Cavan - Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - R-Y

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Cavan Index


File contributed by:  C. Hunt & M. Taylor

CAVAN County Extractions - ( 1 Acre & Over) Names & Addresses Only - R-Y  
Owner Name			                 Owner Residence-1873-75
Radcliffe, Stephen  [Reps. Of]       xxxx                       Dowra                          
Railway Co.; Irish North Western     xxxx                       Dundalk                        
Railway Co.; Midland Great  Western  xxxx                       Broadstone, Dublin             
Rathborne, William H.                xxxx                       Finglas, Dublin                
Rea, George                          Kildallon                  Ardlogher, co. Cavan           
Reburn, William                      Ivenamon                   Billis                         
Reilly, Anne                         xxxx                       Drumcassidy                    
Reilly, Edward                       xxxx                       Kildorough                     
Reilly, Francis                      xxxx                       Drumcassidy                    
Reilly, John                         xxxx                       Cavan                          
Reilly, Joseph                       xxxx                       Drumcassidy                    
Reilly, Patrick                      xxxx                       Moher                          
Reilly, Patrick                      xxxx                       Ashgrove                       
Reilly, Terence                      xxxx                       Mullymagowan                   
Reilly, Thomas                       xxxx                       Mullymagowan                   
Reilly, Thomas                       xxxx                       Kildorough                     
Reynolds, Thomas                     xxxx                       Aghaconny                      
Reynolds, William                    xxxx                       Tully                          
Richardson, Mark                     xxxx                       Cavan-Coulter                  
Roberts, James                       xxxx                       Dublin                         
Roberts, Thomas L.                   Dormstown                  Navan                          
Robinson, Thomas                     xxxx                       Cavan-Coulter                  
Robinson, William                    xxxx                       County Tipperary               
Robuck, Wm.  [Reps. Of]              xxxx                       xxxx                           
Rochfort, John D.                    40 Eaton-pl.               London                         
Roe, Eliza                           xxxx                       Ballyconnell, co. Cavan        
Rogers, Andrew                       Connacrum                  Ardlogher                      
Rogers, John  [Reps. Of]             xxxx                       Belturbet                      
Rogers, Margaret                     xxxx                       Belturbet                      
Rogers, William                      Oatlands                   Belturbet                      
Rotheram, Edward                     Crossdrum                  Oldcastle                      
Rotheram, George S.                  xxxx                       Sallymount                     
Rotheram, Thomas E.                  xxxx                       Athboy                         
Rourk, Michael                       xxxx                       Kingscourt                     
Rutledge, Forster                    Ballymagirl                Bawnboy                        
Sankey, A. W. G.                     Fortfrederick              Virginia                       
Saunders, Richard                    xxxx                       Dublin                         
Saunderson, Edward J.                Castle Saunderson          Belturbet                      
Saunderson, Lewelyn T. B.            xxxx                       Drumkeen, Cavan                
Saunderson, Samuel                   Cloverhill                 Belturbet                      
Scriven, Edmund H.                   xxxx                       Dublin                         
Sharpe, Edward                       Killycleare                Cootehill                      
Shepard, Richard                     xxxx                       Dublin                         
Sheridan, James                      xxxx                       Ballina                        
Sheridan, John                       xxxx                       Dublin                         
Sheridan, Richard                    xxxx                       Tonagh                         
Sheridan, Thomas B.                  xxxx                       Dublin                         
Sherlock, James                      Kilnahard                  xxxx                           
Simmonds, Henry                      St. Doulough's             Dublin                         
Singleton, Henry Sydenham            Hasley Heath               Hants, England                 
Singleton, Thomas                    Fort Singleton             Enniskillen                    
Sitator, Colonel                     xxxx                       xxxx                           
Slack, John Shaw                     Stranadarragh              Bawnboy                        
Slack, Susanna                       The Copse                  Ballymagauran                  
Slater, George W. W.                 Cartron                    Edgeworthstown                 
Small, James                         George's-street, south     xxxx                           
Small, Terence                       xxxx                       Belturbet                      
