St. Mary's, Clanaphilip Graveyard, Killinkere, Co. Cavan, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Cavan Index
Contributed by Bernadette McGovern
Transcribed by Valerie Ackroyd


Photo No.0
Cemetery view

Photo No.1
[Sign] St. Mary's Church | Clanaphilip

Photo No.2
In Loving Memory Of | PETER BEATTIE | Letester, Virginia |
Died 6th April 1976, Aged 77. | His Wife KATIE Nee SMITH |
Died 2nd April 1979, Aged 85. | Their Son PATSY | Died 8th
January 2010, Aged 77, | Interred in Emly, Co. Tipperary. |
Rest In Peace. | BEATTIE

Photo No.3
In Loving Memory | Of | ANNA M. BRADY | Termon & | New York,
U.S.A. | 1940 - 2010 | Rest In Peace

Photo No.4
In loving memory of | The BRADY family | Termon | JOHN,
PATRICK and parents, | JOHN JOSEPH, 1897-1975. | His wife
ANNIE (nee BRENNAN) 1900-1998. | Children | TERENCE 1938-1940,
KATHLEEN-1941. | PHILIP J. 1937-1946. | R.I.P.

Photo No.5
In | Loving Memory | of | KATIE BRADY | Cornaslieve | Died
17th March 1964 | ELLIE BRADY | Killalure | Died 26th January

Photo No.6
In | Loving Memory of | MARY ANN BRADY | Carrickeeshil | Died
24th Aug 1978 | And sister ELLEN | SMITH died 9th Jan 1945 |
CATHERINE McGOVERN | Died 30th Dec 1982 | DYMPNA BRADY | Died
26th March 1983 | MICHAEL BRADY | Died 30th Dec. 2000 |
Erected by her family | R.I.P.

Photo No.7
In loving memory of | PHILIP CAROLAN | Carrickeeshill | Died
14th Sept. 1977 | Aged 88 years | Also his daughter | KATHLEEN
| Died 23rd Feb. 1956 | Aged 3 years | Also his father PHILIP
| & mother MARY. | KATHLEEN CAROLAN | Died 5th Sept 1982 |
Aged 72 years | R.I.P. | CAROLAN

Photo No.8
In Loving Memory Of | ANNIE CLARKE | Moylett, Bailieborough |
Who died 7th April 1983. | Her Son JIM | Who died 4th
September 1988. | Her Daughter NAN | Who died 17th March 2003.
| Her Daughter | ROSALEEN CORCORAN | Who died 20th July 2004.
| Rest In Peace | CLARKE

Photo No.9
In loving memory of | PATRICK J. CLARKE | Granafarna | Died
30th July 1968 | May he rest in peace

Photo No.10
In loving memory of | PHIL CLARKE | Moylett | Died 28th
February 1966 | Aged 65 years | R.I.P.

Photo No.11
In Loving Memory Of | PHILIP CLARKE | Granafarna | Who died
19th August 1942. | His Wife MARY | Who died 6th August 1954.

Photo No.12
In loving memory of | PATRICK COONEY | Who died 22nd Oct 1936
| And his wife ANNIE | Who died 22nd May 1958 | Their son JOHN
| Died 20th Feb 1978 | His wife KATE-ANN | Died 28th March

Photo No.13
In loving memory of | PATRICK DALY | Termon Virginia | Died
13th March 1940 | His wife KATIE | Died 22nd July 19... |
Their son JAMES | Died 10th May 19... | Their son JOHN | Died
13th July 19... ... | Their daughter KATIE SULLIVAN | Died 2nd
August 1999

Photo No.14
In loving memory | of | MICHAEL DOWD, | Derryham, | Died 21st
September 1879. | SUSAN DOWD, Derryham, | Died 15th January
1919. | MARGARET DOWD, | Died 28th March 1921. | Also ANDREW
FARRELLY, | Died 1st May 1884. | PETER DOWD died 13th May 1942
| Aged 78 | MICHAEL DOWD | Died 22nd March 1945 aged 68. |
MATT DOWD | Died 21st April 1955 | R.I.P.

