Edmund Grady was tried for rape at the Spring assize, 1776, and hanged on
the 27th April. He was duly carried away for interment but revived during the
May 5, 1777 Edmund Grady who was hanged last year and came to life again was
on Saturday executed in the street facing the jail door.
Dec 2, 1786
London Times
Clonmel Nov. 20, On Sunday the 19th as Rev. Patrick Hare was returning from
his church parish of Templeton(), he discovered of a sudden Michael Bohan
and Thomas Dawson (two persons of that parish who had waylaid him and
attempted to shoot him)... They pulled their triggers but providentially
burned priming and did not go off. These men ran away... having laid aside
their coats and shoes and stockings.
They were pursued by Mr. Hare. Michael Bohan was taken with his gun in his
hand and Thomas Dawson escaped. The said Bohan was carried to Thurles. His
gun was found to contain a large charge of powder and four bullets. Bohan
is now in the jail of Clonmel.
April 19 1798
Clonmel, April 7.
Andrew Phelan of Annicarty, charged with being an United Irishman, and
having an Officer's Commission in the Barony of Kilnemana(), has been
committed to the County Jail.
Also Committed to the County Jail, Thomas Tynan, Michael Tynan, Michael
Purcell, and Wm. Purcell, charged with burglariously entering the house of
Thomas Fogarty of Drom on the 28th of March last and taking thereout cash
and several articles of value.
May 10, 1798
Letter of the High Sheriff of Tipperary ... thinks it is his duty to praise
Mrs. Bunbury who so gallantly defended her house and compelled the rebels to
retire.. such heroic conduct should raise the crimson blush of shame on
those heroes who disgracefully and cowardly surrendered large quantities of
arms to the rebels on their first approach without having fired a single
shot. Done at Lisheen April 20, 1798.
Aug 2, 1798
"Innocent Cahil, James Heran, and Matthew Ryan, were on the 18th inst.
convicted before a General Court Martial at Cashel, of Treason and
Rebellion. On the 19th inst. they were taken to the lands of Bayrohrath ()
and executed, they were brought to Cashel where they were decapitated and
their heads placed at the highest pinnacle of Cashel."
Sept. 8 1798
House of Commons -
The right Hon. Attorney General moved that the names of Harvey Morris,
Cornelius Egan, William Burke, James Burke, John O'Brien and Michael Delaney
be included in the bill for compelling certain persons engaged in the late
rebellion to surrender themselves for trial on pain of attainder.... Harvey
Morris was considered as the principal person in carrying on rebellious
correspondence between Lord Edward Fitzgerald and the Rebels of County
April 12, 1799
House of Commons
Lord Matthew presented a petition from Judkin Fitzgerald late High Sheriff
of the Co. of Tipperary, praying that an investigation of his conduct in
putting down the rebellion be conducted, and offering to prove to the Bar
the guilt of the persons he had summarily punished, and praying for a
measure of protection against vexatious suits..." Petition seconded by
Holmes and strenuously opposed by Mr. Yelverton who stated he should not
consent to the indemnification or protection of a bloody tyrant, who under
the pretense of supporting the laws and constitution had tyrannically
trampled both.
Sep 19 1799
Letter from Clonmel, Sept 11.
Yesterday by order of Sir Chas. Asgill, Capt. Jones and the Clonmel
Infantry, made a general search for concealed arms in the neighbourhoood of
this town, pikes and a considerable amount of pike handles were found buried
in various places.
Sept 21, 1799
The expiring embers of treason have lately gleamed forth in Tipperary where
some traitorous desperadoes had flattered themselves that their infernal
cause might yet inspire a few wretches like themselves to disturb the public
tranquility.... It is reported that some characters, somewhat above the
common class, were taken into custody in Clonmell to be brought for trial.
Sept 24, 1799
A meeting of the Magistracy of the towns of Feathard and Clonmel was held to
consider effectual means to check the growing spirit of insurrection... A
resolution was entered to grand a reward of 200l. to any person who shall
give information of any meeting of armed insurgents.
Oct 2, 1799 - Dublin, Sept. 27.
On Wednesday the 25th ult. a man named Timothy M'Carthy was executed in
Clonmel pursuant to sentence of Court Martial, charged with having stolen a
yeoman's pistol and ammunition for the purpose of joining the rebels on
Friday the 6th, with the intention of attacking the town of Clonmel... A
baker of the same town named O'Hara was also convicted of actually joining
the rebels, and with having mounted pikes - sentenced to transportation.
Nov. 12 1799
At petty Sessions held in Clonmel on the 1st of this month, Mr. Mulcahy, of
Haywood, farmer, was tried for attempting to seduce a private of the
Lancashire volunteers from his allegiance. He was convicted and ordered to
serve in his Majesty's Army. William Leonard of Clonmel, brogue-maker, on
Thursday last was tried and convicted for being a United Irishman, a similar
sentence was passed on him.
May 8, 1800
Dublin, May 3 - By letters from Tipperary, dated Sunday last, we learn that
a detachment of Essex Fencibles, quartered at Cappagh, under orders of Sir
James Duff apprehended eight notorious rebels. On the way to Limerick with
the prisoners, they were attacked by an immense multitude of country people
from the surrounding mountains who attempted to effect a rescue. The
assailants were unsuccessful. Four rebels were killed.
March 27, 1801
Dublin, March 22 - On Wednesday, an armed banditti of ruffians 40 or 50,
came to the house of Mr. Flannery an industrious farmer near New Inn, in
the county of Tipperary where he an his son were killed.
Oct. 7, 1801
Cork, Sept. 29 - As the Rev. Mr. Quinlan, of Bansagh() county of Tippperary
was officiating at his chapel on Sunday the 20th, six armed men broke into
his house and on searching his bedchamber, took therefrom, three guns and a
pistol. Captain Ryan, immediately dispatched his corps in pursuit.
Sunday night, Terrace (sic) Brien, butcher, having an altercation with his
father Daniel Brien, in the county of Tipperary, stabbed him. The
unfortunate old man has died.
