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Casey DataKerry in CaseyCasey Aids |
Contributor Ray Marshall shares this article he wrote for "The Septs", the Quarterly Journal of the Irish Genealogical Society, International, located in Golden Valley, Minnesota.
What if someone told you that there exists an Irish resource with over 3,000,000 (count 'em) names, most not duplicated, all indexed alphabetically? And they told you that this resource was in the MGS Library. You'd figure that you had it made, right? Weellllll, maybe, but only if your people lived within the area covered in the O'Kief, Coshe Mang, Slieve Lougher and the Upper Blackwater in Ireland series, a collection of 16 enormous volumes of primary and secondary genealogical and historical records of Ireland.
Albert E. Casey, an Alabama pathologist (remember Quincy?), created andcompiled this fabulous collection in the course of researching his own familyhistory and had it published between the years 1952-71 by the Amite andKnocknagree Historical Fund in Birmingham, AL. He went to this effort becauseby his calculations, he is related to everyone who ever lived there (I don'texpect that you will want to believe all of his suppositions, but the raw datamore than makes up for hopeful extrapolations). Most of the original recordswere compiled by folks in Ireland, for their own reasons, or for Casey. Caseyhired typists, copiers, and most importantly, indexers, for the preparation ofthese volumes.
In the words of that late night sidekick, Ed McMahon, then, one would supposethat Casey's put everything, everything that you could possibly want to knowabout Irish genealogy in this series. I mean, 3,000,000 names, right? It mustbe the complete history of Ireland! Wrong, genealogical dreamer! The area whereCasey's family came from is a small portion of NW Cork and E Kerry and the mostrecent records in his books pertain almost exclusively to that location, whichis much smaller than the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area (maybe being 40 milessquare in extent).
Casey found the almost incomprehensible title for his series on a 1605 map. TheO'Kief's were the kings and owners of southern and western Duhallow Barony(Cork) before that time, Coshe Mang (from the Maine River) is in easternMagunihy Barony (Kerry) and Slieve Lougher ("Bog with Cattle") andUpper Blackwater (from the river of the same name) comprise portions ofMuskerry West (Cork) and Trughanacmy (Kerry) Baronies.
The area is bounded roughly by Newcastle, Tralee, Killarney and Mallow, withthe primary area of emphasis of his searches being the central portions of thisgeographic parallelepiped or rhombus (I've always wanted to be able to usethose two words outside of geometry class).
But don't stop reading now if you figure that your people aren't supposed to befrom around that area. This collection is, in addition to aiding researchers inthis particular area, a terribly valuable resource for you really, reallyserious (or lucky) folks who are able to go way back in time with yourpedigrees. For it contains Roman Catholic (RC), Church of Ireland (CofI) andQuaker births, marriages and death records, Tombstone inscriptions, newspaperabstracts, Civil Documents, Court Records and whole lot more on:
Thus you can see that this is a no fooling extremely valuable reference workand thanks should be given to the family of Lorraine (Mickey) Huber who so verykindly donated funds in her memory for its purchase. There are not very many ofthese sets available and we are very fortunate to be able to count ourselvesamong the small number of libraries who do have them (a partial list of otherlocations is given at the end of this article).
In addition, thanks must be given to Casey, and especially, his indexers, whosework was done before the age of the personal computer (3,000,000 names,remember), the results of which make this work not only fascinating andinteresting, but also a practical genealogical tool not only for the seriousresearcher of some knowledge, but also for the beginner who only knows thatgreat-grandpa was born in Rathbeg and worked on the Kenmare Estate.
Casey must have had a lot of spare time in his life and he largely put it togood use. For a bibliography of his work given in the last volume indicatesthat besides this collection, he wrote or compiled a four volume set on AmiteCounty, MS, one volume on Southern Pathologists, another on cancer and 260monographs on such diverse subjects such as cancer in mice, polio, rabbitchloresterol, trichinosis and the like.
Each volume of the O'Kief series contains, along with its own index and tableof contents, an extensive introduction written by Casey which indicates wherehe got his information, some historical commentary and some of the conclusionshe has drawn. The least valid portion of this collection appears to be hispathological and pre-history assumptions about the pre-eminent role of theIrish in world history. I would like to think that also, but one shouldprobably write it off to wishful thinking in most cases. Some of hispathological data and conclusions are sometimes quite disconcerting.