Photo No.15
In loving memory of | MARY FARRELLY ... | Died 15th Sept 19...
Aged 75 | Her husband JAMES | Died 5th ... | Their son CHARLES
| Died 6th March 1993 aged ...

Photo No.16
In Loving Memory of | The FARRELLY Family | Granafarna |
NICHOLAS | ROSE | BRIDGET Died 19th July 1925 | JAMES Died 7th
July 1935 | TERENCE Died 20th Dec. 1937 | Also PETER | Died
22nd May 1937 Aged 71 years | His Wife MARGARET (nee FLEMING)
| Died 21st July 1974 Aged 87 years | Their Sons | JIM Died
13th May 1933 Aged 9 years | PETER (Pea) | Died 14th Oct. 1986
Aged 69 years | JOHN FARRELLY | Died 6th March 2016 In His
88th year | EDDIE FLEMING | Died 1st May 1958 | Rest In Peace

Photo No.17
In Loving Memory of | OWEN FITZSIMONS | Waterloo | Died 11th
Mach 1973 age 71 | His brother JAMES | Died 16th May 1983 age

Photo No.18
In Loving Memory Of | PETER FITZSIMONS | Waterloo | Died 10th
June 1979 | Aged 82 years | His son JIM | Died 1st Dec. 1955.
| And his wife KATHLEEN | Died 15th Feb. 1990 | Aged 66 years

Photo No.19
Left stone: In Loving Memory Of | VINCENT GILSENAN |
Lisacopple, Lisgrey, Virginia | Co. Cavan | Died 24th
September 2013 | Aged 67 years | A beloved partner, father, |
brother and grandfather | Rest in peace | Erected by CATHY |
You will always be loved | and remembered. Right stone: In
Loving Memory Of | MARGARET GILSENAN | Lisacopple | Who died
13th May 1970 | Aged 64 years | Her husband PATRICK | Died
29th January 1986 aged 85 years | Also their son KEVIN | Died
3rd September 1980 aged 56 years | Also their great
grandaughter | JANINE ARMSTRONG | Died 4th February 1993 aged
13 years | Their daughter | BRIDIE (nee) REILLY | Died 6th
March 2006 aged 78 years | Rest In Peace | Safe in the Garden
of Rest.

Photo No.20
In Loving Memory Of | LAURENCE HALTON | Coolnacola, Killinkere
| Died 28th April 1994. | His beloved wife IMELDA (Nee CURTIS)
| Died 27th December 2009. | His father PETER | Died 11th May
1974. | And his mother SUSAN | Died 10th January 1955. |
Grandfather LAURENCE HALTON | Died 9th July 1905. |
Grandmother CATHERINE HALTON | Died 7th May 1944. | Uncle OWEN
HALTON Lurganaville | Died 19th February 1973. | Also FRANCES
wife of OWEN | Died 21st August 1954. | Their son THOMAS P. |
Died 3rd September 1928 aged 6 yrs.

Photo No.21
In Loving Memory Of | JOHN KERR | Died 21 Dec. 1930 age 75 |
MARGARET KERR | Died 5 Nov. 1926 age 69

Photo No.22
In Loving Memory | Of | ROSE KIELY | Died 1934 | PETER KIELY |
Died 1970 | R.I.P. | Erected by her husband | and family

Photo No.23
In Loving Memory Of | JANIE KIERNAN | Gola, Bailieboro. | Died
20th Oct. 1980 | Also MARY KIERNAN | Died 17th June 1954 | Her
husband EDDIE | Died 6th Jan. 1986 | Aged 75 years. | Rest in

Photo No.24
In | Loving Memory of | BRIDGET LYNCH Derryham | Died 15th
March 1973 | Her husband PHILIP LYNCH | Died 27th February
1979 | Their son MATTIE LYNCH | Died 5th May 2008 | Rest in