Oct. 16, 1801
Colonel Bagwell of Marlfield, Representative in Parliament for Tipperary,
was sworn into the office of Mayor, and Solomon Watson of Somerville, and
John Howell, Esqrs. Bailiffs of the Corporation of Clonmel, for the ensuing
James Murray a Serjeant in the 56th Regiment of Foot, lately tried by a
General Court-Martial, was sentenced to 1,000 lashes; his punishment was
humanely mitigated to 300 lashes, which he yesterday received.
Dec. 28, 1801
Cork, Dec. 17. - Meehan, who had for some years been a terror to the
neighborhood of Tipperary, and so often eluded the vigilance of the Army
and Yeomanry, has been lately apprehended by six countrymen and is now
in the Bridewell of that town. There was found upon him a blunderbuss,
ammunition and part of a rebel song.
Dec. 23, 1802
Dublin, Dec. 13 - A party of ruffians attacked the house of a man named
Devereux, an industrious farmer in the Glen of Aherlow, and plundered it of
a considerable amount of cash. Devereux's two sons made a gallant defense
with two salmon spears, the only weapons they had.
Aug 8, 1803
Mr. O'Neil, the former parish priest in Youghall, who in 1798, received 300
lashes at a drum-head tribunal, to force him to confess treasonable plots,
supposed to be revealed to him by his parishoners in confession, and who was
afterwards transported with a number of rebels to Botany Bay, has procured
his restoration, through the interest of the Marquis of Thomond()
Oct 4, 1803 - Dublin, Sept. 29
Henry Howley was executed at the Front of New Prison for the murder of Col.
Browne of the 21st Regiment on the night of the rebellion... The wretched
man seemed to have somewhat of a better education that any of the former
traitors (except Emmett) he was a native of Roscrea in Co. Tipperary, and
had been active in the rebellion of 1798.
Nov. 16, 1803
The following persons have been committed to the Clonmell Gaol - William
Kelly of Donohill, charged on the oath of Mary Kelly of Gurtnacoola with
attacking her in a violent manner and taking from her a pocket-book.
C. Haran, alias Coody, who stands indicted in the Crown Office, for the
murder of Richard Buckley of Garrivine on the 6th of November last, and for,
with others, setting fire to the dwelling house of John Treacy of Garrivine.
Edward Brien of Glasdrom, charged on the oath of Johanna Dwyer of Lisduff,
with feloniously having broken into the house of her husband, Michael Dwyer,
demanding arms, ammunition &c.
Hugh Wholahan, mason and John Butler, carpenter charged with the murder of
William Quinlan, and wounding of Anne Russell on the turnpike road near
Wholohan was brought into Clonmel on Monday se'night by a party of Eastern
(Capt. Perry's) Iffa and Offa Cavalry. Butler was taken Wed., by the active
exertions of Lieut. Elliot.
Jan 10, 1804
By Dublin mail, dated the 4th. - "a fellow named Cullinan, who had under
various names, been an active agent of France since the year 1797, and who
was particularly notorious and mischievous in the South of Ireland by the
title 'General Clarke', was taken near Cashel Tipperary and transmitted to
Dublin Castle. Last night he attempted escape but was discovered and struck
by a sentinel. His skull was fractured. The body, with scarcely a vestige
of life, has been carried to an hospital.
The following anecdote is in circulation - Thomas Emmett and Arthur
O'Connor... hired a small vessel at Kinsale, by promises of great reward,
induced three stout seamen to carry them to France... They effected their
escape, and were put on shore near St. Maloes...
July 3, 1804
Old Bailey Sessions - July 2.
Michael Sullivan was brought to the bar, charged with adhering to his
Majesty's enemies on board 'Le Jeune Henri' a French Privateer... The
prisoner, on being taken by the 'Tartar', English privateer, alleged he was
American, but it was soon discovered by his brogue that he was an Irishman,
born in Tipperary. He said he had been taken prisoner by the French, made
his escape and entered as a seaman on board Le Jeune Henri supposing it to
be a Spanish vessel and did not discover his mistake till the engagement
took place when the French Colours were hoisted. - Verdict: Not Guilty.
July 25, 1806
The last fair of Kilsiacle (), in the county of Tipperary was disgraced by
one of those riots which, day after day, continue to impede the public
of that county. Several persons were inhumanly mangled, amongst whom was a
woman in an advanced state of pregnancy; and one man, of the name Cummins, a
resident of Cordangan, in the above county was killed on the spot.
Oct. 7, 1807
On Sunday last during the time of divine service, a party of ruffians
entered the house of the miller at Kilmainham() Edmond Collins and
plundered it of its arms.
The last fair of Holycross was the scene of a savage murder. One John
Neale, a peaceable, unoffending man was driving some stock from the
fair-place when he was attacked by a large party, headed by two fellows
named Edmund Devane and William Rahill. He died a few hours after.
Oct. 27, 1807 - Clonmel
A few nights since, the house of Darby Cullin in Kilmore, was attacked by a
number of ruffians who demanded his horse, on Cullin's refusing, they broke
his door and taking him from his house, flogged him heartily for his
On Wednesday night, a party of seven, attacked the house of Daniel, on the
lands of Kilnenack... Daniel and his companions, fired on the assailants
who as suddenly fled.
Oct. 11, 1811
Clonmel - On the 25th ult. a most wanton and unprovoked murder was committed
on Thomas Connors, a weaver residing on the lands of Ballykeeveen near
Cappaghwhite. Mr. Crotty, one of the coroners, held an inquest when the
following circumstances appeared into evidence. The deceased was attacked
by two brothers Daniel and Timothy Crough and James Fleming. The above men
have absconded. The deceased was about 22 years of age and has left a wife
and two children destitute of support.
Jan 28, 1812
We are sorry to announce the disturbed state of the country between Clogheen
and Ballyporeen, in the county of Tipperary. Several respectable farmers'
houses were attacked last week, stacks of corn burned, horses taken, &c. the
property of Messrs. Branihan, Prendergast, Coghlan, Walsh, Cloghesy, Gorman,
Flyn, Ryan, Mulrey, Keating Kennedy, Wall, James, &c. A general muster of
the villains took place on Monday, se'nnight, near Ballyporeen, which
consisted of no less than two hundred; and after parading for an hour with
vollies firing, and horns blowing, they were dismissed, every man taking his
horse and arms with him.
