Land: CORK, In the Matter of the Estate of FREDERICK MARCUS CALLAGHAN, Louisa Margaretta CALLAGHAN. Richard CALLAGHAN, and John CALLAGHAN, OWNERS Ex-parte Richard CALLAGHAN, Petitioner Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Land Index Copyright Contributed by C.Hunt & M. Taylor _________________________________________________________________________________ In the Court of the Commissioners for Sale of Incumbered Estates in Ireland CITY OF CORK SALE OF VALUABLE Fee-Simple Estates, on Friday the 26th day of July, 1850. RENTAL AND PARTICULARS OR VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE ESTATES in the City of Cork and County of Cork, within four miles distance of the city. which will be SOLD BY AUCTION as stated in the annexed Rental and Particulars, by the said COMMISSIONERS, AT THEIR COURT, No. 14 HENRIETTA-STREET, DUBLIN ON Friday the 26th day of July, 1850 at the hour of 12 o'Clock NOON Pursuant to the absolute order made in this Matter bearing the date the 7th day of February, 1850 unless same be sold by private contract previous to the 10th of July next, of which due notice will be given to the Public. N.B. - Proposals for the purchase of the whole or any part of these Estates will be received up to the 10th day of July next. For Rentals and further information apply at the Office of the Commissioners, No. 14 Henrietta-street, Dublin; or to MURDOCK GREEN, Solicitor, having the Carriage of the Proceedings, 1 D'Olier-street, Dublin; or to Walter MORROGH, Esq., Receiver in Cause of CALLAGHAN v. CALLAGHAN, South Mall, Cork. ______________________________________________________________________________________ RENTAL and PARTICULARS: DENOMINATIONS TENANTS' NAMES YEARLY RENTS 1] FARRENVERDOWNEY The Board of £461 10s 0d otherwise VERDON'S Inland Revenue 1st February and 1st August LAND, and LACKEN- (late the Excise TUBBERNURNY, Parish Commissioners) NATURE OF TENANCY: [Observations] Held by tenants under Lease of Lives renewable for ever bearing date 1st November, 1826. The lives in this lease are all expired. These premises described in the lease as containing in front, to the River Lee, 200 feet and in the rere to Alfred-street, 201 feet 5 inches and from front to rere, to the West side 274 feet 6 inches, and from front to rere on the East side 312 feet 9 inches. 2] Part of same Land Same as above £145 4s 1-3/4d (Store No. 2) NATURE OF TENANCY: [Observations] Held by tenants under Lease of Lives renewable for ever bearing date 1st November, 1826, for lives therein of Christopher COLE, Thomas WAGGETT and Richard POPE. These premises described in the lease as containing in front, to the River Lee, 100 feet and in the rere to Alfred-street, 102 feet 5 inches and from front to rere on the East side 339 feet, and from front to rere on the West side 318 feet 2 inches. 3] Tucking Mill, Mill- Mssrs. William £254 10s 0d Stream, and Mill THORLEY and Son 25th March and 29th September Lands of Glanmire part of Poulacurry in Deduct Composition £4 10s 0d the County of Cork in lieu of Tithe ____________ Rent-charge £250 0s 0d NATURE OF TENANCY: [Observations] Held by Mssrs. THORLEY under Lease of 28th February, 1832 for 700 years from the 25th March, then next. reservation to Landlord of timber, tree, woods, and underwoods (with power to Tenant to purchase same for £290,) mines, coals, collieries minerals and metallic substances and other royalties with liberty of cutting, raising and carrying away the same. Covenant by Tenant to insure from damage by fire, in sum £1200. Tenant to pay the Tithe Composition amounting to £4 10s yearly which is to be deducted from rent. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTIVE PASRTICULARS AND OBSERVATIONS Lot No. 1: By arrangement the Rent payable by the Government out of these premises can be paid at any Custom-house in the United Kingdom. _________ Lot.No. 2: Same Observation __________ Lot.No. 3: This Lot is situate at Glanmire, about four miles from the City of Cork and there is a fine Tucking-mill built on the premises having a never-failing supply of water. Mssrs. Thorley at present use the Land surrounding the Mill as a Bleach-ground. There is also a good substantial Dwelling-house on this Lot. The Mills are situate in the midst of a corn-growing country and on the high road from Fermoy, to Cork by which all the corn produce of that side of the country is conveyed to the City of Cork. Murdock GREEN, Solicitor 1 D'Olier-street, Dublin _______________________________________________________________________________________ Source: FHL# 0258795 Encumbered Estates - County Cork.