Photo No.25
In Loving Memory of | PHILIP LYNCH Greaghadoo | Died 3rd March
1911 | Aged 52 years | His Granddaughter Baby | MARY LYNCH |
Died 11th February 1919 | Aged 1 year | His Wife MARY LYNCH |
Died 13th August 1943 | Aged 84 years | His Daughter |
MARGARET COONEY | Greaghadysson | Died 19th March 1948 | Rest
in Peace

Photo No.26
In Loving Memory Of | THOMAS LYNCH | Moylett | Died 16th April
1942, Aged 72 | His Wife KATE | Died 19th May 1954, Aged 91 |
Their Sons | MALACHY | Died 30th Sept 1908, Aged 4 | PATRICK |
Died 19th Jan. 1929, Aged 26. | His Sister ELIZABETH LYNCH |
Died 23rd April 1940, Aged 74 | May They Rest In Peace | LYNCH

Photo No.27
In loving memory of | THOMAS MARTIN | Bogeskey | Who died on
11th June 1921. | And | MARGARET MARTIN | Who died on 25th
October 1944

Photo No.28
In Loving Memory Of | FELIX McCABE | Derryham | Died 17th Dec.
1928 | His wife MARGARET | Died 23rd Nov. 1934 | Their
daughter | MARGARET | Died 26th June 1942 (?)

Photo No.29
In Loving Memory Of | JOHN McCABE | Derryham | His wife
BRIDGET | and their sons | PHEILIM & JOHN.

Photo No.30
In Loving Memory | of | PATRICK McCABE | ... | Died 9th March
1968 | BERNARD McCABE | Died 12th Dec. 1965. | BRIDGET McCABE
| Died 20th Feb. 1970.

Photo No.31
In Loving Memory Of | JAMES McDONALD | Gola | Died 20th
December 1945, Aged 80. | His Wife SUSAN | Died 18th February
1954, Aged 81. | Their Son ULTAN | Died 31st December 1968,
Aged 55. | Their Son JOHN | Died 5th October 1988, Aged 82. |
Daughter MARGARET | Died 9th January 1986, Aged 87. | ANNIE
CARR Nee McDONALD | Tierlahood, Stradone | Died 2nd August
1949. | Rest In Peace. | McDONALD

Photo No.32
In Loving Memory Of | ROSE McENERNEY | Drumeslagh | Died 27th
March 1931, Aged 38 yrs. | Her husband MATTHEW | Died 9th Oct.
1947, Aged 73 yrs. | Their daughter MARGARET COONEY | Died
17th Nov. 1968, Aged 49 yrs. | Her husband LEO | Died 11th
Dec. 1988, Aged 70 yrs. | Rest in Peace

Photo No.33
Sacred Heart of Jesus | have mercy on the souls of | JOHN
McGIVNEY Drumfomina | Died 2nd Oct. 1971 aged 81 years | His
wife ROSE ANN | Died 30th March 1988 aged 92 years | Their son
VINCENT | Died 29th Jan. 1990 aged 54 years | Rest in Peace

Photo No.34
In Loving Memory Of | KATHLEEN McGOVERN | Derryham | Died 28th
Mar., 1970 | Aged 62 yrs. | her husband PHILIP | Died 10th
Dec., 1975 | Aged 73 yrs. | their daughter | MAYTRESS SMITH
(MARY TERESA) | Died 17th Mar. 2007 | Aged 75 yrs. | (Interred
in England.) | Rest In Peace | McGOVERN

Photo No.35
In Loving Memory Of | TOM MURRAY | Waterloo | Who died 3rd
November 1993 | Aged 73 years. | Pray also for all deceased |
members of the MURRAY family | Rest in Peace | MURRAY

