Lismaconly Cemetery Part 2, Myshall, County Carlow, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Carlow Index 
Contributed by: Larry Kehoe
Transcribed by: GC


Photo No.106
Cemetery view

Photo No.107
Coolnasheguan | who died 17th May 1994 | aged 65 years |
Rest in Peace | "No one has seen and no ear has heard | all
that God has prepared for those | who love him.

Photo No.108
Two stones, left stone:
Erected by | JAMES HAYDEN, Shangarry | (who died in America)
| In memory of | his beloved brother JOHN | died 26th June
1907 | his sister MARY A. MAHER | died 28th Jan 1920 aged 64
yrs | her husband TIMOTHY MAHER | died 21st Jan 1922 aged 72
yrs | his nephew THOMAS MAHER (Turtane) | died 19th June
1949 aged 68 yrs | KATHERINE MAHER (wife of THOMAS) | died
28th Nov 1962 aged 60 yrs | their son TIMOTHY MAHER
(Turtane) | died 31st March 1992 aged 67 yrs | their infant
grandson | THOMAS PAUL MAHER (Turtane) | died 29th Aug 1960
in infancy | May they Rest in Peace.
Right Stone:
In | Loving memory of | KATHLEEN O'BRIEN | (nee MAHER) |
died in Manchester | 9th June 1988 | also her son JOHN
(JACK) MAHER | born 7th June 1950 | died 1st October 2013 |
interred in Longford Cemetery | R.I.P. | Erected by | her
loving husband TONY | and daughter ANNE.

Photo No.109
Sacred heart of Jesus | have mercy | on the soul of | Very
Rev. JOHN HAYDEN P.E. | born in Old Leighlin 1913 | ordained
in 1938 | Parish Priest of Myshall | 1968-1991 | died 10th
April 2009 | aged 95 years | Requiescat in Pace | Our Lady
of Perpetual Seccour | pray for him.

Photo No.110
In Loving memory | of | BRIDGET HOGAN | The Square,
Inistioce | who died January 15th 1967 | and her husband |
PETER HOGAN | who died March 16th 1969 | Sacred Heart of
Jesus | have mercy | R.I.P.

Photo No.111
In | Memory of | Mrs ELIZA HUGHES | Milltown | died June
21st 1926 age 70 | also her husband | THOMAS HUGHES | died
Feb 19th 1933 age 77 | R.I.P.

Photo No.112
In Loving memory of | KATE HUNT | who died 6th January 1917
aged 72 yrs | ELLEN HOGAN | who died 25th August 1921 aged
79 yrs | EDWARD BYRNE | who died 21st November 1948 aged 2
months | EDWARD BUTLER | who died 23rd November 1961 aged 81
yrs | ELLEN BUTLER | who died 28th December 1964 aged 83 yrs
| ELLEN BYRNE | who died 22nd January 1995 aged 75 yrs |
MARY HENNESSY | who died 7th February 1997 aged 80 yrs |
WILLIAM HENNESSY | who died 21st April 2001 aged 85 yrs |
May God keep them in eternal rest | SLYVESTER BYRNE | who
died 3rd September 2009 aged 87 yrs | TOM BUTLER | who died
10th September 2015 aged 92 yrs.

Photo No.113
Two stones, left stone
In Loving memories of | a dear wife and mother | CAROLINE
QUIRKE | (nee JAMES) | who departed this life on | 16th June
1993 | aged 34 yrs | Sweet Jesus have mercy | Erected by her
husband | JIM, children | ... Andrew and George.
Right stone
In treasured | and Loving memories of | a dear husband and
father | GEORGE JAMES | Shangarry | born 5th April 1930 |
died 10th March 2000 | a loving wife and mother | MAUREEN
JAMES (nee KEALY) | born 10th May 1926 | died 13th August
2017 | Sweet Jesus have mercy.

Photo No.114
Erected by | ANDREW JORDAN N.T., Myshall | in loving memory
of | his son PASCHAL M. | died 7th March 1992 aged 28 years
| also the above ANDREW JORDAN | died 4th Jan 1998 aged 78
years | and his wife | ESTHER JORDAN (nee NALLEN) | died
19th Aug 2010 aged 78 years | May they Rest in Peace, Amen.

Photo No.115
In Loving memory of | DAN JORDAN | Ballaghmore | died 30th
November 2019 aged 71 years | Rest in Peace | To live in
hearts we leave behind is not to die.

Photo No.116
In Loving memory of | GERARD (GER) JORDAN | Myshall | who
died 19th August 2017 | aged 60 years | Rest in Peace |
Forever in our thoughts.

Photo No.117
In Loving memory of | MARY ANNA JORDAN | 16 St. Oliver's
Park, Myshall | who died 17th November 2003 | aged 78 years
| also her son-in-law | MICHAEL SLYE | who died 2nd April
2020 | aged 85 years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.118
In Loving memory of | PEADAR JORDAN | Ballaghmore, Myshall |
died 13th February 2016 | aged 44 years | Rest in Peace |
Forever in our thoughts.

Photo No.119
Erected by PATRICK KAVANAGH | Myshall | in loving memory of
| his wife CECILIA | died 20th Oct 1960 aged 80 yrs | also
the above | PATRICK KAVANAGH | died 4th Dec 1975 aged 90 yrs
| R.I.P.

Photo No.120
FRANCIS MCGRATH | (FRAN) | 1988-2010 | Great Gra... | called
before your time.