Oct 5, 1815
In Clonmel Sept. 27 the mansion of Denis M'Cathy, Esq. of Springhouse was
assailed by a number of armed desperadoes. At the time there were but two
women and a boy in the house. Mr. M'Carthy who is much advanced in years
and totally blind.. leveled his piece in the direction from whence he heard
the voices proceed and shot one assailant... Mr. M'Carthy was slighly
wounded. M'Carthy's victim was a young man of the name Hackett who lived no
great distance from Springhouse.
A house of a family named Wallis, lying between Burrisoleigh and
Silver-mines was attacked. Wallis shot the ringleader dead.
An attack on the house of a smith named Golden at Drom in the neighborhood
of Templemore. Mr. Wilson accompanying the police to the scene was
mistakenly shot by Golden's son.
Nov. 18, 1815
Now, when the avenging laws have taken their course; now when the policy of
Peele and Grattan has been tried surely it is not now too soon to inquire
into the causes which have produced so much affliction to the poor and so
much satisfaction to others....As the County of Tipperary has been the
principal object of the complaint among the present race of strong-measure
men, we prefer selecting it as the basis of inquiry, in order that the
patrons of the present measures may be the better able to judge of the
efficacy of their favorite system, by ascertaining its effects in that
quarter, to which it was applied and for the improvement of which it was in
a principal degree intended.
CASHEL, Oct. 9
Edward Dwyer, charged with having concealed arms, convicted and sentenced to
immediate transportation; the circumstances of this case were very peculiar.
(Note: there is no mention of what the circumstances were in the article)
Michael Finn and William Finn, charged with being out of their
dwelling-house at an improper hour, Sun Oct. 1 acquitted.
Francis and John Ryan, charged with being out of their houses at an improper
hour Sun, Oct 1 acquitted.
John Redding and William Vaughan, charged with being out of their houses at
an improper hour on Sun, Oct 1 - acquitted.
Denis and Roger Corcoran() the first with being charged with being out of
his dwelling house, the second with having concealed arms - Denis acquitted.
Roger adjourned to Thurles Session.
Flanagan --- Hectrop () charged with being out at an improper hour -
THURLES, Oct. 16
John Stapleton charged with being a disorderly person, and with having
concealed ammunition - convicted and transported.
Mathew Ryan, charged with being found out of his dwelling house at an
improper hour - convicted and transported.
Michael Dargan, found out of his house at an improper hour - instantly
Thomas Salmon, charged with being out of his house at an improper hour -
instantly acquitted.
Corcoran, whose case had been adjourned from Cashel - acquitted.
John Spoilane (Spillane), charged with tumultuous assembly - acquitted.
Thomas Mara,charged with being out of his dwelling house - acquitted.
John Morony, charged with being an idle and disorderly person and having
concealed ammunition - convicted and transported.
James Flannery, Cornelius Flannery, William Bonnicum, Patrick Mahon,
Cornelius Mahon and Edward Lanigan charged with being idle and disorderly
persons, out of their dwelling houses at an improper hour on 11th Oct.; and
Edward Fannin, Joseph Triby, and D. Triby charged with a similar offence on
the 8th, referred to the Quarter Session.
Stephen Burke, charged with being out of his dwelling house at an improper
hour - prosecution dismissed by the Bench.
Edward Magrath, Patrick Flinn, James Gilligan charged with being out of
their residences at improper hours - acquitted.
End of Part 1 *Attributed to the DUBLIN CHRONICLE
Nov. 18, 1815
Clonmel Oct. 23
James Slattery charged with being out of his dwelling-house at an improper
hour - acquitted.
Michael Condon and John Maher, charged with being out of their dwelling
houses at an improper hour - acquitted.
Patrick Harney, Thomas Whelan (or Wholan) and James Cuddihy, charged with
being out of their dwelling houses at improper hours on the night of Oct.
14 - acquitted.
James Kelly, charged with being out of his dwelling house at improper hours,
on the Saturday - acquitted.
Oct 24
James Griffin, John Griffin and John Maher,charged with being out of houses
at improper hours and having concealed arms. James Griffin - acquitted.
John Griffin - case postponed. John Maher detained in custody under charge
of capital offence.
John Murphy charged with being out of his house at improper hours; instantly
convicted and transported from the dock.
J. Sullivan, charged with being out of his house at improper hours
Oct 27
Thomas Fox and James Ryan charged with being out of their dwelling houses
&c. on the night of Oct. 20th - convicted and transported.
Thomas Bryan, charged with being out of his house at improper hours -
immediately acquitted.
William White, charged with having concealed arms - immediately acquitted.
Ed. Magrath, charged with having concealed arms acquitted.
Oct. 31
Patrick Ryan, Michael Fogarty, Thomas M'Dermot, Michael Heffernan and
William Joy, charged with being out of their houses at improper hours on the
fair day of Golden - all acquitted except Heffernan whose case was
David Gorman, charged with having concealed balls -acquitted.
Nov. 3
Margaret Hennesssy, an old woman of excellent character charged with having
arms and ammunition in her possession on the 18th Oct. Convicted, but not
sentenced, owing to her disturbed state of mind - to be brought up for
sentence on the 20th inst.
Mary Bryan, a woman very recently confined in child-bed, charged with having
concealed arms, viz. an old rusty gun - instantly acquitted.
Heffernan from last Sessions, brought up and discharged.
Nov. 4
Michael Ryan, charged with being out of his dwelling house at unreasonable
hours - acquitted.
John Barry the elder, and John Barry the younger, 13 years old, charged with
having concealed arms, the father convicted and transported - the son
John Morony and Michael Moran, charged with being out of their dwelling
house at improper hours - acquitted.
William Gleason, James Donovan, and Denis Donovan, charged with having
concealed arms - acquitted.
