RC Baptismal records for Feakle and Tulla - May 1860-July 1880, County Clare, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Clare Index
Contributed by: Jim McNamara  JPMTCC@yahoo.com


Transcriber Notes:
 1.) Of the 149 baptisms transcribed, three parents and seven sponsors names were difficult to read.
     These are identified by hard brackets and question marks, [(?) _____ _____ ]. Two of the 149
     baptisms were for Tulla parish residents, the remaining 147 baptisms were for Feakle parish residents.
 2.) In most cases two sponsors are named but in some cases only one is listed. This may mean the priest
     was the other sponsor.
 3.) The names MacNamara, McNamara, and Mack are used interchangeably by the priests. Transcriber confirmed
     from civil registration birth records of several individual names recorded as "Mack" were actually "McNamara."
 4.) The records "By Date" are "as entered" in the register; the records "By Family Group" are sorted by transcriber
     and sorting did account for pet names and names as described in transcriber note 3 for proper grouping.
 5.) No townland names were recorded by any of the priests of this parish except when baptism was not of the parish.
     For these baptisms not of Feakle RC Parish, it is assumed these were performed at Feakle but that is not certain.
 6.) When no priest name was entered in register, none was recorded by transcriber.

DATE         BAPTISM OF:     SON/DAU OF:   PARENTS                                    SPONSORS                                          BY:
09-May-1860  John            Son           David Rochford & Bridget Flannery          James Flannery & Johanna Rochford                 A. Connellan P.P.
25-May-1860  John            Son           Patk McNamara & Mary Mealy                 Matt [(?)Te] & Margaret O'Dea                     A. Connellan P.P.
09-Jul-1860  Catherine       Dau           Michl Molony & Hannah McNamara             Pierse Morrissy & Anne McNamara
11-Aug-1860  Michl           Son           Pat Conway & Margaret Mack                 Tim & Catherine Molony                            A. Connellan P.P.
24-Aug-1860  James           Son           Michl Conway & Bridget Shea                Thos. & Margaret McMahon                          A. Connellan P.P.
16-Sep-1860  Michl           Son           Thos. McNamara & Catherine Tuohy           Pierse Morrisey & Catherine Doogan                A. Connellan P.P.
09-Oct-1860  Margaret        Dau           Dennis McNamara & Ellen Morony             John Nelson & Bridget Nugent                      A. Connellan P.P.
10-Nov-1860  Catherine       Dau           Michl Mack & Wenny Mealy                   Pat Maly & Mary Mack                              A. Connellan P.P.
09-Dec-1860  Darby           Son           Michl Mack & Mary Tuohy                    John Conway & Mary Mack                           A. Connellan P.P.
18-Jan-1861  Pat             Son           Pat Mack & Peggy                           Michl Rochford & Biddy Farrell                    A. Connellan P.P.
04-Feb-1861  Mary Anne       Dau           Michl Hogan & Catherine Carey              Pat Mack & Hannah Carey                           A. Connellan P.P.
15-Feb-1861  John            Son           John McNamara & Bridget O'Brien            Roby D. & Bridget O'Dea                           A. Connellan P.P.
17-Feb-1861  Anne            Dau           James McNamara & Mary Commosy [(?)Connors] Pat Clune & Catherine McMahon                     P. White
27-Feb-1861  John            Son           Michl Henchy & Bridget Mack                Michl & Mary Mack                                 A. Connellan P.P.
16-Apr-1861  Michl           Son           Michl Keatings & Mary McNamara             Mary Allen                                        A. Connellan P.P.
11-May-1861  Edmond          Son           Ned Hayes & Mary McNamara                  Michl & Maggy MacNamara                           A. Connellan P.P.
03-Jul-1861  Francis         Son           John McGrath & Bessy Rogers                James & Bridget McGrath                           A. Connellan P.P.
06-Jul-1861  Catherine       Dau           Thos Canny & Margaret Hogan                John & Mary Canny                                 A. Connellan P.P.