Smith, Alexander S.                  xxxx                       Redhill                        
Smith, Andrew                        xxxx                       Mullymagowan                   
Smith, Cornelius                     xxxx                       Drumgora                       
Smith, James                         xxxx                       Mullymagowan                   
Smith, John                          xxxx                       Mullymagowan                   
Smith, Mary                          Laurence Gate              Drogheda                       
Smith, Margaret                      xxxx                       Belfast                        
Smith, Matthias                      xxxx                       Carrickallen                   
Smith, Moore                         Toom Bridge House          co. Antrim                     
Smith, Owen, junior                  xxxx                       Mullymagowan                   
Smith, Patrick J.                    15 Belgrave-square         Rathmines                      
Smith, Patrick (Owen)                xxxx                       Mullymagowan                   
Smith, Patrick (Owen), junior        xxxx                       Mullymagowan                   
Smith, Philip                        Castlecosby                Crossdoney                     
Smith, Philip                        xxxx                       Mullymagowan                   
Smith, Philip                        1 Waltham-pl.              Blackrock                      
Smith, Philip                        xxxx                       Derrygarra                     
Smith, Rose                          xxxx                       Moher                          
Smith, Terence                       xxxx                       Mullymagowan                   
Smith, Terence, senior               xxxx                       Drumgora                       
Smith, Thomas                        xxxx                       Mullymagowan                   
Smith, William  [Reps. Of]           Drumkeel                   Bellananagh                    
Smyth, Charles                       xxxx                       Moher                          
Smyth, Henrietta                     xxxx                       Lisburn                        
Smyth, Henry                         xxxx                       Aghaconny                      
Smyth, Kate                          10 Mountjoy-square         Dublin                         
Smyth, Peter                         xxxx                       Ballyjamesduff                 
Smyth, Mrs.                          Drumheel                   Cavan                          
Soden, James                         xxxx                       Virgina                        
Sorahan, James                       xxxx                       Cordonaghy                     
Southwell, Viscount  [Reps. Of]      xxxx                       xxxx                           
Spear, Jane                          xxxx                       Belfast                        
Spear, John Laurence                 xxxx                       Enniskillen                    
Spotten, James                       Gortnaleck                 Ballymagauran                  
Sproule, James                       xxxx                       Skeague                        
Stanford, William J.                 17 Upper Gloucester-st.    Dublin                         
Stanford, Woodward                   xxxx                       xxxx                           
Stephenson, John M.                  xxxx                       England                        
Stone, Rev. W.H.                     xxxx                       xxxx                           
Storey, Joseph                       Bingfield                  Crossdoney                     
Storey, Sarah                        xxxx                       Ture Lodge                     
Story, James                         xxxx                       Ture Lodge                     
Story, Susan                         xxxx                       Skeague                        
Story, William                       xxxx                       xxxx                           
Stratford, John Wm.                  xxxx                       Kilgolagh                      
Stratford, Mary                      Cullaboy                   Granard                        
Stratford, Thomasina                 xxxx                       Kilgolagh                      
Strong, Freeman                      xxxx                       Tawlaght                       
Strong, John James                   xxxx                       Tawlaght                       
Strong, Oliver                       xxxx                       Shankill                       
Strong, Thomas                       xxxx                       Cavan-Coulter                  
Strong, William                      xxxx                       Cavan-Coulter                  
Strong, William                      xxxx                       Granard                        
Stuart, Viscountess                  Stuart Hall                Stewartstown, co. Tyrone       
Swan, Joseph                         xxxx                       xxxx                           
Swanzy, Hugh                         xxxx                       Castleblayney                  
Swanzy, John                         Hardwicke-st.              Dublin                         
Talbot, de Malahide, Lord            xxxx                       Malahide                       
Tatlow, John Garrett                 Rocks                      Crossdoney                     
Tatlow, Tissington                   xxxx                       Crossdoney                     