Mary Gleeson, charged with having concealed arms. Oliver Latham was the
Magistrate who arrested her. On giving his evidence he swore that "Gleeson,
the prisoner's husband, is a man of good character; he believed Gleeson had
registered his arms; that if Gleeson had been at home, he would not have
denied them - and that the prisoner had no knowledge of the place of their
confinement." It was afterwards admitted that this Oliver Latham had
himself signed the certificate authorizing Gleeson to keep the gun, and that
King, the constable of Latham and joint prosecutor with him, was the only
other person living who knew where it was concealed - acquitted.
Thus it appears, that during the nine days of Sessions no less than seventy
person were charged with transportable felonies; out of whom thirteen were
convicted, leaving fifty-seven tried but not convicted! - (Dublin Chronicle)
Feb 9, 1816
Abstract of the Convictions and Acquittals at the late Special Commission in
Thomas Neal and Andrew Ahearn were found guilty of robbing Mr. James Dudley
of a gun, and snapping a pistol at him with intent to kill. Executed at
Cahir Friday last.
Patrick Keogh was convicted of destroying the dispensary at Ballagh together
with the adjoining house.
Thomas Mahoney was found guilty of robbing the house of Thomas O'Meagher
near Clogheen of fire-arms.
John Barron was tried and convicted for attacking and breaking into the
dwelling-house of Edmund Regan, a farmer near Cordangon.
John Sullivan and James Walsh were acquitted upon the charge of attacking
and burning the house of Cornelius Ryan on the 21st of June 1815.
Patrick Neal, Daniel Neal, Francis Royan, C. Wade, Michael M'Coy, Patrick
Ryan, Edward Fogarty, Thomas Coggan, Wm. Corcoran, John Ryan, and Darby
Corcoran were acquitted on a charge of assembling in arms and administering
and unlawful oath.
Michael Stack was convicted of the murder of William Meany on the 1st of
August 1814. Executed at Camas Friday last.
Daniel Doyle was convicted of attacking the dwelling house and destroying
the property of William Reddy.
Edward Meagher, Thomas Hurley, Michael Kearney, Thomas Fitzgerald, and
William Maher, were convicted of setting fire to and consuming the house of
William Burke of Cappagh. These persons were apprehended by the late
William Baker, Esq. who was murdered shortly after their apprehension.
Patrick Meara was convicted of attacking the house of Henry Blackmore at
Rathcoole, robbing it of fire-arms and money and firing a pistol at Mr.
Blackmore in his bed.
Patrick Gleeson, Wm. Carroll, and Jas. Bowen were acquitted for attempting
to compel Wm. Foran to quit his farm.
John Dwyer, John Murphy, Wm. Ryan, Roger Murphy, Jas. Ryan, Thos. Hackett,
John Magrane(), Edmond Ryan, Roger Corcoran, Joseph Costello, Denis Dwyer,
Michael Murphy and Michael Lahy withdrew their pleas of Not Guilty on
several indictments.
William O'Donnel, charged with the murder of Mr. George Robins, postponed
his trial to the next assizes.
Thomas Quinlan, John Quinlan, Daniel Herrick, and Stephen Egan were
acquitted for conspiring to murder the Rev. John Hamilton.
Richard Ekins, Thomas Ekins and James Ekins were acquitted for attempting to
compel Denis Heffernan to quit his place of abode and shooting him with
intent to murder.
William Pollard was convicted of attempting to compel Honor Mars, a servant
to William Ryan of Moyalif, to quit her employment. The jury recommended
him to mercy.
Patrick Keogh was taken from the gaol at Clonmel to Ballagh where the
Dispensary formerly stood, and there executed.
Jan 15 1817
Michael Brown, John Hurly and Michael Ryan were flogged at Cashel on
Thursday for appearing in arms at the fair of Kilfeacle.
July 11 1818
Clonmel, July 4. Duel
Yesterday in consequence of some words in the Eliogarty booth between Daniel
Falkner and John Hunt of Thurles, they met in a short time at Thakincor in
Waterford, where at the first fire Mr. Hunt received a ball in the leg. Mr.
Hunt's ball passed through the whiskers of Mr. Falkner. Hunt was seconded
by Nicholas Meagher, Esq. of Thurles. Falkner by Capt. Robins. - Clonmel
Mar 07, 1820
Clonmel Feb. 28 - On Sat. last, Mr. Russell officer of Excise, under the
direction of Mr. Holmes, surveyor, assisted by Lieut. Hartley and a party of
the 57th regiment, repaired to the lands of Kedea () between Cashel and
Caher, where they detected a private distillery at full work..... Such were
the secrecy and despatch used by Mr. Russell on the occasion, that six men,
namely, James Prendergast, Michael Prendergast, Luke Colclough, Denis
Doherty, E. Burke and James Maher were commanded to gaol.
Nov. 27, 1821
Clonmel, from the HERALD, Nov. 21.
On Monday, at or near "The Seven Acres' a farm so called between
Thorny-bridge and Cloneen, at the foot of the Slievenamon a horrible burning
occurred. It was the residence of a better kind of farmer named Shea who
recently put out some under-tenants. He was served with a notice that
unless he restored the old occupants he would suffer... His house was fired
and every soul was burnt to death. Mr. Thomson the coroner held an inquest
on the bodies.
>From the CLONMEL ADVERTISER Wed. 21 the following particulars - The house
of Edmond Shea , an opulent farmer at Gurtnapish, near Cloneen, between
Fethard and Mullinahone, barony of Middlethird, at the northwest foot of the
Slievenamon mountains was destroyed by fire. Shea his wife, seven children,
three female servants and five laborers were all killed.
Nov. 28, 1821
The Burning of the Sheas - An inquest was held on Wed., the following
jurors were sworn - John Sellito, Matthew Barron, Basil Bryan, Richard
Chadwick, John Cooke, Edmund Tobin, Thomas Heffernan, Adam Douglas, Pierce
Butler, R.C. Jackson, K. Butler and K. Hensilett().
The jury proceeded to the house of the deceased, Shea. The victims were 16
in number, their names as follows: - Edmund Shea, Mary Shea, Edmund Shea,
jun., Mary Shea , jun.(), Nicholas Shea, jun., Margaret Shea, Michael
Butler, P. Mullaly, Michael Mulcahy, Catherine Mullaly, Margaret Shea, Mary
Power, Wm. Rice and three men unknown.
