Clare - Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's, Names & Addresses Only R-W
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Clare Index
File contributed by: C. Hunt & M. Taylor


Owner Name                            Owner Residence-1873-75]
Railway Company, Kilrush & Kilkee     xxxx                            Dublin
Railway Company, Limerick & Ennis     xxxx                            Limerick
Railway Company, Waterford & Limerick xxxx                            Waterford
Reeves, Robert William C.             Bessborough                     Killimer, Kilrush
Reidy, John                           Killinaboy Common               Corrofin
Reidy, Patrick                        Moyroe Common                   Ruan
Reilly, Henry P.                      xxxx                            Ennistymon
Revington, Thomas                     Ardgue,                         Limerick
Rickards, William                     xxxx                            Ennis
Riversdale, Lord                      xxxx                            Lisnegar, co. Cork
Roberts, Rev. Dr.                     xxxx                            Wales
Roberts, Richard MacMahon             Bunnanagot                      Corrofin
Robinson, Jane                        Alta Ho.                        Monkstown. co. Cork
Roche, Mrs. Bridget                   Drmoher                         Corrofin, co. Clare
Roche, Standish, O'G.                 Kildare-street Club             Dublin
Roche, Thomas                         Kells                           Corrofin
Rosengrave, Mat.                      Annagh                          Gort, co. Galway
[Reps. Of]Redmond Burke
Ross Lewin, Rev. Geo.                 Ross Hill                       Killadysert
Ross Lewin, Mrs. Jane                 Williamfort                     Burrane, Knock
Ross Lewin, Maria                     Henry-street                    Limerick
Roughan, Geo. Francis, M.D.           Local Government Inspector
Roughan, Michael                      Dromeen                         Ruan
Rowan, John F.                        xxxx                            Kilkee
Russell, Arthur                       Lemonfield                      co. Limerick
Russell, Vernon WM.                   xxxx                            Limerick
Russell, Walter                       2 Drummond-place                Stirling, Scotland
Ryan, John, M.D.                      Clonnakilla                     Ballynacally
Ryan, Joseph                          Carhukeal                       Inagh
Ryan, Margaret                        xxxx                            Drummin
Ryan, Mary                            Corgrigg                        Kilmihill, Clare
Ryan, Michael                         Athlunkard                      Limerick
Ryan, Michael                         Knockaculla                     Ennistymon
Ryan, Michael                         Coraige or Corgrigg             Kilmihill
Ryan, Timothy                         Carhukeal                       Inagh
Ryding, Mary Louisa                   Moymore                         Ennistymon
Rynd, Rev. James Wm.                  Galbally                        co. Tipperary
Rynne, Michael                        Gaol-street                     Ennis

Sampson, Donat                        3 Hampton-square                London
Sampson, Francis C., M.D.             Williamstown                    Whitegate, co. Galway
Sampson, George                       Belmont                         Castleconnell, co. Limerick
Scanlan, Bartholomew                  Cappanageragh                   Ballynacally
Scanlan, James                        Cappanageragh                   Ballynacally
Scanlan, William                      Drewsborough                    Scariff
Scanlon, John                         Garraunboy                      Killaloe
Scanlon, Michael                      Garraunboy                      Killaloe
Scott, John C.                        Conservative Club               London S.W.
Scott, John F.                        Carrigerry                      Newmarket-on-Fergus
Sexton, Henry                         xxxx                            Miltown, Malbay
Sexton, Patrick                       Maryvilla                       Ennis
Shallo, Michael                       Knockatloe                      O'Callaghan's Mills
Shannon, James                        Rivoli                          Ennistymon
Shannon, James                        Roxton                          Corrofin
Shaw, Capt. Bernard R.                Richmond                        Surrey, England
Shaw, John                            xxxx                            Ennis
Sheedy, Thomas                        xxxx                            Kilkee
Sheehan, Anthony [Reps. Of]           Ballynalan                      Ennis
Sheehan, Thomas                       Carron                          Corrofin
Shine, Jeremiah                       Ballymacreese                   Limerick
Silles, Richard B.                    Newtown                         Kilkee
Singleton, Edward                     Hazelwood                       Quin
Singleton, Hugh                       Hazelwood                       Quin
Singleton, John                       Quinville Abbey                 Quin
Skehen, James                         xxxx                            Dublin [Foxrock]
Skerrett, Captain Wm. Joseph          Finnavara                       Burrin
Smith, Charles Wilmot                 Ballinanty, Bruff               co. Limerick
Smith, Matthew B.                     4 Mount-st.                     Crescent, Dublin
Spaight, Constantia                   Ardnataggle                     O'Brien's Bridge
Spaight, Mrs.                         Ardnataggle                     O'Brien's Bridge
Spaight, William                      Derry Castle                    Killaloe
Stack, Edmond                         Mill-street                     Ennis
Stackpoole, Cecilia M.                Miltown                         Malbay
Stackpoole, Charlotte, Jane           xxxx                            Cragbrien
Stackpoole, Mrs. Jane                 Edenvale                        Ennis
Stackpoole, Richard                   Edenvale                        Ennis
Stackpoole, Wilhelmina                Cragbrien                       Ennis
Stackpoole, William                   Ballyalla                       Ennis
Stapleton, Anna Maria                 Viewmount                       Crusheen,
Stapleton, Mary                       Bedford House, Saint Anne's     Dollymount, co. Dublin
Stapleton, Sarah                      Bedford House, Saint Anne's     Dollymount, co. Dublin
Stewart, Henry Hutchinson, M.D.       71 Eccles-st                    Dublin
Stewart, Jno, Vandeleur               Rock Hill                       co. Donegal
Stoll, Captain & Abbott, Miss         Clarham                         Manemead, Plymouth
Stratford, John W.                    Addington Ho.                   Kent
Studdert, A. Richard Fitzgerald       Pella                           Kilrush
Studdert, Major Chas.                 Cragmoher                       Corrofin
Studdert, Capt. George Lloyd          Clonderalaw                     Labasheeda
Studdert, Rev. George                 Edwardstown Vicarage,  Boxford  Colchester, Essex
Studdert, John F.                     Locknavor                       Kilrush
Studdert, Jonas                       Dangannelly                     Cooraclare
Studdert, Jonas                       xxxx                            Kilkee
Studdert, Jonas                       Knocknareehy                    Corrofin
Studdert, Mary                        Druminelihy                     Cooraclare
Studdert, Michael                     Dangannelly                     Cooraclare
Studdert, Richard                     Bunratty Castle                 Bunratty
Studdert, Major Richd. M.             Fort House                      Kilrush
Studdert, Major Robert A.             Kilkishen House                 Kilkishen
Studdert, Robert W.                   Cullane Castle                  Kilkishen
Studdert, Thomas                      Ballyshannon                    Quin
Studdert, William                     Cashnemone                      Doonbeg
Studdert, W. Steele                   Keeper View                     O'Brien's Bridge
Sullivan, Patrick                     Moyree Common                   Ruan
Synge, Lieut.-Col G. C.               Mount Callan                    Inagh
Synge, Mrs Elizabeth Anne             Dysert                          Corrofin

