Carlow County - Ireland Genealogical Projects (IGP TM)

Slater's Directory of 1846
Co. Carlow

Extracts from Slater's Directory of Ireland 1846 - (Carlow)

Tullow, Co. Carlow 1846

TULLOW is a market town and parish, in the barony of Rathvilly county of Carlow, 48 miles s. from Dublin, 8 S.E. from Carlow; very pleasantly situated on the banks of the Slaney, and close to the borders of Wicklow County. The river is crossed by a bridge of five arches, erected in according to an inscription on it in 1767. The town was: once called Tullopheli m, and conferred the title of viscount. Upon two branches of the Butler family, both of which have been extinct for many years, and the name as applied; to the place has all but become obsolete. The business of; the town is confined chiefly to a spacious market square and two streets, Bridge street and Mill street; there are a few other streets, consisting chiefly of the inferior  class of houses. There is a spacious and well-built court-house, in which quarter sessions for the barony are held, and petty sessions every third Saturday. The other public institutions are a fever hospital, with a dispensary attached, an almshouse for poor women, erected in 1828, by the Rev. G. B. Dawson, a Protestant school, a convent and a monastery.

The members of both the latter establishments receive boarders for education, and also Superintend gratuitously the instruction of the poorer children of the town. There are several extensive flour mills; a tolerable trade exists in corn and large quantities of butter are brought up for the Carlow and Waterford markets on the market day. A branch of the National Bank has been opened in this town, thus supplying a want which had long been felt in this district. The places of worship are the Protestant Episcopal Church and one belonging to the Roman Catholics. Both are very handsome the latter a spacious structure, having three galleries and a lofty steeple. The market, which is held on Saturday, is well attended. Fairs: January 20th, April 21st, July 10th, September 8th, October 29th and November 21st.