The introduction to volume XI does contain a good bibliography and a partialguide to the collection by Parish and Religion. You might want to peruse thisfirst and make copies for your own reference. (Note: the completion of thisguide would be a good project for someone to undertake).
Volume XVI does not contain an index as it contains copies of four volumes of awork which pertains to an adjoining region of Cork.
A word of caution before you proceed. Be creative with your spellings and datesand bring a very large magnifying glass for most of the documents are reducedin size from the originals. Finally, if you find Jeremiah Reidy's (ofMeenleitrim North) dad in there someplace, give me a ring. All my Mom's peopleare supposed to have lived in what Casey calls Slieve Lougher; but I'll bedanged if I can find them in here.
Because, alas, even 3,000,000 names do not account for all of the people whohave ever lived in this area. We will, of course, be taking the names ofvolunteers who want to work on the next 16 volumes.
1602 Map of Area
1641 Landowners in Duhallow
52 B.C. - 1641 A.D. O'Kief Lineage
1774 History of Duhallow from "History of Cork" (Smith)
1588 Landowners & Rebels in Cork & Kerry
1578-83 "Status of Desmond" (Gibson)
1844 Upper Blackwater described (O'Flanagan)
Nohoval Cemetery and Church of St. Finian
1641-1844 Pobble O'Keefe
1581-98 MacCarthy of Coshe Mang
1583-1874 Browne, Cronin & Coltsman of Coshe Mang
1641 Landowners in Kilcummin, Aglish, Aghadoe & Mollohaife
1661-71 Clonawliff & Duhalloe rentals
1566-1762 Boyle Family
1425-1589 Fitzgerland, MacDonough, MacCarthy,Muskerry, O'Callaghan,
Poets: O'Daly, O'Rahilly, O'Dinneen, O'Donoghue, McCartain, O'Connell,O'Sullivan, Walsh
1588-1717 Charles MacCarthy Family of Lisnaugaun
1864 Map of Cullen, Millstreet
Griffiths Maps: Nohovaldaly, Kilmeen, Cullin & Drishane, Kilcummin &Ballicuslane
Nohavaldaly Census 1841, 1851
Griffiths : Nohavaldaly, Cullen, Drishane, Dromtarrif, Kilmeen & Kilcummin1851 Surnames
1839-74 Marriages, Rathmore, Nohaval & Kilcummin
Cullin, Coom & Boherboy, Deaths, Persons born before 1830
1837-74, Baptisms, Rathmore, Nohaval & Kilcummin
Distribution of Buckley Surname
Drishane & Ballincuslane, Deaths, Persons born before 1837
Kenmare Rentals, Acreage, Ledgers & Notebook, 1705-1864
Downe Survey 1641-48: Drishane, Kilcorney, Ballincuslane, Brosna, Castleisland,Nohaval, Currance, Bally McElligott, Killeentierna
Downe Survey Maps, 1641, Magunihy & Duhallow
Maps, 1865: Drishane, Nohavaldaly, Cullen, Kilcorney, Dromtarriffe, Kilmeen& Kilcummin
Townlands Maps, 1720 & 1865, Coshe Mange East
Duhallow Marriages, 1845-78
Dromtariffe & Derinagree, RC Marriages, 1832-65
Dromtariffe, Priests, 1832-84
Boherbue & Kingwilliamstown, RC Marriages, 1833-64
Millstreet & Cullen, RC Marriages, 1855-70
Millstreet & Cullen, Priests, 1855-70
Duhallow, Births, 1864 -67, & Marriages, 1879-1900
Duhallow, RC Marriages, 1863-70 & Baptisms,1841-48
Drishane & Cullen, RC Baptisms, 1853-59
Magunihy, Marriages, 1845-70
Parishes & Townlands, 1851: Magunihy,Trughanacmy, Muskerry West &Duhallow
Parishes in other N. Cork Baronies
Families in N. Cork, SE Limerick, NE Kerry & SW Tipperrary, 1851
Surname Distribution, 103 Parishes, 1851
Cianachta-Gaileange Breage, Map, 226 A.D.-1179
Casey Family, Map 103 A.D.-1179 A.D.
