From Finn's Leinster Journal 1-4 November 1797.
County of Carlow
At a Meeting of the MAGISTRATES, purfuant to Notice,
at the County Court -Houfe of CARLOW, on Saturday the 28th day of
Oct. 1797.
WILLIAM BURTON, Efq. In the Chair.
- Whereas a moft atrocious Attempt was made on the
Life of JOHN BUTLER, Efq. a Magiftrate of this County, on the
morning of Saturday the 21ft inft. on his return to his own Houfe
from Kilbridc, by two Shots being fired from behind a Wall on the
faid Lands, one of which Shots wounded the faid John Butler, in the
Arm; and being determined to bring the Perpetrators of fuch horrid
attempt to Juftice. We do hereby offer a Reward of One Hundred
Pounds Sterling, to be paid by our Treafurer, to the Perfon or
Perfons who fhall within three Calender Months from the date hereof,
difcover, and profecute to Conviction the Perfon or Perfons
concerned in faid attempt, and if any Perfon or Perfons concerned
except the Perfon or Perfons who actually wounded the faid John
Butler, fhall give Information to any Magiftrate of this County, by
which his or their Accomplices may be Difcovered and brought to
Punifhment - fuch Pcrfon or Perfons fliall not only be entitled to
the above Reward, but his her or their names fhall be kept SECRET
(if required.) and appplication fliall be made to Government, for
his, her or their Pardon. And, Whereas on the Night of Wednesday the
25th inftant, about the Hour of nine of the Clock at Night, WILLIAM
BENNETT, of Ballyloughan, in this County, Efq. Was moft Inhumanly
Murdered and Robbed of his Money and Arms, in his Dwelling Houfe at
Ballyloughin aforfaid, by a number of Perfons at prefent unknown.
do hereby promife a further Reward of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS Sterling to
be paid as above, for the Difcovery and profecuting to Conviction,
the Perforns Concerned in faid Murder and Robbery. Refolved, That a
Proclamation to be iffued by Government, offering a Reward and
Pardon in the ufual way to the Perfon or Perfons, who fhall firft
Discover his or their Accomplice or Accomplices, would tend to bring
the Perpetrators to Justice. Refolved, That our Chairman be
requefted to lay the foregoing Refolutions before Government, and
rcqueft a Proclamation be iffued accordingly. Refolved, that our
Treafurer be direfted to publifh the foregoing Refolutions in the
Dublin Journal. Dublin Evening Poft, and Leinftcr Journal; and alfo
to have a number of Hand-Bills Printed and diftributed about the
- This document
transcribed by:
M. Brennan c.2009
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