- Old Leighlin Carlow Football team 1945
- Back: Kevin Kelly, Brenden Lalor, Mikie Byrne, Ned O'Neill, ? ?
,? , Flynn, Jim Kane.
- Front: Billy Forde,.....? Byrne, Tim Brennan, Joe Murphy, Mick

- Carlow Football team c.1950's
- Back Row From Left To Right 4 Left Jobber, McGrathsean,
King Willie Walshmick, Tompson in Coat Bottom Row Eamon
Fitzpatrick, End of Row Brendan Doyle.
- Source: Facebook - County Carlow, Ireland Genealogical
Projects (IGP)tm

- Carlow 1959
Dermot Hennessy
comments Recognise a few faces, Cran Hogan, Ned Doogue,
Eamonn Long. Brendan Hayden, Jim Fogarty. and I think that
the great Tullow man Buller Canovan back row third from
left. What a great picture.
- Source:

- Park Celtic F.C 1967
- Back Row (L to R.) Jim Bolger, Tom Geoghan, Noel Hemming,
Maurice Farrell, Jim Nolan, Dave Dowling.
- Front Row (L to R.) George Nolan, Tony Whitty, Jimmy Mutton,
Michael Lawlor, Eamon Ellis.
Park Celtic Carlow 1978
from the Nationalist Newspaper
The Park Celtic team from 1978
Back row; John Farrell, John Kenny, Tom Scully, Jimmy
Rogers, Tom Mulhall, Paddy Foley, Sean Begley (referee)
Front row: Eugene Williamson, Noel Rea, Paul Rea, Jimmy
Hutton and Pat Walker.
Source: Peter Walker 2016

- Carlow Rangers (B) Team1982
- Back Row (L to R.) L. Barton, E. Travers, P.
Timmons, M. Foley, D. Doyle, B. Doyle, N. McMillan,
T. Noctor (Manager).
- Front Row (L. to R.) M. Timmons, A. Deveraux, K.
Barry (Capt), E. Shaw, M. Harland, L Ryan, J.
- Source Carlow Now & Then Spring / Summer

1987 London 0-20 Carlow 1-15
Poster from ebay seller
All Ireland
Senior Hurling 'B' Final at Dr. Cullen Park, July 5th
1987, at 3.30 p.m.
- The information contained in these pages
is provided solely for the purpose of sharing with others researching
their ancestors in Ireland.
- © 2001 Ireland Genealogy Projects, IGP
TM By Pre-emptive Copyright - All rights reserved
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