Cork - Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - Surnames H-I *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Cork Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: C. Hunt & M. Taylor CORK COUNTY EXTRACTIONS - ( 1 ACRE AND OVER) NAMES & ADDRESSES ONLY -H-I Owner Name Owner Residence - 1873-75 ============================================================================================ Hackett, Bartholomew Hackett-terrace Cork Hackett, Grisilda xxxx Clonmel Hadden, Davis M.D. xxxx Skibbereen Haines, Charles xxxx Mallow Hanies, Charles C. xxxx Mallow Haines, John Sheltick xxxx Lakeville, Cork Haines, William xxxx Crossbarry Halbert, James xxxx Bandon Halbut, Rev. Robert xxxx Dublin Hales, Anne xxxx Dublin Hall, Robert xxxx Lisnalee, Cork Hallaron, Rev. William [Reps. Of] xxxx Castlemartyr Hallinan, Timothy Glandaline Fermoy Halloran, John [Reps. Of] xxxx Midleton Hamilton, Amelia xxxx xxxx Hamilton, Rev. Fitzjohn S. Milleen Rosscarbery Hamilton, Rev. Hans F. Coombe St Nicholas, Chard, Somerset Hamilton, James xxxx Dublin Hamilton, John [Reps. Of] Kingstown co. Dublin Hamilton, Mrs. xxxx xxxx Hamilton, Robert xxxx xxxx Hammond, Colman Ballyvisteale Riverstown Hanan, Edward Meeleen Glanmire Hanlon, Daniel Commons Blarney Hannen, Owen xxxx Dromroe Hannigan, Patrick Gardenfield Dromcolloher Hanning, James xxxx Sussex, England Hanrahan, [xxxx] xxxx xxxx Hanrahan, John xxxx Cork Harding, Charles F. xxxx Charleville Harding, Henry [Reps. Of] Firville Macroom Harding, James [Reps. Of] Myrtle Hill Cork Harding, John 4 Alexandra-ter. Cork Harding, William Coolnagour Milford Hardy, Henry xxxx xxxx Hare, John P. xxxx xxxx Hare, Hon. Robt. Dillon xxxx Queenstown Hargrave, Abraham xxxx Ballynoe Harman, John xxxx Cloughlucas Harman, Joseph xxxx Cloughlucas Harman, Rev. Samuel Crosshaven Cork Harnett, Mary [Reps. Of] Hanover Hall Macroom Harney, W. P. xxxx Cork Harrington, William 80 Patrick-street Cork Harris, Captain xxxx Mallow Harris, George Crofts Spittalfields Buttevant Harris, Richard xxxx Lakeview, Cork Harris, Thomas xxxx xxxx Harrison, Mrs. C. Belgooly Kinsale Harrison, Henry Castle Harrison Charleville Harrison, Joseph Ballinahina Riverstown Harte, Jane Rowgurrane Riverstown Harte, John xxxx Cork Hartly, Rev. P. xxxx England Hartnett, J.C. xxxx Dublin Hartnett, Susan xxxx xxxx Hartnett, Timothy [Reps. Of] Laghtneill Lissardagh Hartopp, Lieut. Edward 10th Hussars England Hartopp, Lieut. John xxxx India Harvey, Reuben Thos. South Mall Cork Harvey, William xxxx Knockrea, Cork Hassard, Luke [Reps. Of] Forest Killinardrish Hasset, John xxxx Dromroe Hawkes, Corliss Rock Cottage Passage West Hawkes, John Devonsher xxxx Kilcrea Hawkes, Quaile xxxx Killumney Hawkes, William xxxx Bandon Hawkes, Zacharia C. [Reps. Of] Ballincollig Cork Hawkins, John xxxx Whitegate Hayes, Charles Fair-hill Cork Hayes, Denis Cork Club xxxx Hayes, George Mohona Dunmanway Hayes, James xxxx Killeagh Hayes, John xxxx Monkstown, Cork Hayes, John Downing Fermoy Hayes, John R. Malahaff House Farrangfore, co. Kerry Hayes, Michael Caherlarhig Clonakilty Hayes, Rev. Richard Rockmills Kildorrery, co. Cork Hayes, Robert xxxx xxxx Hayes, Stephen Grenville-place Cork Hayes, Thomas Crosshaven House Cork Hayes, Thomas xxxx Innishannon Hayman, Matthew Kilcoolishal Glanmire Haynes, Abraham xxxx xxxx Haynes, Henry Grange Douglas Healy, Nicholas xxxx Belvelly Healy, Patrick Pigeon-hill Riverstown Heard, Edward xxxx Ballintubbrid Heard, Francis Rochfordstown Cork Heard, Miss Mount Desert Cork Heard, Robert xxxx Pallastown, Kinsale Hearne, Rev. William xxxx xxxx Heffernan, Thomas Newtown Mallow Hegarty, David Cooseane Watergrasshill Hegarty, John W. xxxx Ballinrostig Hendley, Arthur Downing Fermoy Hendley, Mathias Christopher Mountrivers Fermoy Hennessy, Geo. [Reps. Of] xxxx xxxx Hennessy, John Commons Castlelyons Hennessy, John C. Ballindeasig Ballyfeard Hennessey, Margaret xxxx America Hennessy, Maurice xxxx Dublin Hennessy, Timothy Creggane Churchtown Hennis, Francis xxxx Passage West Hennis, Robert Knockglass Castlemartyr Herbert, Edward xxxx xxxx Herbert. Gustavus xxxx London Herley, John H. Masseytown House Macroom Herlihy, Thomas xxxx