10-Sep-1861  Margaret        Dau           Pat Minogue & Anne Mack                    James & Bridget Minogue                           A. Connellan P.P.
13-Sep-1861  Wm              Son           Thos Nelson & Mary McNamara                Thady McNamara & Margaret Nelson                  A. Connellan P.P.
28-Sep-1861  Mary            Dau           Pat Mack & Mary Brett                      John McGrath & Peggy Madden                       A. Connellan P.P.
01-Nov-1861  Michl           Son           David Rochford & Bridget Flannery          Pat Rochford & Maria Logherry                     A. Connellan P.P.
28-Jan-1862  Bridget         Dau           Thos Rochford & Johanna Brien              Pat Rochford & Mary Brien                         A. Connellan P.P.
10-Feb-1862  James           Son           Pat Mack & Mary Maley                      Pat O'Dea & Mary [(?)Cunimane]                    A. Connellan P.P.
13-Feb-1862  Michl           Son           Michl Conway & Mary Fahy                   Pat Molony & Bridget Mack                         A. Connellan P.P.
19-Apr-1862  Pat             Son           Pat McGrath & Mary Egan                    John McGrath & Bessy Rogers                       A. Connellan P.P.
11-May-1862  John            Son           John Allen & Bridget Burke                 Rody Daly & Bridget Allen                         A. Connellan P.P.
26-May-1862  Pat             Son           Dennis Mack & Ellen Morony                 Catherine Morony                                  A. Connellan P.P.
30-May-1862  Catherine       Dau           Michl Hogan & Catherine Carey              Thos Flannery & Margaret Hogan                    A. Connellan P.P.
30-Jun-1862  Bridget         Dau           John Hogan & Mary Kennedy                  John Hughes & Biddy Davis                         A. Connellan P.P.
26-Aug-1862  Matthew         Son           Michl Conway & Bridget Shea                Margaret McDonough                                A. Connellan P.P.
28 Aug-1862  Michl           Son           Michl Morony & Catherine Hogan             Pat Carroll & Mary Keane                          A. Connellan P.P.
20-Sep-1862  Bridget         Dau           Dennis Morony & Anne Healy                 Dennis Rochford & Margaret McGrath
24-Oct-1862  Anne            Dau           Thos Mack & Kitty Tuohy                    Bridget Tuohy                                     A. Connellan P.P.
02-Nov-1862  Maria           Dau           Michl Molony & Hannah McNamara             Tom Keogh & Catherine Mack                        A. Connellan P.P.
08-Jan-1863  Pat             Son           Ned Purcell & Ellen Molony                 Danl & Ellen Hogan                                A. Connellan P.P.
26-Jan-1863  Pat             Son           Dennis Madden & Ellen Hogan                Pat Grady & Mary McKee                            A. Connellan P.P.
21-Feb-1863  Mary            Dau           Pat Mack & Catherine Walsh                 Tom Duggan & Margaret Nelson                      A. Connellan P.P.
25-Mar-1863  Margaret        Dau           John Mack & Mary Connors                   John & Biddy Mack                                 A. Connellan P.P.
25-Apr-1863  Margaret        Dau           Pat Mack & Mary Mealy                      Thos & Ellen Mealy                                A. Connellan P.P.
06-May-1863  Michl           Son           Thos McAllen & Margaret Mack               Matt & Bridget Molony                             A. Connellan P.P.
01-Jun-1863  Wm              Son           John [(?)Reeves-Reade] & Mary Quick        Stephen McNamara & Lucy Hickey
04-Aug-1863  Michl           Son           Stephen Mack & Onny Quick                  James Hassett & Honor Keane                       A. Connellan P.P.
09-Nov-1863  Mary            Dau           John Naghten & Ellen O'Brien               Pat Naghten & Mary Rogers                         A. Connellan P.P.
22-Nov-1863  James           Son           Thos Rochford & Johanna Brien              Matt O'Brien & Anne Tobin                         A. Connellan P.P.
