Cork - Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - Surnmame - M 

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Cork Index


File contributed by: C. Hunt & M. Taylor

CORK County Extractions - ( 1 Acre and Over) Names & Addresses Only - M

Owner Name			    	Owner Residence - 1873-75
Mackey, Alderman			xxxx				Dublin
Mackey, Mary				xxxx				Conna 
Mackey, Mary				xxxx				Castlemartyr
Mackey, Uniacke R.			Ballyroberts Castle 		Fermoy
Mackey, William				xxxx				Castlemartyr
Madden, John				Mountain Common 		Clonakilty
Madden, Miss				xxxx				Dublin
Madden, Owen [Reps. Of]			xxxx				Cork
Madden, Roger				xxxx				Kilworth
Madden, Rev. Samuel			xxxx				Cork
Madras, Rev. John			Rock Cottage 			Timoleague, Bandon
Magner, James				Kilquaire 			Ballyhooly
Magner, John				Bishopstown 			Cork
Magnier, Michael			xxxx				Fermoy
Magnier, Michl. Joseph			Duntahin 			Fermoy
Magrath, [xxxx]				xxxx				xxxx
Magrath, Maurice [Reps. Of]		xxxx				Mitchelstown
Maguire, Ellen				xxxx				Ardmanagh
Mahon, Margaret				Mountain Common 		Clonakilty
Mahoney, Bartholomew			Ballydonge 			Ballyhooly
Mahony, Cornelius			xxxx				Cork
Mahony, Daniel				xxxx				Cork
Mahony, David				Fitzwilliam-st. 			Dublin
Mahony, Denis				Laghtneill			Lissardagh
Mahony, Henry				Old Market-place 		Cork
Mahony, Jeremiah			xxxx				Doonasleen
Mahony, John				Quit-rent 			Kildorrery
Mahony, John				Rahalisk 			Macroom
Mahony, Julia				Commons				xxxx
Mahony, Martin [Reps. Of] 		Ballintemple 			Cork
Mahony, Nicholas 			St. Helen's 			Blarney
Mahony, Richard				xxxx				Newmarket
Mahony, Timothy				Ardsalla  			Cork
Mandaville, Mrs.			Ballyquirkeen House 		Carrick-on-Suir
Manning, Denis				Laghtneill 			Lissardagh
Manning, Denis				Commons				xxxx
Mannix, Henry [Reps. Of]		Dunkettle 			Glanmire
Mansergh, Captain			xxxx				Castletownroche
Mansergh, Charles Carden		Clifford 			Castletownroche
Mansergh, Capt. D. J,			Cappamore 			Cashel
Mansergh, Captain John Craven   	Albany-street			Regent's Park, London
Markham, William			xxxx				Kinsale
Marmion, Henry R.			xxxx				Rineen
Marmion, Patience A.			xxxx				Skibbereen
Marmion, Rev. Richard			xxxx				London
Marmion, Thomas Hen.			xxxx				Skibbereen
Martin, James				Kiliora 			Glounthane
Martin, John				Kiliora 			Glounthane
Martin, John C.				xxxx				Cork
Martin, Joseph				Knockbrown 			Bandon
Martin, Joseph				Killahora 			Johnstown
Martin, Mary				Brooklodge 			Riverstown
Martin, Richard				Factory Hill 			Glanmire
Martin, Robert				Tullagreen 			Carrigtwohill
Massy, George				Woodfort 			Fermoy
Massy, Hugh				Tulla Lodge 			Tulla, co. Carlow
Massy, William H.			xxxx				Macroom
Matthews, Edward			Malahide 			co. Dublin
Matthews, James				Lehenagh 			Cork
Maxwell, Robert				Fitzwilliam-square 		Dublin
Maxwell, Robert Percival		Groomsport House 		Belfast
Mayberry, Eliza				xxxx				Kerry
Mayburry, George			xxxx				Kenmare
Maynard, John Payne			Mount Desert 			Cork
Maynard, William			Mount Desert 			Cork
McBride, James				Greenock			Scotland
McCall, Colonel James [Reps. Of]	Ballinglauna 			Glanmire
McCall, John				Tivoli 				Kingstown
McCarthy, Alexander			xxxx				Cork
McCarthy, Alexander			xxxx				Liscreagh
McCarthy, Callaghan			xxxx				Clonakilty
McCarthy, Catherine			Commons 			Blarney
McCarthy, Charles			Rowgarrane 			Dunkettle
McCarthy, Cornelius			Silvergrove 			Inchigeelah
McCarthy, Cornelius			Kilbarry 			Dunmanway
McCarthy, Daniel			Banteer 			Kanturk			