Photo No.121
In Loving memory of | ANNE KAVANAGH | Aclare | died 8th July
1969 aged 44 yrs | also her mother-in-law | BRIDGET KAVANAGH
| died 25th June 1976 aged 87 yrs | also her son TOM | died
28th July 1990 aged 32 yrs | also her husband JAMES | died
7th July 1992 aged 83 yrs | also her grandson JAMES | died
24th Feb 1996 aged 23 yrs | also her great grand-daughter |
ALICIA | died in infancy 21st May 2006 | Erected by her
loving husband | and family.

Photo No.122
Affectionate remembrance | of our dear children | CELINE
KAVANAGH | Knockbrack | aged 16 years | and GERARD | aged
12 years | who died tragically | On May 8th 1977 |
Remembering also | their father MICHAEL | who died on Dec
6th 2007 | aged 88 years | R.I.P. | Our Lady of Lourdes |
pray for them | For it is to the children - little children
| the kingdom of heaven belongs.

Photo No.123
In Loving memory | of | DERMOT KAVANAGH | St. Olivers Tce |
who died 28th November 1996 aged 22 years | his father
MICHAEL KAVANAGH | who died 11th March 2008 aged 68 years |
Rest in Peace | "Always loved and remembered' | KAVANAGH.

Photo No.124
Forever in our hearts | EAMON KAVANAGH | Bridgeview
Raheenleigh, Myshall | died 24th February 2019 aged 16 years
| Rest in Peace | KAVANAGH | Remembered with love | "No
matter how life changes, No matter what we do | a special
place within our hearts is always ...for you."

Photo No.125
Erected in memory of | our dear mother | ELIZABETH KAVANAGH
| Clonee West, Fenagh | died 8th July 2000 aged 76 yrs |
also her son CHRISTY | died 28th Oct 2018 aged 62 yrs | Rest
in Peace | sadly missed by all her family and friends |

Photo No.126
In | Loving memory of | JAMES (JIMMY) KAVANAGH | St.
Oliver's Park, Myshall | died 12th June 2001 aged 50 years |
also his son NICHOLAS KAVANAGH | died 29th June 2003 aged 25
years | also his son JOHN PAUL KAVANAGH | died 15th July
2005 aged 22 years | Rest in Peace | Always loved and
remembered | KAVANAGH.

Photo No.127
In Loving memory of | JACK KAVANAGH | The Square Myshall |
died 25th July 2001 aged 83 yrs | also his beloved wife |
SHEILA KAVANAGH | (nee FAGAN) | died 23rd Dec 2014 aged 86
yrs | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.128
In | Loving memory of | JAMES KAVANAGH | Raheenleigh | died
21st June 1956 | aged 69 yrs | also his wife ANNIE | died
16th April 1986 | aged 83 yrs | Rest in Peace | On whose
soul sweet Jesus have mercy.

Photo No.129
In | Loving memory of | JAMES KAVANAGH Raheenleigh | died 15
May 1959 aged 78 yrs | also his wife ANNIE | died 30 June
1969 aged 74 yrs | also their daughter-in-law MARY KAVANAGH
| died 3rd July 2000 aged 76 yrs | also their son | MICHAEL
KAVANAGH | died 5th Aug 2001 aged 74 yrs | R.I.P.

Photo No.130
In | Loving memory | of | JAMES KAVANAGH | Raheenleigh |
died Feb 1917 aged 86 yrs | MARGARET KAVANAGH | died Dec 28
1923 aged 82 yrs | JOHANNA KAVANAGH | died Aug 13 1928 aged
54 yrs | MARGARET KELLY | died June 10 1944 aged 74 yrs |
PATRICK KAVANAGH | died May 10 1959 aged 79 yrs | R.I.P.

Photo No.131
In Loving memory | of | JAMES KAVANAGH Shangarry | died 12th
April 1955 aged 81 yrs | his wife MARGARET | died 5th Aug
1968 aged 88 yrs | his parents JOHN | died 20th March 1918
aged 75 yrs | HARRIETT | died 29th April 1914 aged 77 yrs |
their daughter JOSEPHINE | died 28th Nov 1976 aged 61 yrs |
also their daughter BRIGID | died 9th Nov 1990 aged 71 yrs |
also their son JAMES KAVANAGH | died 26th April 2013 aged 90
yrs | R.I.P.

Photo No.132
Erected by BRIDGET KAVANAGH | Ratheenleigh | In Loving
memory | of my husband | JAMES HUGH KAVANAGH | died 18 Sept
1939 aged 62 yrs | also his son MICHAEL | died 10 April 1939
aged 19 yrs | his infant grand-son | died 26 Oct 1964 | and
his parents | KATHLEEN KAVANAGH | died 26 April 1918 | HUGH
KAVANAGH | died 27 March 1907 | also the above BRIDGET
KAVANAGH | (nee REDMOND) | died 5th Feb 1970 aged 89 years |
also his son HUGH KAVANAGH | died 11th March 1998 aged 82
years | beloved wife of HUGH | MARGARET (O'NEILL) KAVANAGH |
died 15th January 2010 aged 82 years | R.I.P.

Photo No.133
In Loving memory of | JOHN (JACK) KAVANAGH | Yateley
Hampshire | and late of Church Road Myshall | died 23rd May
1999 aged 62 years | also his brother-in-law | JOHNNY
KAVANAGH | Church Road Myshall | died 13th Feb 2004 aged 55
years | Rest in Peace | KAVANAGH.

