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This alphabetical list of the Heads of Household living in the town of Tralee, County Kerry is extracted from Griffith's Valuation of Ireland, which was completed in Tralee in 1851-1852.
Those who lived in the town of Tralee could have been in either Tralee Civil Parish or Ratass Civil Parish. Most lived in Tralee Civil Parish, so this list only notes the civil parish when it is Ratass.
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Click here for an explanation of the Griffiths Valuation.
Surname, First Name - Street | |
Acton, Michael - Old Chapel Lane Ahern, John - Strand St. Upper Ahern, Michael - Caher Anne Road Ahern, Michael - Canal New Road Ahern, Michael - Rae St. Ahern, William - Kean's Lane Aliman, David - Ratass P./Boherboy Allinan, John - Nelson St. Allinan, Mary - Moydore Well Lane Allman, Patrick - Castle St. Upper Allman, Timothy - Castle St. Upper Alton, William - Denny St. Alton, William - Old Chapel Lane Ashe, James - Bridge St. Ashe, James - Rae St. Ashe, John - Murphy's Lane Ashe, Mary - Milk Market Lane Ayers, John - Racket Lane Babington, William - Ratass P./Boherboy Bailey, John - Caher Anne Road Baker, John - Balloonagh Road Baker, John - Racket Lane Baker, John - Russell St. Baker, John - The Rock Barkman, William - Bridge St. Barrett, James - Barrack Lane Barrett, James - Brogue Maker's Lane Barrett, James - Nelson St. Barrett, James - Nelson St. Comment : and Son Barrett, John - Castle St. Upper Barrett, John - Moydore Well Lane Barrett, John - The Rock Barry, James - Brogue Maker's Lane Barry, John - Caher Anne Road Barry, Susan - Daly's Lane Bastable, Edward - Strand St. Upper Batten, Rachel - Boherboy Beaver, William - Big River Road Bell, Joseph - Morris' Lane Bennard, Timothy - Francis St. Benner, Henry - Denny St. Benner, Henry - Old Chapel Lane Benner, Henry - Strand St. Benner, Henry - Waterloo Lane Benner, John - Bridge St. Benner, Robert - Castle St. Upper Benner, Thomas - Castle St. Lower Benner, Thomas - Pound Lane Beverage, William - Godfrey Place Bianconi, Charles - Green Lane Bigley, Maurice - Chute's Lane Blennerhassett, Rowland - Day Place Blennerhassett, Thomas - Prince's Quay Bolster, Richard - Castle St. Lower Boulder, Timothy - Boherboy Bourke, Francis - Church Place Bower, John - Castle St. Upper Bowes, William - Boherboy Bowles, Elizabeth - Denny St. Bradley, Thomas - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Breen, Michael - Moydore Well Lane Breen, Thomas - Brogue Maker's Lane Brennan, Denis - Connor's Lane Brennan, John - Friar's Lane Brennan, Thomas - Brogue Maker's Lane Bresnahan, Cornelius - Busteed's Lane Bresnahan, Daniel - Caher Anne Road Bresnahan, Denis - Boherboy Bresnahan, Ellen - Brogue Maker's Lane Bresnahan, Francis - Old Chapel Lane Bresnahan, John - Cross Lane Bresnahan, Maurice - Caher Anne Road Bresnahan, Maurice - Milk Market Lane Brice, James - Strand St. Brick, John - Ratass P./Spring's Lane Brick, Mary - Ratass P./Chute's Lane Brick, Michael - Connor's Lane Brick, Patrick - Church St. Brick, Patrick - The Rock Brick, William - Bridge St. Brick, William - Russell St. Bridewell, ??? - Moydorewell Lane Bridgeman, Mary - Strand St. Brien, John - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Britton, Thomas - Ratass P./Boherboy Broderick, Richard - Brogue Maker's Lane Browne, Anne - Russell St. Browne, Daniel - Castle St. Upper Browne, James - Boherboy Browne, Michael - Connor's Lane Browne, Nicholas - Pound Lane Browne, Patrick - The Rock Browne, Thomas - Brogue Maker's Lane Brunton, John - Boherboy Bryan, Michael - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Buckley, John - Castle St. Upper Burke, Edward - Brogue Maker's Lane Burke, Francis - Nelson St. Burke, John - The Mall Burke, Michael - Castle St. Lower Burke, Ulick - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane Burnham, Edward - Russell St. Burnham, Francis - The Rock Burnham, Rice - The Rock Busteed, John - Abbey St. Busteed, John - Day Place Butler, Judith - Kean's Lane Byrne, William - Daly's Lane Cahill, Cornelius - Brogue Maker's Lane Cahill, Denis - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane Cahill, Denis - William St. Cahill, Honoria - Connor's Lane Cahill, Patrick - Bridge St. Callaghan, Denis - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Callaghan, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Callaghan, John - Moydore Well Lane Callaghan, John - The Rock Callaghan, Michael - Boherboy Callaghan, William - Caher Anne Road Cantillon, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Cantillon, Richard - Castle St. Upper Carberry, John - Castle St. Lower Carey, Margaret - Strand St. Carmody, Mary - Murphy's Lane Carroll, John - Caher Anne Road Carroll, Thomas - Busteed's Lane Carroll, William - Milk Market Lane Carter, Benjamin - Nelson St. Carty, Daniel - Daly's Lane Carver, William - Bridge St. Casey, Catherine - Nelson St. Casey, Edward - Abbey St. Casey, Ellen - Strand St. Casey, John - Ratass P./Chute's Lane Casey, Michael - The Rock Casey, Patrick - The Rock Casey, Thomas - Strand St. Cashel, Ellen - Strand St. Cavanagh, John - Chute's Lane Chapman, Matthew - Boherboy Chesneet, Rev. Wm. - Ratass P./Garryruth Chuite, Arthur - Castle St. Upper Chuite, Elizabeth - Ratass P./Garryruth Chuite, Margaret - Denny