Marriage: Lecky, Susan & Liggett, Robert August 27, 1891 *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Armagh Index Copyright ************************************************ Contributed to IGP Archives by Robert LeggettMARRIAGE: LECKY, SUSAN & LIGGETT, ROBERT AUGUST 27, 1891 Marriage. No. of Cert.: 160 GROOM: ROBERT LIGGETT Age: Full Condition: Bachelor Rank or Profession: Farmer Residence at Time: Mullaghboy, Parish of Ballymore Name, Rank & Profession of Father: JOHN LIGGETT, Farmer BRIDE: SUSAN LECKY Age: Full Condition: Spinster Residence at Time: Ballyworkan Name rank or Profession of Father: THOMAS LECKY, Farmer Witnesses: SAMUEL LIGGETT and MARTA LECKIE Marriage solemnized at St. Mark's Church in the Parish of Portadown in the Co. of Armagh. married in the above name's church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of ireland, by Licence by me AUG. FITGERALD P. P. August 27th 1891 COMMENT: LIGGETT ROBERT ( 14 ) 14 JANUARY Administration (with the Will) of the estate of ROBERT LIGGETT of Ballyworkan County Armagh Farmer who died 20 September 1904 at Belfast, County Antrim granted at Armagh to Susan Liggett the Widow, Effects £282 5s 6d.