Photo No.134
Scared heart of Jesus | have mercy on the soul of | JOHN
KAVANAGH | Kylemaglush | died 25 Jan 1968 aged 68 yrs | also
his wife MARGARET | died 31st Aug 1987 | also their grandson
| JOHN McLOUGHLIN died in infancy | on 27th Dec 1969 |
R.I.P. | Erected by his loving wife and family.

Photo No.135
In Loving memory of | JOHN KAVANAGH | Church Road Myshall |
died 10th June 1935 | aged 78 yrs | also his wife MARY |
died 2nd Feb 1928 | aged 62 yrs | and his grand children |
who died in infancy | ALICE KAVANAGH | died 13th July 1980 |
aged 64 yrs | also her husband | THOMAS KAVANAGH | died 17th
Jan 2001 | aged 97 yrs | R.I.P.

Photo No.136
In Loving memory of | JULIA KAVANAGH | Coolasnaughta | died
1st Oct 1974 | aged 76 yrs | her daughter MARGARET | died
4th June 1948 | age 19 yrs | interred at Drumphea | her
husband JAMES | died 21st Aug 1976 | aged 85 yrs | their son
JIMMY | died 5th May 2000 | aged 69 yrs | and his wife ANNE
| (nee Blanchfield) | died 28th Dec 2020 | aged 88 yrs |

Photo No.137
Booklet style, left side
In loving | memory of | KATHLEEN | KAVANAGH nee BOOTH |
Glitheroe, Lancs, England | & Raheenleigh, Myshall | died
14th Feb 1996 | aged 64 yrs.
Right side
also her husband | PATRICK | died 7th March 2000 | R.I.P. |
Gone but | not forgotten.

Photo No.138
In Loving memory of | LORETTO KAVANAGH | Aclare | died 28th
May 2017 aged 65 years | Rest in Peace | Until we meet

Photo No.139
In | Loving memory of | MICHAEL KAVANAGH | Shangarry | died
8th December 2005 | aged 86 years | Rest in Peace | Erected
by his loving wife and family | KAVANAGH

Photo No.140
Three stones rear left
In | Loving memory of | JAMES O'ROURKE | Shangarry | died
15th Aug 1925 | aged 52 yrs | also his wife MARIA | nee
O'HARA | died 19th Feb 1941 | aged 67 yrs | R.I.P | Erected
by their family.
Front left
In loving | memory of | KATHLEEN SULLIVAN | (nee KAVANAGH) |
Raheenleigh 1 pr | 25-4-1931 | 12-10-1999 | Rest in Peace |
Never Forgotten
Right side
In | loving memory of | MARTIN KAVANAGH | Raheenleigh Upper
| died 10th Dec 1974 aged 88 yrs | also his son PATRICK |
died in infancy 8th Oct 1920 | his father MICHAEL | died
11th March 1930 aged 72 yrs | and his mother BRIDGET | died
26th Sept 1928 aged 68 yrs | also his sister MARIA | died
26th March 1930 aged 74 yrs | and his son MARTIN | died 25th
Sept 1978 aged 54 yrs | also his son-in-law FLORENCE
SULLIVAN | died 17th Dec 1978 aged 54 yrs | KATHLEEN
KAVANAGH | wife of MARTIN | died 3rd March 1993 aged 94 yrs
| R.I.P. | Erected by his loving wife and family.

Photo No.141
In loving memory of | MARY KAVANAGH | Church Road, Myshall |
died 19th Feb 1974 | her brother PATRICK | died 19th March
1988 aged 81 yrs | interred in Sandhurst | Camberley Surry
England | also her brother MICHAEL | died 30th March 1990
aged 85 yrs | JANE KAVANAGH nee McKANE | with of PATRICK |
died 19th April 1991 | Rest in Peace | KAVANAGH.

Photo No.142
Erected by | MARTIN KAVANAGH Raheenleigh | in loving memory
of | his daughter MAUREEN | died 21 Aug 1969 aged 24 yrs |
also his mother MARY | died 17 March 1924 aged 40 yrs | and
his father MATTHEW | died 7 May 1938 aged 61 yrs | interred
at Drumphea | also the above MARTIN KAVANAGH | died 5th
Sept 2009 aged 91 yrs | and his wife ELIZABETH | died 20
March 2012 aged 92 yrs | R.I.P.

Photo No.143
In loving memory of | PHIL KAVANAGH | loving husband, dad |
and grandad | 15-5-1963 - 31-8-2012 | also his loving wife |
PATRICIA (TRISH) | 17-3-1959 - 29-9-2015.

Photo No.144
In loving memory of | PATRICK KAVANAGH | Raheenwood | died
23rd May 1970 aged 68 yrs | also his wife | JOHANNA KAVANAGH
| died 11th Dec 1944 aged 38 yrs | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.145
In loving memory of | PATRICK KAVANAGH | The Cottage Aclare
Myshall | died 16th May 1980 aged 75 yrs | his sons PATRICK
| died 12th July 1935 aged 5 yrs | MICHAEL | died 14th June
1942 aged 1 month | also twins died in infancy 1932 | also
his wife | CATHERINE KAVANAGH | died 29th Sept 1988 aged 82
yrs | also their son | JOHN KAVANAGH | died 22nd Dec 2014
aged 79 yrs | R.I.P. | Erected by his wife and family.