St. Chuite, Richard - Boherboy Chuite, Richard - Prince's Quay Chuite, Sarah - Prince's Quay Clarke, John B. - Bridge St. Clemmenger, John - James St. Clifford, Cornelius - Castle St. Lower Clifford, Denis - John St. Clifford, Jeremiah - Rae St. Clifford, John - Strand St. Clifford, Michael - The Rock Clure, Thomas - The Rock Coffey, James - Ratass P./Garryruth Coffey, James - Caher Anne Road Coffey, Jeremiah - Bridge St. Coffey, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Coffey, William - Bridge St. Coghlan, Jeremiah - Strand St. Colesman, Patrick - John St. Collingwood, Ellen - Prince's Quay Collins, Michael - Strand St. Collins, Patrick - Daly's Lane Collins, Thomas - Brogue Maker's Lane Collins, Timothy - Strand St. Collis, Maurice J. - Milk Market Lane Collis, Maurice J. - Nelson St. Collis, William - Nelson St. Commane, Daniel - Chute's Lane Commane, Edward - The Rock Commane, John - The Rock Commane, Owen - Strand St. Upper Conan, Frances - Prince's Quay Concoran, John - John St. Connell, Daniel - Brogue Maker's Lane Connell, Mary - Waterloo Lane Connell, Patrick - Daly's Lane Connell, Patrick - Moydore Well Lane Connell, Timothy - Brogue Maker's Lane Connolly, Edward - Kean's Lane Connolly, Mary - The Mall Connor, Brien - Boherboy Connor, Daniel - Rae St. Connor, Florence - Friar's Lane Connor, Hugh - Strand St. Connor, James - Ratass P./Chute's Lane Connor, James - Brogue Maker's Lane Connor, James - Moydore Well Lane Connor, James - Strand St. Connor, Johanna - Moydore Well Lane Connor, John - Ratass P./Moydorewell Lane Connor, John - Boherboy Connor, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Connor, John - Moydore Well Lane Connor, John - Pie Lane Connor, Mary - Boherboy Connor, Mary - The Rock Connor, Patrick - Cross Lane Connor, Patrick - John St. Connor, Patrick - Moydore Well Lane Connor, Patrick - The Rock Connor, Richard - Strand St. Connor, Thaddeus - Ratass P./Stephen's Lane Connor, Thomas - Abbey St. Connor, Thomas - Mc Ennery's Lane Connor, Thomas - Old Chapel Lane Connor, Thomas - Pound Lane Connor, Timothy - The Rock Connors, Jeremiah - Strand St. Upper Connors, Mary - Strand St. Connors, Thomas - Pound Lane Conoughan, Michael - Boherboy Corcoran, Denis - Ratass P./Chute's Lane Costello, Patrick - Boherboy Costello, Timothy - Strand St. Upper Cotter, Mary - Pie Lane Counahan, Cornelius - Connor's Lane Counihan, Mary - Castle St. Upper Counihan, Timothy - Connor's Lane Counihan, William - Boherboy Cournane, Mary - Russell St. Cournane, Stephen - Old Chapel Lane Cramer, Denis - Strand St. Cransberry, Samuel - Boherboy Crean, Martin - Ratass P./Garryruth Creane, Alexander - Moydore Well Lane Croker, Rachael - Ratass P./Stephen's Lane Cronin, John - Barrack Lane Cronin, Margaret - Strand St. Cronin, Michael - Ratass P./Boherboy Cronin, Michael - Abbey St. Crosbie, Arthur - James St. Crosbie, Arthur - Strand St. Crosbie, Elizabeth - Bridge St. Crosbie, John - Bridge St. Crowley, John - Mary St. Crowley, Laurence - The Rock Crowley, Margaret - Strand St. Upper Crowley, Timothy - Bridge St. Crowley, Timothy - Kean's Lane Crumpe, Francis - Denny St. Crumpe, Jane - James St. Curley, Michael - Ratass P./Stephen's Lane Currane, James - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane Curry, Edward - Church St. Daly, Jeremiah - Abbey St. Lower Daly, John - Pound Lane Daly, John - Strand St. Daly, Margaret - Boherboy Daly, Mary - John St. Danihy, Dermot - The Rock Danihy, James - Castle St. Upper Danihy, Jeremiah - The Rock Danihy, John - Rae St. Danihy, Patrick - Ratass P./Stephen's Lane Davis, Robert - Russell St. Day, Debora - Day Place Day, William - Waterloo Lane Deady, Owen - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane Deady, Patrick - Connor's Lane Deane, Thomas - Cross Lane Dee, Mary - Rae St. Dee, Maurice - Caher Anne Road Dee, Michael - Caher Anne Road Dee, Timothy - Abbey St. Denny, Rev. Anthony - Nelson St. Denny, Baronet Edward - Big River Road Denny, Baronet Edward - Blemerville Road Denny, Baronet Edward - Canal New Road Denny, Baronet Edward - Listowel New Road Denny, Baronet Edward - Old Rd. To Milltown Denny, Baronet Edward - The Terrace Denny, Baronet Edwd. - Ratass P./Garryruth Denny, William - Canal New Road Denny, William - Day Place Diggin, Terence - Abbey St. Diggin, Thaddeus - Racket Lane Diggins, Timothy - The Rock Doherty, John - John St. Donald, John - Nelson St. Donegan, Timothy - The Rock Donohoe, Bartholomew - Ratass P./Spring's Lane Donohoe, Daniel - Kean's Lane Donohoe, Florence - Strand St. Upper Donohoe, John - Friar's Lane Donohoe, John - Mary St. Donohoe, John - Murphy's Lane Donohoe, John - Pound Lane Donohoe, Matthew - The Rock Donohoe, Thaddeus - Mary St. Donohoe, Timothy - Strand St. Donohue, John - Abbey St. Donovan, Daniel - Pie Lane Donovan, Daniel - Waterloo Lane Donovan, Edmond - Milk Market Lane Donovan, John - Godfrey Place Donovan, John - The Rock Donovan, John - The Square Donovan, Nicholas - The Square Donovan, Patrick - Cross Lane Donovan, Richard - Barrack Lane Donovan, Richard - Bridge St. Donovan, Thomas - Boherboy Doran, Edward - Pound Lane Doran, Michael - Abbey St. Lower Doran, Michael - Pie Lane Dowd, John - Milk Market Lane Dowd, William - Ratass P./Spring's Lane Dowde, William - Ratass P./Garryruth Dowling, Edward - Boherboy Dowling, John - Boherboy Dowling, John - Church