Cork - List of Landowners in 1870's Surnames T-Y

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Cork Index


File contributed by:  C. Hunt & M. Taylor

Owner Name			    	Owner Residence - 1873-75
Tamplin, Robert				xxxx			Dunmanway
Tarrant, Charles			Butlerstown 		Riverstown
Tarrant, James				xxxx			Dublin
Tarrant, Thomas Hoskin		        Charlestown 		Queenstown
Tate, John				xxxx			Fermoy
Taylor, Alex, O'D.			xxxx			xxxx		
Taylor, Eliza				Greenmount 		Ballydehob
Taylor, Thomas				Ring 			co. Cork
Terry, Charles				xxxx			Kilva
Teulon, Geo. Beamish			xxxx			Bandon
Thackwell, Captain			Aghada House 		Whitegate
Thomas, Mary				Rathpeacon 		Blarney
Thomas, Nicholas			xxxx			Kilmacsimon
Thompson, George Wm.			xxxx			xxxx
Thompson, Margaret			Carrignafoy 		Queenstown
Thompson, Sir William Hamilton		Stokedry Rectory 	Uppingham, Rutland
Thornton, Colonel Todd			In the Army 
	*Agent Thomas K. Sullivan 	xxxx			Bandon
Thornton, W.J.				xxxx			xxxx			
Thornton, William			South Mall 		Cork
Tighe, St. Lawrence			Grovehill 		Passage West
Tisdall, William			xxxx			Bantry
Tobin, James [Reps. Of]			xxxx			Skibbereen
Tonkins, Wm. [Reps. Of]			xxxx			Glandore
Toohy, Dr.				xxxx			xxxx
Toohy, Michael				Kilcor 			Castlelyons
Tooker, Captain				xxxx			Inniscarra
Tooker, Wm. Lane			Ringacoltic 		Queenstown
Toomey, Michael				Cleanrath 		Inchigeelah
Toon, Francis H.			xxxx			xxxx
Touchet, John Hastings			Grand Parade 		Eastbourne, Sussex
Townsend, Crew				xxxx			xxxx
Townsend, Edward			xxxx			Dublin
Townsend, Edward			xxxx			xxxx
Townsend, Edward			xxxx			xxxx
Townsend, Edw. Hume			Cuilnaconartha 		Clonakilty
Townsend, Elizabeth			xxxx			xxxx
Townsend, Horace			xxxx			Cork	
Townsend, Horace P.			xxxx			Derry
Townsend, Honble. J. F. 	   30 Upper Fitzwilliam-street	Dublin
Townsend, Major J.C.C. [Reps. Of]	Mayfield 		Cork
Townsend, Jane				xxxx			Shepperton
Townsend, John				xxxx			xxxx
Townsend, John				xxxx			Cork
Townsend, John F.H.			xxxx			Dublin
Townsend, John H.			Myrosswood 		Leap
Townsend, John H.			xxxx			Glandore
Townsend, Mary				Carrignafoy 		Queenstown
Townsend, Mrs.				xxxx			xxxx
Townsend, Rev. M.T.S. [Reps. Of]	xxxx			England
Townsend, Rev. Paul			South Monastery		Cork		
Townsend, Rev. Philip			xxxx			xxxx
Townsend, Richard			Clantoff House 		Union Hall
Townsend, Richard			Garrycloyne 		Cork
Townsend, Richard			xxxx			Dublin
Townsend, Richard Newman		xxxx			Queenstown
Townsend, S.N.				xxxx			Skibbereen
Townsend, Samuel			Garrycloyne 		Cork
Townsend, Samuel R.			Whitehall 		Skibbereen
Townsend, Rev. Thomas			Cloyne 			county Cork
Townsend, William			xxxx			Cork
Townsend, William H.			Charlotte-quay 		Cork
Townsend, William R.			xxxx			xxxx	
Townsend, William U.			Spa Hill 		Kilfinane, co. Limerick
Townsend, Rev. Aubrey			Lona 			Weston-super Mare, England
Tracy, Jospeh E.			xxxx			Cork
Travers, Capt. Augustus			xxxx			xxxx
Travers, Lady Clarke			3 Queen's Gardens 	Hyde Park, London
Travers, Henry B.			Ballymacowen House 	Clonakilty
Travers, James Walter [Reps. Of]	xxxx			xxxx
Travers, John Moore			xxxx			xxxx
Travers, Jonas [Reps. Of]		Butterstown 		Bandon
Travers, Joseph				xxxx			xxxx
Travers, Lieutenant [Reps. Of]		xxxx			xxxx
Travers, Robert				Timoleague House 	Bandon
Traynor, Dr.				Belgrave-sq. 		Dublin
Treacy, William A.			xxxx			xxxx
Trench, Henry				Glenmaline 		Queen's co.
Tresilian, Eliza [Reps. Of]		xxxx			xxxx	
Troy, John				xxxx			Castletownroche
Trustees of Chapel Of Ease		xxxx			xxxx
Trustees of Convent Property		xxxx			Mallow
Trustees of Conner, Richard		xxxx			xxxx
Trustees of Lord Carbery
	*Agents Stewart & Kincaid	Leinster-street 	Dublin
Trustees of Crowe, Right Rev. Charles	xxxx			xxxx
Trustees of Endowed Schools		xxxx			xxxx
Trustees of Killarney College		xxxx			Killarney
Trustees of Midleton School		xxxx			xxxx
Trustees of Teample na Bocht		xxxx			xxxx
Trustees of Thackwells minors]		Aghada House 		xxxx
Tuckey, Francis				xxxx			Dublin
Tuckey, Captain John			Kilronan 		Dunmanway
Tuckey, John				xxxx			Fermoy
Tuite, George				xxxx			England
Tuohill, Dr. Richard			6 Merrion-sq. 		West Dublin
Turpin, Hugh				Killydonohoe 		Glountane
Turpin, Rev. Sydney			xxxx			Young Grove
Twiss, George				Bird Hill		xxxx
Twohig, Denis				xxxx			Curragraigue
Twohig, Eliza				xxxx			Curragraigue
Twomey, Denis				Rowgarrane 		Dunkettle
Twomey, Matthew				xxxx			Kilmeedy
Twomy, Margaret				xxxx			Knocknagree
Twoomey, Denis				xxxx			Riverstown
Tynte, Joseph Pratt			Tynte Park 		Dunlavin, co. Wicklow