Jan 2 1822
Letter from our correspondent - Borrisokane, Dec. 26.
"The times here are dreadful; last Monday a great number of Orangemen of
this town (who are the only persons that have arms) rushed on the Catholics
with muskets and bayonets, swearing they would destroy every Papist in the
place; their Minister, Mr. Studdart, went amongst them, at the risk of his
life, but they would not give up their arms either to him or the
magistrates; nothing could equal the forebearance of the Catholics, which
may be attributed to their exemplary priest, Mr. Spain..."
Jan. 18, 1822
An outrage was committed by some daring banditti on Wednesday, near
Ardfinnan, on the house of Mr. Francis William Burke, for the purpose of
taking firearms. Mr. Burke was absent in Clonmel, and the house was
occupied only by his daughter and a Mr. A. Burke from near Borrisoleigh.
Jan. 30, 1822
From Tipperary, says the DUBLIN EVENING POST -
Nenagh, Jan. 25.
This town is in a dreadful state at present... A party of yeomen went to
the turnpike to take Horan, he was secured by two yeomen but shook himself
from one and whipped the bayonet off the gun, and with it stabbed Rea, one
of the yeomen, and made off. Horan's father, a man of about 80 years of
age, hearing some noise in the street, put his head out and was shot by the
yeomanry... The wounded yeoman was taken to the house of Gason, and taken
care of, but certain persons being inclined to think they were ill-disposed
people, arrested old Gason and his daughter and lodged them in gaol without
a warrant. The people in general are now driven to desperation, and we
expect a general engagement with the yeomanry..... What a town to live in!
P.S. The old man is mortally wounded.
We would only impress upon the government the necessity of disbanding the
corps. Nenagh, containing nearly 7,000 inhabitants, was one of the most
peaceable in the kingdom, till arms were put into the hands of these people.
If we are to have the insurrection act, let it be executed by the regular
Feb 8, 1822
At a village named Terryglass, near Borrisokane, county Tipperary, in a
district hitherto peaceable, the cattle of a farmer named Boland were driven
under a decree. The constables were attacked by the peasantry, the cattle
rescued, and one of the men named Larkin was killed!
April 11, 1822
Timothy Dwyer was tried at the Clonmel assizes for forcibly carrying away
Honora Ryan, with the intent that she should marry one James Coffey. This
is the young woman who was lately forcibly taken off the Limerick coach.
Her evidence was entirely in favour of the prisoner, she giving it as her
opinion that he accompanied the party rather to protect her than offer her
any violence. The prisoner was acquitted.
April 16 1822
Clonmel Assizes - On Friday, James Gallaghan was indicted for having uttered
seditious expressions in the town of Cahir on the 20th of Jan last. A
soldier of the Rifle Brigade, named Neale swore that while at the
public-house where he was billeted, he heard the prisoner say " that if he
ever went to England, he would assist in pulling down the King and crown and
burn them in hell." Gallaghan was arrested by Austin and found guilty.
April 20 1822
A farmer of the name Morris, at Killenry() near Nine-mile House, having
become (illegible) to the public disturbers received a threatening notice,
having lately come to reside there.
July 4 1822
Old Bailey
Tobias Burke for intermarying with Marian Bruce, his first wife Mary Butler
being then living.
Elizabeth Butler, sister of Mary testified she resided in Cashel and was at
the marriage in May 1815. Dr. Wright performed the ceremony. Both prisoner
and witness's sister were both Roman Catholics. Prisoner had said to her he
had a brother Thomas who was a Catholic priest at Maynooth. Her father was
a leather merchant.
Julia Butler, sister of last witness was present at prisoner's house in
Clonmel for the birth of one of her sister Mary's two children.
Tobias Burke testified he was made drunk and entrapped into the first
Thomas Maher of Munro, County Tipperary, farmer, Roman Catholic testified
that he was a sponsor at the christening of the prisoner by Edward Jordan,
Protestant Minister of Templederry in 1794.
Edmund Burke, brother of the prisoner testified he lives at Springfield,
Tipperary and that his brother was brought up Protestant. Has a brother Tom
who went off to America and two brothers, Denis and John who were
Protestants, though John was known to attend mass he was in principle a
Protestant. Was in Cashel the day of the marriage, drank hard and played
cards with James Butler, father of Mary. They were all stupidly drunk.
Did not witness any marriage....
Verdict of guilty.
Oct. 8, 1822
On Sunday night last a swelling house on the lands of Rossestown, near
Thurles, together with a quantity of wheat, was burned, we have reason to
suppose maliciously. the house was occupied by on Miles HOUGH, who as well
as his wife and son, and a man named Carroll, narrowly escaped. Clonmel Advertiser
Oct. 10 1822
Lord Clonbrock, now on a visit to Beechmount on Saturday rode through his
estates in the neighborhood of Shanagolden and viewed each tenant's farm;
to some he forgave large arrears, and reduced the rent to what it had been
30 years ago, to others he gave a second reduction of a fifth, forgiving
arrears also.
Dec. 26, 1822
Clonmel Dec. 11,
On Wednesday last, an inquest was held on the body of Mary Ryan who was
found murdered near Thurles. A verdict of willful murder was returned
against John Fitzpatrick and William Gorman, who have been committed to
April 2, 1823
Clonmel Assizes Tuesday, March 25.
From the CLONMEL HERALD - The Abduction of Honora Ryan.
James Coffee was indicted for that he, on the 9th of March, in the 3d year
of the King, at Clonbonny, did feloniously assault Honora Ryan and with others,
did carry her away with intent to marry or defile her...
Honora Ryan deposed that a party came to her mother's house and began
breaking in the door with a sledge. She dressed herself in her brother's
clothes and attempted to elude them. She was caught and taken to Cragg. At
Cragg many of the men got drunk... They then brought her to Castlenock...
There she influenced a woman of the house to try and get her some assistance
for her release. The woman went to Mr. Parker, a magistrate at Castlelough
who succeeded in a rescue ... All but one of the men escaped capture.
