Clare - Canceled Valuation Books, c. 1870 *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Clare Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: C. Hunt CANCELED VALUATION BOOKS, c. 1870 - GLENDINE SOUTH - PARISH OF KILFARBOY, UNION OF ENNISTIMON (Revised 1870, 1871, 1872) Key: **= later occupant Ho = House, Off = Office or outbuilding (If only one name is show as changed it is assumed that the other name is the same.) GLENDINE SOUTH (O.S. 31) ============================================================================= MAP OCCUPIERS IMMEDIATE DESCRIPTION COMMENT NO. LESSORS ============================================================================= 1 Elizabeth OROURKE Lord LECONFIELD Ho, Land 2 Andrew OROURKE same Ho, Off, Land 3 John MALONE same Ho, Off, Land 4a Ellen OLOUGHLIN same Ho, Off, Land b Michael TALTY Ellen OLOUGHLIN House 5 Lawrence DOWNES Lord LECONFIELD Ho, Land 6 Margaret FRAWLEY same Ho, Off, Land 7 Anthony TALTY same Ho, Off, Land 8 Michael TALTY same Ho, Off, Land 9a Samuel BALL same Off, Land 9b Exempt School Ho & yard 10 John FOX Lord LECONFIELD Ho, Off, Land ** Martin 75 (1875?) [Abbreviated names spelled out to aid in searching] Source: FHL# 818434