Carlow 1841
The Jurors of our Lady
the Queen, upon their Oath, present that Martha Grogan alias
Martha Holmes of Carlow, Dealer, in the twelfth year of the
Reign of our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria, of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, at Carlow --
four Gowns, one Petticoat, two pair of Stockings, one Shawl,
one Bonnet and one Cloak to the value of ten shillings -- of
the goods and Chattles of a certain person unknown there
being found , feloniously then and there did steal, take and
carry away, against the Peace of our said Lady the Queen,
her Crown and Dignity. ~~~~~~~~~~~
No Bill for Self and
Fellows, Martha Grogan alias Martha Holmes is not Guilty of
this act. This Case should not have been Sworn by any
Magistrate of standing in Carlow. The Peace of our Sovereign
Lady Queen Victoria , her Crown and Dignity has not been
assaulted by Evil behaviour from said Martha Grogan alias
Martha Holmes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(signed) Arthur