Annagh Cemetery (Old) Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Cavan Index Copyright File contributed by:David Hall Transcribed by Valerie Ackroyd Photos ------------------------------------------------------ ANNAGH CEMETERY (OLD), COUNTY CAVAN, IRELAND Photo No.0 Cemetery Photo No.1 Erected by | EDWD. BENNET in | Memory of his | Wife ELIZABETH who died | Feb. 17 1760 (?) | .. Child.. | WILL... Photo No.2 This stone is erected by Doctor | JOHN BRADY of Cavan to the | memory of his sister MARY | WOOD alias BRADY who died | Novr. 16th 1821 (?) being the 29th | year of her age | And to the memory of his | Mother MARY BRADY who | died March 16th 1834 (?) being | the 67 year of her age Photo No.3 BRADY (See Photo No.2) Photo No.4 In Loving Memory | of | DAVID BROWNLEE | of Latt | Died 4th (?) October 1901 aged 52 years | Also his wife ELIZABETH, | Who died January 1926. | PERCY their son | Who died 13th December 1928. Photo No.5 Here lyeth the body of | TERENCE CAHILL of Pa | rasie who departed | this life the 30th (?) of | October 1760 aged | 87 years | Also the body of CATHE | RINE CAHILL alias FITZ | PATRICK who depart | ed this life the 18th | of March 1768 aged | 72 years Photo No.6 This monument was | erected by PATRICK | CAHILL of Cavan in | memory of his wife | ELIZABETH CAHILL ali | as PLUNKETT who de | parted this life the 19th | of August 1766 (?) aged | 39 years Photo No.7 Here lyeth the body of | THOMAS COLVIN of Kilduff | Who departed this Life the | Decr. | 27th 1817 aged 67 yrs. | Also his | Son OWEN COLVIN who | Departed this Life May 24th | 1819 aged 37 yrs Photo No.8 ... .... Also his wife | ,,, Alias CONNOLLY who | departed this Life March ... ... | ... .. Yrs. Also JAMES (?) KELAGHER (?) | ... the Above OWEN MARY who | departed this Life Oct. ... ... | ... ... Erected | by TERRENCE KELAGHER Son of | ... OWEN MARY Photo No.9 In Loving Memory of | Our father | ROBERT DUNN, | of Drumaloor. | Who died 23rd December, 1887, | Aged 61 years. | Also our mother | MARY ANN DUNN, | Who died 2nd May 1915, aged 90 years | Their son FRANK | Died 1929 aged 67 years. | His wife FRANCES JANE | Died 1937 aged 62 years. | Their daughter SOPHIA | Died aged 7 years. | And their son ROBERT CHARLES | Died 1948 aged 57 years. | And his wife MARIA ELEANOR | Died 1984 aged 83 years. Photo No.10 DUNNE | Father 1865 - 1935. | Mother 1869 - 1945. Photo No.11 FITZPATRICK | R.I.P. Photo No.12 This Stone was Erected by | BERNARD FITZPATRICK of Belturbet | in memory of his beloved wife | MARGARET FITZPATRICK as a token of | respect for her remains she departed | this life 8th day of June 1852 | Aged 48 years | Requiescant in pace Photo No.13 FITZPATRICK (See Photo No. 12) Photo No.14 WILLIAM HEWITT | Drumcrin | .. fought in the Crimean War | The Indian Mutiny | Died 17th Oct. 1867, | Aged 82 (?) years Photo No.15 In Loving Memory of | GEORGE JONES, Tullyroan | Died 30th Sept. 1859 (?) aged 70 years | Also his wife JANE JONES | Died 13th Feb. 1854 (?) aged 52 years Photo No.16 Erected | by | BARBARA KNOX, | In loving memory of | her husband ROBERT KNOX | Who died 26th May 1918, | Aged 52 years. | Also their children | ROBERT died 8th March 1904. | BARBARA died 14th Jan. 1909. | DANIEL KNOX | Drumcrow | Died 27th July 1957 | His wife MARY | Died 7th Jan. 1987 | Interred in | Annagh New Cemetery Photo No.17 Erected by ANNE | LAWLER in Memory of | Her Husband THOMAS | LAWLER of Knockatera | who dead this life | March the 29th 1825 | Aged 66 Yrs Photo No.18 Erected | By PATT LAWLER of | Knockatera in | memory of his wife | DARCHY LAWLER | who dead this life | 3rd Octr. 1819 aged | 48 years Photo No.19 This stone was Erec | ted by PATRK. LYNCH | in Memory of his | wife ANN LYNCH | Alias KELAGHER who | Departed this Life | June yr. 1779 (?) Aged 6.. | yrs Photo No.20 Erected by MICK (?) | & JAMES MAGAURAN