29-Nov-1863  Johanna         Dau           David Rochford & Bridget Flannery          Hugh & Margaret Flannery                          A. Connellan P.P.
19-Dec-1863  Anne            Dau           Pat Mack & Mary Brett                      John & Mary [(?)Conneley]                         A. Connellan P.P.
31-Dec-1863  Dennis          Son           John Hogan & Mary Kennedy                  Pat McNamara & Margaret Collein                   A. Connellan P.P.
13-Jan-1864  Timothy         Son           James McNamara & Mary [(?)Comand]          Dennis & Hanna Daly                               A. Connellan P.P.
04-Mar-1864  Pat             Son           Bryan McGrath & Bridget Minogue            John & Bridget McGrath                            A. Connellan P.P.
15-Apr-1864  John            Son           Michl Hogan & Catherine Cary               Tom & Bridget Mack                                A. Connellan P.P.
31-May-1864  Danl            Son           Dennis Mack & Ellen Morony                 Wenny Mack                                        A. Connellan P.P.
26-Jul-1864  Eliza           Dau           Michl Conway & Betty Salmon                Mary Conway                                       A. Connellan P.P.
07-Sep-1864  Ellen           Dau           Dennis Madden & Ellen Hogan                Pat Burke & Bridget Bouchier                      A. Connellan P.P.
25-Sep-1864  Pat             Son           John McGrath & Bessy Rogers                Henry Bouchier & Matty Grogan                     A. Connellan P.P.
07-Nov-1864  Tim             Son           Wm McKee & Norry Mack                      Tim & Bridget McKee                               A. Connellan P.P.
02-Dec-1864  James           Son           John Allen & Bridget Burke                 James Mack & Mary Ryan                            A. Connellan P.P.
22-Dec-1864  Michl           Son           John McNamara & Bridget O'Brien            Pat McNamara & Bridget Murphy
01-Jan-1865  Pat             Son           Michl Conway & Ellen Minogue               Dennis Minogue & Mary Bouchier                    A. Connellan P.P.
01-Jan-1865  Anne            Dau           Michl Molony & Hannah Mack                 James Minogue & Catherine Mack                    A. Connellan P.P.
06-Mar-1865  Bridget         Dau           Michl Mack & Mary Tuohy                    Thady & Bridget Mack                              A. Connellan P.P.
16-Apr-1865  James           Son           Pat McNamara & Mary Mealy                  Michl [(?)Dough___] & Margaret Flaherty           A. Connellan P.P.
13-Jun-1865  Anne            Dau           Thos Rochford & Johanna O'Brien            John O'Brien & Mary Rochford                      A. Connellan P.P.
26-Jul-1865  Mary Elizabeth  Adult Dau     George Bond & Hannah Madden,               McGrath & Margaret McDonogh                       A. Connellan P.P.
                                           Conditional Baptism
10-Aug-1865  Thos            Son           Michl Keating[s] & Mary Mack               Tom Fitzpatrick & Mary White                      A. Connellan P.P.
23-Aug-1865  Thos            Son           Ned Hayes & Mary Morony                    Wm Mack & Hannah Hayes                            A. Connellan P.P.
15-Sep-1865  Michl           Illegit. Son  Thos McMahon & Ellen McMahon Both          Peggy McMahon                                     A. Connellan P.P.
                                           servants at Thady Molony's Cahir
01-Feb-1866  John            Son           Thos Hanrahan & Bridget Holihan            James Hanrahan & Ellen Hayes                      A. Connellan P.P.
04-Feb-1866  Pat             Son           John McNamara & Catherine Canny            Dennis Canny & Bridget Mack                       A. Connellan P.P.
26-Feb-1866  Mary            Dau           Michl Mack & Margaret Molony               James Molony & Hannah Kevan                       A. Connellan P.P.
07-Mar-1866  Bridget         Dau           Wm McKee & Hanorah McNamara                James Minogue & Ellen Ryan                        A. Connellan P.P.