Casey Families of Slieve Lougher, 1659-1959
Castleisland, RC Baptisms, 1859-69
Diocese of Kerry, Map of RC Churches
Dromtariffe, & Derinagree, RC Baptisms, 1832-40,1851-65
Dromtariffe, Hedge Schools, 1826
Currow, RC Baptisms, 1801-70
Cloyne, Map of RC Dioceses
Diocese of Cork & Ross, Index of Marriages 1716-1844
History of the Gaelic Peoples
Annals of the Four Masters, excerpts
History of the O'Daly's, excerpts
1823-29, Townlands and Heads of Families
Edmund Spenser
Trughanacmy, Marriages, 1845-74
Prerogative Grants, Index, 1595-1810
Casey Family Histories
Trughanacmy, Marriages, 1874-1900, Births, 1864-68
Trughanacmy, Griffiths Householders, 1853
Rathmore, Knocknagree & Gneeveguilla, RC Baptisms & Marriages,1875-1900
Cloyne, CofI Marriage License Bonds, 1630-1800
Muskerry West, Griffiths Householders, 1853
Magunihy, Marriages, 1871-1900
Kilcummin, RC Marriages & Baptisms, 1821-1900
Killarney & Fossa, RC Baptisms, 1785-1803, Marriages, 1792-1839 &Priests
Nohovaldaly & Kilcummin, Priests, 556 A.D.-1961
Cloyne, CofI Marriage License Bonds, 1801-66
Magunihy, Births, 1864 and Marriages, 1891-94
Ardfert & Aghadoe, CofI, Index to Wills & Administrations, 1690-1858
Old Kerry Records, excerpts, 1872-4
Killaha, Kilmeen, Cullen & Aghadoe, CofI, Tithe, 1833-4
Boyle Papers, excerpts, 1632-37
King Williamstown & Castlemain, "Notes on Emigration Schemes",1850
King James Army List, 1639, excerpts
Traverse Families, 1216-1616
O'Sullivan & Forde of Dromagh, Boherbue & Killarney
David Broder, 1625-1698
Daly's & Duggan's of Nohovaldaly
Casey Family History
Houlihan & Cremin of Cork & Kerry, 1600-1900
O'Mullain's of Kilshannig
Survey Map, Trughanacmy & Magunihy, 1641
Cork & Ross, CofI Marriage Licence Bonds, 1623-1750
County Kerry Past and Present
Prerogative Wills Index, 1536-1810
Cloyne, Administration Bond Index, 1630-1857
Sir Richard Boyle, Lismore Papers, 1611-29
Killarney & Aghadoe, RC Baptisms, 1803-33
Cork and Cloyne & Ross, CofI, Clerical & Parochial Records, 1291-1860
Castleisland & Ballincuslane, RC Baptisms, 1823-72
Cork, Administration Bond Index, 1612-1858
Currow, RC Marriages, 1803-1900 & Priests, 1801-1961
Nohovaldaly, Land Records extracts, 1690-1830
Drishane & Nohovaldaly, Heads of Families, 1832
Tombstone Inscriptions: Clonfert, Nohovaldaly, Drishane, Kilcummin, Cullen,Kilmeen & Dromtariffe
Families pardoned by King William III, 1688-99
Families in "History of Commoners of Great Britain & Ireland",1833
Currow, RC Baptisms, 1809-23, 1871-1900
Peerage items from "The Establishments of Ireland, Book II"
Abbey of O'Dorney "The Cistercian Chronicles", 1640
Muskerry West, Marriages, 1864-1900
Kenmare Estate Records, 1740-1756
Tombstone Records: Inchigeela, Gongane, Clondrohid, Kilnamartyra, Cloyne, St.Gobnaits, Ballyvourney, Coolea, Castlemagner, Brosna, Rathmore, Barraduff,Glenfesk, Aghadoe, Killeentierna, Ardcrone, Currens, Castleisland,Kilbannivane, Kilcummin, Kilanare, Aglish, Kilsarcon, Muckross Abbey,Killarney, and Fossa
Duhallow, Index of Lands, 1708-38
Knocknagree Family Histories
Muskerry West, Births, 1864-65
Map of the upper Maine River, 1812
Knocknagree National School
Kenmare Estate Ledgers, 1790-1811
Kerry Evening Post, Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1828-64
Cork City Newspaper Abstracts, 1753-71, 1782-84
Bishops of Ardfert & Kerry, RC, 562 A.D.-1963
