Dublin Gazette - Fugitives for Debt, 1739 - SMILY *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Antrim Index Copyright ************************************************ Contributed by Mary Heaphy DUBLIN GAZETTE - FUGITIVES FOR DEBT, 1739 - SMILY The under mentioned persons being fugitives for debt, and beyond the seas, and having surrendered themselves to the Keeper of the Four Courts Marshalsea?, design to take the Benefit of the Act, passed the last sessions in this Kingdom, entitled, "An Act for the Relief of insolvent Debtors", at the next General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace, or the adjournment thereof, to be held at the Tholsel, for the County of Dublin. SESSION FOR COUNTY ANTRIM. Smily, David, last of County Antrim, Pedlar. (All spellings as per Newspaper.)