Uniacke, Alice				xxxx			xxxx
Uniacke, Mrs.				xxxx			Cork
Uniacke, Norman				Mount Uniacke 		Killeagh
Uniacke, Robert				Castletown 		Killeagh
Upington, John				xxxx			Lisleagh
Upton, Christopher			Ballyonane 		Cloyne
Upton, Eliza				xxxx			Cloyne 
Usborne, Thomas M.			Ballintemple 		Cork

Varian, John				George's-street		Cork
Verlin, Eliza				xxxx			Youghal
Verling, Bartholomew			Spring Lodge 		Newmarket
Vickery, Thomas				xxxx			Bantry
Vickery, Richard			xxxx			Bantry
Vincent, Messrs.			xxxx			Limerick
Vincent, Berkely			xxxx			Dublin
Vincent, George				xxxx			Dublin

Wagge, H.				xxxx			Dublin
Wake, Richard, M.D.			Kylenahoory 		Ballyhooly
Wakeham, John				xxxx			Johnstown 
Wakeham, John				Waterbrock 		Midleton
Wakeham, Joseph				Springhill 		Carrigtwohill
Wakeham, Joseph [Reps. Of]		Waterbrock 		Midleton
Wakeham, Thos. [Reps. Of]		Rushbrook 		Queenstown
Wakeham, William			Ballinbrittig		Carrigtwohill
Walker, John				xxxx			xxxx
Walker, Rev. John Tyrwhitt		Scotlow Vicarage 	Norwich, England
Walker, Wallace Adams			Cassino House 		Castlemartyr
Wall, Thomas				41 South Mall 		Cork
Wallace, James				xxxx			xxxx
Wallace, Miss				xxxx			Dublin
Waller, Sir Edward [Reps. Of]		xxxx			xxxx	
Wallis, [A minor]			Drishane Castle 	Millstreet
Wallis, J. John				xxxx			Cork
Wallis, James				xxxx			xxxx
Walpole, Robert H.			Rathmaher 		Kanturk
Walsh, Anne				Commons			Blarney
Walsh, Anne				xxxx			Shanballymore
Walsh, David				Laghtneill 		Lissardagh
Walsh, Edmond				xxxx			Dromroe
Walsh, Edward				Duneen 			Clonakilty
Walsh, Edward				Commons 		Blarney
Walsh, John				Knock 			Banteer
Walsh, John				Kilbarry 		Dunmanway
Walsh, John 				Commons 		Blarney		
Walsh, John 				Commons			xxxx
Walsh, John [Reps. Of]			xxxx			xxxx
Walsh, Maurice				xxxx			Kilfinane
Walsh, Michael				Curragh 		Charleville
Walsh, Richard				Tooreenduff 		Inchageela, co. Cork
Walsh, Richard				Rathpeacon 		Cork
Walsh, Richard				Duneen 			Clonakilty
Walton, William				Ardbrack 		Kinsale
Warburton, Ven. Archdn.			xxxx			xxxx				
Ware, Nathaniel Webb			Woodfort 		Mallow
Ware, Thomas [Reps. Of]			xxxx			Mallow
Ware, William [Reps. Of]		xxxx			xxxx
Warmington, Edward			xxxx			Ballygroman
Warner, Peter				Clashduff 		Midleton
Warren, Sir A.R.			Warren's, Court 	Lisardagh, co.Cork
Warren, Augustus			Ringacoltic 		Queenstown
Warren, Captain				xxxx			Passage, Cork
Warren, Edward R.			xxxx			xxxx
Warren, Frederick H.			Codrum House 		Macroom
Warren, Mrs.				xxxx			Kinsale
Warren, The Misses			xxxx			Kinsale
Warren, Rev. R.				xxxx			Incherahilly
Warren, Richard				xxxx			xxxx
Warren, Richard, [Reps. Of]		xxxx			xxxx
Warren, Richard Lane			The Crescent 		Queenstown
