
Carlow County - Ireland Genealogical Projects (IGP TM)

Queens County 1641 Depositions Project
Co. Laois

Qotes from the The Irish Story: "Tensions between the King and Parliament in England provoked a crisis in Ireland but also gave the 1641 rebels their opportunity". "For the Catholic elite, the Rebellion meant a show of force and then negotiation". "For the mass of people, it was a chance for revenge". "The Rebellion triggered 11 years of bloody war in Ireland".

1641 Depositions
Trinity College Dublin and the 1641 Rebellion
Atrocity and massacre in the early modern world
Memory of 1641.
To view entries click on this link:
Deposition of Dennis O’Brennan
Reference:  MS 815, fols 217r-217v
County: Queens County
Date: 12/4/1642
Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Desecration, Robbery,

Dennis alias Donnaugh O'Brennan of Mountrath in the Queenes County. Being duely sworne deposeth that about the latter end of Novemb: 1621, he was robed of 2 cowes which cost him 4li., wanting a shilling of 3 horses worth 5 li., of househould stuff worth & profitt of garden worth 2li., the cows & househould goods taken by Dermot O'Donolon of Ballephin O'Lallor of Clownkeene 2 horses, violently taken away by Dermot O'Donolon of Ballephin the deponent & further saith that upon his knowledge, there are those hereafter named are actually in rebellion: Dermotte Oge of Ballephin gent: Dermot Macaboy of Ballephin, Neale O'Lalor of the same: Dermot O'Bale of Pa the same.

Daniel O'Dale of the same, Murtaugh O'Dwein of the same: John White of the same, who ran away from his colours in Dublin: John O'Doone of Clonkeene and Edmond O'Doude of the same: Pat William MacEdmond of the Coole, Daniel the son of the said Will: MacEdmond; Paterick McEdmond another of his son's: John O'Horeahan of the Downe Cheefe Landlord of there Paterick his son, and so all the rest of his son's; all which professed themselues to be the Queenes soldiers and that they had a commission fr'om her to doe what they did or else they would neuer goe about any such thinge. And saith that about the Market house of Mountrath he saw the Rebells teare in peeces 2 Bibles with most horrible indignation telling the English dogges, as they called them, should neuer come to howle there more

Donnaugh [mark] O’Brennan his marke Jur

John Sterne
Randall Adams

Examination of William Lalor
Reference:  MS 815, fols 383r
County: Unknown
Date: 21/10/1652
Type: Examination
Nature of Deposition: Killing
Examinacion of William Lalor before this Court 21th October 1652

William Lalor being duly examined saith that hee lived at Ballina in the begining of the warrs & that hee heard of one William Lane that was hang’d but hee knew him not nor by whom or by whose orders hee was hang’d

Source: Trinity College Dublin and the 1641 Rebellion

Note: (There is a Ballina to the west of Poartlaoise. Co Laois)

1641 Depositions
Deposition of Henry Odgden
Reference:  MS 815, fols 058r-
County: Queens County
Date: 5/4/1642
Type: Waring Copy
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Stripping, Words
 fol. 58r
 Exr 114:>

Henry Odgden of Ballyrahen in the Queenes Countie Cloth-worker being duly sworne deposeth and saith that since the begininge of this present Rebellion to witt about 6 weekes before Christmas last he this deponent, and his wife and children were stript naked in theire bedds by Stephen Ffitzwilliam of Ballymoyleran in the said Countie a Captaine of Rebells with nyne nyne more whereof two were servants sonns of Garratt McTeige of Ballackmoylor and that he lost in Cowes and other Cattle to the value of Cxv li. six weekes before Christmas last and in hey and other goods xx li. by John Ovenden of Ballymoyleran and William King his servant and Richard McDaniell the Sheriffes bayliffe and sundry others of his tennants And further saith that he this deponent was enterteyned some sixteene weekes att Shrowle Castle in the said Countie with Robert Harpole (he pretending frenshipp to this deponent) and in that time divers Rebells repayred to his howse (to witt) Mr Bagnall about Laughlin and one Plunckett (being notorious Rebells at that time) and sundry others, and of a sudden they willed him this deponent to be gone or his throate would be cutt wherevpon he came away to Athy, And that the said rebells turned all the goods of the English out of doores And further saith that Arthur Keating late of Garrondenny in the Queenes Countie and two or three of his sonnes and Thomas Keating of Crossantegle in the same Countie are Rebells and followers of Robert Harpoole and dependents on him.

Jur 5to Aprilis 1642 coram Johanne Sterne et Ran: Adams William



Deposition of Thomas Cowper
Reference:  MS 815, fols 056r-
County: Queens County
Date: 5/4/1642
Type: Waring Copy
Nature of Deposition: Robbery
 fol. 56r
<Exr 106>

Thomas Cowper of Ballymoyler in the parish of Killisher in the Queenes Countie; Taylor dulye sworne deposeth and saith That theise persons are in present Action and rebellion vizt Thomas Davills of Ballyheed in the Countie aforesaid Thomas Ovenden of Tanfeilstowne Esquire Robert Harpole of Shrowell Esquire & James Harpole And that James Harpole his Cowboy: and 4 more did robb this deponent and one Daniell Nelson of Ballysinon (whither he fledd of certaine Cattle apparell and Caddowes worth iiij li.

