8th July 1799
The Court being assembeled proceeded to the Tryal of
Kavanagh Charged
That he in furtherance of the Rebellion being a
yeoman Enrolled and Attested under an act of the 37th of his present
Majesty did after such Enrollment Desert from the Corps Troop or
Company to which he belonged and did Join in the said Horrid
Rebellion by Traiterously adhering to divers Rebels the King’s
Enemies levying open War against our said Lord the King — And that
he the said Maurice Kavanagh in order further to promote the said
Rebellion did on the 12th day of June 1798 being assembled with
numbers of Rebels in arms Enter the Town of Borris in the County of
Carlow and set fire to several Houses therein and particularly to
the House of James Carty there [ ] a loyal subject of His Majesty —
Prisoner pleads Not Guilty
- 1st Witness Walter Kavangh Esquire sworn
- Question Do you know the Prisoner
- Answer I do
- Q. Do you command a Corps of yeomen in this County
- A. I do
- Q. Was the Prisoner Regularly Enrolled and Attested a Member
of that Corps
- A. He was, an original Member
- Q. Did he after being so Enrolled and Attested Desert from
your Corps
- A. He did.
- Q. Do you of your own Knowledge know of his having Joined
the Rebels after his Desertion from your Corps
- A.on the 5th of June the day of the Battle of
[p. 2]
I was informed by my lieutenant that he had deseted and ran away
to the Rebels
- Q. Was there any attack made on the Town of Borris after
- A. There was the 12th of June following —
- Q. What number of Rebels do you suppose attacked the Town —
- A. Upwards of a thousand
- Q. Was there any part of the Town burned that day by the
Rebels —
- A. There were a great many of the best Houses
- Q. Was the House of one James Carty burned on that day —
- A. It was —
- Q. by Prisoner, Do you know of my having anything to do with
the Rebels before. —
- A. I do not, if I had you should not have been in my Corps —
- 2nd Witness — Edward Kavanagh Esqre. Lieutenant in the
Borris Cavalry Sworn —
- Q. Do you know the Prisoner
- A. I do.
- Q. Was he a yeoman Attested with you on the Borris Cavalry.
- A. He was
- Q. Do you know whether he Deserted.
- A. I believe he did, on the day of the Battle of Ross I went
towards Poulmounty where we saw the Rebels who shouted after us,
I was told by one of the Corps that the Prisoner intended to
Desert. I ordered him into Borris but he declined, I afterwards
took his arms from him I was told he Deserted after to the
Rebels —
- Q. Was the Town of Borris Attacked
[p. 3]
It was and part of it was burned
- Q. Do you know of your own Knowledge whether the Prisoner
was at the Attack —
- A. I don’t know except by hearsay
- Q. Was James Carty’s House in Borris burned on that day.
- A. It was. Q. by the Prisoner, Did I not offer my arms to
you before you demanded them —
- A. No you did not. 3rd Witness Samuel Little Sworn
- Q. Do you know the Prisoner
- A. I do
- Q. Were you a yeoman in the same Corps with him
- A. I was
- Q. Do you know any thing of his having Deserted his Corps.
- A . I know of his having left the Corps
- Q. Do you know of your going with him the 5th of June on any
pretence towards the County Wexford and what particularly
- A. I went with him about about half a quarter of a mile
beyond the House he asked me to go with him towards Ross to see
how the Battle was going on —
- Q. Did any Conversation between you and the Prisoner that
inclined you to believe which side the Prisoner would wish the
Battle would go.
- A. I don’t think there did
- Q. by the Court — Were you present when Lieutenant Kavanagh
went to the Prisoner’s House —
- A. I was.
- Q. Did Lieutenant Kavanagh ask him to Come up and
join the Corps.
[p. 4]

- A. To the best of my opinion and belief he did
- Q What reply did the Prisoner make to that order
- A. That he would stay to take his Furniture out of his House
for fear it would be burned but that he would Come and Join the
Corps the next Morning.
- Q. Did Lieutenant Kavanagh leave the Prisoner’s house on
receiving that answer.
- A. I believe he did
- Q. Did you see Lieutenant Kavanagh Return to the Prisoners’
House on that day.
- A. I did
- Q. Did you hear what passed between him and the Prisoner on
his Return to Prisoner’s House.