Warren, Robert B.			Ashgrove House 		Macroom
Warren, Rev. Robert E.			The Mount 		Shrewsbury, England
Warren, Robert J.			xxxx			Dublin
Warren, Thomas				Barnahely 		Ringaskiddy
Warren, William B. [Reps. Of]		xxxx			Ringaskiddy
Waters, Thomas				North Mall 		Cork
Watkins, John				xxxx			xxxx
Watson, Daniel				xxxx			Milford
Webb, Anne				Rosanna 		Cork
Webb, Rev. J.B.				xxxx			xxxx
Webb, Rev. John [Reps. Of]		xxxx			Cork
Webb, John M'D.				The Hill 		Douglas
Webb, Mrs.				xxxx			Kinsale
Webb, Randal [Reps. Of]			Rosanna 		Cork
Webb, Richard				Quatertown Mills 	Mallow
Weir, George R.				Sraleigh 		Waterfall, Cork
Weldon, Robert				Highfort 		Liscarroll
Welland, William			Brookdale 		Midleton
Welply, James				Upton House 		Bandon
Welsted, Richard			Ballywalter 		Mallow
West, The Misses			xxxx			Dublin
Westhead, Joshua Proctor B.		xxxx			Yorkshire
Westropp, Henry				xxxx			Cork
Westropp, Henry B.			xxxx			Monkstown, Cork
Westropp, Hodder			xxxx			Rookhurst
Westropp, John				Attyflynn Park 		cooounty Limerick
Westropp, John L.			xxxx			India
Westropp, Major-Gen.			xxxx			Cork
Westropp, Miss				xxxx			xxxx
Westropp, Ralph				xxxx			Carrigaline
Westropp, William			xxxx			Cork
Wheatly, John H.			xxxx			Sligo
Wheeler, James				Fort Prospect 		Clonakilty
Wheeler, John R.			xxxx			Bandon
Wheeler, Joseph				Ringacolty 		Queenstown
Wheeler, Joseph Thos. [Reps. Of]	Banagher 		King's co.
Wheeler, Mrs.				56 Pembroke-road 	Dublin
White, Alice				xxxx			Macroom
White, David				Tirnanean 		Timoleage, Bandon
White, Edward				Mountain Common 	Clonakilty
White, Elizabeth			69 Haddington-road 	Dublin
White, George Martin			Castle White		Cork
White, Hans				xxxx			Kilburn
White, James				xxxx			Youghal
White, James				xxxx			Kilburn
White, James				Mountain Common 	Clonakilty
White, John Hamilton			xxxx			St. Lukes, Cork
White, Mrs.				xxxx			xxxx		
White, Robert, H.E.			Glengarrif 		Bantry
White, Lady Sarah			Montague-square 	London
White, William P.			xxxx			Dublin
Whitehouse, Joseph			XXXX			Lincoln's Inn Fields, London
Whiteway, Christopher Valance		xxxx			Kinsale
Whiting, Miss Jane			xxxx			Brothersfort
Whitney, William			Knocknanav 		Belgooly
Wigmore, Henry				Ballynona 		Midleton
Wilkinson, Elizabeth M.			18 Leeson Park		Dublin
Wilkinson, James			Boherash 		Glanworth
Wilkinson, Mary Eliza			xxxx			Dunmanway
Williams, John				xxxx			Macroom
Williams, Michael			xxxx			Ballineen
Williamson, Arthur [Reps. Of]		xxxx			Mallow
Williamson, General			xxxx			Carhookeal
Williamson, Col. John			xxxx			Carhookeal
Williamson, John [Reps. Of]		xxxx			Knuckskagh
Wilmot, Edward C.			xxxx			Cheltenham