Jurat 5to Aprilis 1642 coram Randle Adams & Johanne Sterne


Deposition of William Hoomes
 Reference:  MS 815, fols 058v-
County: Queens County
Date: 5/4/1642
Type: Waring Copy
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Military Action, Robbery, Stripping
 fol. 58v
<Exr 114>

William Hoomes of Castletowne in the parish of Kilcubban in the Queenes Countie ffreemason being duly sworne deposeth and saith that he this deponent about a weeke before Christmas last was robbed and stripped of his Clothes worth xxx s. and other things one pott victualls & toales xxij s. by Walter Keating and Thomas Keatinge sonnes to Arthure Keatinge of Garrendenny and and by Roberte Harpoole his tennantes And further deposeth that he sawe the rebells in Sir Morgan Cavenaghes Company, and the Brenans of Castlecumber with Roberte Harpole about the 28th of May last att Castletowne vpon Moy, at which tyme he was taken prisoner by the rebells who procured peace from the rebells upon condicion he this deponent should worke for the said Harpole att Ratillicke which he vndertooke, and after made an escape and now remayneth at Athy being a souldier to Captaine George Grymes who gave him leave to worke Masons worke for Mr Roberte Harpole where he fell sicke and was taken there prisoner

Jurat 5to Aprilis 1642 coram Johanne Sterne et Ran: Adams


Deposition of William Harrison
Reference:  MS 815, fols 134v-
County: Queens County
Date: 20/12/1642
Type: Waring Copy
Nature of Deposition: Robbery
fol. 134v

William Harrison of Killeban in the Queenes Countie Esquire sworne & exemined saith That since the begining of the present Rebellion & by meanes thereof, Hee was and is deprived robbed or otherwaies dispoiled of the possession rents and value & proffitts of his farme conteining three hundered acres of land which he held in Leas for aboute 37 yeres in being worth CCC li. & of Corne Cattle sheepe and howshold stuff worth nine hundered & sixtie powndes, Soe that his present losses in all by meanes of the Rebellion amount to one thowsand & threescoore powndes ster and he with his wiffe & 4 childeren expelled & driuen from there habitation

Jurat xxo december 1642 coram

Hen Brereton
John Sterne


  Deposition of John Barnard
Reference:  MS 815, fols 162r-163v
County: Queens County
Date: 7/6/1642
Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Military Action, Robbery
Fol. 162r
 26 5 275

John Barnard Late of the Castle Graige part of the Lands of Ballylynan in the Queens Countie Esquire sworne and examined deposeth and sayth That att divers dayes & tymes since Christmas Last this deponent was by the Rebells in the queenes Countie aforesaid forceibly ep expelled & driven from his said howse of Craige, & inforced with his wife children & family to fly to the howse of Captain George Grymes called by the name of Ballilinan Castle a & this deponent being an ancient souldier & haveing beene a Lievtennant in the tyme of the late Queen Elizabeth in her warrs here, did advise and ioyne with the said Mr Grymes not only in defending the said Castle against the Rebells but as many of the placs and parts thereabouts as they possibly could: ffor which purpose they vnited & Joined all together all the armes amunition & provition they possibly could gather together But about the tyme of this deponents comeing away from his said howse, and at djvers tymes since Hee this deponent was deprived, robbed, or otherwise dispoiled of his goodes & chattells of the values hereafter mencioned, Of Beasts and cattle worth CCxl li., Horses Mares & geldings worth about 30 li. xl li., Sheepe worth x li. Howshold goods worth CC li., Corne in the Hagard worth Cl li., & deprived of Corne in the ground worth C li. Hay worth xx li., and this deponent hadd his howses pulled downe & wasted together with his orchards gardens & improvements whereby and by being expelled & dispoyled of his farme which before the rebellion was worth clerely worth xxxv li. per annum his terme being 50 yeres and now esteemed worth nothing he is

 fol. 162v


Dampnified CCC li., at the least Soe as his losses amount In all to the sume of one thowsand and threescore pownds ster And saith that the parties rebells that soe expelled & robbed him and those that hee knew to bee in open action of this present rebellion were & are theis parties that follow vizt, William Hetherington of Ballironan in the queens County Esquire Peirs <A> ffitzgarrald his son in Lawe: Barnaby dempsie nere Ballinekill Esquire in the same County James Donnell of Tennikilly in the same County Esquire a Collonell of the Rebells Dennisthis deponent late servante very many of the ô Brenans vizt about 200 [li] all ledd on by Phillip Purcell of Ballifoile in the Countie of Kilkenny Esquire, Sir Morgan Cavenaghe ofin the County of Catherlagh knight Dermott Cavenagh slayne at Killrushe <B> Walter Bagnall of Dunleckenny in the Countie of Catherlagh Esquire Edwards Wall of Ballenekill in the County of Catherlogh Esquire Edmond Wall of Rowghland in the County of Catherlagh Esquire Robert Hartpoole of of Shrowle in the Queenes County Esquire Tho: Ovington of Ballilehane in the same Countie Esquire John Ovington of Killebban in the queens Countie Esquire, which said persons and a great number of other Rebells did twice beseige the said Castle of Ballilenan whilest this deponent was there, but were repulced & (as this deponent hath beene credibly tould) the some of the same Rebells have beseeged the same Castle

fol. 163r


since this deponent came from thence three dayes together but were at length repelled and driven away

John Bernard
Jur 7o Junij 1642
Joh Watson
John Sterne


Source: Trinity College Dublin and the 1641 Rebellion


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