Place Dowling, John - Church St. Dowling, Michael - John St. Downes, George - Old Chapel Lane Driscoll, James - Ratass P./Garryruth Driscoll, Patrick - Caher Anne Road Driscoll, Timothy - The Mall Duffield, ??? - The Mall Comment : Shaw and Duffield Duggan, Patrick - Kean's Lane Dundon, Matthew - John St. Dunleavy, James - John St. Dunne, Catherine - Waterloo Lane Dunne, John - Abbey St. Dunne, Thomas - The Rock Duohig, Mary - Ratass P./Boherboy Dwyer, Jane - Nelson St. Eagar, Anthony - William St. Eagar, James R. - Church St. Eagar, John F. - Caher Anne Road Eagar, John F. - Nelson St. Eagar, Rowland T. - The Terrace Early, Michael - Strand St. Edwards, David - Russell St. Egan, Anne - Old Chapel Lane Egan, Blanch - Prince's Quay Egan, Geoffrey - Denny St. Egan, John - Busteed's Lane Egan, John - Denny St. Egan, John - The Mall Ellard, Michael - Boherboy English, Rep. James - Denny St. Enright, Catherine - Racket Lane Falvey, Charles - Russell St. Falvey, Daniel - Strand St. Falvey, John B. - Ratass P./Garryruth Falvey, Mary - Island of Geese Falvey, Michael - Barrack Lane Falvey, Michael - Island of Geese Falvey, Michael - Racket Lane Falvey, Michael - The Mall Fanaghty, John - Caher Anne Road farmer, John - Castle St. Lower farmer, John - Mc Ennery's Lane farmer, John - The Square farmer, John H. - Courthouse Lane farmer, Richard - Castle St. Lower farmer, William - Ratass P./Chute's Lane Feehan, Cornelius - Pound Lane Feenaghty, Barthw. - Brogue Maker's Lane Fehan, Patrick - Strand St. Upper Fehane, Patrick - Strand St. Upper Ferris, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Ferris, Thomas - The Rock Finn, James - Caher Anne Road Finn, John - Bridge St. Finnegan, Jeremiah - Island of Geese Finnegan, Jeremiah - Russell St. Fishbourne, Joseph - Castle St. Upper Fitgerald, Michael - John St. Fitzgerald, Darby - Connor's Lane Fitzgerald, David - The Rock Fitzgerald, Francis - Moydore Well Lane Fitzgerald, Garrett - Abbey St. Fitzgerald, James - Ratass P./Garryruth Fitzgerald, James - Caher Anne Road Fitzgerald, James - James St. Fitzgerald, James - William St. Fitzgerald, John - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Fitzgerald, John - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane Fitzgerald, Maurice - The Square Fitzgerald, Michael - Denny St. Fitzgerald, Michael - Strand St. Upper Fitzgerald, Patrick - Ratass P./Stephen's Lane Fitzgerald, Robert - Big River Road Fitzgerald, Robert - Strand St. Fitzgerald, Stephen - Strand St. Fitzgerald, Thomas - Milk Market Lane Fitzgerald, William - Mary St. Fitzgibbon, Ellen - Bridge St. Fitzmaurice, Ms. ??? - Staughton Row Fitzmaurice, Thomas - Mary St. Fitzmaurice, Ulick - Church Place Flaherty, Mary - Strand St. Upper Flaherty, Patrick - Strand St. Upper Fleming, Garrett - Chute's Lane Fleming, James - Moydore Well Lane Fleming, John - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane Flynn, Anthony - The Mall Flynn, Bartholomew - Francis St. Flynn, Batholomew - Castle St. Upper Flynn, Daniel - Ratass P./Chute's Lane Flynn, Jeremiah - Abbey St. Flynn, John - Bridge St. Flynn, John - Caher Anne Road Flynn, John - James St. Flynn, John - Rae St. Flynn, John - The Rock Flynn, Patrick - Nelson St. Flynn, Sarah - Boherboy Flynn, Thomas - The Rock Foley, Catherine - Denny St. Foley, Catherine - Moydore Well Lane Foley, Charles - Strand St. Foley, Daniel - Brogue Maker's Lane Foley, Daniel - Milk Market Lane Foley, Daniel - Moydore Well Lane Foley, Honoria - Brogue Maker's Lane Foley, James - John St. Foley, James - Moydore Well Lane Foley, Jeremiah - Brogue Maker's Lane Foley, John - Milk Market Lane Foley, John - Moydore Well Lane Foley, Margaret - Castle St. Upper Foley, Mary - Rae St. Foley, Richard - Caher Anne Road Foley, Thomas - Brogue Maker's Lane Foley, Timothy - Mary St. Folke, Daniel - Morris' Lane Foran, Murtagh - Brogue Maker's Lane Forehan, Robert - Ratass P./Garryruth Foster, George - Waterloo Lane Gaine, James - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Gallavan, Eliza - Brogue Maker's Lane Gallavan, John - Castle St. Upper Gallavan, Michael - Ratass P./Garryruth Gallavan, Michael - Big River Road Gallavan, Michael - Strand St. Gallavan, Michael - The Rock Gallavan, Thaddeus - Ratass P./Garryruth Gallavan, Thomas - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Gallavin, James - Abbey St. Gallavin, John - Abbey St. Gallavin, Michael - Ratass P./Garryruth Gallavin, Michael - Abbey St. Gallavin, Michael - The Rock Gallavin, Thomas - Abbey St. Gallavin, Thomas - Bridge St. Gallavin, William - Bridge St. Gallavin, William - Milk Market Lane Gallivan, Denis - Castle St. Lower Gallivan, John - Boherboy Garvey, Daniel - Ratass P./Garryruth Gearan, Richard - Abbey St. Gentleman, Nicholas - Moydore Well Lane Gieran, Timothy - Ratass P./Stephen's Lane Gilbert, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Giles, George - The Mall Glavan, Johanna - Brogue Maker's Lane Glavan, Mary - Brogue Maker's Lane Gleeson, John - Milk Market Lane Gloster, Patrick - Brogue Maker's Lane Glover, John Thomas - Moydore Well Lane Goggin, John - Ratass P./Garryruth Goold, Patrick - Ratass P./Stephen's Lane Gorman, Michael - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane Gorman, William - Balloonagh Road Gorman, William - William St. Gray, Elizabeth - Church St. Greany, Michael - William