Croghan Presbyterian Graveyard, County Cavan, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Cavan Index
File contributed by: Dave Hall
Transcribed by: Valerie Ackroyd


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Photo No.0
Church sign

Photo No.1
In memory of | JAMES BOYD | Dereskitt, Killeshandra | Died
26th February 1939 | His wife SARAH BOYD | Died 6th April
1946 | Their sons | JOHN HERBET BOYD | Died 24th July 1972 |
NORMAN BOYD | Died 5th May 2002 | The Lord is my shepherd

Photo No.2
Thy | will be | done | In | loving memory of | JOSEPH CARSON
| Who died 18th Aug. 1941 | His daughter-in-law MABEL | Died
25th Oct. 1959. | A loving wife and mother | And his wife
ELIZABETH | Died 13th Oct. 1968 | CARSON | Killeshandra

Photo No.3
In | loving memory of | A dear husband and father | EDWARD
CARSON | Killeshandra | Called home to rest on 29th Jan.
1975 | And his wife EDITH | Died 10th Nov. 2003 | "In my
fathers house are many mansions" | CARSON

Photo No.4
In memory of our dear father | JAMES CULLEN, Mullaghdoo |
Called home 19th April 1959 | Also his wife ELIZABETH | 15th
Oct. 1981 | And their daughter EDITH | 11th Feb. 1963 | Also
their daughter MARY JANE | 4th Sept. 1998 | And their son
JOHN JAMES | 7th Feb. 2005.

Photo No.5
The Rev. JOSEPH DENHAM | Presbyterian Minister ? | died 1834
(?) [rest is illegible]

Photo No.6
In Memory | of | HENRY FARIS of Killeshandra | Died 1909,
aged 97 years | Also his wife ISABELLA | Died 189? Aged 75
(?) years | Also their son | WILLIAM FARIS | Died 1902 aged
46 years

Photo No.7
A.E. (EMMA) GARLAND | 1925 - 1994 | Loved and loving wife of
| JOE STUART, Killeshandra | 1912 - 2005 | Jesus saves

Photo No.8
Sacred | to the memory of | CHARLES HAUGHTON | of Coromahon.
Died 13 May 1870 | aged 69 years. | 'Mark the upright and
behold the just. | For the end of that man is peace.' | Also
his wife | ELIZABETH HAUGHTON. | Died 15th February 1887, |
aged 79 years. | 'Blessed are the dead | Which die in the

Photo No.9
Left stone: HENDERSON | Pop and Mum | JOHN | Born: 30-1-1902
| Died: 4-9-1976 | HANNAH | Born: 7-6-1903 | Died: 11-4-1989
(?). Right stone: WILLIAM HENDERSON | 1855-1930 | AGNES
HENDERSON | 1872-1953 | "In the morning Jesus | stood on the

Photo No. 10
? | of | MARY | Wife of WILLIAM JACKSON | of Eonish | Who
died July 26th 1897 | And of | WILLIAM JACKSON | Who died
25th September 1927 | Aged .. years | Also their beloved son
| WILLIE | Who died 10th July 1932 (?) | Aged 71 (?) years

Photo No. 11
In Loving Memory of | Dear mother | ISABELLA JACKSON |
Daughter of GUSTAVIS NOBLE | Who died 20th July 1895, aged
60 years. | Also dear father | GEORGE JACKSON, | Who died
20th Feb. 1921, aged 76 years.

Photo No. 12
Erected | By | C. JOHNSTON | of Bundora | In memory of his
beloved wife | JEANNIE | Youngest daughter of ? | JAMES
BERRY, Esq. Killeshandra| Who died July 12th 18?6 | Aged 29

Photo No. 13
In | Loving memory of | My dear husband | JOHN JAMES KENNY |
Died March 15th 1948 | Wife MARGARET (GOOD) | Died August
3rd 1971 aged 88 | Buried in Kangaroo Valley Australia |
Beside her brother EDWARD | For ever with the Lord

Photo No. 14
Erected | by | Mrs. MULLAN, | In affectionate remembrance of
| Her beloved father | JAMES BERRY, Croghan | Who departed
this life May 1860, | Aged 80 years | Also her dearly
beloved mother | MARGARET BERRY | Who departed this life
June 1860

Photo No. 15
Blessed are the dead | who die in the Lord | ?. ? | the
memory ? Ju?? | . | ? to the Memory of | ? NOBLE who died |
[rest is illegible]

Photo No. 16
In loving memory | of | JOHN J. NOBLE | Who died in the Lord
| Mar 23rd 1897, aged 72 years | And his wife | MARY | Died
in the Lord | Dec 13th 1900 aged 71 years

Photo No. 17
Here Lieth the Body of | JOHN PEEBLES Who Depd | this life
Nov 24th 1835 | Aged 75 years | Also his son ROBERT PEEBLES
| who died on the 13th July ?. | Aged 11

Photo No. 18
Close up of Photo No. 17

Photo No. 19
? | memory | WILLIAM PORTER | Died 10th January 19.. | Aged
57 years | Also his wife ELIZA ANN | Died 8th July 1919 |
Aged 51 years

Photo No. 20
In Loving Memory | of | PAUL QUIGLEY | 1930 2008 | Our
family chain is broken | Nothing seems the same | But as God
calls us, one by one, | The links shall join again | QUIGLEY

Photo No. 21
In Memory | of | GEORGIE, | Daughter of Rev. A.M. RUTLEDGE |
Who died in the Lord | Dec. 28th 1899 aged 24 years

Photo No. 22
Sacred to the memory | SARAH STOKES of Drumm? | who died ?.
| Aged 64 (?) years | Also her husband | THOMAS STOKES |
[rest is illegible]

Photo No. 23

Photo No. 24
Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs. SARAH ANNE SWEENY | Who
died 24th June 1866 | Aged 59 (?) years | This tomb is
placed over her | remains by her friends the members | of
the Presbyterian church | Blessed are the ? | . | Here also
is interred the | Rev. WILLIAM SWEENY A.M. | Who died ?July
1868 | Aged 58 years | Also | ELIZABETH MARIA their daughter
| who died 13th April 1863 | Aged 17 years

Photo No. 25
Erected by their loving daughter GEORGINA | In memory of her
parents | MARY JANE WILSON | Who died 14th March 1921 | JOHN
WILSON | Who died 19th December 1926 | of "Coromahon House"
Killeshandra | Also interred here their daughters | MARGARET
FRANCES BAIRD | Who died 3rd December 1957 | MARY LOUISA
WILSON | Who died 25th November 1970 | JOHN WALTER WILSON |
Who died 8th June 1981 | His wife IVY HANNAH WILSON | (Nee
RICHARDSON) | Who died 14th January 2008 | "Thy will be

Photo No. 26
In loving memory | of | EVELYN WOOD | Shancroghan | Died 2nd
Oct. 1975 aged 59 yrs. | Also her husband ROBERT | Died 31st
Jan. 1979 aged 77 yrs. | Also WILLIAM and EMILY WOOD

All images Copyright by Photographer