04-Apr-1866  Johanna         Dau           Pat Mack & Mary Brett                      James Crotty & Judy Brett                         A. Connellan P.P.
19-Dec-1866  John            Son           James Mack & Bridget Mack                  Francis Mack & Bridget Hogan                      A. Connellan P.P.
25-Jan-1867  Francis         Son           James McNamara & Mary Cummane              Michl Henchy & Oursy [(?)Omny] O'Dea              A. Connellan P.P.
16-Mar-1867  Ellen           Dau           Pat Mack & Kitty Walsh                     John Slattery & Nancy Murray                      A. Connellan P.P.
21-Mar-1867  Mary            Dau           Michl Mack & Mary Tuohy                    Thady & Ellen Mack                                A. Connellan P.P.
16-Apr-1867  Margaret        Dau           John Allen & Bridget Burke                 Thos Mack & Mary Hassett                          A. Connellan P.P.
17-May-1867  Mary            Dau           Pat McNamara & Mary Maly                   Margaret McNamara                                 A. Connellan P.P.
29-May-1867  Michl           Son           Michl Mack & Kate Wallace                  Edmond & Bridget Slattery
13-Aug-1867  James           Son           John McNamara & Catherine Canny            Michl Canny & Anne Hill                           A. Connellan P.P.
21-Sep-1867  Bridget         Dau           Michl Mack & Margaret Molony               Thady Leydan & Mary Molony                        A. Connellan P.P.
30-Sep-1867  Michl           Son           Michl Molony & Hannah Mack                 Michl & Catherine Hayes                           A. Connellan P.P.
24-Oct-1867  Mary            Dau           Wm McKee & Hannah Mack                     Wm McKey & Ellen Purcell                          A. Connellan P.P.
11-Dec-1867  Pat             Son           Michael Mack & Mary Walsh                  Pat Mack & Bridget Walsh                          A. Connellan P.P.
31-Dec-1867  Mary            Dau           Bryan McGrath & Catherine Keefe            Dennis & Margaret Keefe                           A. Connellan P.P.
14-Jan-1868  Pat             Son           Pat McGrath & Johanna Rochford             James & Anne Rochford                             A. Connellan P.P.
					   "Tulla Parish"
09-Mar-1868  Stephen         Son           Stephen Mack & Honor Quick                 Ned Ryan & Mary Quick                             A. Connellan P.P.
13-Mar-1868  Bridget         Dau           John McGrath & Bessy Rogers                Michl Rogers & Anne Donnelly                      A. Connellan P.P.
13-Apr-1868  Thos            Son           James McNamara & Bridget Mack              John Mack & Mary [(?)Mahon]                       A. Connellan P.P.
15-Jul-1868  Dennis          Son           Pat McGrath & Mary Egan                    Catherine Keefe
09-May-1869  Catherine       Dau           John Allen & Bridget Burke                 Charles Hennessy & Mary Allen                     A. Connellan P.P.
14-Aug-1869  Margaret        Dau           Bryan McGrath & Catherine Keefe            Hanorah McGrath                                   A. Connellan P.P.
16-Apr-1870  Ellen           Dau           Bryan McGrath & Bridget Minogue            John & Mary McGrath                               A. Connellan P.P.
25-Jun-1870  Michl           Illegit. Son  Johnny Mack "Glandree, Tulla Parish"       Mary Mason
                                           & Wenny McMahon, "Ayle"
15-Jul-1870  Wm              Son           Michl Mack & Margaret Walsh                Bridget Mack                                      A. Connellan P.P.
18-Dec-1870  Pat             Son           David Rochford & Bridget Mack              Michl Rochford & Bridget Mack                     A. Connellan P.P.
05-Jan-1871  James           Son           James McGrath & Bridget Malone             John Malone & Bridget Jones                       A. Connellan P.P.