Photo No.146
In loving memory of | WILLIAM KAVANAGH | 15 Kimberley St.
Salford England | (formerly Raheenleigh Myshall) | died 31st
Oct 1975 aged 38 years | R.I.P. | Jesus mercy, Mary help.

Photo No.147
Erected by MARTIN KEALY Shangarry | in loving memory of his
father | JAMES KEALY who died Feb 28th | 1920 aged 62 yrs
and his mother | JULIA KEALY (nee COLEMAN) | died Sept 2nd
1923 aged 68 yrs | also 5 of his children | 4 boys and 1
girl who died in infancy | also the above MARTIN KEALY |
died June 3rd 1966 aged 74 yrs | and his wife BRIGID (nee
BYRNE) | died Sept 25th 1979 aged 79 yrs | also their
daughter | SR. ITA (BREDA) C.B.S. | Died Feb. 12th 2005
Aged 75 Yrs. | interred in New Zealand | On their souls
sweet Jesus have mercy | R.I.P.

Photo No.148
In loving memory of | EDWARD KEARNEY | Kilmaglush | died
18th May 1973 aged 82 years | his wife MARY | died 23rd Dec
1984 aged 84 years | their infant daughter | MARGARET MARY
THERESA | died 28th April 1941 aged 7 months | also his
brother DENIS | died 18th Dec 1968 aged 80 years | BERNIE
KEARNEY Kilmaglush | died 12th Dec 2014 aged 70 years | her
infant daughter ELIZABETH | died 22nd March 1976 aged 6 days
| In our hearts you ... live forever | KEARNEY.

Photo No.149
MARY ANN KEARNEY | died 20th October 2022 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.150
Sacred heart of Jesus | have mercy | on the soul of Very
Reverend | JOSEPH KEHOE P.P. | born Rathvinden,
Leighlinbridge | ordained in Rome 1935 | appointed Parish
Priest | of Myshall Jan 1961 | died May 7th 1968 |
Requiescat in Pace | Our Lady of Perpetual Succour | pray
for him.

Photo No.151
In loving memory | of | MIRIA BRIDGET KELLY | Raheenleigh
Myshall | born May 7th 1878 | died March 27th 1927 | PAULINE
THRESA (CISS) KELLY | born June 29th 1892 | died Nov 1st
1923 | R.I.P.

Photo No.152
In loving memory of | MICHAEL KELLY | Raheenleigh | died
13th May 1974 aged 69 yrs | also his parents | JOHN and
CATHERINE KELLY | also his wife | MARGARET KELLY | (nee
BARRON) | died 30th Nov 2009 aged 91 yrs | R.I.P. | Sweet
Jesus have mercy | Erected by his loving wife.

Photo No.153
In loving memory of | PATRICK KELLY | Booldurragh | died
13th Jan 1973 aged 76 years | also his wife LILY KELLY |
died 18th April 1991 aged 84 years | and their son BRENDAN
KELLY | died 7th Nov 2004 aged 70 yrs | also BRENDAN's
beloved wife | BRIGIE (nee HUSSEY) | died 26th July 2021
aged 89 years | Rest in Peace | KELLY.

Photo No.154
In loving memory | of | Rev MICHAEL KELLY C.C. | born
Ratheenleigh Myshall | ordained June 1908 | who served for a
number of years | in the diocese of Kildare & Leighlin | died
Feb 22nd 1965 | Rev WILLIAM ROCHE C.S.S.p. | served as
Curate in Myshall Parish | for 16 years | interred here 6th
January 2000 | R.I.P.

Photo No.155
In | loving memory of | CHRISTOPHER KENNEDY | Rossacurra |
died 25th March 1925 | also his sons | JOSEPH died 8th July
1948 | JAMES died 16th April 1969 | and his wife MARY | died
27th Jan 1974 | R.I.P. | Sweet Jesus have mercy | KENNEDY.

Photo No.156
In loving memory of | MICHAEL KENNEDY | Myshall | died 22nd
Nov 1918 aged 88 yrs | his wife ANNE | died 13th Feb 1941
aged 82 yrs | their son JAMES | died 27th March 1959 aged 60
yrs | their daughters BRIDGET | died 16th April 1979 aged 87
yrs | NELLIE died 7th May 1979 | aged 79 yrs | R.I.P.

Photo No.157
In loving memory | of | PATRICK KENNEDY | died 9th March
1925 aged 50 yrs | also his brothers JOHN | died 13th May
1930 aged 52 yrs | JAMES | died 21st Oct 1930 aged
_9 yrs | and his sister ELIZABETH | died 15th Dec 1953
aged 69 yrs | R.I.P. | Erected by their sister.

Photo No.158
In loving memory | of | PETER KENNEDY | who died 11th Sept
1965 | also his sister | Mrs. MARY ALLEN | who died 8th Nov
1965 | both of Gridley California | and formerly of |
Rossacurra Myshall | also their brother MICHAEL | who died
1st May 1975 | R.I.P.