Fortnight afterwards, the witness, on her return from the Clonmel assizes,
on the Limerick Coach, where she had been to prosecute the man taken by Parker,
was stopped near Mount Catherine by Coffee and four others who
dragged her off the coach. Coffee said to the coachman, "I ventured my life
for her once before, and it's the least I can have her now." Told the
witness that he would not take her if he was rich, but would have her on
account of her money.... Her brother, who was in the coach, ran off and
brought the military and she was rescued yet again.
After this, the witness, for security, went to live at Lackland, near Newport the
residence of Rev. Pennefather. Here she was taken by Coffee yet
again....Mr. Ryan of Ballymackeough came upon them and Coffee and his
friends ran off.
Witness stated that she would sooner suffer being torn to pieces than marry Coffee.
Catherine Ryan, mother of Honora was sworn and corroborated her daughter's
Thomas Ryan, son of the last witness, and brother of Honora deposed that he
knew Coffee. Prisoner had come into his cow-house...
Mr. Hatchell, prisoner's advocate called no witnesses. Prisoner was
convicted on one indictment, but as both are capital, that sufficed to
determine his fate.
Aug 3 1823
Clonmel Record Court
Action brought by plaintiff, Patrick Carroll against Richard Falkiner,
defendant, for false imprisonment.
... Plaintiff became possessed of the bill of Mr. Charles Walsh of
Walsh-Park which he passed to a Mr.Madden; the bill was dishonored and a
writ was sent down to plaintiff to have served on Mr. Walsh. The attempt to
serve the writ was repulsed.. . Plaintiff went to Mr. Dexter and desired
him to take the three police stationed at Carrigahorig to effect an
arrest... Once at Walsh-park, defendant, who was then in the house, called
on the plaintiff to remove his hat which plaintiff refused to do; this so
angered the defendant that he declared he would commit them all under the
Insurrection Act, and gave the constable the following committal:
"To wit - You are hereby directed to take the bodies of the following
persons: - Pat Carroll, of Birr; William Meara and Michael Carroll, of
Firmount; Thomas Hemsworth of Lorha, and John Meara of Cloren,... for
coming in a riotous and disorderly manner to the house of Mr. Walsh of
Walsh-park. I command you, in his Majesty's name, to commit the above named
parties to gaol, to stand their trial at Nenagh under the Insurrection Act.
Given under my hand this 28th Nov. 1822" - Richard Falkiner. "To John
M'Cullogh and the police". The reading of this committal excited
considerable laughter in the court.
Aug 8 1823 - Insurrection Act.
Thomas Laurence v. James Dempster.
(Note: Dempster is described as both Physician, Magistrate and Scottish).
An action for false imprisonment by the plaintiff with damages laid at 1,000
Mr. Doherty for the plaintiff. Both plaintiff and defendant reside in
Nenagh as does Mr. Flinn, barrack-master... Defendant applied to the
plaintiff for the key to the barrack-field to get grass for his horse, he
was refused. Defendant seeing plaintiff in the street on the evening of
June 13, 1822, called the police and desired the plaintiff to be taken to
the Bridewell. Never, said the learned gentleman, did he hear so much of
Bridewells as since he came to this county. There was not a village in it
without a Bridewell. The defendant, resolved on revenge, wrote the laconic
prescription, "Receive the body of Thomas Laurence as idle and disorderly"
signed, James Dempster. Plaintiff awarded 75 pounds damages.
Aug. 29 1823
From the CLONMEL ADVERTISER of Saturday - John Stewart Esq., of Dundrom,
agent to Lord Harwarden, was attacked by four assassin, who fired at him
without effect... Mr. John Scott, of Rossmore, was with Mr. Stewart at the
time of the attack, and a man named Jerry Quinlan, also had a narrow escape
at being shot.
On the same day, Mr. Michael Dwyer of Coolascosane, was fired upon near
Mandemount, it is supposed in consequence of having taken some land last May
from Lord Hawarden.
Clonmel - Aug. 23 - A King's messenger arrived in this town yesterday with a
respite from the Castle of Dublin, staying the execution of Michael Mara
(who was to be hanged this day) until the 1st of September. The other
unfortunate man, Thomas Casey, will be executed today at the usual hour. -
A special session under the Insurrection Act was held at Nenagh on Sat.
se'nnight. Mr. Gleeson, attorney at law, who practices in the court
presented himself to the bench and made a serious complaint against the
police of Nenagh for having arrested him and for having treated him with
unnecessary harshness during his arrest.
The arrest of Mr. Gleeson was occasioned by his being out after the hour
prescribed by the act... It appears that unnecessary severity had been used
by one of the police named Fox, who has been dismissed. The following
magistrates were on the bench. Sir Robert Waller; Lord Dunally, Anthony
Parker, George Finch, Major-General Head, Rev. J. Connolly, R. W. Gason,
Thomas Ryder Pepper, Morgan O'Meara, Captain Wilson, James Willington, James
Dempster, Thomas Brereton, and Richard Falkiner.
Nov. 16, 1824
About one o'clock on Wed. morning last, a large party of miscreants, as yet
unknown, broke into the house of one Morrisy, who lives on the lands of
Derryclony, County Tipperary, part of the estate of George Robbins, Esq., of
Hymenstown and carried off his daughter, a very young girl. This outrage
took place within a mile of the police station at Hymenstown. - LIMERICK
Feb. 26, 1825
Thursday night the dwelling house and out-offices at Grague, near
Ballynatten, the property of R. Trench, Esq., were leveled to the
ground. This house waslately in the possession of Callanan and Crotty,
who about ten days ago,
were disposed in consequence of owing a heavy arrear of rent. Clonmel Herald
Sept. 24 1825
On Tuesday last a Ballynamona () within a mile and a half of Cashel on the
road to Golden, a young woman named Heffernan, daughter to the herdsman
William Murphy Esq., was struck by lightening. She now lies in the county
Infirmary at Cashel. - Clonmel Herald.