20-Feb-1871  Hannah          Dau           Wm McKee & Hannah McNamara                 Larry O'Grady & Kate Flannery                     A. Connellan P.P.
02-May-1871  John            Son           Bryan McGrath & Catherine Keefe            Anne Aughim                                       A. Connellan P.P.
07-Oct-1871  Bridget         Dau           John McNamara & Catherine Canny            Thos Canny & Mary Morony                          A. Connellan P.P.
17-Oct-1871  James           Son           Tony Bane & Catherine McNamara             Thady & Bridget McNamara                          A. Connellan P.P.
04-Dec-1871  Anne            Dau           Pat McGrath & Mary Egan                    Mary McGrath                                      A. Connellan P.P.
25-Dec-1871  Stephen         Illegit.      Thos Nugent & Miss Nikel                   Wm Greene
02-Jan-1872  Margaret        Illegit. Dau  Pat Clune & Anne Murphy                    Wm Murphy                                         A. Connellan P.P.
10-Jan-1872  Andrew          Son           Michl Mack & Kate Wallace                  James Grady & Margaret Holihan                    A. Connellan P.P.
09-Jun-1872  Thos            Son           Michl Molony & Hannah Mack                 Tim & Hanora Molony                               A. Connellan P.P.
10-Jun-1872  Mary            Dau           James McGrath & Bridget Malone             Thos & Mary Malone
04-Aug-1872  John            Son           John McGrath & Bessy Rogers                Mary McGrath                                      A. Connellan P.P.
03-Sep-1872  Ellen           Dau           Wm McKee & Hanna Mack                      James Hayes & Mary McKee                          A. Connellan P.P.
25-Nov-1872  Francis         Son           Bryan McGrath & Bridget Minogue            Pat & Bridget McGrath
27-Jan-1873  Danl            Son           Bryan McGrath & Kate Keefe                 John Ryan & Mary McGrath                          A. Connellan P.P.
15-May-1873  Francis         Son           James McNamara & Bridget Mack              Michl & Catherine Mack
03-Jun-1873  Margaret        Dau           Thos McNamara & Biddy Sheedy, "VASR"       Mary Kelly                                        A. Connellan P.P.
12-Oct-1873  Margaret        Dau           James McGrath & Bridget Malone             Danl & Bridget Tuohy
28-Apr-1874  Martin          Son           Patk McGrath & Mary Egan                   Hanna McGrath                                     A. Connellan P.P.
15-May-1874  Bridget         Dau           David Rochford & Bridget Mack              Bridget Mack                                      A. Connellan P.P.
04-Jun-1874  Thomas          Son           Thomas Rochford & Johanna O'Brien          John Casey & Mary Casey                           D Sheehan
23-Aug-1874  Mary            Dau           Michl Mack & Hannah McCaul                 John Minogue & Annie Mack                         William Buckley

*Notation: I was appointed Parish Priest of Feakle in Killaloe, on the 16th of Septr 1874 by the Most Revd Dr Jas Ryan. - Joseph Meade PP

14-Dec-1874  Bridget        [Dau] of       Stephen McNamara & Catherine MacNamara     Mary Murphy                                       Joseph Meade P.P.
16-Jan-1875  James          [Son] of       Thomas Tobin & Ellen McNamara              Martin Tobin & Anne Tobin                         J. Meade P.P.
02-Feb-1875  John           [Son] of       Michael Hayes & Honoria McGrath            James Hayes & Ellen Hayes                         Joseph Meade P.P.
17-Mar-1875  Bridget        [Dau] of       Ml [Michael] Molony & Hannah McNamara      Michael McNamara & Hannah McCaul                  Joseph Meade P.P.
06-Jun-1875  Mary           [Dau] of       Js [James] McNamara & Bridget McNamara     Bridget Hallinan                                  J. Meade P.P.
26-Mar-1875  Eliza          [Dau] of       John McGrath & Eliza Rogers                Ml Minogue & [(?)Ellen ______]                    J. Meade P.P.