St. Greene, Ellen - Connor's Lane Greene, Joseph - Abbey St. Griffin, Denis - Strand St. Upper Griffin, Ellen - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane Griffin, Jeremiah - Kean's Lane Griffin, Jeremiah - Strand St. Griffin, Jeremiah - Strand St. Upper Griffin, John - Chute's Lane Griffin, John - Strand St. Upper Griffin, John F. - Castle St. Lower Griffin, Laurence - Kean's Lane Griffin, Mary - The Rock Griffin, Patrick - Connor's Lane Griffin, Thomas - Boherboy Griffin, Thomas - Cross Lane Griffin, Thomas - Pie Lane Grogan, John - The Rock Gurnett, Ellen - Brogue Maker's Lane Hacket, Thomas - Moydore Well Lane Hagerty, Bartholomew - Caher Anne Road Hallavan, Denis - The Rock Hallinan, Ellen - The Rock Hallinan, John - Moydore Well Lane Hallinan, John - The Rock Hanifin, William - Caher Anne Road Hanlon, Catherine - Moydore Well Lane Hanlon, Jeremiah - Abbey St. Hanlon, John - Moydore Well Lane Hanlon, John - The Rock Hanlon, Michael - Abbey St. Hannafin, Denis - Brogue Maker's Lane Hanrahan, John - The Mall Hanrahan, John - The Mall Comment : and Co Hanrahan, John - The Rock Hare, Denis - The Rock Hare, George F. - Strand St. Hare, John - Abbey St. Harmon, Thomas - The Mall Harrington, Maurice - Ratass P./Garryruth Harrington, Maurice - Bridge St. Harrington, Maurice - Church St. Harrington, Maurice - Milk Market Lane Hasset, William - The Rock Hassett, Martin - The Rock Hassett, Rowland - The Rock Haurahan, John - Barrack Lane Hayes, Edward - Abbey St. Hayes, James - Strand St. Hayes, Michael - Abbey St. Hayes, Michael - The Rock Hayes, William - Ratass P./Garryruth Healy, Brian - Strand St. Upper Healy, Francis - The Mall Healy, John - Cross Lane Healy, John - Francis St. Healy, Matthew - The Rock Healy, Patrick - Old Chapel Lane Healy, Roger - Balloonagh Road Hearne, Michael - Ratass P./Stephen's Lane Heffernan, Patrick - Boherboy Hegarty, Patrick - Strand St. Upper Hegerty, Jeremiah - Caher Anne Road Hendley, John - High St. Hickey, William - Cross Lane Hickson, Robert - Day Place Higgins, Daniel - Brogue Maker's Lane Higgins, John - Abbey St. Higgins, John - Nelson St. Higgins, Mary - Caher Anne Road Higgins, Thomas - Ratass P./Boherboy Higgins, Thomas - Abbey St. Higgins, Thomas - Barrack Lane Hill, John - Castle St. Lower Hillard, Elizabeth - Waterloo Lane Hilliard, Elizabeth - Bridge St. Hilliard, Elizabeth - Moydore Well Lane Hilliard, George - Day Place Hilliard, Richard - Church Place Hilliard, William - Abbey St. Lower Hilliard, William - The Terrace Hoare, John - Boherboy Hoare, Matthew - Strand St. Hogan, Bryan - William St. Hogan, Michael - Brogue Maker's Lane Hogan, Patrick - Canal New Road Hogan, Patrick - Strand St. Hogan, Richard - Milk Market Lane Hoolahan, Catherine - Kean's Lane Hoolahan, Daniel - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Horan, Catherine - Abbey St. Horan, Cornelius - Boherboy Horan, Edmond - Brogue Maker's Lane Horan, Patrick - Rae St. Horan, Patrick - The Rock Horan, Patrick - The Square Horrigan, Thomas - The Rock Hospital, ??? - Ratass P./Moydorewell Lane Hospital, ??? - Strand St. Howard, John - Church St. Howard, Matthew - Chute's Lane Howard, William - Church St. Hubbard, John - Moydore Well Lane Hudson, Edward - Strand St. Hudson, Edward - Strand St. Upper Huggard, John - Ratass P./Garryruth Huggard, Richard - Caher Anne Road Huggard, Richard - Denny St. Huggard, Stephen - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Huggard, Stephen - Castle St. Upper Huggard, Stephen - Nelson St. Hurley, Charles - Boherboy Hurley, Francis - The Rock Hurley, John - Boherboy Hurley, John - Chute's Lane Hurley, John - High St. Hurley, John - The Rock Hurley, Murto - Castle St. Lower Hurley, Thomas B. - Nelson St. Hurley, Thomas B. - Prince's Quay Hurley, William - The Rock Hussy, Edward - William St. Hynes, Thomas - Ratass P./Garryruth Irwin, Mary - The Rock Irwin, Thomas - Strand St. Irwin, Thomas - Waterloo Lane Jeffcott, Joseph - Castle St. Upper Jeffcott, Joseph - Green Lane Jeffcott, Michael - Ratass P./Moydorewell Lane Jeffcott, William - Prince's Quay Johnston, Edward - Nelson St. Johnston, John - Moydore Well Lane Johnston, William - Brewery Road Jones, John - Strand St. Jones, Thomas - Old Chapel Lane Jordan, Richard - Strand St. Jordan, Thomas - Pie Lane Joyce, Robert - Church St. Kane, John - Connor's Lane Keane, Catherine - Kean's Lane Keane, Denis - Mc Ennery's Lane Keane, Ellen - Kean's Lane Keane, John - Moydore Well Lane Keane, Maurice - Mary St. Kearney, Thomas - Racket Lane Keeffe, Anne - Brogue Maker's Lane Keeffe, Daniel - Daly's Lane Kelleher, Daniel - Rae St. Kelleher, John - The Rock Kelleher, John M. - Balloonagh Road Kelleher, Maurice - Balloonagh Road Kelleher, Maurice - The Rock Kelleher, Timothy - John St. Kelliher, John - Ratass P./Garryruth Kelliher, John - The Rock Kelly, James - The Square Kelly, Mary - Murphy's Lane Kelly, Michael - Denny St. Kelly, Sarah - Morris' Lane Kelly, William - Caher Anne Road Kenifick, John - Bridge St. Kenna, Jeremiah - Connor's Lane Kennealy, Francis - Moydore Well Lane Kennealy, Michael - Staughton Row Kennedy, James - John St. Kennedy, James - Strand St. Comment : and Co Kennedy, Mary - Moydore Well Lane Kennedy, Michael - Milk Market Lane Kennedy, Patrick - The Rock Kennefick, Edward - Godfrey Place Kennefick, John - James St. Kerrigan, Elizabeth - Brogue Maker's Lane Kerrisk, Thomas - John St. |
