Cork - Aglishdrinagh Churchyard Memorials

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File contributed by:  C. Hunt

    [From Colonel Grove White.] 

Thy will be done | Blessed are | The Dead which | Die in the 
Lord. | This has been erected | To the memory of | JULIA 
FRANKLIN | Otherwise MERCER I Who died April 26th 1838. | 
Aged 80 years. ' Upright stone.' _____

In memory of | MARY BURROWES HUTCHINS | daughter of | SAMUEL 
HUTCHINS of Fortlands Esq and MARY BURROWES his second wife 
| who died at Fortlands, Feb 25th 1853 | in her ? year. 
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. 
'Flat slab.' 

In memory of | my beloved husband | THOMAS W. HARRISON MD 
Died of fever June 30th 1882 | aged 45. | Youngest son of 
STANDISH HARRISON | Castle Harrison. | He was loved by all 
and ever | a kind friend to the poor. | Even so them also 
which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. I Thess. 4.14. 
'Upright stone.' _____

'The Castle Harrison vault was built by HENRY HARRISON, of 
Castle Harrison, who was known as the " Commissioner." He 
was Commissioner of Customs in Ireland about 1710. On the 
top of this vault is an altar-tomb to some member of the 
Harrison family, but I cannot read the inscription. 

'I understand that this churchyard is the private property 
of Colonel Harrison, of Castle Harrison. It is only a short 
distance from Castle Harrison, and lies about 3 1/2 miles 
(south-west by west) from Charleville.' 

Journal of the Association for the Preservation of the 
Memorials of the Dead in Ireland.  Vol vii, FHL# 1279254