Cork - Ejectment of Daniel HANLON of Dromhoe *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Cork Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: Mary Heaphy EJECTMENT OF DANIEL HANLON OF DROMHOE, 1869 On Aug. 4th three Sheriffs Bailiffs from Kanturk, named RING, ENRIGHT, and QUINLAN, proceeded to Mr. Daniel HANLON'S of Dromohoe, to effect an ejectment at suit of Mr. Denis O'CALLAGHAN, of Caherduggan, for non payment of rent. HANLON'S wife was made aware of the visit of the bailiffs, for whom she immediately prepared a warm reception in the shape of a pot of boiling water, a gallon of which she threw at them as they were entering the house and put them to flight.