POST OFFICE, Mill Street, William Nourse, Past Master.—Letters from DUBLIN and all parts of the NORTH, also ENGLAND, &C. arrive every morning at seven, and are despatched every evening at seven. — Letters from CARLOW, LEIGHLIN BRIDGE,&C. arrive every morning at seven, and are despatched ten minutes after.—Letters from WEXFORD, ENNISCORTHY, NEWTOWNBARRY and GOREY arrive every evening at seven, and are despatched every morning at a quarter before seven. Money Order and Telegraph, Office and Savings Bank.
GENTRY AND CLERGY Hardy Captain James, Hardy Mount
Bailie John Maclean, Esq. Sherwood wood Humphrey Alex. John, Esq. Ballynoe
Browne Joseph Swan, Esq. Knocklow Johnson Rev Jno. Beresford, Rectory
Butler Captain James, Broomfield Keongh John Rous, Esq. Kilbride
Butler Richard, Esq. Ballintemple Leekey John James, Esq. Ballykaly
Butler Sir Thomas, Bart. D.L. Ballintemple Massey Hugh, Esq. Tullow Lodge
Colclough Beauchamp, Esq. Ellen Montford Archibald, Esq. Killimure
Dawson Rev George B. Cullaghmore Nixon Capt. Abraham, Munny
Doyne Robert. Esq. D.L. Tullow Lodge Putland Charles, Esq. Rathmore
Eustace Hardy, Esq. Ardriston Revell William, Esq. Ardoyne
Eustace Major James, Castlemore Whelan John, Esq.  Rathglass
Fishbourne Rev. Edward E. Cottage Whelan Pilsworth, Esq. Rathglass
Fishbourne Rev. Robert, Coolkenno Young William Esq Copenagh
Banks Henry, linen & woollen draper Main Street Kehoe Patrick, car & gig maker Mill st
Bayley Abraham Baker Mill St Kelly Thomas, baker, Main st 
Bolger Jno. Draper & grocer, Main st Kennedy Mazella, Leather seller Main Street
Boulge Edward. Grocer & draper, Main st Keppel John, agent to Mr. Alexander Miller, Chapel st
Breen Patrick, leather seller, Main st Kinsella John, baker, Main st 
Bryan James, carpenter, Mill st Lawler Jas. grocer & spirit dealer Main st
Bryan Terence, carpenter, Mill st Lawler Michael, baker, Main st
Bulger Patrick, linen & woollen draper & grocer, Mill st Legate William, miller, Ardriston
Burgess Win. baker & corn dealer Lennan James, baker, Main st
Byrne Patrick "watch and clock" repairer Chapel Lane Lennan M. & B. millers, Aghade
Byrne James, whitesmith, Mill st McCarthy Philip, tallow chandler, Main Street 
Cleary Patrick, draper and provision dealer, Mill st McDonald Peter, draper and grocer, Main Street
Conner Michael, saddler, Mill st McDonald Thos. tea dealer, Main st
Connolloy Edward, grocer & baker, Mill Street  McGill William, tailor, the Course
Coogan Alicia, straw bonnet maker, Mill Street Maher James, tailor, Mill st
Curran Michael. Provision dealer, Mill st Maher Margaret, corn dealer, Mill st
Darcy Wm. Slater & plasterer, Mill st Malone Joseph, miller, Rathmore
Doherty Peter, Seeds man, Mill st Marner Henry, butcher, Main st
Donahoe Daniel. Oatmeal miller, Mill st Moore Francis, grocer, wine and spirit merchant, ironmonger and stationer, Main st
Doyle Charles, Tailor, the Course Moore Gerrard, baker, Mill Street
Doyle George, Tailor, Tullow Murphy Edw. provision dealer, Main Street
Doyle James, miller, Upper Mills Murphy Hy?tin plate worker, Mill st (name not clear)
Doyle James, Tailor, Mill st Murphy William, grocer and Spirit dealer Main st
Doyle James C saddler, Barrack lane Murphy William Butcher Main Street
Doyle Judith, milliner, &c. Mill st Nicholson John, carpenter, Mill st
Doyle Peter, linen & woollen draper, Main Street Noel Denis, shoe maker, Mill st
Drerins William Martin, grocer, draper and stamp office, Main st Nourse James, grocer and leather seller, Mill st 
Fishbourne Peter Henry, coach painter, Main Street Nourse William, grocer& Ironmonger Mill Street 
Fitzgerald John, blacksmith, Mill st O'Brien Jane, milliner, Mill st
Foley William, shoe maker, Main st O'Brien  Jno. boot & shoe maker. Main Street
Foster James, pawnbroker, Main st Rainsford Richard, coach and car maker, Main st 
Germain Thomas, linen & woollen draper, Main st [Main st Ralph John, boot and shoe maker, Mill st
Goodisson William, leather seller, Ralph Thos Boot & Shoe maker. Mill st
Green Catherine, baker, Main st Ryan Patrick. Draper & grocer, Main st
Hallogan Thomas, agricultural machine maker, Main st  Shaw Wm. travelling draper, Mill st
Hemingway Mary Ann, milliner, Mill Street Tierney Jane, draper, Main st
Hemingway Robert, hatter, Mill Street Treacy Edward, leather seller, Mill st
Heydon Michael, grocer, Main st Waters William, saddler, Main st
Hickey Michael Grocer & baker, Mills Street Whaley John, grocer & spirit dealer, Main st
Hogan Edw. provision dealer, Mill st Whelan Mary, straw bonnet maker, Main st
Carr Richard, Mill st Burnett Robert. M. D. surgeon, Slaney Cottage Street
Farrell James, Main st Irwin Jarrit M. D. apothecary, Mill Street
Fenton David, Mill st Kehoe Anthony Thomas, surgeon and apothecary, Mill st
Holden Patrick, Main st  
Kinsella Mary, Main st HOTELS,
Timmins Michael, Mill st Kelly James, Main st
Waters William, Main st Murphy Laurence, Bridge Inn Hotel Main Street
Dillon Michael (day), Barrack lane ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPEL—Rev. James Murry, administrator;
PROTESTANT FREE SCHOOL, Dublin Road—George Roberts, Rev. Denis Muldowny, assistant curate
 master; Margaret Butler, mistress  
PROTESTANTINFANTS'SCHOOL, Dublin Road— ESTABLISHED CHURCH—Rev. John Bereslord Johnson, rector.
Elizabeth Butler, mistress SAINT BRIDGET’S  CONVENT, Chapel lane—sisterhood twenty.
SAINT BRIDGET'S CONVENT (boarding and day), Chapel lane SAINT PATRICK'S MONASTERT, Chapel lane—Henry Costigan,
SAINT PATRICK'S MONASTERY (boarding and day), Chapel lane C.Patrick Kelly, superintendent  superior; community five.
From Kelly's Hotel. To DUBLIN, a Carnvan, every morning at seven; goes through Baltinglass and Blessington.
To CARLOW, a Mail Car, every night To NEWTOWNBARRY, a Mail Car, every morning at seven.

Hacketstown 1846

(Thank you to Terry Curran for providing this  material)

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