Clare - Canceled Valuation Books, c. 1870+

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Clare Index


File contributed by: C. Hunt
Transcribed by Joe Quinn


** = later occupant
In fee = owned by occupant
Ho = House, Off = Office or outbuilding
(If only one name is show as changed it is assumed that the other name is the same.)
(?) not certain of name

MAP REF NO.    OCCUPIERS                   IMMEDIATE LESSORS           DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY               COMMENT                             YEAR
                                                                       Breaffy South, Kilfarboy              Ellen L MORONY, Lessor in fee.
1              Martin SHANNAHAN            Ellen L MORONY              House,office,land                                                         71,73.
2A             Michael THOMPSON            Ellen L MORONY              Herds house & land                    2A,B, joined with parentheses
3              John LINNANE                Ellen L MORONY              House & land
4A             Michael TARSNAN             Ellen L MORONY              House & land                          4A,B, joined with parentheses       74
B              Jane TARSNAN
5              Daniel EGAN                 Ellen L MORONY              House,office,land                                                         71
6A             Joseph DOWNES               Ellen L MORONY              House,office,land                     6A,B, joined with parentheses
7              Alexander THOMPSON          Ellen L MORONY              land
8A             Henry SEXTON                Ellen L MORONY              House & land                          8A,B,C,39a, joined w/parentheses
9A             Patrick DOOLAN              Ellen L MORONY              House,office,land                     9A,B joined with parentheses
10A            Patrick O CONNOR            Burdett MORONY                                                    10A,B, joined with parentheses      71,75
**             Margaret                    Ellen
B              Margaret ("dead")
11A            James QUINN                 Ellen L MORONY              land                                  11A, Ba,b, joined w/ parentheses
Ba                                                                     House,office,land                                                         73
b                                                                      Labourer's house
**             John QUINN
12             David BOLAND                Ellen L MORONY              House,office,land
13a            Mary WHELAN                 Ellen L MORONY              House & land                          all scratched out                   71
b              Patrick CONNORS             Ellen L MORONY              House & land                          13a,b, joined with parentheses      71
14             Thomas MOLONY               Henry MORONY                land
15             James CLANCY                Ellen L MORONY              land                                                                      69.71.
16             John CALLINAN               In Fee                      land                                                                      74
**             Ellen L MORONY
17A            Patrick MORONY              Ellen L MORONY              House,office,land                     17A,18B, joined with parentheses    69.71
18A            Patrick MORONY              Burdett MORONY              House,office,land                     18A,B, joined with parentheses      69
B                                                                                                            and all scratched out
19A            James BOLAND                Ellen L MORONY              House,office,land                     19A,B, joined with parentheses
20             Patrick MARRINAN            Ellen L MORONY              House & land                                                              Sep-72
**             Michael MARRINAN
21             Anthony CANNY               Ellen L MORONY              House & land
22             Thomas HALLORAN             Ellen L MORONY              House,office,land
23             Michael LYNCH               Ellen L MORONY              land
24A            James CLANCY                Burdette MORONY             office,land                           24A,B, joined with parentheses      69,71
B              Michael CLANCY
**                                         Ellen L. MORONY
25             Bernaed CAVANAGH.M.D.       Ellen L MORONY              House,office,land
26a            George COMERFORD            Ellen L MORONY              House,office,land                                                         69
**             Lucy COMERFORD              Ellen L MORONY
b              Patrick TRACY               George COMERFORD            House,office,land
**                                         Lucy COMERFORD
c              James MORRISSY              Same                        House
d              John DAXON                  Same                        House
e              Andrew FINLY                Same                        Bathing Lodge                                                             69,71, Sep 72
**             Anne
               Jane FINLY
               Emily WILLIS
f              Patrick TREACY              Same                        Bathing Lodge                                                             69.72.
**             Michael TREACY                                     **   House,office,land
**             Ellen TREACY
g  (Waste)     Henry LIKELY                Same                        House,office,garden                                                       69,72,Sep 72.73.
**             ??? POWELL                                         **   Refins? & garden
**             Thomas WILLIAMS                                    **
h              James CLANCY                Same                        House, office, garden                                                     69
27             Henry SEXTON                Burdett MORONY              House,office,land                                                         68,71.
**             Robert W STUDDERT           Ellen L.
28             Fanny MORONY                Eliza D'ESTERRE             House,office,land