Photo No.159
In loving memory | of | PETER KENNEDY The Cross Myshall |
on 10th November 1939 | his wife BRIDGET | died 27th March
1950 | sons THOMAS | died 16th June 1974 | JAMES died 25th
August 1972 | their daughters JOHANNA | died 16th March
1975 | MARY ANN died 9? April 1975 | JOHN KENNEDY | died 23
Oct 1987? Aged 89? Yrs | R.I.P. | Erected by their son

Photo No.160
In loving memory of | THOMAS KENNY | Straduff | died 10th
Sept 2016 aged 87 years | also his beloved wife | MARY KENNY
| died 30th May 2018 aged 81 years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.161
In loving memory of | our beloved son | HAROLD KEOGH |
Church Road, Myshall | died 24th August 2016 aged 33 years |
also ANDREW KEOGH | devoted husband and father | died 2nd
September 2021 aged 77 yeas | Rest in Peace | Forever in our
hearts | Erected by his loving family | KEOGH.

Photo No.162
In | loving memory of | JAMES DOYLE | Bealalaw | died 10th
May 1932 | aged 84 yrs | his nephew JAMES DOYLE | died 13th
Dec 1960 | aged 81 yrs | his wife CATHERINE | died 25th
April 1966 | aged 84 yrs | and their daughter | Sister
JOSEPH FRANCIS | died 14th Nov 1968 | buried in Somerset |
their son-in-law | GEORGE KEOGH | died 1st Aug 1984 | their
daughter MAY KEOGH | died 14th July 2012 aged 93 yrs |
R.I.P. | erected by their loving son PATRICK | DOYLE.

Photo No.163
Two stones, right rear
In loving memory | of | MARY KEOGH Aclare Myshall | died
16th July 1947 aged 73 yrs | also her husband ANDY KEOGH |
died 16th Oct 1953 aged 86 yrs | also their grand-daughter |
who died in infancy | MATT KEOGH | died 16th Oct 1984 aged
75 yrs | PAT KEOGH | died 5th Dec 1995 aged 82 yrs | and his
wife MARY KEOGH | died 28th June 1996 aged 73 yrs | R.I.P. |
Erected by their loving family.
Front left:
Dearest memories of | Baby MARY KEOGH | who died in infancy
1972 | Love Mom and Dad.

Photo No.164
In loving memory | of | MATTHEW KEOGH | Coolnasheegaun |
died 14th December 1995 aged 81 years | his father LUKE
KEOGH | died 21st June 1950 aged 77 years | his mother
CATHERINE KEOGH | died 12th January 1948 aged 77 years | his
sister AGNES LUCY KEOGH | died 9th March 1937 aged 30 years
| his grand-father TIMOTHY CARTHY | died 28th December 1918
aged 81 years | his uncle TIMOTHY CARTHY | died 10th June
1927 aged 40 years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.165
In loving memory of | WILLIAM KIRWAN | Ballaughmore | died
27th Dec 1939 | his wife CATHERINE | died 7th June 1956 |
and daughter MARY | who died young | also their son THOMAS |
died 24th Nov 1985 | also their daughters | ANNIE KIRWAN |
died 25th Sept 2000 | and KATHLEEN KIRWAN | died 19th Feb
2001 | R.I.P.

Photo No.166
Everlasting memories of | FINTAN LALOR | Shangarry | died
13th January 1995 | aged 48 years | Rest in Peace | Too
Dearly loved to be forgotten.

Photo No.167
Two stones, front stone
Erected by | SEAMUS and ANN LALOR | Ballinrush Hse | in
memory of | our four children | two girls and twin boys |
who died in infancy | also the above SEAMUS LALOR | died
17th March 2011 aged 77 years | and his beloved wife | ANN
LALOR (nee KEALY) | died 2nd August 2012 aged 72 years |
loved and remembered always.
Rear stone
Sacred heart of Jesus | have mercy | on the soul of | EDWARD
NOLAN | Kylemaglush | who died 1st May 1965 aged 83 yrs |
his wife MARGARET | died 25th March 1978 aged 76 yrs | also
their son THOMAS | died 22nd March 1995 aged 66 yrs | and
his loving wife MARY | (nee PURCELL) | died 4th July 2016
aged 75 yrs | R.I.P.

Photo No.168
Cherished memoried of | JOHN MAHER | Lismaconly | 3rd July
1964 - 1st March 2007 | Rest in Peace | Sadly missed by his
family and friends.

Photo No.169
In | loving memory of | JAMES MAHER | Ballon | died 3rd
April 1935 aged 84 yrs | also his wife CATHERINE MAHER |
died 19th May 1938 aged 75 yrs | and his brother CHARLES
MAHER | Ballylean | died 21st April 1917 aged 70 yrs | and
his sister ANNIE MAHER | died 18th Feb 1919 aged 76 yrs |
Rest in Peace.

Photo No.170
In loving memory of | JAMES MAHER | Ballaghmore | died 14th
Nov 1974 aged 70 yrs | also his wife MARGARET | died 10th
Dec 2001 aged 82 yrs | also his father JAMES | died 3rd
March 1948 aged 78 yrs | also his mother MARY | died 4th Dec
1953 aged 76 yrs | and his brother JOHN | died 31st Oct 1974
aged 74 years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.171
In loving memory of | JOHN MAHER Lismaconly | died 11th Feb
1951 aged 68 yrs | his wife JULIA | died 7th Jan 1953 aged
62 yrs | also their two sons | who died in infancy | and
their grand-daughter | ESTHER JULIA MAHER | died 6th Dec
1964 aged 3 yrs | also their daughter | MARY ANN BRENNAN |
died 13th Feb 1991 aged 74 yrs | also their son | NICHOLAS
(NICK) | died 21st Feb 1997 aged 65 yrs | also NICK's
beloved wife | MARY MAHER (nee CRANNY) | died 6th July 2011
aged 81 yrs | Sadly missed by her loving family | and

Photo No.172
In loving memory of | MICHAEL MAHER | Shangarry | died July
1964 aged 68 yrs | his wife ANNE | died May 1941 aged 65 yrs
| also their daughter | JOHANNA | died Oct 1973 aged 66 yrs
| also their son MICHAEL | died April 1987 aged 74 yrs |
also his wife CHRISTINA | died Dec 5th 1997 aged 80 yrs |
R.I.P. | On their souls sweet Jesus have mercy.