King, Jeremiah - Denny St. King, Richard - Pie Lane Kinnea, Daniel - Strand St. Kinnealy, Francis - Francis St. Kirby, Margaret - Brogue Maker's Lane Kirby, Timothy - The Rock Kissane, Bridget - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane Knox, James - Strand St. Knox, James - The Square Lamb, Cornelius - The Rock Lamb, John - The Square Lamb, Patrick - The Rock Lamoon, Joseph - Ratass P./Garryruth Lane, John - Strand St. Langan, Robert - The Rock Latchford, John - Bridge St. Launders, Maurice - Rae St. Lawlor, Bartholomew - Boherboy Lawlor, Bartholomew - Francis St. Lawlor, John - Castle St. Upper Lawlor, John - Francis St. Lawlor, Mary - Nelson St. Lawlor, Michael - The Square Lawlor, Robt. - The Square Lawlor, William H. - Staughton Row Leahy, Daniel - Ratass P./Chute's Lane Leahy, John - Church Place Leahy, Michael - Ratass P./Garryruth Leahy, Richard - Church Place Leahy, Richard - Strand St. Leahy, William - Staughton Row Leahy, William F. - The Terrace Leary, Cornelius - The Rock Leary, Mary - Connor's Lane Leary, Michael - The Rock Leary, Patrick - Old Chapel Lane Leary, Timothy - Brogue Maker's Lane Leeler, Richard - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Leen, Maurice - Racket Lane Leene, Maurice - Ratass P./Garryruth Lelliott, Edward - Boherboy Lenehan, John - Ratass P./Stephen's Lane Lenihan, Daniel - Ratass P./Spring's Lane Lenihan, John - Church St. Lenihan, Michael - Strand St. Upper Leonard, Denis - Denny St. Leonard, John - Ratass P./Boherboy Leyne, Jeremiah - Denny St. Lloyd, Johanna - Old Chapel Lane Loder, James - Canal New Road Long, James - Connor's Lane Long, John - Boherboy Long, Michael - Moydore Well Lane Looney, Jeremiah - Rae St. Looney, Jeremiah - Strand St. Upper Looney, Margaret - Ratass P./Stephen's Lane Looney, Mary - Bridge St. Loony, Daniel - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane Luby, Elizabeth - Castle St. Lower Lucas, James - Rae St. Lumsden, John - Denny St. Lunham, William - Denny St. Lunham, William - The Rock Lynch, Edward - Barrack Lane Lynch, Elizabeth - Boherboy Lynch, Elizabeth Anne - Bridge Place Lynch, George D. - Nelson St. Lynch, Honoria - Abbey St. Lynch, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Lynch, John - Connor's Lane Lynch, John - Strand St. Lynch, Patrick - Boherboy Lynch, Patrick - Francis St. Lynch, Thomas - Bridge St. Lyons, Elizabeth - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane Lyons, Henry - Denny St. Mack, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Madden, John - Milk Market Lane Magill, John - Prince's Quay Magrath, Charles K. - Strand St. Upper Magrath, Chas. K. - Denny St. Comment : Agent Magrath, John - Abbey St. Lower Maguire, Robert - Ratass P./Boherboy Maher, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Maher, Joseph - Brogue Maker's Lane Mahony, Charles - Castle St. Lower Mahony, Daniel - Ratass P./Chute's Lane Mahony, Ellen - Friar's Lane Mahony, James - John St. Mahony, Rep. James - The Square Mahony, Jeremiah - Milk Market Lane Mahony, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Mahony, John - Daly's Lane Mahony, John - Nelson St. Mahony, John - Rae St. Mahony, Maurice - The Mall Mahony, Patrick - Boherboy Mahony, Patrick - Brogue Maker's Lane Mahony, Timothy - Moydore Well Lane Mahony, William - Bridge St. Malcomson, Fred. P. H. - Ratass P./Spring's Lane Malcomson, Fredk. P. H. - Ratass P./Boherboy Mansfield, John - Moydore Well Lane Maroney, James - The Square Martello, John - James St. Mason, Charles - Ratass P./Garryruth Mason, Thomas - Nelson St. Mason, William - Bridge St. Mason, William - High St. Matthews, Benjamin - Nelson St. Maw, Rev. John - Castle St. Lower Mc Auliff, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Mc Auliffe, Thomas - Church Place Mc Cann, Henry - Prince's Quay Mc Carthy, Catherine - Strand St. Upper Mc Carthy, Charles - Boherboy Mc Carthy, Daniel - Brogue Maker's Lane Mc Carthy, Francis - Bridge St. Mc Carthy, James - Moydore Well Lane Mc Carthy, Jeremiah - Strand St. Upper Mc Carthy, John - Bridge St. Mc Carthy, John - John St. Mc Carthy, Margaret - Racket Lane Mc Carthy, Mary - Ratass P./Boherboy Mc Carthy, Mary - The Rock Mc Carthy, Maurice - Courthouse Lane Mc Carthy, Maurice - The Mall Mc Carthy, Nathaniel - The Mall Mc Carthy, Owen - Boherboy Mc Carthy, Robert - Old Chapel Lane Mc Carthy, William - Milk Market Lane Mc Carty, John - Daly's Lane Mc Cluire, Robert - The Rock Mc Cowan, James - The Square Mc Cowan, Robert - The Mall Mc Crean, John - Caher Anne Road Mc Crohan, John - Castle St. Upper Mc Donnell, Jeremiah - The Rock Mc Donnell, John - Abbey St. Mc Donnell, Maurice - Canal New Road Mc Donnell, Michael - Abbey St. Mc Donnell, Thomas - Francis St. Mc Elligot, James - Boherboy Mc Elligot, John - Caher Anne Road Mc Elligott, Patrick - Abbey St. Mc Elligott, Peter - Abbey St. Mc Elligott, Richard - Abbey St. Mc Elligott, Richard - Pie Lane Mc Elligott, Thomas - The Rock Mc Elligut, Thomas - The Rock Mc Ellistrum, John - Mary St. Mc Ellistrum, Robert - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Mc Ellistrun, Garrett - Strand St. Mc Ennery, David - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Mc Ennery, David - Moydore Well Lane Mc Ennnery, J. G. - Moydore Well Lane Comment : Very Rev. Mc