Photo No.36
In Loving Memory Of | JAMES O'REILLY | Moylett | Died 29th
June 1964 | Aged 74 years. | His wife MARY | Died 25th July
1965. | OWEN O'REILLY | Died 18th August 1973 | Aged 83 years.
| Rest In Peace. | O'REILLY

Photo No.37
In Loving Memory Of | PETER OWENS | Lisanymore | Who died 5th
June 1982 | Aged 77 years. | His wife ANNIE | Who died 15th
November 2012 | Aged 94 years. | Rest in Peace | OWENS

Photo No.38
Sacred Heart of Jesus have Mercy On The Souls | Of | THOMAS
OWENS | Lurganure | Died 27th March 1913 aged 85 yrs. | His
wife ROSE | Died 6th July 1913 aged 82 yrs. | Their son THOMAS
(Tom) | Died 3rd October 1952 aged 77 yrs. | His wife MARGARET
| Died 8th August 1936 aged 64 yrs. | Their son JOSEPH (Josie)
| Died 18th October 1952 aged 50 yrs. | Their son THOMAS
(Tommie) | Died 22nd July 1976 aged 65 yrs | And his wife MARY
| Died 20th September 1966 aged 54 yrs. | Remember also all
deceased members of the | OWENS family interred here & in
other graveyards. | Rest in Peace | OWENS

Photo No.39
In Loving | Memory of | MATTHEW | REILLY | Cleggan | Died 20th
Jan. | 1975 | And his wife | ELIZABETH | Died 26th Feb. | 1980

Photo No.40
In Loving Memory Of | THOMAS REILLY | Derryham | Died 10th
January 1949. | His wife BRIDGET | Died 15th January 1944. |
Their son TOMMY | Died 24th March 1965. | Their daughter
BRIDGET | Died 24th May 1993. | Their son BENNY | Died 17th
July 2001. | Rest In Peace | REILLY

Photo No.41
Left stone: In Loving Memory | Of | WILLIAM SKELLY |
Drumfomina | Born 1778, Died 07-11-1864 | His son JOHN | Born
1817, Died 07-06-1878 | And his wife MARGARET | Born 1812,
Died 06-01-1902 | And their son JOHN | Born 1856, Died
19-09-1884 | And their daughters | ROSE McGIVNEY | Born 1860,
Died 30-04-1925 | MARY CLARKE | Born 1863, Died 08-06-1929 |
Interred in Killygarry. | Rest in Peace | SKELLY. Right stone:
In Loving Memory | Of | PATRICK SKELLY | Drumfomina | His wife
ELLEN born 1794 - 05-03-1866 | Their daughter CATHERINE born
1829 - 03-05-1864 | Their son WILLIAM born 1828 - 08-01-1891 |
And his wife MARIE (nee CUSACK) born 1845 | And their children
| ELLEN born 18-04-1866 | MARY (HEARNE) 29-08-1868 - 1913 |
Interred in Queens New York | PATRICK born 10-11-1870 -
03-02-1950 | Interred in Ballyjamesduff | ANNE born 08-04-1873
- 1949 | Interred in Newburg, New York | PETER born 04-03-1876
- 24-07-1883 | JOHN born 03-08-1879 - 19-10-1955 | Interred in
Glasnevin, Dublin | JAMES born 15-07-1882 - 03-07-1910 |
MARGARET (CUSACK) born 14-03-1885 - 25-10-1957 | Interred in
Ballyjamesduff | ROSE born 11-08-1887 | Rest In Peace | SKELLY

Photo No.42
In Loving Memory Of | ALICE, died 28th March 1948 | MARY, died
16th June 1963 | ROSE, died 18th May 1974 | THOMAS, died 12th
Sept. 1978 | ALICE, died 2nd March 2000 | Rest In Peace |