Wilmot, Edward S.
	*Agent Wm Philips 		Coolay 			Portarlington
Wilson, Andrew				xxxx			Knockanemore
Wilson, Benj. [Reps. Of]		xxxx			xxxx	
Wilson, Edward				Scartbarry 		Watergrasshill
Wilson, Henry				xxxx			Ballynaclashy
Wilson, James				xxxx			xxxx
Wilson, William				Kilcummer 		Castletownroche
Wise, Anne				North Mall 		Cork
Wise, Charles				Cahir 			co. Tipperary
Wise, Edward				Mount Desert 		Cork
Wise, Francis				xxxx			Cork
Wise, George F.				Kilbarry 		Cork
Wise, Rev. Henry			Bridgenorth 		Shropshire
Wise, Joshua P.				Rostellan 		Midleton
Wise, Robert				xxxx			Cork
Wise, Thomas				xxxx			Cork
Wise, William				xxxx			Brighton, England
Wiseman, Howard				xxxx			America
Wiseman, James				xxxx			
Wolfe, Philip 				xxxx			Bantry
Wood, Andrew Jordaine			10 Syndey-place 	Cork
Wood, Attiwell				xxxx			Cork
Wood, Captain				xxxx			England
Wood, George A.				Lota House 		Cork
Wood, Shaw Benjamin [Reps. Of]		xxxx			Cork
Wood, Thomas				Mardyke 		Cork
Woodley, Francis			58 Sunday's Well 	Cork
Woodley, Francis			xxxx			Cork
Woodley, Francis H.			Haymount 		Carrigtwohill
Woodley, Francis W.			Leeds House 		Macroom
Woodley, John George			Leeds 			Macroom
Woodroffe, George F.			Glanmire-road 		Cork
Woodroffe, Rev. John			Ballinglanna 		Glanmire
Woodroffe, John			39 Upper Fitzwilliam Street 	Dublin
Woods, Kilner R. [Reps. Of]		xxxx			Dublin
Woods, Mrs.				Dereeney 		Skibbereen
Woods, William				Kilkeran House 		Clonakilty
Woulfe, Anne				xxxx			xxxx
Woulfe, Robert [Reps. Of]		xxxx			Bantry
Woulfe, Robert [Reps. Of]		xxxx			Ballyroe
Woulfe, William				xxxx			Skibbereen
Woulfe, William [Reps. Of]		xxxx			Cashel
Wren, John [Reps. Of]			xxxx			xxxx
Wright, Digby				xxxx			Bandon
Wright, Henry				Cashefane 		Durrus
Wright, Thomas R.			xxxx			Clonakilty
Wrin, Ellen				xxxx			Knockmacenna
Wrixon, [xxxx] & Baldwin, [xxxx]	xxxx			xxxx
Wrixon, Henry				xxxx			Paris
Wrixon, Henry V.			xxxx			Dublin
Wrixon, John N.				xxxx			Dublin
Wrixon, John R.				xxxx			Castlehyde
Wrixon, John W.				xxxx			Dublin
Wrixon, Mrs.				xxxx			Cork
Wycherley, George J.			South Mall 		Cork
Wynne, Rev. [xxxx]			xxxx			xxxx
Wynne, George				xxxx			Mallow
Wyse, Henry B. [Reps. Of]		xxxx			Cork

Yelverton, Hon. Maria			xxxx			Dublin
Yelverton, Walter			xxxx			xxxx
Yielding, Samuel			xxxx			Youghal
Young, Henry Lindsay			Leemount		Cork
Young, John				xxxx			Kilworth
Young, John R.				xxxx			Dunmanway
Young, Nicholas				xxxx			Cork
Young, William				xxxx			Bantry

Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland: A 
Summary for each Province and For All Ireland Presented to 
both Houses of Parliament by Command of the Queen [Out of 