McCarthy, Daniel			Silvergrove 			Inchigeelah
McCarthy, Daniel			xxxx				Carrigtwohill
McCarthy, Denis				Shiplough 			Dunmanway
McCarthy, Denis				Leeson Park 			co. Dublin
McCarthy, F. Daniel			Glencurragh 			Skibbereen
McCarthy, Florence [Reps. Of]		xxxx				Skull
McCarthy, James				Currymount 			Buttevant
McCarthy, Jeremiah			Shiplough 			Dunmanway
McCarthy, Jeremiah			Gortroche 			Ballyhooly
McCarthy, Jeremiah			xxxx				Dromona
McCarthy, John				Grattan's Hill 			Cork
McCarthy, John				Silvergrove 			Inchigeelah
McCarthy, John				xxxx				Dromona
McCarthy, John				Dunmore 			Clonakilty
McCarthy, John				Raduane 			Millstreet
McCarthy, Rev. Justin			xxxx				Rosscarbery
McCarthy, Margaret			Kilbarry 			Dunmanway
McCarthy, Michael			Mountain Common 		Clonakilty
McCarthy, Michael			Ballycurreen 			Carrigtwohill
McCarthy, Patrick			Cloonkeen House 		Rosscarberry
McCarthy, Patrick			Rowgarrane 			Dunkettle
McCarthy, Thaddeus			Lisquinlan 			Midleton
McCarthy, Timothy			xxxx				Curragraigue
McCarthy, Tim. [Reps. Of]		In Chancery			xxxx
McCarthy, William			Rowls 				Newmarket
McCarthy, William			Seafield 			Youghal
McCartie, Daniel			Woodview 			Kanturk
McCartie, Ellen				xxxx				Kanturk
McCartie, Justin			xxxx				Carrignavar
McCartie, Richard			xxxx				Australia
McCormack, John				xxxx				Dublin
McDaniel, Daniel			xxxx				Desert 
McDaniel, Jer. [Reps. Of]		xxxx				Kinsale
McDaniel, Susanna			xxxx				Bandon
McDermott, William			xxxx				Ballyfeard
McGiverin, Patrick W.			xxxx				Dunmanway
McGragh, Patrick			Douglas Road 			Cork
McGrath, William			xxxx				Charleville
McKay, [xxxx]				xxxx				xxxx
McKenna, Sir J.N.			Ardo House 			Youghal
McKenzie, Thomas			xxxx				Ballinhassig
McLoughlin, Rev. Arthur			Abington 			Limerick
McMahon, Robert				Elm Park 			Dungannon
McMullen, Joseph W.			Clontymon 			Cork
McNamara, Thomas			xxxx				Limerick
McNay, John				116 George'street 		Cork
McSweeney, Bryan			xxxx				Dublin
McSweeney, John				xxxx				Macroom
McSweeney, Morgan			xxxx				Kinsale
McSweeney, Mrs.				xxxx				Coolnamanagh
McSweeney, Rev. Denis			xxxx				Carrigaline
McSweeney, Mrs.				Convent 			Macroom
McSweeny, William			Mountpellier 			Cork
Meade, Adam N.				Riverview 			Dunmanway
Meade, Mrs. C.				xxxx				xxxx
Meade, Mrs. Elizabeth			Belgooly 			Kinsale
Meade, John				Ballintober 			Ballinhassig
Meade, John Campbell			xxxx				xxxx
Meade, Josias D [Reps. Of] 		xxxx				xxxx
Meade, Rev. R.T.			xxxx				Kinsale
Meade, Rev. Robert			xxxx				Kinsale
Meade, rev. William			xxxx				xxxx
Meade, William R.			Ballymartle 			Ballinhassig
Meara, Richard				xxxx				Cork
Meredith, James Creed			17 Lower Fitzwilliam-street 	Dublin
Meyrick, Rev. Samuel			xxxx				Blessington, England
Midleton, Viscount			xxxx				Pepper Harrow, Surrey
Miller, Arthur				xxxx				Youghal
Miller, Sir J. Riggs [Reps. Of]		xxxx				xxxx
Miller, John				xxxx				Coulmureen
Mills, Henry				Upper Temple-street 		Dublin
Mills, John				xxxx				England
Minhear, Captain			Sunday's Well			Cork		
Minhear, William			Raleigh 			Macroom
Mitchell, Henry				xxxx				India
Mitchell, Henry B.			Leimroy Castle 			Bangor, Wales
Mitchell, Hugh H.			Grenville-place 		Cork
Mitchell, John				xxxx				xxxx
Montgomery, George			Killea 				Mitchelstown
Montgomery, Nathaniel			Collies House 			Cavan
Moone, Jane [Reps. Of]			xxxx				xxxx
Moore, [xxxx]				xxxx				England
Moore, Lady Jane			Moorepark 			Kilworth
