Mr John Corcoran, Co. Carlow, Ireland - 1897
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Carlow Index
Contributed by Susie Warren

DEATH OF MR. JOHN CORCORAN. THE death of Mr. John Corcoran,
who has been in a precarious state of health for some time,
occurred on Monday last, at his residence, Lyon-street,
Yea. Deceased, who was a son-in-law of the late Thomas
M'Asey, was born in County Carlow, Ireland, in 1833 and
landed in Victoria in 1852. After his arrival in the Yea
district he followed mining in company with Mr. Oliver. He
was one of the first to work the Old Providence Mine, and
also sank, by contract, the first deep shaft on the
Triangle, known as Fortone's. He removed to Alexandra and
at its best and most successful stage, managed the No. 2
and Mysterious reefs, gaining substantial recognition from
directors and miners for ability and honesty in his
dealings for 8 or 9 years. He selected on the Goulburn,
near Switzerland, in the early seventies. He was
well-respected by all classes and never did a wilful injury
to anyone by act, word and deed. The funeral took place on
Tuesday afternoon and was attended by a large number of
persons anxious to pay this last tribute of respect to the
memory of deceased. He was interred in the Roman Catholic
portion of the cemetery. Messrs. Tosh and Cosgrove
conducted the funeral arrangements.
Yea Chronicle (Yea, Vic. : 1891 - 1920) Thursday 8 July
1897 Edition: Morning. p 2 Article