Curragraigue Herrick, Captain xxxx Gosport, England Herrick, Capt. Edward Bellmount Macroom Herrick, Gresham xxxx xxxx Herrick, Henry [Reps. Of] xxxx Cork Herrick, Thos. [Reps. Of] xxxx Bandon Herrick, Thomas B. Shippool Innishannon Hewett, Captain [Reps. Of] xxxx xxxx Hewitt, Thomas North Mall Cork Hewitt, Thomas Arthur Ludlow Clancoole Bandon Hewson, Frank xxxx Tipperary Hewson, George xxxx Ennismore Hewson, Robert Henry-st. Tipperary Hickey, Lieut-Col. J.F. Kilelton co. Kerry Hickey, John Englaune Cullen Hickey, Maurice xxxx Castletownroche Hickey, Thomas Dereenatra Skull Hicks, Thomas *Agent S. Hussey Cork Higgins, Patrick Ardramore Whitegate Hill, Elizabeth Hillsborough Cork Hill, James L. xxxx Rathkeale Hill, Miss xxxx xxxx Hill, Thomas, jun. Benduff Rosscarbery Hingston, Rev. George [Reps. Of] xxxx London Hingston, Jas. [Reps. Of] Aglish Ho. Coachford Hoare, Admiral [Reps. Of] xxxx London Hoare, Edward Naglesborough Castletownroche Hoare, Edward xxxx xxxx Hoare, Rev. H. Edward xxxx xxxx Hoare, James Cleanrath Inchigeelah Hoare, Walter [Reps. Of] xxxx Passage West Hoare, William xxxx xxxx Hoare, William Barry xxxx Passage West, Cork Hoare, William Jessie xxxx Carrigrohane Hobbs, William xxxx Cork Hobson, S. Le Hunt xxxx London Hodder, [xxxx] xxxx Cork Hodder, Francis xxxx Cork Hodder, J.T. [Reps. Of] xxxx xxxx Hodder, Jeremiah Kilnahone Carrigaline Hodder, Mrs. Moore xxxx Carrigohane Hodder, Captain Samuel Ringuabella Carrigaline Hodder, Col. W.H.M Hoddersfield Carrigaline Hogan, John Blossomgrove Glanmire Hogan, John Knockraha Glanmire Hogan, John Ballinvanrig Rathcormac Hogan, Patrick Knockraha Glanmire Hogan, Richard xxxx Rathcoole Holland, Timothy Mountain Common Clonakilty Holmes, Jane [Reps. Of] Carrigmore Ballinee Holmes, Sarah xxxx England *Agent P. Kennedy - South Mall Cork Honan, Sir William T. xxxx xxxx Honner, Mrs. Mary Rathmore Kinsale Horan, Kerry Clonfert Newmarket Horgan, Eugene [Reps. Of] Larch Hill Killinardrish Hornbrook, Matthew xxxx America Hornibrook, D. Otley xxxx xxxx Hornibrook, John Corran Ballinhasig Hornibrook, Thomas xxxx xxxx Hornibrook, William Corran Ballinhasig Hosford. Jonathon Old Park Bandon Hosford, Sarah xxxx Enniskean Hounihan, Wm. [Reps. Of] xxxx Cork Howard, Eliza Naglesboro' Castletownroche Howard, Elizabeth Howardsgrove Castletownroche Howard, Henry xxxx Glenleigh Howard, John Brookpark Mill-street Howard, Robert H. xxxx xxxx Howe, Benjamin Coolmane Kilbrittain Howe, H. B. 3 Verdon-row St. Lukes, Cork Howe, James Roche Glaunavirane Bandon Howe, John xxxx Glouneverone Howe, Samuel xxxx Russell Hill Howe, Mrs. Sidney xxxx Kinsale Howe, Major Wm. L. xxxx Monkstown Hudson, Eliza xxxx Youghal Hudson, Henry Glenville co. Cork Hudson, Jane xxxx Curraglass Hughes, James South Mall Cork Hulbert, Rev. Robert [Reps. Of] xxxx xxxx Hull, Richard Edward Lemcon Manor Skull Humphries, Dr. xxxx Kinsale Humphreys, Daniel Deerpark Midleton Humphreys, William Broomfield Midleton Hungerford, Francis The Island Clonakilty Hungerford, Georgina Glen Camus Clonakilty Hungerford, Hen. Jones Cahermore House Roscarbery Hungerford, John T. xxxx Clonakilty Hungerford, Miss Mary Sandes The Island House Clonakilty Hungerford, R.B. Ballyrizard Goleen Hunt, Catherine A. Eliza Danesfort xxxx Hunt, Edmond L. Danesfort Mallow Hunt, James Danesfort Mallow Hunt, Joseph S. Danesfort xxxx Hunt, Percival Danesfort Mallow Hunter, David [Reps. Of] xxxx Bandon Hurley, Catherine Commons Carrigboy, Macroom Hurley, F.C. [Reps. Of] xxxx xxxx Hurley, Rev. John [Reps. Of] xxxx Dunmanway Hurley, Timothy xxxx Inchigoggin, Cork Hutch, Richard Bannagh Kanturk Hutchins, Emanuel Ardnagashill Bantry, co. Cork Hutchins, William xxxx xxxx Hyde, Rev. Arthur The Glebe Frenchpark, co. Rosscommon Hyde, Miss Becher, xxxx England John [Reps. Of] and Townsend xxxx xxxx Hyde, John Cregg Fermoy Hyde, Lucinda xxxx Youghal Irwin, Edward, senior xxxx County Limerick Irwin, Edward, junior xxxx County Limerick Irwin, Patrick Teenacurra Milford Source: Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland: A Summary for each Province and For All Ireland Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of the Queen [Out of Copyright]