Talbot, Mrs. Elizabeth                Strasburgh                      Ennis
Talty, Mary [Hugh]                    Boolinrudda                     Inagh
Talty, Mary [Pat]                     Carhutedane                     Lahinch
Talty, Thomas [Reps. Of]              Knocknagraigue                  Corrofin
Tandy, Mary                           Mount Shannon                   co. Galway
Taylor, Rev. Montague J.              xxxx                            London
Thynne, Henry                         Kilshanny                       Ennistymon
Toll, Mrs. Louisa                     xxxx                            Exeter, Devonshire
Toole, Patrick                        Killinaboy Common               Corrofin
Tottenham, Arthur L.                  Glenfarm Hall                   Enniskillen
Trench, Henry                         Cangort                         Roscrea
Trustees of Erasmus Smith's Charities xxxx                            xxxx
Tuohy, Patrick                        Liscullane                      Corrofin
Turner, Thomas B,                     xxxx                            Tuam, co. Galway
Tweedy, Henry                         16 Ruthland-square              Dublin
Tymons, Rev. Frederick                Baskin-hill                     co. Dublin
Tymons, Jas. [Minor]                  Riverston                       Corrofin
Tyner, Geo. St. George                Letterfrack, Co. Mayo
Tyrrell, Rev. G.W.                    Rector of Tulleybrackey         Bruff

Vance, William                        Windham Club                    London
Vandelear, Col. Crofton Moore         Kilrush House                   Kilrush
Vandeleur, Grace                      53 York-road, Tunbridge Wells   England
Vandeleur, Col. John [Reps. Of]       Ballynacourty, Castleconnell    co. Limerick
Vandeleur, Mrs. Mary                  2 Beauchamp-terrace,            Leamington. England
Vandeleur, Thomas                     Portarlington                   Queen's County
Vandeleur, Mrs. Wm.                   Annaroe                         Caledon, co. Tyrone
Vandeleur, Mrs. Wm. &                 Annaroe                         Caledon, co.Tyrone
   Quinlan, Catherine                 Barrington's-st                 Limerick
Vincent, Berkeley                     Summer Hill                     Clonlara
Vyse, Charles                         xxxx                            Fermoy, co. Cork

Walsh, Captain                        Naval & Military Club           London
Walsh, Miss                           xxxx                            Limerick
Walsh, Rev. Robert                    xxxx                            Dublin
Wandesford, Hon. C.B.                 Mount Juliet                    Thomastown, Kilkenny
Welsh, Andrew                         Newtown Ho.                     Clonlara
Welsh, Marcus                         Scragh House                    Kilrush
Westby, Edward P.                     Roebuck Castle,                 Dundrum, co. Dublin
Westropp, Capt. Francis M. [Reps. Of] Fort Anne                       Tulla
Westropp, John                        Attyflinn, Patrick's Well       co. Limerick
Westropp, Mrs.                        xxxx                            xxxx
Westropp, Montiford                   xxxx                            Cork
Westropp, Ralph                       Athlacca                        Bruree, Limerick
Westropp, Ralph                       Martello-terrace                Sandycove, Kingstown
Westropp, Ralph, jun.                 St. Catherine's                 co. Clare
Westropp, Wm. H.S                     xxxx                            Lisdoonvarna
Whelan, Patrick                       Moyree Common                   Ruan
Whelan, Thomas                        Ballytigue                      Corrofin
White, Barnawell, M.D.                Pump-street                     Londonderry
White, The Hon. Chas. William         Cahercon House                  Killadysert
White, Finch                          xxxx                            Limerick
White, Captain John                   Strandfield                     Miltown, Malbay
White, Richard                        xxxx                            xxxx
White, Thomas Warren                  37 Kildare-st.                  Dublin
Whitelock, James                      xxxx                            Amboise, France
Whitestone, John                      Clondegad                       Ballynacally
Williams, Mrs. Fanny                  xxxx                            Holyhead, England
Williamson, Thomas F.                 Kingstown                       Dublin
Wilson, James Darling                 Roxton                          Corrofin
Wood, George A.                       xxxx                            Lola, Cork
Woodcock, Rev.H.                      xxxx                            Dublin
Woodward, Fanny L.                    9 Onslow Gardens                London
Woulfe, Stephen, R.                   Army  & Navy Club               London
                                      & Club House                    Ennis

Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland: A Summary for each Province
& For All Ireland. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of the Queen
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