Genealogy of

Letter was written in 1903 by Ballymahon, County Longford native John
Eustace (1833-1916) to his first cousin Thomas Eustace c1823-1905 of
Townland Collum, Newtowncashel Parish. Janesville, Minn. Sep 30,
Contributed by Ron Eustice <ron at>
Dear Cousin1:-
You may be sure I was
delighted to get a letter from you it was so unexpected as I had
written so many letters + didn’t get an answer. I gave up writing
till I met this lady + she came from the same place2 +
could tell me so much about the people I asked her to write + she did3.
I was so glad I cried. If I live + nothing happens I will come and see
you next yr, 43 years4 is a long time + I have not seen any
of my people in that length of time. My dear father5 was
killed by a tree falling on him soon after I got to him in Wis, at
that time they used to have chopping bees + I was invited to go but he
was afraid I would get hurt so he went
+ got killed but he didn’t die till he had the priest. I was
left alone then + what he left I soon went through6. I got
married in 18637 + have 6 sons + 1 daughter all living near
me. We lost one boy when a baby, but have 6 living. My daughter8
is the oldest she is 38 yrs. She married a man by the name of Dennis
Hogan + lives near us he is a cattle buyer they are in good
circumstances she has 3 children living + 3 dead My oldest son James9
is a farmer he rents but owns 40 acres of his own cattle, horses etc.
he is a good Christian + a good son. John10 is living in
town he runs an engine + has some money at int. Chris11
runs a farm of his wife’s fathers. Tom12 runs a creamery
in Janesville + get 80 per mo. Will13 is a butter maker +
runs a creamery too + the baby14 was married in Sep. he
stays at home + works the farm. They are all married and living near
me + doing well. I own 80 acres of land15, a good home in
it + lots of cows pigs etc. Everything I have worked hard for I never
earnt a nickel only by hard work but with God’s help I will see you
before I die I am sorry your health is so poor. I do hope to see you
once more. Was sorry to hear your wife16 died am glad your
son takes care of you. I want to know where Aunt Bridget17
is + Mrs. Flood18 or Mary Carroll19. Where is
Mary20 (,) Patrick21 + Annn22 + all
the rest write + tell me about them + Bob Cooney23 + Uncle
John24 I suppose he is dead long ago. My health is quite
good but I can’t do any hard work now25—I am pretty
well broke down I am going to send you a family picture taken 3 years
ago. My sons are all big strong men + my daughter is 5 ft 8 in. I have
14 grandchildren living + several dead. My wife26 was a
good hard working woman she is younger than I am she will be 57 in
January. My farm is 3 miles from Janesville, Minn, a town
of 1400 inhabitants. How I wish you could come + see me you would be
very welcome. Write soon + often to your long lost cousin.
John Eustis Sr.27
Janesville, Waseca Co. Minn.
(Comments by Ronald F. Eustice):
- The
letter is addressed to Thomas Eustis (c1823-1905) of Victory
Mills, NY. Thomas was John’s first cousin. Thomas Eustis was the
son of Patrick Eustace of Townland Collum, Parish Cashel, Ireland.
Patrick was a brother to James Eustace, Bridget Eustace and John
Eustace who are mentioned later in the letter. Patrick married
Catherine Cunningham (c1802-1885) during the 1820s.
- The
“same place” could be Schuylerville/Victory Mills, Saratoga,
NY or the Parishes of Cashel and Shrule in County Longford,
Ireland. Many natives of Cashel and Shrule settled at
Schuylerville after the Great Famine of 1846-1849.
- I
believe that the letter actually was written by John Eustis and
that a separate letter was written by the unidentified lady
encouraging Thomas to respond to John’s previously unanswered
- This
statement is confusing. John arrived in Schuylerville from Ireland
in 1850. Had the last contact been made 43 years previously as
John indicates, that would have been in 1860. Aunt Bridget
referred to late in the letter died in 1854 and John did not know
of her death. John also writes about his own father’s accidental
death which occurred in March 1855. Had previous contact been made
about 1860, John would not have needed to inform Thomas of his
father’s death, he would have known about it.
- John’s
father was James Eustace born about 1797. He was killed on March
27, 1855 and is buried in St. Catherine’s Roman Catholic
Cemetery in rural Mapleton, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. James
was married on 1829 at Longford to Bridget Kennedy.
- James
died intestate leaving possessions of the probable value of $200
to his son John, who had been appointed administrator of the
estate. No other heirs are mentioned in the Petition for
Administration which was filed January 5, 1857, and published
in the Waukesha County Plain Dealer. The hearing was held
in Oconomowoc on March 2, 1857 at 1:00 P.M by Waukesha County
Judge Martin Field.
