Ar leacht mo
shinsir athardha i reilg Bhaile na gCarraig tα
seo le lιamh:
Captain Eamon
J Snoddy
A Coy, 1st Batalion Carlow Brigade I.R.A.
who was killed on 5 January 1923.
seo mar chloch bhreise ar charn a chuimhne, Tuigim dσ,
- The Hanging Judge of '98
YOU have been driven by your
deceivers to the verge of deftruction One ftep more and your ruin
would have been inevitable. You have feen your countrymen pour forth
in arms as eager to defend the constitution, and fupport the
government, as your wretched leaders were to overturn it and if you
had once the madnefs to have fhewn yourfelves in open force THAT
INSTANCE, you would have been the victims of a
juft but dreadful
Where are now the boafted
promifes of the men who mifled you? The horrors they were preparing for
their unfufpecting neighbours the fetters the dungeons and the
deaths are by the awful retribution of a merciful providence, falling
to their own lot and the incenfed juftice of their country, whofe
lenient caution they fooifhly miftook for weaknefs, haftens at this
moment to pour out its long provoked vengeance upon their guilty heads.
PROVOKE not that Power under
which you fee your leaders falling but which ftill is willing to fhew
mercy upton you. You cannot truft eatch other, Every day every hour
is bringing out new difcoveries. Enlifted by your chiefs, to be
instruments of rapine and cruelty, how could you hope that bloody
ruffians worfe than high-way robbers could long keep faith with one
another or with you.
Do not, then, go on to force
thofe feverities which the mercy of government is unwilling to inflict
but which muft and will be inflicted, if you perfevere in provoking
them. Surrender, at once, the armis you have concealed and
prove by this act that you fee your madnefs, and by a peaceable and
quiet conduct, are defirous to make atonement to your injured country
If you do, you will be humanely dealt with your rulers wifh only to
fee you penitent and quiet. If you do not tremble at the doom which
awaits you If you will have no mercy on yourfelves you deferve none
from others. An opportunity is now offered neglect it, and you have
nothing to look for but dreadful - inevitable vengeance.
defcripton! -boneft and inoffenfive members of an abufed public
whofe properties and perfons were to have been facrificed to the hellifh
ambition of a few dark and bloody traitors let neither your own
mifapprehetions, nor the mifreprefantations of your enemies, perfuadc
you that you are diftrufted
or intentionally
ill-treated. The preffure of the moment makes fummary meafures
neceffary but, with refpect to you, they are meafures not of
but of fafety. If you feel inconvenience from them, they who
mde them neceffary, by the moft infernal and bloody confpiracy thar ever
was brought to light, ought alone to bear the blame. You arc called
upon to give up your arms, merely left they fhould fall into the hands
of thofe who would employ them in murdering you, Miftake not then this
inftance of an attentive and parental care Yield to it cooperate in
it and, by every means in your power, affist that government, which at
this m moment feels no other anxiety, but to fave this country from
havock and defolation, and to enfute to a leval virtuous people, the
bleffings of Constitutional Protection and Undisturbed Tranquillity.
Proclamation against the United Irishmen.
- The information contained in these
pages is provided solely for the purpose of sharing with
others researching their ancestors in Ireland.
- © 2001 County Carlow
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