Land: CORK, In the matter of the estate of CHARLOTTE MANNIX, and WILLIAM MANNIX, an infant, Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Land Index Copyright Contributed by C.Hunt ___________________________________________________________________ In the matter of the estate of CHARLOTTE MANNIX, and WILLIAM MANNIX, an infant, Ex parte JOHN CARROLL, And BARCROFT HAUGHTON CARROLL By Public Auction ... 26 day of May, 1857 Lot no. 2 Rental of certain premises called Muckridge Close, now known as part of Copperally, situate in the Barony of Imokilly and County of Cork formerly the North Liberties of Youghal, containing 4a. 0r. 1p. Statute Measure or thereabouts and certain other premises situate in the North Main Street in the Town of Youghal and County of Cork containing about 40 feet in front and 175 feet from front to rere held respectively under a lease from three lives renewable for ever, but the same will be conveyed to the purchaser in fee-farm under the Commissioners' Conversion Order Denominations Tenants names Tenure Muckridge Close Representatives Lease dated 1st August 1810 from Thomas MANNIX known as part of of Thomas JOHN Esq. to Thomas JOHN, the elder, and Thomas JOHN, the Copperally younger, (both since deceased) of that part of the field called Muckridge Close, together with the four houses thereon, as then lately held by John SWAYNE, and therein stated to contain by estimation 3a. 1r. 29p. statute measure, more or less, and to be situate in the north liberties of Youghal, bounded on the west by the road leading from Tallow Road to Muckridge House and the premises thereby demised, on the north, by grounds in possession of John HUDSON and on the east by other lands in the possession of said John HUDSON and on the south partly by a house and strip of ground in the possession of Daniel TOOMEY and partly by the passage leading from the high road to said field and said TOOMEY'S ground, for the lives of the said Thomas JOHN the younger, William JOHN, then aged about 10 years and son to the said Thomas JOHN the elder, and of Hugh POLLOCK then aged about 10 years, eldest son of John POLLOCK Attorney-at-Law, and the survivor of them, and the further lives and life to be added thereto pursuant to the covenant for perpetual renewal therein contained upon payment of one pepper corn as a renewal fine on the fall of each life at the yearly rent of £20 11s 9d of the then Irish currency. ditto James RYAN Tenant from year to year, year ending the 25th of March in each year. Youghal North Main Street Representatives of Lease dated 11th April 1767 from George MANNIX to William MEAD William MEAD of a plot of ground whereon the pound was formerly built by the said George MANNIX and a waste plot of ground within the north gate of the said town of Youghal, which plots were therein stated to contain in breadth 42 feet, and in depth 90 feet more or less, and are now situate in the North Main Street of said town, for the term of three lives, with covenant for perpetual renewal upon payment of 20s. then Irish currency, as a renewal fine on the fall of each life, at the yearly rent of £6 like currency, equal to £5 10s 9 1/4d of the present currency. The last renewal of said lease bears date 30th March 1827 and was made by Charlotte MANNIX to Daniel GOOLD and Philip O'NEILL (since deceased)for the lives of James GOOLD, fifth son of said Daniel GOOLD and James O'NEILL eldest son of said Philip O'NEILL, the surviving lives named in the therein recited renewal of 29th June 1822, and of Thomas O'NEILL third son of said Philip O'NEILL being the life then added in the room of Thomas MANNIX deceased the third life named in said renewal of 29th June 1822. This Lot will be sold subject to that portion thereof situat in the North Main-street, Youghal, in the tenancy of the Representatives of William Mead, to the perpetual yearly sum of £6 Irish, equal to £5 10s. 9 1/4d British, created and charged by the Will of Alderman George MANNIX, dated 18th October, 1771, in favor of 12 of the poor inhabitants of Youghal, upon and to be payable out of such portion and therein described as the Dwelling-house, Slaughter-house and Yard near the North Gate, in the Town of Youghal, then in the possession of William CARROLL. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Source: FHL# 0258795 Encumbered Estates - County Cork.