Land-Grabbing in 1892.Mr John Byrne from
Tinryland, Carlow, writes to the Carlow
Vindicator in 1892 to complain of the taking
of his farm by "Hanging-Gale Beresford".
John and his sister had only been evicted
when the home-place and all his improvements
and those of his forefathers, were taken
over by a man described by John as a
"land-grabber" without a penny compensation,
and the time selected for the eviction was
during "Holy Week" 1892.
Carlow Vindicator.
Letter to the Editor.
Tinryland, April 30th, 1892.
Dear Sir, --I wish through the medium of
your journal to expose a case of the most
barefaced landgrabbing , which I am sure
will meet with the condemnation it deserves
from all honest men. I was evicted from my
home, which was in the possession of my
family for generations, by my landlord . Mr.
Denis. R. Beresford, for non-payment of a
rent which must be admitted to was
exorbitant even by his own valuer. He
scarcely allowed the clay to settle over his
mother's grave when he called in the
services of Messrs Moore, Mack and Ryan and
Watters (the latter acting as emergency man), and turned myself and my sister out on
the road on a cold February morning.
We were
not well out when J---?---- (name published
in report but I will not publish it in this
transcript) comes and takes possession of
all my improvements and those of my
forefathers, without one penny compensation
to me --the time selected by this pious
Catholic for doing so being Holy Week. The
rent of the farm (if you can call it such)
is £12 yearly, the area six acres, including
a road all around it about thirty perches.
This, with waste of rocks, leaves about five
acres tillage land. So you see it was the
house and premises built by my predecessors,
without one penny from the landlord, and on
which I expended during the last ten years
over £100, which were coveted.~~
- I remain yours,
- John Byrne.
- The above is a true and
accurate transcript of the original document.
- Source: Michael Purcell c.2010
Mrs. Julia Doyle, ~ 1788-1892
Carlow Sentinel 1892.
Mrs Julia Doyle, whose death occurred in Utica, U.S.A.
was one of the oldest persons in the State. She would have
been 104 years old had she lived until New Years Day. Mrs
Doyle was born in the town of Carlow on the 1st day of
January 1789. Her father's name was William Whelan. She was
one of eight children. She well remembered the rebellion of
1798. One night her mother roused her out of bed and from
the window she could see the whole town in flames. When she
was 19 she married John Doyle and had 13 children, some of
whom came to America. Well the years rolled on , her husband
died, and when she was 59 years old she went to her daughter
in America. She had three grand daughters and about twenty
great-grandchildren in America. Her death was due entirely
to old age and had not disease.
The above is a true and
accurate transcript of the original document.
Transcribed by Jean Casey, 2010
Whiskey and Soda and The
Carlow Workhouse
The Carlow Sentinel. Oct. 1892
Sudden death;
A young man named Patrick Browne,
labourer, aged 27 years, who died suddenly the previous
evening in Mrs. O'Toole's public house, Browne-street, in
this town. The deceased, who was employed as a riveter on
the railway, and had been at work the day he died, had been
complaining for a considerable time of a pain in his left
side and arm. He had taken a glass of whiskey and some soda
with a friend, suddenly became ill and died before the
arrival of priest or doctor.
Carlow Workhouse
October 1892.
Carlow Union Workhouse the quantity
of intoxication liquor bought in seems average.
The daily average number of paupers
in the house is 414 and the amount of spirits, wine and malt
liquors consumed in the workhouse during the year 1891: ---
- SPIRTS, 1079 pints 5 ozs.
- WINE, 4 pints 5 ozs.
- MALT LIQUORS, 538 gallons;
[note added 2010, I think it was
around this time that several workhouse employees were fired
for drunkenness!]
The above is a true and
accurate transcript of the original document.
Transcribed by Jean Casey,
James Smith,
Little Moyle, Carlow. 1892.
The Carlow Sentinel, October 8th
Death of Mr. James Smith.
We regret to announce the death of
Mr. James Smith, which occurred at his residence, Little
Moyle, in this county, after an illness of some month's
duration, at the ripe old age of 84.
The deceased gentleman was closely
identified with the agricultural interests of the county.
During the existence of the Carlow
Agricultural Society he was one of the most successful
exhibitors at its annual shows, and rendered good service by
introducing the best breeds of stock into the district.
His remains were interred in
Kellistown churchyard on Monday, the funeral being attended
by a very large number of friends.
The coffin was borne from the house
to the hearse by employees at Little Moyle, and into and
from the Church by Freemasons, deceased being an old and
respected member of the order.
His son, Mr Kane Smith, and his
son-in-law, Mr Kennedy, were chief mourners.
The Rev. T.H.Hatchell, rector of the
parish, officiated at the Burial Service.
Funeral of the Late Mr. James Smith
We have been requested to state that
Mr. Breslin, son-in-law of the late Mr. Smith, who was to
have been one of the chief mourners, was unable to reach
Carlow in time for the funeral, having been on the Continent
when he received intelligence of the death.
The above is a true and
accurate transcript of the original document.
Transcribed by Jean Casey,
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