Oct. 4, 1825
A man named Purcell was killed on Saturday in a fight between two parties at
On Sunday last a vagabond beggar, of the name of Mary Harris, stole Judy
Purcell, a child of about three years old, from the door of her parents in
the western suburb of this town; the child was found with her by accident,
she (Harris) was seized and committed to the gaol by the Mayor. The people
were so indignant at the wretch who had stolen the child, but for the
interference of the parents, she would have been roughly handled. - CLONMEL
Aug. 1, 1826 - Irish Assizes
Clonmel July, 25.
Mary Cassidy pleaded guilty to theft, which she said she committed with the
hope of being transported to Botany Bay to join her husband, to whom that
fate was assigned last year. "I will submit I am guilty, if you let me bring
my poor children to my husband... We have neither bit nor a sup, nor can we
get it from our kith and kin".
M. Fitzgerald was indicted for stealing a cloak Mary Bowler swore she saw
the prisoner with the cloak... Verdict - guilty.
April 12 1827 - Irish Assizes.
Clonmel, April 3
Michael M'Namara, John Frahan, Edward M'Cann, James Maher (of Sallymount),
John Maher, Patrick Ryan, and James Maher (of Rush-island) , were indicted
for carrying away Margaret Ryan of Ballymackeough on the 29th of Sept. with
the intent that James Maher Paddy should marry her.
Margaret Ryan sworn - On the 29th was asleep in the house with her father,
mother, a spinner, and a little servant girl.... Witness mentions two other
men involved Paddy and Jack Trans... was abducted on horseback, called out
to Michael M'Namara her next door neighbor...
Arrived at a cabin near Castle Troy, in the house was witness's cousin, Mrs.
Hinds, her two daughters and son. Mrs. Hinds sent for her son from
Ballyvarra who arrived armed with a scithe and swore to protect the witness
and bring her safe to her uncle's house at Ballyvarra... All prisoners
found guilty except James Maher of Rushy Island. Sentences were not passed.
July 30 1827
On the 21st, a party of well-armed ruffians attacked the village of
Glennahon, near the Keeper Mountains and set fire to five dwelling-houses.
They then retreated across the mountains toward Lord Bloomfield's estate
shooting several head of cattle as they passed. The police at Silvermines
went in pursuit. Mr. Laurence and Mr. Bournes, two gentlemen residing at
Silvermines, joined in the search. The only provocation for this atrocity
was that some of the villagers named Clifford, Kelly and Halloran had
presumed to take farms from Edmond Power Esq., of Gurteen. It has been more
than ten years since the former tenants were ejected. - DUBLIN EVENING MAIL
Oct 9 1827
The late murder of Mr. Chadwyck - It was rumored that after his conviction,
the guilty man Grace, said that before May-day every person that had a hand
in his conviction would be shot. If he made this declaration, his
prediction is being fulfilled. As three brothers of Philip Mara, who had
the honesty to prosecute one of the murderers of Chadwyck, were returning
from work as masons employed in building the ominous Police station at
Rathcannon, they were fired at by ruffians near Bournacroossne. Two
brothers took off in the direction of Holy Cross, unfortunately Daniel Mara,
the third brother took refuge in the house of one Kennedy, which was close
by. Daniel Mara was killed by the ruffians. - CORK CONSTITUTION.
Dec. 19 1827
A disgraceful hoax was practiced on Mr. Jullian coachman of this town
(Clonmel). He received a letter requiring him to send a hearse to convey
the body of Henry Ryan, till recently an inhabitant of this town but now of
Carrick on Suir, where it was stated he died.... When the driver of the
hearse stopped at Mr. Ryan's house in Carrick on Suir the first person he
saw was Mr. Ryan who asked the driver where he was going. "For you, to take
you to your long home, and several of your friends are just behind to
perform the same office." Mr. Ryan's father-in-law put a good face on the
business and ordered dinner to be prepared for the mourners. - Clonmel
Jan 23, 1828
On Sunday, the house of a tolerably comfortable farmer John Tierney,
residing at Lismacrory in the parish of Ballingarry, was attacked by a large
party of men, some of whom were armed. They knocked at the door saying "they
came to search for Connaught men." The fellows smashed in the door and
seized Jane Tierney, the daughter of the occupant, declaring their intention
to compel her to marry one of their party named Leahy... John Tierney ran to
the house of a neighboring clergyman and magistrate, the Rev. Mr. Conolly.
The Rev gentleman's son-in-law (Captain Doolan, a chief constable of police)
pursued the aggressors on foot through the mountains of Lower Ormond...
Leahy was apprehended... trial to take place next Clonmel assizes.
Aug 5, 1828
Toomevara Riot-
Severe complaints are made in many of the papers of the intemperate conduct
of the police, investigations are now pending in the south.
The following statement is from a witness upon the investigation: -
There was fair here and a man sung ballads in praise of Mr. O'Connell. All
was quiet when two policemen named Hill and Kelly, sallied out of the
barracks and ordered the ballad-singers off. Some persons said their was
no treason in the song and the singers should be permitted to go on. The
police returned with bayonets and charged the populace. This occurred
before a single stone was thrown.. Kelly shot and killed a fine young man
named Gleeson. Another man employed by Mr. Bourne was shot. The windows of
policeman Butler were broken as were those of an apothecary named Borne.
Captain Wilson is here at the investigation. A servant boy of H. Ryan was
examined and proved satisfactorily that Kelly shot the man. It was likewise
proved that the police were the aggressors."
Signed, Robert Mann
Certified that the above was true and correct.
Signed, Con. O'Brien, C.C. Toomevara
Aug 20 1828
At the Tipperary assizes on Wednesday, Philip Gorman and Richard Browne were
tried and acquitted upon a charge of aiding and assisting in the burning of
the Sheas.
The trial of Patrick Kelly, the policeman charged with the murder of Patrick
Gleeson, at the fair of Toomyvara on the 28th of July took place on Friday.
The policeman was found guilty of manslaughter, and recommended in the
strongest manner to the merciful consideration of the Court.
Thomas Dorney, William Leamy and Michael Lonergan were then put forward to
plead, being charged with the robbery of Mr. Palmer of Tubrid, a month
since. They pleaded guilty.
Aug 22 1828
Trial of Patrick Kelly - Clonmel Paper.