Gillicuddy, Alexander - John St. Mc Gillicuddy, Dan. Dec. - Day Place Mc Gillicuddy, Jane - Milk Market Lane Mc Gillycuddy, Daniel - Moydore Well Lane Mc Gillycuddy, Margaret - Church Place Mc Gillycuddy, Patrick - Abbey St. Mc Gillycuddy, Patrick - Castle St. Lower Mc Gillycuddy, Patrick - Pound Lane Mc Gillycuddy, Richard - Nelson St. Mc Grath, Marcus - The Mall Mc Gregor, Adam - Church Place Mc Gregor, Adam - The Mall Mc Guinness, John - Boherboy Mc Kenna, Jeremiah - Connor's Lane Mc Kenna, John - Morris' Lane Mc Kenna, Patrick - Francis St. Mc Kenna, Patrick - Strand St. Mc Mahon, Brien - Connor's Lane Mc Namara, Eugene - Strand St. Mc Namara, John - Strand St. Mc Namara, Patrick - Strand St. Upper Mc Quinn, John - Connor's Lane Mc Quinn, Maurice - The Rock Mc Sheehy, John - Russell St. Mc Sweeny, Matthew - Abbey St. Meredith, Richard - Ratass P./Stephen's Lane Meskitt, Mary - Brogue Maker's Lane Miller, Richard - Church Place Mills, John - Denny St. Minahan, Denis - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane Minahan, Timothy - Brogue Maker's Lane Minehan, James - Rae St. Moore, Garrett - Mary St. Moore, John - Bridge St. Moore, Maurice - Brogue Maker's Lane Moore, Nicholas - Caher Anne Road Moran, Jeremiah - Strand St. Moran, Michael - Moydore Well Lane Moran, Roger - Strand St. Morgan, Mary - Brogue Maker's Lane Moriarty, Charles - The Rock Moriarty, Hugh - The Rock Moriarty, Johanna - Canal New Road Moriarty, John - Ratass P./Garryruth Moriarty, John - The Mall Moriarty, John - The Square Moriarty, Maurice - Moydore Well Lane Moriarty, Michael - Moydore Well Lane Moriarty, Murtagh - The Rock Moriarty, Oliver - Prince's Quay Moriarty, Patrick - Abbey St. Moriarty, Patrick - Brogue Maker's Lane Morphy, Eusebius - Castle St. Lower Morphy, Eusebius - Nelson St. Morris, Elizabeth - High St. Morris, Sarah - Nelson St. Morris, Thomas - Castle St. Lower Moylan, Michael - Ratass P./Boherboy Moynahan, Andrew - Ratass P./Garryruth Moynahan, Cornelius - Ratass P./Garryruth Mulchinock, John - Ratass P./Garryruth Mullane, Michael - John St. Mullane, Timothy - The Square Mullowney, Edward - Boherboy Mullowney, John - Boherboy Murphy, Abraham - Nelson St. Murphy, Barbara - Strand St. Murphy, Cornelius - The Rock Murphy, Daniel - Listowel New Road Murphy, Daniel - Russell St. Murphy, Daniel - The Rock Murphy, Denis - Balloonagh Road Murphy, Denis - The Rock Murphy, Edward - Nelson St. Murphy, Edward - Prince's Quay Murphy, Jeremiah - Francis St. Murphy, John - Ratass P./Chute's Lane Murphy, John - Castle St. Upper Murphy, John - Moydore Well Lane Murphy, John - Strand St. Upper Murphy, John - The Square Murphy, Michael - Bridge St. Murphy, Michael - Murphy's Lane Murphy, Michael - Pie Lane Murphy, Michael - Strand St. Murphy, Murtagh - Brogue Maker's Lane Murphy, Richard - Bridge St. Murphy, Sylvester - Ratass P./Garryruth Murray, Peter - Nelson St. Myles, William - Ratass P./Garryruth Naughton, Eliza - The Rock Neale, John - Boherboy Nealon, Andrew - Caher Anne Road Nealon, John - Pound Lane Neill, Denis - Brogue Maker's Lane Neill, John - Castle St. Upper Neligan, William J. - Ratass P./Boherboy Nelligan, Cherry - Denny St. Nelligan, Wm. J. - Denny St. Nelligan, Wm. J. - Green Lane Nocton, John - Pie Lane Norman, John - Ratass P./Boherboy Norris Russell, John - Courthouse Lane Comment : and Sons Norwood, John - Ratass P./Boherboy Nowlan, John - Castle St. Upper Nowlan, John - Russell St. O'Brien, Anne - The Square O'Brien, John - Brogue Maker's Lane O'Brien, John - Nelson St. O'Brien, Michael - Strand St. O'Brien, Patrick - Ratass P./Garryruth O'Brien, Patrick - Abbey St. Lower O'Brien, Patrick - Brogue Maker's Lane O'Brien, Patrick - Moydore Well Lane O'Brien, Patrick - Pie Lane O'Brien, William - Russell St. Oche, Patrick - Brogue Maker's Lane O'Connell, Patrick - Moydore Well Lane O'Connell, Thomas - Nelson St. O'Connor, Brian - Abbey St. O'Connor, Bryan - Bridge St. O'Connor, Bryan - Waterloo Lane O'Connor, Daniel - Strand St. O'Connor, David - Barrack Lane O'Connor, David - The Mall O'Connor, Diana - Bridge St. O'Connor, Gerald - Castle St. Lower O'Connor, Gerald F. - Prince's Quay O'Connor, James - Boherboy O'Connor, James - Denny St. O'Connor, Jeremiah - Strand St. Upper O'Connor, John - The Rock O'Connor, Mary - Boherboy O'Connor, Michael - Nelson St. O'Connor, Thomas - Boherboy O'Donnell, Denis - Boherboy O'Donnell, James - Balloonagh Road O'Donnell, James - Listowel New Road O'Donnell, Patrick - Brogue Maker's Lane O'Flaherty, John - Island of Geese O'Grady, Terence - The Square O'Kelly, Michael - Castle St. Upper O'Kelly, Thomas - Bridge St. O'Kelly, Thomas - Island of Geese O'Kelly, Thomas - Waterloo Lane O'L. Byrne, Patk. - Nelson St. O'Leary, John - Francis St. O'Mahony, John - Castle St. Lower O'Neill, Cornelius - Castle St. Upper O'Neill, Denis - Boherboy O'Neill, Edward - Strand St. O'Neill, Thomas - Rae St. Ormond, Daniel - Brogue Maker's Lane Ormond, Maurice - John St. O'Shea, Andrew - Nelson St. O'Sullivan, Cornelius - Castle St. Lower O'Sullivan, Daniel - Castle St. Lower O'Sullivan, Daniel - Courthouse Lane O'Sullivan, Daniel - Listowel New Road O'Sullivan, John - Boherboy O'Sullivan, Michael - Milk Market Lane O'Sullivan, Patrick - The Rock Palmer, Edward - Godfrey Place Palmer, John - Day Place Palmer, John - James St. Palmer, John - The Mall