ANTRIM Miscellaneous: Voters for Clements Monepenny - 1744 *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Antrim Index Copyright ************************************************ Contributed by Mary Heaphy ANTRIM MISCELLANEOUS: VOTERS FOR CLEMENTS MONEPENNY - 1744 The Town Book of the Corporation of Belfast, Burrough of Belfast. At an Assembly of the Sovereign Burgesses and Commonality of said Burrough, Arthur Byrtt, Esq., Sovrn., held the eight day of November 1744 at the Maarket House of said Burrough and continued from time to time by adjournment to the 15th of the said month as appears by the list of voters hereunto annexed to choose a Sergeant at Mace for the said Burrough in the room and place of Edward Hall who for his mismanagement in his offices also that he at present confined in Jail at Carrickfergus for debt and not likely to be relieved by which means he is rendered incapable of doing his duty as Town Sergeant. Clement Monepenny was elected, chosen and sworn same day Sergeant at Mace for the said Burrough by the majority of said assembly in the room and place of said Edward Hall so disqualified. Dated this day 15th Nov. 1744. Entered by Robt Byrtt, Town Clerk. List of Voters for Clements Monepenny. James Archbald. Thomas Banks. Esq. Hugh Donaldson. John Sharp. Thomas Beatton Alex Young. John Stewart. John Gordan. Dan Blow. John Brown. Alex Stewart. Ben Legg. Henry Blair. Margetson Saunders. John Johnston And. Gelaspie. Sm. Wilson. Robert M'Mullan. Robt. Caulfield. Robt. Clark. John Black. Isaac Read. Edward Mitchell. James Carmichael. Hugh Martin. Thos. Lowry. Will. Miller. Hugh M'Kitrick. John M'Nish. Robt. Wills. Sam. Smith. John Gregg. Wm. Gregg. John Coheran. Sam. Joy. Wm. Stott. Jam. Peacock. Gilbert M'Cully. Walter Wilson. Jam. Smith. Geo. Ashmere. Wm. Archibald. Chas. Hamilton. Ffra Kirkland. Wm. Hannah. John Taylor. John M'Donald. Jas. Bell. Thos. Anderson. John M'Murray. Val. Thetford. Wm. Holmes. John Millwright. Jas. Blow. Henry Duncan. Ed. M'Donald. John Leech. Hugh Boyd. John Jemison. John Knox. Chas. Walsh. John Duff, Burgess. Wm. Simpson. Jas. Ross. Wm. Boyd. Henry Kelso. James Weir. Wm. Dick. Adjourned to Saturday 10th Nov. Alexr. Spawin. Tho. Whiyeside. Rev. Geo. Robinson. John Gibson. Neile Patten. Ralph Charley. John Leith. Jas. Wilson. Tho. Jones. John Ross. Wm. Worthington, Snr. Wm. Lawson. John Holmes. Dav. Lyons. Wm. Biggar. Robt. Aldrich. John Jones. Hugh Beaty. Ed Fforsyth. John Fforsyth. Henry Charley. Martin Worthington. Henry Linn. Adam Addidle. James Chads. Ffra Bowell. Wm. Kirkwood. Jas. Woods. Wm. Legg. John Stewart. Thos. M'Connell. John Wilson. Cha. M'Neily Obed. Grove. Cha. Young. Jas. Charley. Wm. Brown. Adjourned to Thursday the 15th November. Geo. Macartney, Esqr. Revd. Barnard Ward. Val. Jones, Jnr. Thos. Gregg. Vincent Mercy. John M'Kedy. Saml. Stanton. Robt. Wallace. John Hay. Hen. East. John Rice. Jas. Dixon. Wm. Johnston Landw. Saml. M'Teer. John Armstrong. John M'Cahee. John Bennett. Henry M'Ffadden. Saml. Macartney. Robt. Hay. Archd. Miller. Gilbert M'Dowell. Jas. Law. Ffaithfull Wilson. Randall Pettycrew. Isaac Agnew. List of Voters for Arthur Hall. Roger Haddock. And. M'Comb. Alex. M'Kyle. James Greerer. Wm. Wallace. Ja. Holmes. Duncan Taylor. John Ffleming. Robt. Stewart. John Beggs. John Potts. Hugh Lynn. John Ashmere. John Scott. John M'Munn. Saml. Moffett. John Ballentine Barber. Robt. Gaskin. Charles Ramage. Jas. Adair. Senr. And. Hannah. Sam. Brown. John Cunningham. Rich. Coleman. Wm Paterson. Geo Walls. Saml. Boyd. Thos. Ffife. John Cowden. John Ffife Barber. John Whitlock. Wm. Cross. Geo. Sharp. John Stevenson. Wm. Sharpley. Mathew Douglass. Michael M'ffall. Tho. Whitnall. Tho. Servise. Alex. Mugerlane. Jam. Boyd. Thos. Johnston. John M'(Cleary)Creery. Robert M'Creery. John Dorment. John Lowden. Geo.M'Creery. David Jukes. Thomas. Warnock. Wm. M'Cleary. Thomas Smalshaw. John Ratclife. John Peart. Michl. Ratclife. Geo. M'ffarson. John Miller. John Smith. John Brown. Alex Ward. John M'ffadden. Jas. Ramsey. Wm. Nutt. Moses Hill. Jas. Anderson. Wm. Worthington, jnr. Wm. MaGofolk. Wm. Mathews. Robt. Black. Thomas Gregory. Richd. Whitford. Ffra Beaty. Wm. Wha. Saml. Galloway. John Jakson, Robt. Corbitt. Alex. Mears. Robt. Gutry. James Lemon. Tho. Coulter. Hh. Haven. David Stevenson. Michl. Ratcliffe, Senr. Mathw. King. Pat. Gibson. Wm. Cambell. Wm. Beck. Wm. Caruthers. Saml. Allen. Robt. Henderson. Geo. Magee. John Herd. Richd Coulter. Israel Burns. John M'ffarran. Arth. Clark. George Cork. Hen Vernett. Tho. Graham. Isaac Hall. John Hall. Adjourned to Saturday the 10th of Nov. 1744. Andw. Sloan. Cha. Moor. John Brown. Thos. Heming. Neile Magee. Hugh Holmes. John Dorment. John Riggs. Andw. Trimble. Dav. Mote. Robert M'ffall. Wm. Watt. Gawen Davidson. Sam Read. Dav. Logan. John Bole. William Pettycrewe. Adjourned to Thursday 15th November 1744. Wm. Hamilton. John Clark. Wm. Culbert. Jas. M'Donald. Phi. Coats. Robert Ffoothey. Nathl. Morrison. Michl. Addidle. Jas. Young. Thos. Sturgeon. Michl. Mears.