Land: CORK [6 Lots] - In the Matter of the Estate of Leslie Craggs O'CALLAGHAN
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Land Index
Contributed by C.Hunt

In the Court of the Commissioners for the Sale of Incumbered Estates in Ireland
Valuable and Fee-simple, Freehold and Leasehold Estates situate in the County
and City of Cork which will be offered for sale at Public Auction in SIX LOTS,
by R. B. EVANS, at his Auction Rooms, South Mall, Cork on Saturday, the 26th day
of June, 1858, at the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon.

The biddings will be submitted to Mr. Commissioner LONGFIELD at his Chambers, No. 14
Henrietta-street, Dublin on Wednesday, the 30th of June without further notice to
any person.
Premises, in Christ Church-lane and Wood's-lane in the Parish of Holy Trinity and
City of Cork. held in Fee-simple
RENTAL -- LOT No. 2		Gale Days 25th March-29th September


1]	Dwelling-house and	Representatives of		£3 7s. 6d.
	premises in Woods-	Geo Winspear McCARTHY
	lane 			now Jeremiah SCANNELL

NATURE OF TENANCY; [McCARTHY-SCANNELL] Lease dated 14th September, 1826 granted by
Leslie O'CALLAGHAN TO John Winspear McCARTHY of a dwelling house and premises in
Wood's-lane leading from South Main-street, for 91 years from 29th September, 1826
containing the usual covenants between Landlord and tenant.
2]	Premises in
	Christ Church-lane	In the Owner's			RENTAL -- LOT No. 2

NATURE OF TENANCY; Noted - as the premises are in the owner's possession - probably
letting value is here set-out.

Descriptive Particulars of Lot. No. 2
The above premises in the Owner's possession  have a frontage towards Christ Church Lane,
close to Christ Church Lane. Sometimes since £8 a year was offered, but refused, the
owner cot considering same sufficient;  the premises are close to Christ Church and
would form an eligible site for building.
LOT 3- LANDS of Clashnascoub and Ballinure, otherwise Besborough, situate in the
Barony of Cork, Parish of St. Fin Bars, held under two separte leases for term of
999 years of which nearly 900 years are unexpired, subject to the yearly rents
of £18 3s. 8-1/46d. and £42 17s. 6-1/2d.
RENTAL -- LOT No. 3			Gale Days 25th March-29th September


1]	Clashnascoub, being	Representatives of		£151 16s. 11-1/2d.
	part of Ballinure; 	Francis ALLEN, NOW
	and Ballinure other-	Ebenezer PIKE
	wise Besborough
	premises in Woods-
NATURE OF TENANCY: [ALLEN, now PIKE] Lease dated 28th April, 1777, granted by
Margaret CRAGGS, Robert O'CALLAGHAN and Leslie CRAGGS, to Francis ALLEN for
900 years from the 25th March, 1763 at the yearly rent of 30s, late currency, for
each and every acre said lands contained according to Mr. *VESTER'S map
or survey of said lands containing the usual covenants between landlord and tenant.

The foregoing lands are being held under two separate leases, one thereof bearing the
date the 27th October, 1724, executed by Joseph NAGLE to Yardley LEWIS and Charles
LAMB for the term of 999 years from the 29th September then last at the yearly rent of
19£ 14s.late currency, payable every 25th March and 22nd Sept. and 1s in the pound
Receiver's fees in the event of said rent being two months in arrear;  also in case said
rent should be two months in arrear after any of the days of payment being properly
demanded, 1s. in the pound receiver's fees - and are described as All That and Those that
part of the field of Clashnascoub, then in the possession of the lessees, being part of the
lands of Ballinure, in the South Liberties of the City of Cork, containing 39a.1r 27p
English statute measure, mearing and bounding as follows, viz. on the East with Mr.
ADDISON;S holdings, on the West by Ballinlough, on the South with the strand, and on the
North with Ballynisheen; together with the right and liberty of a road leading from
Ballinlough to Ballinure to the field thereby demised which said lease contains the
usual covenants between landlord and tenant.

The second of said leases, bearing the date of 30th day of Aug. 1735, executed by Joseph
NAGLE to John CRAGGS for the term of 999 years from the 1st of May 1731, at the yearly rent
of 46£ 9s, payable half yearly on every 1st day  of. Nov and 1st day of May; and in case the
said rent or any part thereof should be in arrear for two months after any of the payments
being lawfully demanded, the sum of twelve pence per pound receiver's fees - and are
described as All That and Those that part and parcel of the lands of Ballinure set forth
by the said Joseph NAGLE to  Yardley LEWIS and Charles Lamb, then in the possession of the
said John CRAGGS; which said parcel of land was thereby agreed to contain 71a 1r 34p, English
statute measure, and to be mearing and bounding as follows: that is to say on the West
with the holdings of Mr. John Addison; on the North with the holdings or James CANTILLON,
Denis KEEFE and several others of said NAGLE'S tenants; on the East with the road leading
to the sea or river, as the same has been set out, and on the South with the Strand, situate
on the South Liberties of the City of Cork, with full and free liberty of the well or spring
on the premises, and of water and watering cattle on the Lough or Pond on the said lands of
Ballinure in common with the said Joseph NAGLES'S other tenants on the said kands of
Ballinure together with liberty of the gate and way on the South side of said CANTILLON'S
or BROADWAY holdings.