Payne, Nathaniel - Rae St. Peate, Clement - Prince's Quay Pembroke, John W. - Denny St. Pender, Francis - Canal New Road Phelan, Francis - Nelson St. Pierce, John - Abbey St. Lower Powell, John - William St. Power, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Power, John - Castle St. Lower Power, John - Castle St. Upper Power, John - The Rock Power, M. J. - Denny St. Comment : Manager Prendaville, Michael - Ratass P./Boherboy Prendaville, William - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Prendergast, Geoffry - Boherboy Prendergast, James - Boherboy Prendergast, John - Rae St. Prenderville, Garrett - Milk Market Lane Prenderville, James - Brogue Maker's Lane Prenderville, John - Boherboy Prenderville, John - The Rock Prenderville, John - Waterloo Lane Prenderville, Thomas - The Rock Prike, William - Ratass P./Garryruth Prison, ??? - Ratass P./Garryruth Purdon, Mary - Staughton Row Quigley, Thomas - Moydore Well Lane Quill, Jerome - Day Place Quill, Maurice - Caher Anne Road Quill, Rickard - Nelson St. Quill, Timothy - Ratass P./Chute's Lane Quinlan, Thomas - Staughton Row Quirk, Timothy - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Quirke, Edward - Rae St. Quirke, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Quirke, John - Caher Anne Road Rahilly, Mary - Pound Lane Rahilly, Timothy - Brogue Maker's Lane Raymond, George - Abbey St. Lower Raymond, William - Abbey St. Lower Ready, Bartholomew - Chute's Lane Ready, Denis - The Rock Ready, John - Rae St. Ready, Mary - Church Place Ready, Matthew - The Rock Ready, Michael - The Mall Reardon, Michael - Strand St. Upper Reardon, Thaddeus - Milk Market Lane Reardon, Thomas - The Rock Regan, Daniel - Brogue Maker's Lane Regan, Daniel - Waterloo Lane Regan, Patrick - Boherboy Regan, Thomas - Strand St. Regan, Timothy - Brogue Maker's Lane Regan, William - Canal New Road Reid, Caroline - James St. Reidy, Maurice - Ratass P./Chute's Lane Reynolds, Joseph - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Ring, Daniel - Strand St. Upper Rioran, Timothy - The Mall Riordan, Daniel - Strand St. Comment : and Co Riordan, John - Milk Market Lane Riordan, Thomas - The Rock Riordan, Timothy - Barrack Lane Roche, James - Connor's Lane Roche, John D. - Castle St. Lower Roche, Michael - Caher Anne Road Roche, Patrick - Old Chapel Lane Rohan, John - Bridge St. Ross, James - Denny St. Ross, William - Waterloo Lane Rowan, Rev. Arthur B/.Parish : Annagh/Ballyard Rowan, Rev. Arthur B. - Blemerville Road Roy, James A. - Ratass P./Garryruth Russell, Jn. Norris - Castle St. Upper Russell, John Norris - Castle St. Lower Ruttle, Christopher - Godfrey Place Ruttle, Christopher - The Square Ruttle, John - Castle St. Lower Ryall, Michael - Caher Anne Road Ryall, Thomas - Abbey St. Lower Ryan, Mary - Caher Anne Road Ryan, Michael - Milk Market Lane Ryan, William - Abbey St. Lower Ryle, Denis - The Rock Sage, John - Francis St. Sanders, Bridget - Denny St. Sands, Nicholas - Balloonagh Road Saunders, Timothy - John St. Saunders, William - The Rock Savage, David - The Square Savage, Mary - The Rock Savage, Maurice - Brogue Maker's Lane Savage, Richard - The Rock Savage, Thomas - Castle St. Upper Scanlan, James - Strand St. Scanlan, Judith - Waterloo Lane Scanlan, Michael - Connor's Lane Scanlan, Michael - Friar's Lane Scanlan, Thaddeus - Strand St. Scanlan, Thaddeus - Strand St. Upper Scanlan, Thaddeus - The Mall Scanlan, Thadeus - Nelson St. Scanlon, Garrett - Brogue Maker's Lane Scannell, Thaddeus - The Rock Scannell, Timothy - Ratass P./Boherboy Scollard, Michael - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane Scollard, Michael - Waterloo Lane Sewell, Thomas - Russell St. Seymour, William - Strand St. Sharpe, William - The Rock Shaughnessy, Patrick - Caher Anne Road Shaw, ??? - The Mall Comment : Shaw and Duffield Shea, Daniel - Moydore Well Lane Shea, Honoria - Daly's Lane Shea, James - Bridge St. Shea, John - Boherboy Shea, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Shea, John - James St. Shea, John - Rae St. Shea, John - Strand St. Shea, Matthew - Murphy's Lane Shea, Michael - The Mall Shea, Simon - The Rock Shea, Simon - The Square Shea, Thomas - Moydore Well Lane Shearman, Patrick - Boherboy Sheehan, Jeremiah - Boherboy Sheehan, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Sheehy, Bryan - Milk Market Lane Sheehy, Edmond - The Rock Sheehy, John - Ratass P./Garryruth Sheehy, John - The Rock Sheehy, Thomas - Ratass P./Garryruth Sheehy, Timothy - Strand St. Sheehy, William - Canal New Road Shine, John - Kean's Lane Shinners, Richard - The Rock Simmonds, Arthur - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Skahane, John - Ratass P./Garryruth Slattery, Daniel - Strand St. Upper Slattery, James - Morris' Lane Slattery, James - Rae St. Slattery, Jeremiah - Abbey St. Slattery, John - The Rock Slattery, Lucinda - Day Place Slattery, Michael - The Rock Slattery, Murtagh - Russell St. Slattery, Patrick - Caher Anne Road Slattery, Patrick - Strand St. Upper Slattery, Timothy - Brogue Maker's Lane Smith, Benjamin - Denny St. Smith, Ellen - Milk Market Lane Spillane, Maurice - Strand St. Spring, Robert - Ratass P./Boherboy Stack, Edmond - The Mall Stack, Eugene - Bridge St. Stack, James - Daly's Lane Stack, John - Castle St. Lower Stack, Margaret - Bridge St. Stack, Mary - Brogue Maker's Lane Stack, Patrick - Brogue Maker's Lane Stack, Patrick - Nelson St. Stack, Patrick - Rae St. Stack, Richard - The Rock Stack, Sarah - The Square Stack, Thomas - The Rock Stephens, Rep. Henry - Ratass P./Garryruth Stephens, Joseph - Castle St. Lower Stephens, Samuel - Ratass P./Garryruth Stephens, Samuel - Ratass P./Killierisk Stephens, William - Ratass P./Mc Ennery's Lane Stephens, William - Moydore Well Lane Stewart, Thos. - Denny St. Comment : Manager Stokes, Edward D. - Castle St. Lower Stokes, George D. - Prince's Quay Stokes, Oliver - Ratass P./Killierisk Stokes, Patrick - Strand St. Sugrue, Catherine - Ratass P./Spring's Lane Sugrue, Catherine - Castle St. Lower Sugrue, James - Balloonagh Road Sugrue, John - Balloonagh Road Sugrue, John - The Rock Sugrue, Thomas - Ratass P./Garryruth Sullivan, Andrew - Castle St. Upper Sullivan, Catherine - The Rock Sullivan, Cornelius - Mary St. Sullivan, Daniel - Ratass P./Spring's Lane Sullivan, Daniel - Ratass P./Stephen's Lane Sullivan, Daniel - Boherboy Sullivan, Daniel - Francis St. Sullivan, Daniel - Moydore Well Lane Sullivan, Daniel - The Rock Sullivan, David - Rae St. Sullivan, Denis - Abbey St. Sullivan, Denis - Balloonagh Road Sullivan, Denis - Moydore Well Lane Sullivan, James - Brogue Maker's Lane Sullivan, James - The Rock Sullivan, James - Waterloo Lane Sullivan, Jeremiah - Pie Lane Sullivan, Jeremiah - Strand St. Sullivan, John - Boherboy Sullivan, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Sullivan, John - Daly's Lane Sullivan, John - Friar's Lane Sullivan, John - Milk Market Lane Sullivan, John - Strand St. Sullivan, John - Strand St. Upper Sullivan, Keane - John St. Sullivan, Margaret - Ratass P./Stephen's Lane Sullivan, Rep. Mary - Canal New Road Sullivan, Mary - Rae St. Sullivan, Mary - Strand St. Sullivan, Mary - The Rock Sullivan, Michael - Ratass P./Boherboy Sullivan, Michael - Brogue Maker's Lane Sullivan, Michael - Caher Anne Road Sullivan, Michael - Friar's Lane Sullivan, Michael - Rae St. Sullivan, Michael - The Rock Sullivan, Michael - Waterloo Lane Sullivan, Owen - Moydore Well Lane Sullivan, Patrick - Barrack Lane Sullivan, Patrick - Boherboy Sullivan, Patrick - Castle St. Upper Sullivan, Patrick - Daly's Lane Sullivan, Patrick - Mc Ennery's Lane Sullivan, Patrick - Milk Market Lane Sullivan, Thaddeus - Strand St. Sullivan, Thomas - Ratass P./Spring's Lane Sullivan, Timothy - Brogue Maker's Lane Sullivan, William - Milk Market Lane Sullivan, William - Rae St. Supple, Justin - Castle St. Lower Sutherland, Alex - Castle St. Lower Sweeny, Bartholomew - Abbey St. Sweeny, Bartholomew - Balloonagh Road Sweeny, Denis - The Rock Sweeny, Eugene - Daly's Lane Sweeny, James - Ratass P./Boherboy Sweeny, John - Abbey St. Sweeny, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Sweeny, John - Caher Anne Road Sweeny, Mary - Brogue Maker's Lane Sweeny, Myles - John St. Sweeny, Patrick - Abbey St. Sweeny, Patrick - Brogue Maker's Lane Sweeny, Richard - Abbey St. Sweeny, William - Moydore Well Lane Talbot, Timothy - Brogue Maker's Lane Taylor, Charles - Connor's Lane Taylor, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Taylor, John - Moydore Well Lane Taylor, Joseph - The Rock Teigney, John - Brogue Maker's Lane Thomas, Mary - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane Thomas, Richard - Milk Market Lane Thompson, Anne - Denny St. Tidmarsh, Margaret - Nelson St. Tobin, Francis - Brogue Maker's Lane Tracy, Thomas - Boherboy Trant, John - The Rock Tretton, John - Ratass P./Chute's Lane Turner, John - Moydore Well Lane Turner, Margaret - Bridge St. Turner, Thomas - Friar's Lane Turner, Thomas - Murphy's Lane Twiss, Francis - Moydore Well Lane Twomey, Ellen - Bridge St. Twomey, Ellen - Waterloo Lane Twomey, Honoria - The Rock Twomey, Martin - Cross Lane Twomey, Michael - Brogue Maker's Lane Twomey, Peter - Ratass P./Garryruth Twomey, Thomas - Ratass P./Spring's Lane Tynan, Catherine - The Mall Usborne, Thomas M. - Bridge St. Usborne, Thomas M. - James St. Usborne, Thomas M. - Pie Lane Vaughan, John - Francis St. Vaughan, Patrick - Mary St. Waldron, John - Chute's Lane Walker, Mary - Prince's Quay Wall, Catherine - Strand St. Wallace, Catherine - Boherboy Wallace, Catherine - Canal New Road Wallace, Patrick - The Square Walpole, Johnathan, Jr. - Listowel New Road Walpole, Jonathan - Castle St. Upper Walpole, Jonathan, Jr. - Francis St. Walpole, Robert - Castle St. Lower Walpole, Robert - Listowel New Road Walpole, Robert - Nelson St. Walsh, John S. - Denny St. Walsh, John S. - The Square Walsh, John S. - Waterloo Lane Walsh, Maurice - Strand St. Walsh, Michael - Moydore Well Lane Walsh, Richard - Moydore Well Lane Walsh, Thomas - Rae St. Wassy, Michael - Rae St. Wheeler, John - Denny St. Whelan, Bryan - Ratass P./Boherboy Whelan, Jeremiah - Ratass P./Boherboy White, Catherine - Milk Market Lane White, John - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane White, John - The Rock White, Richard - The Mall Wicken, Richard - Caher Anne Road Wickham, William - Castle Mc Ellistrum Lane Williams, Eliza - Castle St. Lower Williams, Robert - Pie Lane Wilson, Hugh - Castle St. Upper Wren, Edward - Castle St. Upper Wren, Patrick - Abbey St. Wren, Patrick - Strand St. Wren, William - Boherboy Yealdon, John - Strand St. Upper |
This page created March 2000 for County Kerry, Ireland, part of Ireland Genealogy Projects