Photo No.173
Remembered with love | CORMAC McCABE | Ballinacrea | a much
loved son and brother | died 21st Sept 2014 aged 27 years |
gaelic | McCABE | Our bond will never be broken | our love
will never be lost.

Photo No.174
In loving memory | of | COLMAN McDONAGH | Ballykeenan
Myshall | and formerly of Carraroe, Galway | died 17th Nov
2003 aged 67 yrs | also his grand daughter LISA | died 18th
Dec 1993 in infancy | ... | Erected By His Loving Wife
And Family.

Photo No.175
In loving memory of | MAURICE McDONNELL | Boggon Kilbride |
died 26th May 1979 aged 75 yrs | also his brother PATRICK |
died 15th April 1983 aged 67 yrs | and also his brother
ANTHONY (TONY) | died 3rd Jan 1987 aged 77 yrs | R.I.P. |
Erected by his brother PATRICK.

Photo No.176
In loving memory | of | SEAN MCGRATH | 8 Talbot Terrace,
Browneshill Rd, Carlow | devoted husband, father and
grandfather | who died 23rd December 2014 aged 83 years |
Rest in Peace | "Love crosses every horizon | and ... our
hearts ..." | MCGRATH.

Photo No.177
In loving memory of | DAN McLEAN | Clodyville, Bunclody |
and formerly of Myshall | beloved by his wife ELIZABETH |
died 4th March 2016 | and his wife ELIZABETH McLEAN | (nee
BOOKEY) | Clodyville, Bunclody | died 12th April 2021 | Rest
in Peace.

Photo No.178
In loving memory of | DANIEL McLEAN Bealalaw | died 18th Oct
1914 aged 50 yrs | also his wife CATHERINE McLEAN | died
30th June 1958 aged 81 yrs | their son DANIEL McLEAN | died
5th July 1997 aged 82 yrs | also their daughter-in-law
BRIDGET McLEAN (nee KAVANAGH) | died 9th Aug 2001 aged 85
yrs | their great granddaughter | who died in infancy 21st
April 1982 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.179
In loving memory of | JOHN McLEAN Myshall | died Feb 13th
1941 aged 69 years | also his sister | MARY ANNE NOLAN |
died Dec 27th 1946 aged 81 years | also his wife MARGARET
McLEAN | died Dec 3rd 1971 aged 77 years | also their
daughter | ANNIE McLEAN | died Nov 20th 1994 | and their son
FRANK McLEAN | died Sept 20th 2002 aged 78 years | and their
son MICHAEL McLEAN | died Jan 16th 2007 aged 79 years | and
their daughter MARY HOWARD | died March 8th 2012 aged 89
years | R.I.P.

Photo No.180
In memory of | REDMOND MOORES of Shangarry | who dept this
life August 1st 1873 | aged 58 years | also of his two
children MARY and | EDWARD who gave up their innocent souls
to their Creator at a young age | also his sister BRIDGET
MOORES died 3rd Dec 1860 aged 36 yrs | also his daughter
MARY MOORES | died June 11th 1906 aged 57 yrs | also his
wife ANNE MOORES died June | 2nd 1922 aged 89 yrs | also his
son ROBERT MOORES died Feb | 22nd 1933 aged 73 yrs | also
PATRICK HOGAN Shangarry | died 21st April 1974 aged 88 yrs |
and his wife MARY HOGAN | died 7th April 1977 aged 87 years
| Requiescant in pace.

Photo No.181
In front of No 180. Erected by ... | In memory of ... | Here
lieth the remains of h.. Mother? ...  | MORRES ... who d ...
this life  ... | ... | Also? .. Father SIMON MO... who died
... | ... | Also his Daughter MARGARET ... Died March | 10th
1844 aged 29? Years | Also his Wife MARY MORRIS alias ...DAN
who | died March .. 1845? ... | Also MICHL his his ...  |
Also her husband son who  ... | ... MORRIS? (old stone -
rest illegible.

Photo No.182
PETER MULLEN | of | Myshall Co Carlow | died 17-3-1938 |
son of | Garda PETER and MARY NT, Girls School | Vita
Mutatur, Non Tollitur | Erected in his memory and | in the
memory of his nephew | Father PETER A. MULLEN | died
Montreal 9-8-1995 | RIP | Vultum tuum, Domine, requiram |
Psalms 26,ii | MULLEN.

Photo No.183
In loving memory of | DANIEL MULLINS | Chapelstown Carlow |
died 1st July 1983 aged 83 yrs | also his wife MARY MULLINS
| died 17th Jan 1996 aged 81 yrs | R.I.P. | Erected by his
loving wife and family.

Photo No.184
In | loving memory of | ELLEN MULLINS | Coolasnaughta | died
1st Dec 1963 aged 44 yrs | also her husband | MICHAEL C.
MULLINS | died 8th Oct 1987 aged 74 yrs | also their
daughter BRIDIE | died 27th Feb 1996 aged 40 yrs | R.I.P.