Lucy Family Preliminary Report
Pierce Family
O'Keeffe Chalice Saga, 1590
Duggan Family of Nohovaldaly & Mr. Infant
Carew of Cork-Waterford-Wexford
Freeman of Cork
Millington-Synge, Wareham and DeIsteley Families
Casey Families
1845 Maps, Trughanacmy, Magunihy, Muskerry E & W, Duhallow
Kenmare Estate Ledgers, 1756-69
Castleisland, Cordal & Scartaglin, RC Marriages, 1822-1900
Kilcummin, Tithe Householders, 1833
Killarney, RC Baptisms, 1833-40 and Marriages,1839-1900
Muskerry W., Births, 1865-72 and Marriages, 1873-85
Trughanacmy, Births, 1869
Inchigeelagh, RC Baptisms, 1816-63
Duhallow, Deeds, 1725-79
Claims entered with Chichester House before 1701
Glenfesk, RC Baptisms, 1820-62 and Marriages,1831-1900
Cork City Newspaper abstracts, 1753-1864, 1761-69
Genealogies, 1801-65
O'Mahony Septs
Council Book of Kinsale, abstracts, 1218-1800
Council Book of Cork, abstracts, 1200-=1800
Tombstone Inscriptions: Kilcorney, Lyre, Clonmeen, Banteer, and Kilcorcoran,Diocese of Cloyne
Fiants of Queen Elizabeth, 1558-1603
Pipe Roll of Cloyne
Cloyne, Bishops
Leases and Genealogical Notes
Tithe Householders, Magunihy, Trughanacm;y, Duhallow & Muskerry, 1823-34
Duhallow, Griffiths, 1852 (continued)
Trughanacmy and Duhallow, Downe Survey, 1641-49
Trughanacmy, Townlands, 1641-60
Gunn Family of Caithyness
Wiseman of Ballinagree and Brinny
Cloyne, Map, 1364
Kenmare Estate, 39 Townland Maps, 1720-25
Index to Civil and Church Archives
Muskerry, Downe Survey Maps, 1641
Duhallow, Births, 1868-70
Establishments of Ireland, vol. II, continued
Brosna, RC Marriages, 1872-1900, Baptisms, 1866-1900
Firies, RC Marriages, 1881-1900
Council Book of Youghal, abstracts, 1123-1800
Kenmare Estate, Accounts, 1779-86, Ledgers,1811-70
Parents of Trinity College Students, 1593-1860
Ardfert, RC Baptisms, 1818-39, Marriages, 1825-43
Magunihy, Births, 1870-76
Cloyne, List of Protestant and Papish Families, 1766
Macroom, CofI Baptisms, Marriages & Burials,1727-1837
Cork & Ross, Index of Wills, 1595-1857
Cloyne, Index of Wills, 1547-1857
Cork, Calendar of Inquisitions & Postmortems,1585-1693
Killarney, RC Baptisms, 1840-65
Decrees, Tryall of Innocents, 1663
Muskerry West, Marriages, 1885-1900
Ardfert, RC Baptisms, 1839-46
Lismore Papers, Vol. III
Tombstone Inscriptions: Aghinagh, Tralee, Macroom & Maclongeigh
Magunihy, Griffiths Householders, cont'd, 1853
Trughanacmy, Tithe: Kiltallagh, Killorglin, Killarney,Clogherbrien, Annagh,Kilcredane, Kilgarrylander,Ratass, Tralee, Fenit & O'Brennan, 1823-33
Book of Rights
Muskerry E. and W., Deeds, Leases, Mortgages & Marriage Settlements,1708-73
Magunihy, Trughanacmy, Duhalow, & Muskerry,Abstracts of Wills, 1858-64
Limerick, Marriage License Bonds, 1844
Births, Marriages, Deaths & Misc. from Cork & Kerry Newspapers,1781-1821
Travis Family Genealogy
O'Crowley Lineage 2350 B.C.-1855 A.D.!!!!! (A record, no doubt, the luckystiffs)
Welply Family of Cork
O'Casey Lineage
Maps of Towns & Roads, 1777-83
Fermoy, Maps of Townlands and Parishes, 1641
Cork, Baronies & Parishes, Population & Acreage, 1841-51
Kerry, Townlands, 1851
Magunihy, Trughanacmy, Dulhallow, & Muskerry W., Townland Index, 1851-3
Barony, Parish, & Townland Index, 1641-1851
Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters
· Vol. VII, Index
· Vol. I, 3115 B.C. - 903 A.D.
· Vol. II, 903-1171A.D.