Moore, Jane				xxxx				Dublin
Moore, John [Reps. Of] 			xxxx				Midleton
Moore, Michael				Rowgarrane 			Dunkettle
Moore, Stehpen				Baron 				Clonmel
Moore, Walter B. [Reps. Of]		xxxx				xxxx
Moorehead, Mrs. Ameila			Benbrush 			Tyrone
Moreland, John				Raheen Park 			Scariff
Moreland, William			xxxx				xxxx
Morgan, Captain A.			Baunalun 			Skibbereen
Morgan, Hon. Mrs Deane 
   & Countness of Granard [Reps. Of]	xxxx				xxxx
Morgan, Edward				Bridestown House 		Rathcormack
Morgan, Eliza				xxxx				Riverstown
Morgan, Isaac				Tivoli 				Cork
Morgan, James				xxxx				Cork
Morgan, Rev. Crosbie [Reps. Of]		xxxx				England
Moriarty, John				xxxx				Mallow
Moriatry, Thomas B.			xxxx				xxxx
Morley, Denis, junior			Mountain Common 		Clonakilty
Morris, John				xxxx				Corran			
Morris, Richard				xxxx				Dunkettle, Cork
Morris, Michael H.			xxxx				Durrus
Morris, Susan				xxxx				Ballyroe	
Morris, William				xxxx				Durrus
Morrison, Alexander			Ballynagrumolia 		Cork
Morrissay, Mary				xxxx				Youghal
Morrogh, Helen				xxxx				Cork
Morrogh, Helen				xxxx				Dublin
Morrogh, James				Oldcourt 			Doneraile
Morrogh, Mrs.				xxxx				Kilworth	
Morrogh, Robert				xxxx				Cork
Morrogh, Walter				xxxx				xxxx
Morrogh, Walter				South Mall 			Cork
Mountcashell, Earl of 			Moore Park 			Kilworth
Mullane, Daniel				Donore East 			Millstreet
Munns, Edward C.			
	*Agent - J. Hamilton Brynn 	xxxx				Dunmanway
Murphy, Cornelius			Glashakeenleen 			Newmarket
Murphy, Daniel				Laghtneill 			Lissardagh
Murphy, Denis				Dromgowna 			Ovens
Murphy, Denis				Commons				xxxx
Murphy, Denis				xxxx				Clarabeg
Murphy, Edmond				Commons 			Blarney
Murphy, Rev. Edward			xxxx				xxxx
Murphy, Edward				xxxx				Cork
Murphy, Edward C.			Streamhill 			Doneraile
Murphy, Edward J.			xxxx				Coachford
Murphy, Eugene				xxxx				Dereen
Murphy, Eulocius 			xxxx				xxxx
Murphy, James				xxxx				Cork
Murphy, James				xxxx				Belvue
Murphy, James				xxxx				Cork
Murphy, James				Laghtneill 			Lissardagh
Murphy, Jeremiah			Kilcoolishal 			Glanmire
Murphy, John				xxxx				Dublin
Murphy, John				xxxx				Kilmeedy
Murphy, John				Commons 			Blarney
Murphy, John				Laghtneill 			Lissardagh
Murphy, John				Castleview 			Macroom
Murphy, John				Kilowen 			Newmarket
Murphy, John D.				Knuckogullane 			Millstreet
Murphy, John T.				xxxx				Kanturk
Murphy, Michael				Commons				xxxx
Murphy, Michael				Demesne 			Cloyne
Murphy, Michael				Disert 				Ovens
Murphy, Michael				xxxx				Norwood
Murphy, Nicholas D.			xxxx				Cork
Murphy, Patrick				Commons 			Blarney
Murphy, Richard B.			Ballyorban 			Douglas
Murphy, Susan				9 Brackley-road 		Beckenham, Kent
Murphy, Rev. T.				xxxx				Youghal
Murphy, Thomas & John			xxxx				Curragraigue
Murphy, Timothy				xxxx				Annagloor
Murphy, Timothy				xxxx				Midleton
Murphy, Timothy				Commons 			Blarney
Murphy, Timothy				xxxx				Dromroe
Murphy, Rev. William			xxxx				Bandon
Murphy, William				xxxx				Bantry
Murphy, William				xxxx				Ballyhea
Murphy, William				Laghtneill 			Lissardagh
Murphy, William				Commons				xxxx
Murray, Patrick				Ballinlough 			Cork
Murray, William				Laghtneill 			Lissardagh
Muskerry, Viscount			Springfield 			Broadford

Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland: A 
Summary for each Province and For All Ireland Presented to 
both Houses of Parliament by Command of the Queen [Out of 

Note: "Mc" names transcribed from "M'" fpr ease on search