die Decembris anno Domini 1716 hoc erectum erat per me Mariam eius viduam et administraticem. (Note: This is the tomb of Rev. Adam Nixon, Rector of the parish, who died December, 1716, in his fifty-eighth year. The monument was erected by Mary, his widow and administratrix)
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