Clare - McNamara, James July 10, 1819

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Clare Index


File contributed by: Rosalind Dunning January 27, 2019, 9:04 am


Source: National Archives Kew England
Written: July 10, 1819
Recorded: January 27, 2019

In the Name of God Amen be it known to all Men that I James
McNamara Quarter Master Serjeant of the 2nd West India
Regiment being perfectly sound in mind but extremely weak in
body and feeling that it is not unlikely it may please God
to call me hence before my Voyage to England is completed do
hereby dispose of my property as follows viz to my dearly
beloved Brothers John McNamara and Patrick McNamara both of
the Parish of Kilrush in the County of Clare Ireland I do
give and bequeath to be equally shared between them the
whole of my personal and Real property consisting of specie
and other value as hereafter named viz fifty one Doubloons
Spanish Coin one hundred and thirty five Spanish dollars
English Coins two pounds twelve shillings six pence one gold
Watch two Seals gold and a gold chain & key now I request
that the said money etc. above mentioned be transmitted to
the Secretary at War who will deliver it over or send it to
either of my Brothers above named and I now solicit the
Honourable the Secretary at War to transmit to them the
substance of this Will on his receiving it I declare this to
be my last Will and Testament given under my hand on board
His Majestys Ship Darlon at Sea this tenth day of July one
thousand eight hundred and nineteen James McNamara Witness H
Mackay Serjt 50th Regt. Robt Anderson Capt R M Be it known
to all Men that I James McNamara Quarter Master Serjeant of
the 2nd West India Regiment do hereby confirm my Will of
this date in favour of my two Brothers John McNamara and
Patrick McNamara and I also bequeath and give to Serjeant
Hector Mackay of the fiftieth Regiment in consideration of
friendship which exists between me and him and the
affectionate regard I have for him all my property and
Effects of whatsoever nature excepting as is mentioned in my
Will above alluded to and I hereby desire that the said
Serjeant Mackay do give to private Richard Ivey Royal
Marines as a gratuity for the trouble he has had through me
in money four dollars and that he also give him five pairs
of Trowses and three Shirts given under my hand on board His
Majestys Ship Tartar at Sea this tenth day of July one
thousand eight hundred and nineteen James McNamara Witness
Robt Anderson Corporal R M Chas Curle Corpl RM
27 March 1820 Administration with Will annexed to John
McNamara and Patrick McNamara Hector Mackay having renounced
Letters of Administration and Goods of the deceased
PCC Prob11/1627