23-Jul-1875  Mary           [Dau] of       Thomas Rochford & Johanna O'Brien          John Morrissey & Bridget Rochford alias McNamara
24-Nov-1875  Mary           [Dau] of       Patrick McNamara & Hanoria Powell          Michael McNamara & Mary Purcell                   J. Meade P.P.
28-Nov-1875  Catherine      [Dau] of       Timothy McNamara & Catherine Purcell       Peter Purcell & Anne MacNamara                    J. Meade P.P.
30-Nov-1875  Catherine      [Dau] of       Ml McNamara & Hannah McCaul                John Cooney & Mary Cooney                         J. Meade P.P.
__-Dec-1875  Anne           [Dau] of       David Rochford & Bridget McNamara          Wm & Bridget McNamara
06-Jan-1876  Francis        [Son] of       Patrick McNamara & Mary O'Malley           Margaret McNamara                                 Joseph Meade P.P.
14-Mar-1876  Eleanora       [Dau] of       Michael McNamara & Margaret Walshe         Pat Molony & Mary A Bane                          J. Meade P.P.
11-Apr-1876  John           [Son] of       John McNamara & Catherine Kenny            Johanna Fitzpatrick                               J. Meade P.P.
09-Jun-1876  Michael        [Son] of       James McNamara & Margaret Rogers           Wm Jones & Margaret McNamara                      P.P. Feakle
14-Jul-1876  William        [Son] of       Michl McNamara & Catherine Burke           Francis O'Grady & Susan O'Grady
29-Oct-1876  Michael        [Son] of       Timothy McNamara & Catherine Purcell       Jeremiah MacNamara & Margaret McNamara
29-Jan-1877  Mary           [Dau] of       Patk McNamara & Hanoria Powell             John Morrissey & Ellen McDole                     J. Meade P.P.
13-Feb-1877  Michael        [Son] of       Wm MacMahon & Anne Macnamara               Daniel McNamara & Mary McNamara
14-Feb-1877  Michael        [Son] of       Patk McNamara & Ellen Leyden               Patk Leyden & Anne Leyden                         Meade P.P.
01-Apr-1877  Bridget        [Dau] of       Michael McNamara & Hannah McCaul           Thomas O'Hallloran & Honoria Molony
04-May-1877  John           [Son] of       Michael McNamara & Mary Murphy             John Morrissey & Bridget Morrissey
31-Dec-1877  Winifred       [Dau] of       Ml McNamara & Bridget Rochford             Patk McNamara & Mary Sampson
07-Jan-1878  Margaret       [Dau] of       James McNamara & Margaret Rogers           Mary McNamara                                     J. Meade P.P.
21-Feb-1878  Bridget        [Dau] of       Michl McNamara & Margaret Walsh            Catherine Molony & Catherine Ryan
24-Mar-1878  Michael        [Son] of       John McNamara & Bridget Fahy               Dennis McNamara & Bridget Tuohy, Mahera Bawn      Peter Meade P.P.

*Transcriber Notation: The above page (1878) was filmed three times.

17-Jan-1879  Daniel         [Son] of       Michael McNamara & Bridget McMahon         Mary Ryan
15-Sep-1879  Michl          [Son] of       W. McNamara & Bridget Rochford             Thomas McNamara & Bridget Kinnerk                 J. Meade
25-Nov-1879  Margaret       [Dau] of       Patt Duggan & Ellen Molony                 Daniel McNamara & Mary Naughton                   C. Stuart
08-Jun-1880  John           [Son] of       Denis McNamara & Bridget Lynch             Thomas Nelson & Margaret Nelson                   C. Stuart
15-Jul-1880  Daniel         [Son] of       Ml. Mack & Mary Jones                      Thos Jones & Mary Nelson                          C. Stuart


Transcriber visited the National Library of Ireland April 10-11,2007
*The transcriber allows indefinite use of this data for free (non-commercial) use only in the IGP Archives of the Rootsweb site.