Section B-91
William Johnston
Clerk of the Crown and Peace in this County
Died 30th March 1894 Aged 85 Years
Esther his wife daughter of John Fausset J.P.
St. Catherines~Churchill Co. Fermanagh
Died March 27th 1898 Aged 85 Years.
Charlotte his elder daughter
Died February 14th 1912 Aged 62 Years
Mary Anne Johnston Died December 19 1943
"Thine Eyes Shall See the King
In Thee O' Lord
Have I Put My Trust"
Section B-41
Erected by John Jones Oak Park ~Carlow
In Loving memory of John Eaton
Who died 29th Jan 1916 Aged 36 Years
And of his dear wife Susan Rebecca Jones
Who died Nov 7th 1931 Aged 70 Years
The above John Jones
Died 25th April 1940 Aged 92 Years
Also his ?
Richard Wheatley Johnes
died 7th Oct 1951 Aged 59 Years
"Just as I am without one plea
But that thy blood was shed
for me and that bidd'st me come to Thee,
O'Lord I Come."
Also his dearly beloved wife Margaret Ann
Died 7th Dec 1976
"The day thou cometh
Lord is Ended."
Think of me as you once was I
as I am now so shall you be prepared
to Follow me.
Section C-43
Erected by William Kavanagh Clonloo
In loving Memory of his father
Michael Kavanagh
Who died 29th Sept. 1909 Aged 82 Years.
Also his youngest brother
John Kavanagh
Died 23rd May 1913 Aged 40 Years
Also his children
Died young
Also the aobve William Kavanagh
who died 16th March 1922 Aged 53 Years.
Section A-27
In Loving Memory of George T Kelly
died 22nd May 1930 Aged 70 Years
Also his loving wife Elizabeth Kelly
Died 6th Feb 1895 aged 31 Years
also their infant son
Alexander G Kelly
Died 2nd August 1890
also their youngest daughter Susan Foster
Who died at Prest, Lancs.
8th November 1939
Also her husband James Foster
Died 26th January 1941
"Peace Perfect Peace"
Section B-89
In Loving Memory of William Smyth King
Dean of Leighlin & Rector of Carlow
Called to his rest
New Year's Day 1890 Aged 79.
"Though I walk through
the valley of the shadow
Of Death I will fear no
Evil for thou art with me."
and of his wife Jane Elizabeth Smyth King
Called to her rest
February 24th 1898 Aged 79 Years
" If we believe that Jesus
died and rose again even
so them also which sleep
In Jesus Will God Bring with him."
Section A -26
Erected by a few friends to the Memory of
Major Francis Kinsella
Athy Street ~Carlow formerly of
The East India's Co. Service
died January 24th 1891 Aged 81 Years
"I am the Resurrection and the Life."
Section B-122
Erected in Loving memory of
Francis Kirk
Who died April 6th 1919
By his widow and devoted children
"With Christ which is far better"
Paul Epistle to Phillipians Chap1~23.
Section B-32
Erected by Mary Kirkhan
In memory of her husband
William Kirkhan
who died Oct. 18th 1876 Aged 46 years
Also Jane Lettitia Kirkhan
Who died Feb 16th 1877
aged 5 years.
Section C-32
Erected by the surviving
children to the memory of
Isabella Lamb
wife of the late Capt. J Lamb
100th Regt.
Died Feb 8th 1868 Aged 39 Years
"Gone but not forgotten"
Also to our Guardian
Uncle William Waring
of Coolhenry
Died April 19th 1833 Aged 92 Years
"Father to the Fatherless"
Section B110
In Loving Memory of
Temperance Anne Langrell
Died 6th December 1956 Aged 64 Years
And her husband Frederick
Died 5th March 1974
"Safe in the Arms of Jesus"
Section B-119
In Loving Memory of Sarah Beloved wife of
George Langran
Died Dec 24th 1907 Aged 65 Years
Also the above George Langran
Who died march 12th 1920
Aged 82 Years.
Section B-26
In Loving Memory of Charles
Dublin Street~Carlow
Died Aug 31st 1931 Aged 49 Years
Also his wife Elizabeth Lewis
Died March 20th 1962 Aged 80 Years
"Reunited Rest In the Lord"
Section B-118
In Memory of Robert Malone
Doctor of Music
Trinity College Dublin
Organist of St Marys
Church ~Carlow
From 1880-1911
Died September 19th 1911 Aged 63 Years
Erected by his sorrowing
widow and children
"Let there be Light and there
was Light."
Section C-61
To the Memory of Rowan McCombe
Who departed this life
6th April 1877 aged 58 years
Also Mary 3rd Daughter of
Rowan McCombe
Who died 7th January 1877 Aged 15 Years.
And Henry Edwin McCombe
Died 15th June 1885 Aged 31 Years
Section C-62
Annie Eleanor
Beloved sister of Rowan McCombe
Died 25th Sept. 1865 Aged 85 Years
Also William Hingston Bolton
Eldest and beloved son of
Rowan McCombe
Died 8th day of February 1869 Aged 21 Years
Also Rowena Eleanor Younger
Daughter of Rowan McCombe
accidentally drowned in the
River Barrow 13th May 1872 Aged 6 Years
"Of Such is the Kingdom Of Heaven."
Also Mary the beloved daughter
of Rowan McCombe
Died 7th Jan 1877 Aged 15 Years.
Section C-59
In Loving Memory of Frederick McFarlane-Spong
Who fell asleep Sept 23rd 1998 in his 83 years
and his beloved eldest son Frederick William
Who fell asleep December 10th 1833
In his 10th year and Elizabeth
Beloved wife of Frederick McFarlane-Spong
who entered into rest October 30th 1903
And of their daughter Bessie Maria
Wife of William Rallin Arvan Lodge~Co Kildare
Died 17th May 1936 Aged 92 Years.
Section C-54
Sacred to the memory of
Major A St Ledger McMahon
of Hollymount in this County
who died 21st August 1866 Aged 76
and of his wife Catharine Maria McMahon
who died 3rd December 1865 Aged 63
Isabella Clarges McMahon
entered into rest December 19th 1899
Aged 63
Section C-55
In Loving Memory of General Charles
J McMahon, R.A.
youngest son of the late Major A St
Ledger McMahon
of Hollymount
Died 3rd April 1906 Aged 72 years