29a            Henry MORONY                Burdett MORONY              House,office,gate house & land        29a,11Bc,29B, joined w/parentheses  71
11Bc.29B                                   Ellen                       Labourer's house,office,land
30Aa           James CLANCY                Ellen L MORONY              House,office,garden.                  scratched out/joined w/parent.      71
**             Wm St John COLEMAN. M.D.                                House,office,land                     scratched out
**             R.H. TOWNSEND. M.D.                                                                                                               75
30B            Ellen L MORONY              In Fee                      House,office & garden                                                     71,75
**             James CLANCY                Ellen L MORONY              land                                                                      75
31a            James CLANCY                Ellen L MORONY              Labourer's house                      31a,b, joined with parentheses      72
b              Michael CLANCY              Ellen L MORONY              House & garden                                                            71,72
32A            James CLANCY                Ellen L MORONY              land                                                                      69,72
               Michael CLANCY										     32A joined. Michael scratched out
32B            James CLANCY                Charles BOLTON              land                                  32B,32C, joined  James scratched    69
32C            Michael CLANCY
32Aa           National School house       Exempt
Aa?            Michael MORONY              James CLANCY                Half Annual exempt of National School Michael MORONY,scratched out        72,69.
b              Mary KEEFFE                 James CLANCY                House                                                                     73
?              Catherine KEEFFE            James CLANCY                House & garden                        Catherine Keeffe, scratched out     down 72
c              Michael EGAN                James CLANCY                House                                                                     73
32A,b,c,d.     Thomas NEYLON               James CLANCY                House & garden                                                            72
**             Bridget
               Michael O CONNOR
33             Patrick DOHERTY             Charles BOLTON              House & garden
34             James CLANCY                Burdett MORONY              land                                                                      69,71
**                                         Ellen
a              Michael CLANCY              same                        House,office & sun garden                                                 69
35             James MORONY                same                        House,office & land
36A            John O BRIEN                same                       land                                  36A,B, joined with parentheses
31c,37a        Capt Francis TAYLOR.R.N.    Exempt                      House,office,land                                                         68
               Board of Admiralty
31a	       Burdett MORONY  					       Half annual rent of inspecting      	                                 68,71.
**             Ellen						       command of Coast Guards.Office,land
37b            Thomas SLATTERY             Burdett MORONY              House & garden
**                                         Ellen L.												 71,73.
**             Ellen L MORONY              In Fee
                                                                       House & garden
38a            Capt John White             Ellen L MORONY              House,office,land                                                         75
**             Sammuel WEBB.M.D.
b              Sammuel WEBB.M.D.                                       Labourer's house                      38a,b, joined with parentheses
39             Henry SEXTAN                Ellen L MORONY              land                                                                      75
**             John O BRIEN
40             Eliza D'ESTERRE             Ellen L MORONY              Bog
41             Capt John White             Ellen L MORONY              Bog                                                                       75
**             Sammuel WEBB.M.D.
               Burdett MORONY              In Fee                                                            In Fee-Anthony CONNY'S, joined      71,74
**             Ellen L                                                                                       with parentheses.
               EDWARD MORONY
               Henry MORONY
               John BERGIN
**             John FERGUSON                                                                                                                     69
               Henry SEXTON                                                                                                                      68
**             Robert W STUDDERT
42             Capt John White             Burdett MORONY              Bog                                                                       71,75
**             Sammuel WEBB.M.D.           Ellen L MORONY
**             Sammuel WEBB.M.D.
               Daniel EGAN                                                                                   scratched out                       74
               Martin SHANRACHAN                                                                             scratched out                       74
               Michael TARSNAN                                                                               scratched out                       74
               John LINNANE                                                                                  scratched out                       74
               Anthony CANNY                                                                                 scratched out                       74
43A            Patrick EGAN                Burdett MORONY              House & land                          43A,B, joined with parentheses      71
*                                          Ellen L

[Abbreviated names spelled out to aid in searching]

Source: FHL# 818434