The Ancient and Present State of the County and City of Cork, Vols. Iand II, 1750
The Ancient and Present State of the County of Kerry, 1756
Kerry, Barony Map
Cork, Kerry & Limerick, Births, Deaths, Marriages & Misc. abstractedfrom Newspapers, 1749-1872
Boherbue, RC Baptisms, 1863-1900
Dromtariffe, RC Baptisms, 1865-1900
Inchigeelagh, RC Baptisms, 1863-1900, Marriages, 1816-99
Cork, Barony Map with adjoining areas
Millstreet & Cullen, RC Baptisms, 1822-3, 1859-1900 and Marriages,1870-1900
The Annals of Ireland: Three Fragments, 615 A.D.-908
Cork & Kerry, abstracted from Leyne Mscrpt, 1337-1893
N. Cork Baronies, Landowners, 1641-67
Tombstone Inscriptions Cork: Liscarroll, Dromina, Churchtown, Kilgrogan,Doneraile, Buttevant, Templemary, Mourne Abbey, Coachford, Ballinamona,Charleville
Tombstone Inscriptions Kerry: Tralee, Churchill, Spa, St. Johns, Killorglin,Ballymacelligott, O'Brennan, Nohoval, Ballybunion, Listowell, Duagh
Tombstone Inscriptions Limerick: Mount Collins, Abbeyfeale
Ballydesmond, RC Marriages, 1888-1900
Boherbue, RC Marriages, 1863-1900
Millstreet & Cullen, RC Baptisms, 1860-62
Duhallow, Abstracts of Deeds, 1778-91
Ballyvourney, RC Baptisms, 1810-68
Abstracts of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1900
Kilshannig, CofI Baptisms, 1731-1805
Dromtariffe, CofI Marriages, 1849-1913
Ballyvourney, CofI Marriages, 1845-1935
Clondrohid, CofI Marriages, 1848-84
Mallow, CofI Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials, 1783-1870
Buttevant, CofI Baptisms, 1873-1900
Cork, Quaker Births, Marriages & Deaths, 1659-1860
Bandon, Quaker Births, 1672-1713
Youghal, Quaker Births, Marriages & Deaths, 1659-1839
Lea of Waterford, 1623
Travers Family
Muskerry East, Householders, 1852
A History of the Clan Eoghan or Eoghanachts 1864
The Line of Heber, 1837
Eoghanacht Genealogies, 1703
McCarthy of Slieve Lougher, Lineages, 1703
Muskerry & Duhallow, Landowners & Map, 1641
Walter Raleigh, Robert Boyle & William Penn and their connections toSouthwest Ireland
Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters
Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters
Vol. VI, 1856
Historia Britonum of Nennius, Irish Version, 1848
The History of Ireland, Vol. IV, Keating, 1914
Annales Cambriae and Old Welsh Genealogies from the Harleian Manuscripts
Princes of Gwynedd, (Phillimore)
Old Powell Lineage, (Phillimore)
Killarney, RC Baptisms, 1865-1900
Ballydesmond, RC Baptisms, 1888-1900
Kilshannig, CofI Baptisms, 1806-55
Boherbue, RC Marriages, 1903-47
Mallow, CofI Baptisms, 1863-1965
Mallow, Plaque Inscriptions in Church
Kilshannig, CofI Marriages, 1845-1925, Burials, 1855-1958
Mallow, St. James Church, CofI Marriages, 1932-56
Mallow, CofI Marriages, 1845-67
Carrigleamleary, CofI Marriages, 1848-71
Rahan, CofI Marriages, 1847-59
Doneraile, CofI Baptisms, 1869-1952
Dromtariffe, RC Marriages, 1865-1900
Coachford, Plaque Inscriptions in Church
Macroom, CofI Baptisms, 1827-91, Burials, 1837
Aghabullog, CofI Marriages, 1808-43
Inniscarra, CofI Baptisms, 1820-1901, Marriages, 1845-1903, Burials1852-1901
Munster & Connaught, Wills & Administrations, 1563-1700
Limerick, Quaker Births, Marriages & Deaths,1623-1863
Munster Wills, abstracts, 1528-1859
Cork & Kerry, Abstracts of Wills & Administrations,
Dunkerron N., Glanarought, Iraghticonnor & Magunihy: Griffiths Householders
Cork Directory: Youghal, Kinsale, Cove, Passage,Innishannon & Bandon, 1787
Miscellaneous Claims, Exchequer Bills & Title Deeds,1855-58
Cork Newspaper Abstracts, 1864-1922
Duhallow and Muskerry E. and W., Abstracts of Deeds & Leases, 1779-1844
Calendar of the Patent and Close Rolls of Chancery in Ireland From Henry VIII to Elizabeth, 1536
Pacata Hibernia, extracts, 1599
Ogham Inscribed Monuments of the Gaedhil