- John
Eustis married Ann Jewison at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church in
Mapleton on March 19, 1863. Ann was born in Kingston-upon-Hull,
Yorkshire and was the daughter of Christopher Jewison and Mary
- Mary
Eustice was born at Mapleton on October 24, 1865. She married
Dennis Hogan at Janesville, Minnesota on October 26, 1885.
- James
Eustice (1867-1950) farmed in Alton Township, Waseca County,
Minnesota. He married Cathrine Hogan on November 10, 1891.
- John
Daniel Eustice was born at Janesville, Minnesota in 1869. He
married Florence Mae Sill on April 13, 1898. John died March 10,
1963 in Farmington, Michigan at the age of 94.
- Christopher
Eustice was born in 1872 and died at Faribault, Minnesota on
January 29, 1951. He married Winifred Ford on June 1, 1903.
- Thomas
Eustice was born September 25, 1874 and died June 15, 1966. He
married Ellen Caahill on November 20, 1900.
- William
eustice was born October 10, 1876 and died March 7, 1952. He
married Mary Wheelock on August 17, 1898.
- George
Eustice was born May 11, 1882 and died October 2, 1949. He married
Bertha Sill on September 1, 1903.
- John
purchased 80 acres in Section 14 of Janesville Township.
Additional 80 acres in Section 23 were added later.
- Thomas
Eustis was married to Brigid FitzPatrick (1831-1897) a native of
County Tipperary. She died at Victory Mills, New York on December
28, 1897.
- Aunt
Bridget was Bridget Eustace (c1802-c1854), sister of Patrick,
James and John. Aunt Bridget may have been the first member of the
immediate family to emigrate. In 1850 she was married to William
Carle/Carroll and living in Schuylerville, NY. Bridget apparently
died in 1853/54 shortly after John left Schuylerville to join his
father in Wisconsin. William Carroll re-married to a second
Bridget Eustace/Eustis very soon after the first Bridget’s
death. They had a child Catherine Carroll born in 1855.
- I
am uncertain who “Mrs. Flood” is or of her significance. In
1860 there's a "Mrs. Flood, age 40" in the
Town of White Creek in Washington County (across the Hudson River
from Schuylerville). She was born in Ireland. In 1870 Maggie
Flood, age 40, lived in a boarding house in Quaker Springs and
worked in the woolen mill. I cannot be certain if either is the
Mrs. Flood that John referred to in the letter.
- Mary
Carroll was John’s first cousin. Mary was the daughter of
William Carroll and Aunt Bridget. She was born about 1846 in New
York and is listed on the 1850 census together with her parents,
Bridget Eustice and John Eustice, her cousins.
- Mary
Eustace, daughter of Patrick and Catherine (Cunningham) Eustace
was baptized 1834 at Newtowncashel, County Longford.
- Patrick
Eustace, son of Patrick and Catherine (Cunningham) Eustace was
baptized 1832 at Newtowncashel, County Longford. He died unmarried
at Schuylerville 1887.
- Ann
Eustace, daughter of Patrick and Catherine (Cunningham) Eustace
was baptized 1836 at Newtowncashel, County Longford. She died
unmarried at Schuylerville, NY 1880.
- Bob
Cooney was probably the son of one of the first Irish families to
settle in Victory Mills. Patrick, James and Lawrence Cooney
together with William Carroll are listed among the earliest
settlers in Victory Mills.
- “Uncle
John” is John Eustace, brother to Patrick, Bridget and James.
John is identified as an uncle to Mary Caroll on
custodian ship papers for Mary and Catherine Carroll
((1858) which confirms that he was a brother “Aunt Bridget”
mother of Mary. He is listed on several early census records of
Schuylerville including 1855 with Bridget and William Carroll
(spelled Ustest), 1870 with Thomas Quigley and 1875 with Patrick
Eustis. The spelling of John’s last name includes the usual
variations. I am not sure when John died, but have requested a
death certidicate from the State of New York.
- Two
of my aunts, Ann Donelan (Mrs. Andrew Eustice) and Agnes Donelan
(Sister Bede) boarded with John and Ann Eustis while they attended
high school in Janesville. Aunt Ann told me that on occasion John
Eustis would do “handstands” in his garden to amuse them when
they arrived home from school demonstrating his sense of humor as
well as his apparent good health.
- John’s
wife was Annie Jewison who was born in Kingston-upon-Hull,
Yorkshire on January 27, 1847. She was the daughter of Christopher
Jewison and Mary White and came to the United States with her
parents and older brother William about 1848. Annie died January
4, 1930 at Janesville, Minnesota.
- John
Eustis (Eustice) died at Janesville, Minnesota on June 29, 1916.
He is buried in St. Ann’s Cemetery in rural Janesville.