Photo No.185
In loving memory of | MICHAEL MULLINS | Coolasnaughta | died
19th June 1974 aged 77 yrs | his daughter MARY | died 20th
April 1934 aged 2 yrs | his son JOHN JOE | died 4th Jan 1945
aged 3 yrs | also MICHAEL KEATING | died 2nd Aug 1951 aged
76 yrs | and MARY ANNE KEATING | died 28th Sept 1955 aged 86
yrs | also his wife | MARY MULLINS | died 19th Jan 1982 aged
74 yrs | R.I.P. | Erected by | his loving wife and family.

Photo No.186
Tógta mar dilcuimne | ar | PADRAIG A. O MAOILMICIL | oide
Scoil 1 mballan | Irish language | died 9th June 1951 (deas
9th lunasa 1951) | 64 years old | also in memory of his
wife | MARY ANN MULVIHILL | died 1st December 1972 | aged
86 years | and their son | DONNACHA MULVIHILL | died 13th
January 1999 | aged 76 years | also MARIA CULLEN, aunt of
MARY ANNE | died 10th February 1921 | aged 53 years | Irish

Photo No.187
TERESA MULVIHILL | died | 31st December 2022 | Rest in

Photo No.188
Indil Chuimhne | JOE MULVIHILL | Myshall and Rathfarnham |
died 8th May 2002 | aged 87 years | his wife MAUREEN | nee
MCGRATH | died 26th October 2014 | aged 91 years | their
daughter MARY | died 11th June 2015 | aged 55 years |
Suaimhneas síoraí dóibh.

Photo No.189
In loving memory of | ANGELA MURPHY | Ballinree, Borris, Co
Carlow | who died 13th March 2010 aged 33 years | Rest in
Peace | Erected by her loving parents | MURPHY.

Photo No.190
In memory of | MICHAEL NOLAN Russacurra | died 31st August
1950 aged 96 yrs | also his wife BRIDGET (nee MURPHY) |
interred in Drumphea Cemetery | his brother THOMAS | died
15th May 1926 aged 70 yrs | their daughter ANNA | died 27th
April 1954 aged 60 yrs | their sons JAMES | died 16th Sept
1976 aged 82 yrs | and LAURENCE | died 27th March 1980 aged
81 yrs | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.191
In loving memory of | BRIDIE MURPHY | Knockbrack | died 27th
June 1950 aged 28 yrs | her mother MARY | died 12th May 1953
aged 73 yrs | her aunt ANASTATIA BROPHY | died 24th March
1958 aged 78 yrs | her father PATRICK | died 13th Jan 1969
aged 85 yrs | also her sister-in-law | ANNIE (NAN) MURPHY |
died 9th April 1995 aged 73 yrs | also her brother | PATRICK
(PADDY) | loving husband of ANNIE | died 3rd July 2004 aged
81 yrs | R.I.P. | Erected by PATRICK MURPHY (JNR)

Photo No.192
In loving memory of | CHARLES MURPHY Knockbrack | died 19th
June 1962 aged 73 yrs | his daughter RITA T. PERKINS | died
in Sydney Australia | 19th Feb 1962 aged 31 yrs | his
father-in-law PATRICK SCULLY | died 25th Dec 1934 aged 82
yrs | his daughter BRIDGET SCULLY | died 16th May 1916 aged
17 yrs | and his son MATTHEW SCULLY | died 30th March 1930
aged 40 yrs | also his wife MARY ANN | died 28th Feb 1995
aged 94 yrs | May they Rest in Peace | also his
sister-in-law (PEG) SCULLY | who died July 17th 1994.

Photo No.193
In loving memory of | ELIZABETH MURPHY | (nee KEARNEY) |
Kilmaglush | died 9th May 2018 aged 73 yrs | JOHANNA NOLAN |
Rossacurra | died 24th Oct 1927 aged 88 yrs | JAMES SEAMUS
KEARNEY | 11th Oct 1931 - 24th Aug 2021 | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.194
In loving memory of | EDWARD MURPHY | Croanruss | died 19th
Dec 1950 aged 85 years | his wife MARY ANN | died 28th Dec
1958 aged 80 years | his sister BRIDGET | died 19th Aug 1949
aged 79 years | his father ARTHUR | died 7th April 1917 aged
85 years | his mother ALICE | died 19th March 1919 aged 81
years | ELIZABETH KEHOE | died 27th Sept 1988 aged 72 years
| her husband ARTHUR | died 16th April 1992 aged 84 years |
their daughter BRIDIE KEHOE | died 28th May 2001 aged 51
years | R.I.P. | KEHOE.

Photo No.195
In loving memory of | JAMES MURPHY | Raheenleigh | died 2nd
April 1953 aged 83 yrs | also his wife JULIA | died 24th
March 1968 aged 86 yrs | his sister BRIDGET MURPHY | died
17th Feb 1941 aged 83 yrs | also their son-in-law | RICHARD
SHEEHAN | died 26th June 1959 aged 48 yrs | also their
daughter | CATHERINE (DOLLY) SHEEHAN | died 19th Aug 1996
aged 83 yrs | Rest in Peace | Erected by their daughter

Photo No.196
In loving memory of | JOHN MURPHY | Shangarry | died 1st
July 2018 aged 68 years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.197
In | loving memory of | JOHN MURPHY | Aclare | died 29 Jan
1956 | aged 88 yrs | R.I.P.

