10 Hours ~ Dublin to Carlow.....
1819. From PPP.
TULLOW, every day, (Sundays excepted) START from No. 8,
Mark's Alley, Francis-street at Eight o'Clock, and
Arrive in Tullow before Six; - returning, they leave
Tullow, at Seven and arrive in Dublin before Five.
returns his unfeigned Thanks to the Inhabitants of
Carlow and its Vicinity, for the Preference heretofore
given to his Establishment; and begs leave to inform
them that he has fitted up above House as a HOTEL and
LIVERY STABLES. He trusts from his unremitting Attention
that those who may favour him with a Preference, will
find such Accommodation as will merit a continuance of
their Support LEONARD will Let, or Sell the Interest in
his House, (known by the Sign of the Royal Oak), in
Dublin-street, in the Town of Carlow, formerly occupied
by Mr. J. Rochfort. The House is in thorough repair – a
considerable sum having been expended in newly Roofing,
Papering and Painting, fitting up the Out-offices, etc.
Application to be made to Mr
JOHN HOPE, Bridewell-lane, Carlow
Transcribed by Jean Casey, January