Patrick Kelly was placed at the bar for the murder of Patrick Gleeson at the
fair of Toomyvara. The names of the jurors were then called. Every
Catholic that was called was set aside by Mr. Kemmis, the Crown Solicitor.
When the name of William Baker, jun., had been called, it was suggested by
Mr. O'Brien Dillon (agent for the relatives of the deceased), that he should
be set aside. The suggestion was unattended to and he was sworn. The
following gentlemen were then sworn on the jury: - James Miller, William
Markham, Anthony Guy Luther, T. Quin, Henry Rice, Avory Jordan, William B.
Armstrong, Wm. Baker, jun., Anthony Lampheir, Robert Shaw, jun., George
Lloyd and Vernor Russell, Esqs.
Upon Mr. Sheil perceiving that there was not even one Catholic sworn upon
the jury, and that several respectable Catholics were challenged by the
Crown, he threw up his brief and said, I shall have nothing to do with the
case... The trial proceeded. Mr. Bennett was counsel for the prisoner.
Verdict - guilty.
Sept. 8, 1828
The Magpies and the Black Hens - On Sunday last, upwards of 5,000 people
assembled on the fair-green of Borrisoleigh. The leaders of each faction,
Patrick Ryan, better known by the name Paddy Fotherig and Thomas Kelly, came
forward and after embracing one another, walked round the fair-green arm and
arm, followed by their respective parties, they unanimously resolved to live
in peace and concord with each other. - LIMERICK EVENING POST.
On Sunday last large bodies of people, convened by special messengers,
marched through the country to Ardmayle and Clonoulty, where there was a
grand exhibition of the party-coloured mummers... Some of the party that
came from Lowes-green and Knockgraffon, cried out for lights when they came
into Cashel. Some of the public houses and the chandlers exhibited, at the
word of command, a few candles. - CLONMEL HERALD.
Oct. 10 1828
The Magistrates yesterday assembled in the Petty Sessions, recommended the
dismissal of Constable Daly (at the instance of his officer, Mr. Perse)
having been proved to be intoxicated at the fair of Clonmel. - Clonmel
Committed to Clonmel gaol by G. Fitzgerald, Esq., Cornelius O'Neil charged
on a warrant of Lord Kingston, for having, with others calling themselves
Liberators, assembled in Clogheen on the 28th Sept.; the said O'Neil
appearing to have command over the tumultuous meeting. - Dublin paper.
May 2, 1829
Fatal Affair at Ballina -
On Thursday last, Mr. Carroll, coroner, who had arrived from Nenagh,
proceeded to hold inquests on the bodies of Stephen Hinchy, Patrick Minogue
and Timothy Malony, three young men of the class of working farmers, who as
stated by us on Friday, were shot in Ballina, by the police, on the Tuesday
previous... The jury returned a verdict of willful murder against Serjeant
William Browne.... The attack on the police barracks, the tons of stones
found on the floor, and the destruction of the gable end... could not screen
the murderer. Limerick Evening Post
June 18, 1829
I regret to state that some outrages occurred in Limerick and Tipperary. At
Kilenane the tithe proctor, Rev. Mr. Going was barbarously abused and
robbed of his valuation books. At Borrisoleigh a party of the police were
attacked by the country people...
July 25, 1829
Investigation of the Affray at Borrisokane -
The Solicitor General and Mr. Blacker, K.C. presided on the bench.
Patrick Nowlan of Ballyarnassy sworn - Was in the Fair of Borris-o-kane on
the 26th of June last, saw a crowd of people go into the brewery gate, saw
Captain Dobyn come up to the gateway and say 'that was a grand retreat of
O'Connell's rebels... I will let O'Connell know that I command the police,
and he commands the rebels, and that while powder and ball stands I will
drop them.'
Denis Mulcahy sworn - Was in Borris-o-kane and was going home in the evening
with his father; when opposite Denis Heenan's house beyond the bridge, was
met by James Cavanagh, a Protestant, who without provocation struck the
witness; a man named Stephen Liffey leaned over witness and saved him;
witness swears this was the only disturbance or riot before shots were
Mary Meara of Ballycasey sworn - was in Borrisokane and saw the scuffle
between Cavanagh and Mulcahy which was quashed and everything peaceable,
when she saw a horse-policeman ride over the bridge towards Denis Heenan,
with his sword drawn and beastly drunk, gallop through the people; saw
Captain Dobyn and the police come down, when one of the police asked him
would they fire through the women Dobyn replied "Spare neither man, woman
or child, and give them plenty of powder and ball.."
Witness neared John Ledger's house between Henry Wood's and Merritt's, heard
shots fired, saw the smoke of the shots out of Leger's house, saw James
Carroll of Egglish drop at witness's side having been shot in the leg.
John Foot of Feighmoor, custom-man, sworn...
John Leeson of Borissokane, shopkeeper sworn...after the firing, saw John
Leger come down from the direction of his own house toward the army, with a
pistol in hand; Captain Dobyn asked him how many did he shoot Leger said as
many as he could, but by God he made them fly at any rate.
James Ralph, of Borrisokane, miller, sworn...
Sat. July 18th -
Investigation resumed Solicitor General, Mr. Doherty, Mr. Blacker and the
following magistrates present - Thomas Hemsworth, Richard Falkiner, Richard
Uniacke Bayley, Joshua Minnuet and Richard Storey, Esqrs.
Mrs. Bridget Egan of Borrisokane, Robert Nash, Esq. of Borrisokane and Rev.
Mr. Spain also examined.
Oct. 22, 1829
On Sunday last, a party of Rockites, came to the house of a farmer named
John Hogan of Tiermoyle, about three miles from Toomavara, and to gain
admittance, forced his herdsman John Kennedy to go with them... An
altercation ensued at the house, and Kennedy was killed. Hogans wife was
injured and two of the Rockites wounded. Next day, the police of Nenagh
found the two Rockites who had died of their wounds. In the pocket of one
(whose name we have heard to be Meara, a blacksmith from Ballycahill, near
Thurles) was a Rockite notice for another farmer of Tiermoyle, threatening
the death of Hogan if he did not quit his land. - CLONMEL ADVERTISER