- GEORGE the IIIrd
- and his
- Forces for EVER

- To
all brave bold ſpirited Hero's, who has a ſpirit above Slavery,
that will Voluntarily inliſt themſelves in Capt. JAMES HERRINGS
royal IRISH Independant Company, to pull down the pride of the
bloody FRENCH who Murdered their KING, ſhall receive the beft
encouragement; application to be made to Col. Herring of Graigue,
CARLOW, at the Captains Quarters; or Serjeant M'Neill Tullow-ſtreet,
Carlow, - Mr. Drakes Newtownbarry on Saturdays and on Thurſdays at
Enniſcorty. - Every MAN
5 foot 5 inches ſhall receive 5 Guineas, 5 foot 6 inches, 6 do 5
foot 7, 8 and 9 inches, 7 Guineas and one Crown to drink his Majeſty
King GEORGE's Health; enter into preſent PAY
at 4s. 8d. per Week, free Quarters and full Clothing.
What pleaſure we
could have brave BOYS when
the WAR is over, to return home to our darling GIRLS,
ſharing with them the Spoils of HONOUR.
need apply nor will be taken when DRUNK.
God ſave the King.
Please note that the script is in Old English form with
the "long S" which resembled the letter "F" but without a line going
through the letter, this type of script was in common use up to early
Source: Michael Purcell April 2007
- © 2001 Ireland Genealogy Projects,
Pre-emptive Copyright - All rights reserved
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