Photo No.43
In Loving Memory Of | ANDREW SMITH Bogeskey | Died 7th June
1930 Aged 65 years | His wife KATIE SMITH | Died 18th June
1948 Aged 69 years | Their Sons | EDWARD SMITH | Died 21st May
1954 Aged 31 years | And OWEN SMITH | Died 25th Nov. 2010 Aged
91 years | And His Wife BRIGID | Died 12th May 2014 Aged 96
years | Rest in Peace | SMITH

Photo No.44
In Loving Memory Of | ANDREW, died 19th Jan. 1934 | MARYANN,
died 10th April 1934 | MARY, died 11th October 1937 | PAT,
died 16th Nov. 1939 | KATE, died 5th Sept. 1943 | Rest In
Peace | SMITH

Photo No.45
In Loving Memory of | ALICE SMITH | Lurganure, New Inn. | Died
25th March 1972. | Her husband MATTHEW | Died 19th Aug. 1965.
| Her father | PATRICK CUSACK | Died 1st Feb. 1936. | Her
mother DAPHNEY | Died 28th May 1940 | Rest In Peace | SMITH

Photo No.46
In Loving Memory Of | HUGH SMITH | Derryham | Died 22nd April
1918 | Aged 59 years. | His wife ROSE | Died 7th January 1937
| Aged 76 years. | Their son JOHN | Died 23rd November 1977 |
Aged 78 years. | May They Rest In Peace | Jesus, Mary, Joseph

Photo No.47
In Loving Memory Of | JAMES SMITH | Moylett | Who died 12th
October 1944 | Aged 74 years | HIs wife ELIZABETH | Who died
26th March 1960 | Aged 79 years | JAMES SMITH | Who died 26th
September 1996 (?) | Aged 79 years | And all deceased members
of | the SMITH family | Rest In Peace | SMITH

Photo No.48
In Loving Memory | Of | JIM SMITH | Termon | Died 24th Oct.
1984, aged 62 yrs. | His wife KATHLEEN | Died 29th Jan. 2010,
aged 74 yrs. | His father JOHN | Died 1st March 1957, aged 79
yrs. | His mother KATIE | Died 5th July 1976, aged 89 yrs. |
His brother PETER (Pee) | Died 4th May 2014, aged 88 yrs. |
His sister BRIGID QUINN | Died 22nd April 2015, aged 94 yrs. |
Rest In Peace | SMITH

Photo No.49
Erected by JOHN SMYTH | Son of | LAWRENCE & ANNE SMYTH | Who
died 1867

Photo No.50
Sacred Heart of Jesus | have mercy | on the soul of | LOUGHLIN
SMITH, | Lisanymore | Who died 14th Feb. 1915 aged 85 years |
Also his beloved wife | MARY | Who died 16th June ... aged 80
years | R.I.P. | Erected by their sons | LOUGHLIN and MICHAEL

Photo No.51
Sacred Heart of Jesus | have mercy on the soul | of our dear
mother | MARY SMITH, | (Coolnagola) | Who died 15th Feb. 1936.
| R.I.P.

Photo No.52
In loving memory of | OWEN SMITH | Termon Lower | Died 1st
April 1920 | Aged 33 years | Also his wife BRIDGET | Died 25th
July 1933 | Aged 48 years. | Rest In Peace

Photo No.53
In Loving Memory Of | PATRICIA SMITH (Derryham) | Nee CLARKE
(Gola) | Who departed this life | 2nd February 1961, aged 29
years | And her husband ANDY | Died 5th May 2005, aged 77
years | Rest In Peace | SMITH

Photo No.54
In loving memory | of | PATRICK SMITH | Who died 10th ... 1921
| Aged ... years | Also his wife | MARY ELLEN SMITH | Who died
... 1940, | Aged 82 (?) years. | Erected by his loving wife |

Photo No.55
In Loving Memory Of | PETER SMITH, (Asson.) | His wife
ELIZABETH | Their daughters | MARTHA, ROSEANN & MARY | R.I.P.
| Erected by their son PAT.

All images Copyright by Photographer