These lands are now in the Barony and County of Cork, and are situate about 3 miles of the
City of Cork, and adjoining the sea or river, commanding a beautiful view of the river and
surrounding scenery.  On that portion of the lands demised by the lease of 27th October, 1724
the superb mansion of Ebenezer PIKE, Esq., one of the finest and most beautiful in the
South of Ireland, on which he has lately expended large sums.  On that portion of said lands
demised by the lease of 30th August, 1735, are also detached residences called Fairyville
and Saugboro'.  The Cork, Blackrock and Passage Railway runs through a portion of the lands,
and there are two stations - one at Blackrock and the other at Rochestown, which are in the
immediate vicinity.  This lot may be looked upon as a chief Rent.

The purchaser of Lot No. 3 shall not be entitled to require evidence of the Lessor in the
lease of 27th October, 1724 and 30th August 1735, to make the same respectively, nor object
by any reason of any incumbrance affecting his estate or interest. The original lease of
27th October 1724 and 30th August 1735 and the counterparts of the tenant's lease will be
handed to the purchaser.
Dwelling-house and Premises situate on the Mardyke, held for the residue
of a term of 38 years from the 29th September, 1837 with 'toties quoties'
covenant for renewal.
RENTAL -- LOT No. 4		Gale Days 25th March-29th September


1]	Dwelling-house and	Unoccupied			£15 0s. 0d.
	premises on the
	Mardyke or Red
	House Walk.

The foregoing with other  premises are held under lease bearing date the 25th June
1783, executed by Robert FORSAYETH to Daniel MURPHY for a term of 19 years from the 25th
day of March then next at the yearly rent of £27 12s. 0d.. of the late currency, and are
thus described as All That and Those a piece of ground 92 in front to Mardyke or Red House
Walk, and 120 feet in depth from front to rere, mearing and bounding on the North with the
red House Walk and on the East, South and West with said Robert FORSAYETH'S holdings in the
Parish of Saint Finn Barr's in the City of Cork, which said lease contains 'totie quoties'
covenant for perpetual renewal therof.

The said Daniel MURPHY built four dwelling-houses on said piece of ground.  The last renewal
bears the date the 29 day of March, 1833 and was made between Cornelius LYNE of the
first part and the Rev, James George PURCELL, of the second part and Leslie O'CALLAGHAN
of the third part and after reciting the said lease of the 25th of June, 1783 and that the
buildings on said piece of ground consisted of four dwelling-houses and were the four
first houses on and fronting Mardyke, said Cornelius LYNE demised to said James PURCELL
All That and Those the said piece of ground in front to the Mardyke or Red House Walk
the said dwelling houses and improvements made thereon, so comprised in the said
indenture of lease made and executed to said Daniel MURPHY for the term of 38 years, from
the 29th September 1827 at the yearly rent of £27 late currency, equivalent to £25 9s.,
present currency payable half-yearly on every 25th March and 29th Sept, which said lease
contains the usual covenants between landlord and tenant.

And said James George PURCELL covenanted and agreed with the said Leslie O'CALLAGHAN that
said indenture of renewal was so made to him in trust and solely for the use of the parties
entitled thereto, namely for the use of said James George PURCELL, according to his rights,
and for the use of said Leslie CALLAGHAN as to the third house of said four houses, being
the house now for sales and that during said term, and every renewal thereof to be
granted, he should stand possessed of said third dwelling house in trust for the sole
use of said Leslie O'CALLAGHAN, his executors, administrators, and assigns, should during
said term, and every renewal thereof so long as he, his executors or administrators should
continue in possession thereof, well and truly pay to the said James George PURCELL, his
executors, administrators and assigns the said one fourth part and proportion of said yearly
rent so reserved and made payable before the days and times the same should become due
and payable and should and would do as aforesaid, but not further or otherwise well and
sufficiently indemnify and save harmelss and keep indemnified the same James George PURCELL,
his executors, administrators and assigns and the said two first houses, part of said
premises from the payment thereof and from any loss and damage in repect of said third
dwelling house.

The purchaser of Lot No. 4 shall not require the original lease of 25th June, 1783
but shall be satisfied with the counterpart of the renewal of the 29th March, 1833 and
shall not be entitled to require evidence of the title of the Lessor or lessors
to make same respectively, nor object by any reason of any incumbrance affecting
his estate or interest.  The premises will be sold primarily liable to the yearly rent
of £27 of the late currency reserved by said lease of 25th June, 1783 with such
right of indemnity as is given by the covenant contained in said renewal of 29th
March, 1833.
Lots 5 and 6 to follow next set:

Source: FHL# 0258795 Encumbered Estates - County Cork.