in | memory of their Father | JAMES who departed | this life August 14th 1855 (?) | Aged 64 years Photo No.21 Erected by JAMES | MAGAURAN in memory | of his mother MARY | MAGAURAN alias RONEN | who departed this life | 18th March 1834 (?) aged 54 years | Also his sister CATHERINE | who departed .. .. | .. Feb. 1854 (?) Photo No.22 In loving memory of | ANNIE McAVINUE | Annagh | Died 4th Jan. 1953 | Her husband FRANK | Died 7th Aug. 1989 | R.I.P. | Erected by their family Photo No.23 Erected by | JAMES McKEEGAN of | Belturbet as a memorial | of the love and respect | due to his beloved wife | CATHERINE (LYNCH) who | departed this life 18th (?) July | .... aged 48 (?) years | And in memory of his Son | ... who departed this | life ... aged 12 years Photo No.24 Sacred | to the memory of JANE MEE of | Parsey who departed this life | on the 7th October 1850 aged 75 | years. | And also to the above named | WILLIAM MEE who departed this | life the 2 July 1865 aged 84 years Photo No.25 NEE | Inshore | In Loving Memory Of | MARY ANN MEE died 9th March 1931 | And her husband | WILLIAM MEE died 17th December 1955 | Also their five sons resting in Canada | Their three daughters resting in Ireland | "Thy will be done" Photo No.26 Here liveth the remains of | CHARLES MOORE Late of | Ballymacarue who Depd this | life 3 day of Jany 1804 aged 63 | years. Also his Beloved wife | JANE MOORE who Dpd. this life | 20th March 1816 aged 66 years Photo No.27 Sacred | to the memory of | CHARLES MOORE late of Lisdarn | who departed this life | December 6th 1839 | Aged 52 years | Also his beloved Children | LYDIA CHARLES and WILLIAM MOORE Photo No.28 This monument was erec | ted by JAMES MOORE in | memory of his son JOHN | MOORE who died August | 30 1765 aged 34 yrs. Photo No.29 This stone has been Erected by | WILLIAM MOORE of Cavan in memory | of MARY MOORE his beloved wife who | Departed this life January the 8th 1817 | Aged 45 years | Also his children JOHN MOORE Aged 14 | Years and EMMA MOORE Aged 8 years | And WILLIAM MOORE Aged .. years | And 11 Months. Also | To his Father JAMES MOORE of Bally | macarue died Octr. 1st 1819 (?) Aged | 70 years | And CATHERINE his wife died Decr. | 4th 1827 (?) Aged 45 years | Also | To ELLEN MOORE daughter of | WILLIAM and MARY MOORE | who died October 13th 1850 | Aged 10 years | And to WILLIAM MOORE who died | November 25th 1858 | Aged 51 years Photo No.30 This | stone was | erected by | THOMAS NETTER | FIELD in | memory of his | father WILLIAM | NETTERFIELD | who died [rest illegible] Photo No.31 Here lies | ... PALLAMORE died in 1832 (?) | He was an honest industrious religi- | out man and dearly beloved by all his | neighbours. This Stone is placed | by his landlord and friend | ... SAUNDERSON Esqr. Photo No.32 Memory | of | JOSEPH POGUE | Bessbrook | Died 27th Sept. 1910 | Aged 69 years | His daughter MARGARET | Who died 9th February 1951, | Aged 75 years. Photo No.33 This stone was erected | by ... POGUE in mea | try of his father THOMAS | POGUE who died the 7 Sept. | 1764 (?) Aged 67 yrs. | Also his brother WILLIAM | POGUE who died June the | 4th 1771 (?) Aged 33 yrs | Also his beloved wife | SAIHAN (?) POGUE who died | the .. ... ... Aged 56 yrs Photo No.34 POGUE (See Photo No.33) Photo No.35 Erected | by WILLIAM ROGERS of Belturbet in memory of | ELIZA ROGERS | who departed his life May 1st .... | In hope of a Glorious resurrection through the ... | whom she loved | Aged 22 years Photo No.36 In loving memory of ... ... | father ... SEALY ... ... | died .. Feb .... Aged 83 (?) years. Also | [rest is illegible] Photo No.37 Loving memory of | JOHN SMITH Puttighan | Died 1907 | His wife ROSE died 1909 | His children | ROSE ANNE died .. Sep 1952 | LENA died .. Nov 1952 | SUSAN died 18 Dec 1953 | His brother-in-law | JOHN MURRAY ... ... All images Copyright by Photographer