Photo No.198
In | loving memory of | JOHN MURPHY Shean | died 12th Feb
1954 aged 54 yrs | his mother ELIZABETH | died 17th Dec 1945
aged 80 yrs | his father JAMES | died 12th Dec 1961 aged 87
yrs | his uncle SIMON | died 19th Dec 1955 aged 75 yrs |
CATHERINE MURPHY | wife of late JOHN | died 28th March 2005
aged 97 yrs | NOEL MURPHY | son of the late JOHN | died 11th
April 2021 aged 81 yrs | R.I.P. | Erected by his loving wife
and family.

Photo No.199
Booklet style, left side
In Loving | memory | of JOHN | MURPHY | Raheenleigh | died
Dec | 1959 aged | 80 yrs.
Right side
also his | brother | PATRICK | died May | 1969 aged | 86

Photo No.200
Sacred heart of Jesus | have mercy on the soul | of |
KATHLEEN MURPHY | Shangarry | died 7th Aug 1965 | aged 79
yrs | her loving husband JAMES | died 5th March 1980 aged 86
yrs | R.I.P.

Photo No.201
In loving memory of | MARY ANN MURPHY | Carlow Rd Myshall |
died 18th Aug 1977 aged 93 yrs | her husband MICHAEL |
killed in France | 27th Sept 1918 aged 32 yrs | their
daughters CHRISTINA | died 9th May 1927 aged 10 yrs | and
MARY CUMMINS nee MURPHY | died 27th April 1982 aged 70 yrs |
and their son-in-law | ALBERT P REEVES | died 12th Nov 1982
aged 69 yrs | also their daughter CATHERINE MULLIN | died
9th Dec 1984 aged 70 yrs | also their daughter MARGARET
BRIDGET REEVES | died 19th Nov 1986 aged 73 yrs | May they
Rest in Peace | and EDWARD MULLIN | loving husband of
CATHERINE | died 11th Aug 1992 aged 74 yrs.

Photo No.202
In loving memory of | PATRICK (CHAS) MURPHY | Coolnasheegan
| 13th June 1939 - 29th November 2008 | also his son SEAN |
Burbank, Illinois U.S.A. | 22nd July 1968 - 15th August 2004
| also his son PATRICK | 28th August 1978 - 26th August 2014
| Rest in Peace | MURPHY.

Photo No.203
In | loving memory of | PATRICK (PAT) MURPHY (JNR) | Dublin
and 3. St. Carvers Park | died 30th July 2005 | aged 29 years
| ELIZABETH (LIZ) MURPHY | died 7th May 2016 | aged 41 years
| and their father | PAT (PARKIE) MURPHY | died 3rd Sept
2020 | aged 76 years | Rest in Peace | "Forever in our

Photo No.204
In loving memory | of | PATRICK MURPHY | Lismaconly | died
19th May 1970 | aged 73 years | also his wife BRIDGET | died
8th May 1980 | aged 67 yrs | R.I.P.

Photo No.205
Erected to the memory of | PATRICK J MURPHY | Knockbrack |
died 26th Jan 1960 aged 74 yrs | his father JAMES | died
26th Jan 1932 aged 86 yrs | his mother ELIZABETH | died 9th
July 1913 aged 63 yrs | his brother JAMES | died 3rd March
1918 (?) aged 23 yrs | his daughter HANNAGH | died 7th May
1942 aged 16 yrs | his son KEVIN | died 10th March 1953 aged
33 yrs | his wife EILEEN MURPHY | died 4th July 1974 aged 81
yrs | their son Fr. P. J. MURPHY | died 8th Nov 1975 aged 40
yrs | also their daughter-in-law | MAISIE MURPHY | died 10th
Feb 1985 aged 56 yrs | R.I.P. | MURPHY.

Photo No.206
In loving memory of | PATRICK MURPHY Lismaconly | died 26
Jan 1928 | his wife MARY | died 8 Fab 1937 | their daughter
MARY BYRNE | died 12 Jan 1929 | son-in-law JAMES BYRNE |
died 20 Nov 1962 | and their sons | JAMES died 28 Feb 1946 |
GARRETT died 14 March 1967 | R.I.P.

Photo No.207
In loving memory of | PATRICK MURPHY Myshall | died 22nd Nov
1928 | his wife MARY | died 12th June 1975 | interred in
Glasneven | his parents | JOHN died 15th April 1922 | ANNE
died 3rd April 1927 | his sisters MARY ANNE | died 3rd Jan
1922 | BRIDGET died 24th April 1968 | R.I.P. | Erected by
their family.

Photo No.208
In loving memory of | THOMAS MURPHY Knockbrack | died 10th
Aug 1979 aged 47 yrs | R.I.P. | Jesus Mercy Mary Help.

Photo No.209
In loving memory of | THOMAS MURPHY | Dromacondra Dublin |
died 10 May 1938 | And Mrs? JOHANNA NOLAN | Roslee | died
22nd Oct 1933 | also PETER NOLAN | died 28 Nov 1950 | aged
83 years | RIP | also his wife MARY MURPHY | died 14th Feb
1975 aged 76 yrs | PETER NOLAN | died 26th July 1990.

Photo No.210
In loving memory | of | MARGARET MURPHY (nee O'HARA) |
Sheen, Garryhill | born 1900 - died 1987 | Rest in Peace |

All images Copyright by Photographer