Taylor, Capt. J. H.  [Reps. Of]      xxxx                       Dublin                         
Taylor, Mrs. Margaretta              xxxx                       Warrenpoint, co. Down          
Thompson, James                      xxxx                       Dublin                         
Thompson, Theophilus                 xxxx                       Cavan                          
Topham, Marlborough  [Reps. Of]      Lislin                     Cootehill                      
Townley, Charlotte                   Tullyoin                   Cootehill                      
Trinity College, Dublin, Provost     ----                       ----                           
and Fellows of                       xxxx                       Dublin                         
Trustees of Elphin Schools           xxxx                       Co. Sligo                      
Tuite, Thomas                        xxxx                       Granard                        
Venebles, Rev. E. B. White           Redhills Demesne           Redhills                       
Vernon, John Edward                  Mount Merrion House        Booterstown                    
Walker, Charles H.                   xxxx                       xxxx                           
Walker, William                      xxxx                       Kilnahard                      
Waring, Rev. Charles                 Benburb                    Moy                            
Waring, George                       xxxx                       Newry                          
Walsh, Hugh  [Reps. Of]              xxxx                       xxxx                           
Walsh, Rev. Spencer                  Knockboyne                 Navan                          
Walsh, Thos. Hamilton                Corrabea                   Cootehill                      
Waterford, Marquess of               xxxx                       Waterford                      
Webb, John                           Hilton                     Castlepollard                  
White, Henry William                 United Service Club        Dublin                         
White, Richard                       15 Lower Gloucester-pl.    Dublin                         
White, Rev. Thomas Gervais           Middletown Glebe           co. Armagh                     
White, William                       xxxx                       Dublin                         
Whitley, Eleanor                     River-view Mills           Cootehill                      
Whitney, Thomas                      xxxx                       Enniscorthy                    
Williams, Elizabeth                  xxxx                       xxxx                           
Williams, Mary Anne                  xxxx                       xxxx                           
Williamson, Edward                   Corlungan                  Bailieborough                  
Williamson, Edward B.                Killenkere                 Bailieborough                  
Williamson, Jane                     xxxx                       Bailieborough                  
Williamson, Samuel                   Duneeny                    Bailieborough                  
Wilson, Edward                       aheen Park                 Thurles, co. Tipperary         
Wilson, Rev. John                    xxxx                       Kingscourt                     
Wilton, Cosby                        xxxx                       Corglass                       
Wilton, George                       xxxx                       Dublin                         
Wilton, James                        xxxx                       Corglass                       
Wilton, Jane                         xxxx                       Corglass                       
Wilton, John                         xxxx                       Corglass                       
Wilton, Joseph                       xxxx                       Corglass                       
Wilton, Samuel                       xxxx                       Corglass                       
Winter, James S.                     Agher                      Summerhill                     
Winter, Samuel                       Clondriss                  Killucan                       
Woods, George                        xxxx                       xxxx                           
Woods, Mark                          xxxx                       xxxx                           
Woods, Mary Anne                     xxxx                       xxxx                           
Woods, Robert                        Arley                      Cottage                        
Woodward, Charles                    xxxx                       xxxx                           
Wooley, Catherine                    xxxx                       Kingscourt                     
Wright, Thos. Edward                 xxxx                       Monaghan                       
Wright, Miss                         xxxx                       xxxx                           
Wrixon, Annabella                    xxxx                       England                        
Yaw, Ellen                           xxxx                       Kilconny                       
Young, Anna Sophia                   Philpotstown               Navan                          
Young, Miss                          xxxx                       Sandymount, co. Dublin         
Young, Miss Lucy                     xxxx                       Killeshandra                   
Young, William                       xxxx                       Gortinardress                  

Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland: A 
Summary for each Province & For All Ireland Presented to 
both Houses of Parliament by Command of the Queen [Out of 