Obituaries: Johnston, James August 31, 1839 *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Armagh Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: Jack Storey> August 3, 2010, 2:05 pm OBITUARIES: JOHNSTON, JAMES AUGUST 31, 1839 unknown publication, 1839 At Derryhaw, near Tynan, on Saturday, the 31st ult., Mr. James Johnston, aged 77years, 40 of which he was a regular and worthy member of the Masonic Society,No. 001, Tynan. Seldom has the death of so friendly a man been recorded, nor onemore respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. Fully preparedby Divine grace, he calmly resigned his spirit, after a long illness into thehands of his God and Savior, realising that precious promise, "I will be thyguide even unto death, and afterwards receive thee into glory."