- A. Lieutenant Kavanagh asked the Prisoner for his Arms and
he gave them to him
- Q. Did you hear Lieutenant Kavanagh give any reason for his
asking him for his Arms.
- A. No I did not
- Q. Did the Prisoner Join the Corps the next morning
according to his promise to Lieutenant Kavanagh
- A. He did not
- Q. Do you know the Reason he did not join the Corps.
- A. I do not.
- Q. Were you of the party or did you hear of Captain
Kavanagh’s sending to look for the Prisoner the day following.
- A. Not to my knowledge
- Q. Did you ever hear any reason given why he did not Join
the Corps.
- A. None except my having heard he joined the Mob
[p. 5]
— Did you hear any reason given for Captain Kavanagh’s sending
them parties out to take the Prisoner
- Answer, I did for the Prisoner’s having Joined the Mob. 4th
Witness James Lenon sworn
- Q. Do you know the Prisoner
- A. I never knew him the day the Rebels Came into Borris the
12th of June
- Q. Did you see him on that day
- A. I did
- Q. Was he along with the Rebels
- A. I did not see a man with him
- Q. Did he take upon him to Command you in any one act on
that day.
- A. He did not
- Q. Did you see Carty’s House on Fire on that day
- A. I did
- Q. Did you see a Man in Carty’s Yard with a Pistol in his
hand on that day.
- A. I did a red haired Man
- Q. Did you see the Prisoner Command that Man to do any act
on that day.
- A. I did to put out the fire and the Prisoner said he would
not wish for five pounds it had been set on fire.
- Q. Did he not advise you to put a green bough in your Hat on
that day.
- A. He did for fear of two men that were armed who were
coming down the Road, I believe they were Rebels.
- Q. by the Court, - Was it before or after Carty’s House was
set on fire that you first saw the Prisoner on that day.
- A. Almost at the same time for it was set on fire
[p. 6]
a shot the Noise of which brought me out of my House
- Q. Did you go down immediately to Carty’s House with the
- A. I followed him immediately and overtook him before he got
- Q. Did you hear the Prisoner give any orders or directions
when he got to Carty’s House.
- A. Yes I heard him order a man to put out the Fire —
- Q. Did that man obey that order
- A. he attempted to do so but the Fire was too violent, he
then said he would not have wished for five pounds that the
House had been set on fire that it was too bad and that there
should be no more damage done in the Town.
- Q. Had the Prisoner any arms on that day
- A. He had a Sword.
- Q. Was he on Horseback or a Foot.
- A. on Horseback
- Patrick Dunn Sworn
- Q. Do you know the Prisoner
- A. I do
- Q. Do you remember the day the Town of Borris was set on
- A. I do
- Q. Did you see James Carty’s House in Borris set fire to on
that day.
- A. I did.
- Q. Did you see the man that set fire to the House on that
- A. I did
- Q. Had they not arms and did they not appear to you
[p. 7]
be Rebels
- A. They were armed and appeared to me as such
- Q. Did you not see the Prisoner on that day
- A. I did he passed through the Town on Horseback
- Q. Had you any Conversation with him on that day
- A. on his return he desired me to put a green bush in my Hat
- Q. what distance does the Prisoner live from the Town of
- A. about five or six miles.
The Evidence on the part of the Crown being Closed and Prisoner
put on his Defence says he has no Witness, that he was forced on
that day — The Court having maturely considered the [ ] the Prisoner
Maurice Kavanagh is of opinion he is Guilty of the Crimes laid to
his Charge and do therefore Sentence him to suffer Death by being
Hung at Borris in the County of Carlow.
- General Matthews Major R:DS: Regiment President —
- Samuel Carpenter acting as Deputy Judge Advocate
- Confirmed Cornwallis

- No. 2
- Maurice Kavanagh
- Warrant drawn 18th July 1799
- Entered Wexford
- Carlow 8 July
- No. 21
- Entered 18th December
- Entered & Arranged
[Rebellion Papers, 620/5/58/2]
- Source: National Archives
- Transcribed by Terry Curran c2008
- The information contained in these
pages is provided solely for the purpose of sharing with others
researching their ancestors in Ireland.
- © 2001 Ireland Genealogy Projects,
Pre-emptive Copyright - All rights reserved