Grants under Acts of Settlement and Explanation, 1666-84
Commons of Ireland Assembled in Parliament, 1705
Macroom, CofI Baptisms, Marriages & Burials, 1822-1913
Macroom, Kilmurry & Aglish, RC Marriages, 1864-6 & 1931-47
Clonfert, CofI Marriages, 1845-47
Killarney, Deaths, 1864
Newmarket, CofI Deaths, 1864
Tipperary and Iffa & Offa W., Limerick & Coshlea, Cork, Orrery & Kitmoe, Fermoy, and Clandons & Clangibbon, Griffiths Householders Lists
Slieve Lougher and Environs, Deaths, 1850-1900
Description of Ireland, 1598
Munster, Owners of 1 Acre and Upwards of Land, 1876
Tombstone Inscriptions: Clonfert, Drishane, Dromtariffe, Kilmeen, Kilcorney, Clonmeen,Lyree, Banteer, Castlemagner, Kilbrin & Ballyvourney
Memorials of the Dead
Duhallow and Muskerry E. and W., Deeds, Leases, Mortgages, Marriage Settlements, Administrations, etc., 1708-1864
Kerry Evening Post, abstracts, 1903-17
Cork and Fermoy, Griffiths Householders
Kerry, Dates of Catholic Parish Registers
Kerry Landowners from Thoms Directory, 1876
Ireland Population Statistics, 1672-1911
Southwest Ireland, Population, 1821-1960
Kerry Bibliography, abstracts, 1599-1917
The Emigrants Story of County Cork
Topography of Fermoy
Book of Fermoy
Lists of Registers and Records Deposited in the Register General's Office, Dublin, 1901 (these were bombed & burned in large part)
Leader and Keane Families
County Kerry, Past and Present, continued
Cork Examiner, abstracts, 1923-48
Mallow, Marriages, continued from Vol. XIV
Miscellaneous Items including biographies ofEmigrants
Historical and Topographical Notes on Buttevant, Castletowneroche, Doneraile, Mallow and Vicinity, 4 vols., 1905-18 (this area is approximately 5 miles north and east of the city of Mallow).
Alabama State Archives, Montgomery, AL
University of Alabama Medical School, Montgomery
American Irish Historical Society, New York, NY
National Library of Australia, Canberra
Birmingham Public Library, Birmingham, AL
Boston Public Library, Boston, MA
British Museum Library, London
Cache Genealogical Library, Logan, UT
Central Catholic Library Association, Dublin
Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland, OH
Cork Archeological & Historical Society, Cork
Cork County Library, Cork
Fort Worth Public Library, Ft. Worth, TX
LDS Genealogical Society Library, Salt Lake City, UT
Harvard College Library, Cambridge, MA
Houston Public Library, Houston, TX
University of Iceland Library, Reykjavik
Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, IN
Kansas State Historical Society Library, Topeka, KS
Kerry County Library, Tralee
Knocknagree Boy's School, Mallow, Cork
Memphis Public Library, Memphis, TN
Minnesota Genealogical Society, St. Paul, MN
Mississippi Department of Archives, Jackson, MS
N. S. Wales Public Library, Sydney, Australia
New York Public Library, New York, NY
New York State Library, Albany, NY
New England Hist. & Gen. Soc. Library, Boston, MA
Newberry Library, Chicago, IL
North Carolina State Library, Raleigh, NC
University of Oslo Library, Oslo, Norway
Public Records Office, Dublin
Queensland Public Library, Brisbane, Australia
Register General's Office, Dublin
Religious Soc. of Friends in Ireland, Dublin
Royal Society Library, Dublin
Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence, RI
St. Louis Public Library, St. Louis, MO
St. Louis University Library, St. Louis, MO
Samford College Library, Birmingham, AL
Seattle Public Library, Seattle, WA
Spring Hill College Library, Mobile, AL
University of Texas Library, Austin, TX
University Book Shop, Belfast
University College Library, Cork
Thanks to Ray Marshall for contributing this information.
This Article was first published in "TheSepts", the Quarterly Journal of the Irish Genealogical Society International