St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork, Co. Cork, Ireland Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Cork Index Copyright Contributed to IGP Archives by Valerie Ackroyd Photos -------------------------------- ST FIN BARRE'S CATHEDRAL, CORK, CO. CORK, IRELAND *Hint Use Your Find in Page Function eg. Ctrl-F Photo No.0 Cathedral Photo No.1 In memory of Major | J. C. O. ALDWORTH | of Newmarket Court | Died 1926 | And of his wife | LENA STEPHANIE | of Ardnalee Cork | Died 1956 | at Thornbury Glos. | And their son Major | J. R. St. L. ALDWORTH | Royal Ulster Rifles | Killed in action Photo No.2 In loving memory of ROBERT ALDWORTH | Colonel North Cork Rifles. Formerly | Captain 94th Regiment. Born Oct 31 1809 | Died Sept 1 1899. Photo No.3 Presented by JANE LUCY BRADY in | loving memory of her husband | Rev THOMAS HARE BRADY M.A. Rector | of Kanturk. Who died July 9th 1879 | JANE L. BRADY died 28th July 1906 Photo No.4 The | burial place | of | MICHAEL BUCKLEY | And Family | Sept 1855 Photo No.5 Sacred | to the memory of | FRANCIS ELMSLEY | Who died in 1758 (?) | HARRIET BUSTEED | Who died in 1833 | Aged 83 years | MARY BUSTEED | Who died in 1838 | Aged 72 years | JOHN ELMSLEY BUSTEED | Who died in 1843 | Aged 45 years Photo No.6 Here lieth the Body of | PATRICK CAMPBELL | of the County Roscommon | who depd. this life Sept. 26 | 1806 | Aged 28 Years | [semi-legible poem] Photo No.7 The two long marble shaftings | in the North side of the | Sanctuary were erected | to the Glory of God | and in ever loving memory of | PENELOPE COLTHURST | D 30th June 1913 | The wife of W. GUEST LANE | And of their two children | WILLIAM OTWAY GUEST D 28th April 1900 | And EDITH GUEST | D 28th November 1912 | Wife of HENRY HOBART M.B. | NATHANIEL HENRY HOBART | Born 13th May 1866 | Died 24th January 1959 Photo No.8 To the Glory of God | and in loving memory of | LEONARD DOBBIN who was | born 1886 and who died | 1957 Rector's Churchwarden | and Honorary Truhsurer | from 1934 to 1957. Who for | twenty three years made | the care of this Cathedral | Church his constant | interest and who gave | generously of his time | to all that concerned | its maintenance. Photo No.9 Sacred | to the memory of | DENIS DONOGHUE | Who died of injuries received | from machinery | 20th Octr. 1862 | Aged 19 years | R.I.P. Photo No.10 Sacred | to the memory of | FRANCIS DORAN | Who died 28th February | 1858 | Aged 32 years | Also | EMMA JANE PAGE | Who died 26th October | 1858 | Aged 31 years | Also her son | WILLIAM HENRY PAGE | Who died ... of May | 1859 | Aged 1 year Photo No.11 To the memory of | VIVIAN CONSTANCE FENTON | Dearly loved wife of | JOHN EARLE | ALDERLEY Edge, Cheshire | And eldest daughter of | MYLES FENTON DAVIES | of the County of | Lancaster, who died at | Cork, the result of an | accident on Sunday | 27th Sept 1936 | Aged 36 years. | As a Memorial of a | much loved daughter | the paintings in the | clerestory of the | choir were given by | her mother, MAY DAVIES Photo No.12 The burial place of | WILL. & JAMES FRANKLIN | and family | Sacred also | to the memory of | CHARLOTTE ELIZ. BRUNETTE | who died Jany 31 1860 | Aged 17 years | [rest illegible] Photo No.13 In loving memory of | my mother | MARGERY HANNAH | Nee WRIGHT | of County Cork and Kent | 1892 - 1964 | The gift of her son HENRY | And of WALTER HENRY HANNAH | 1925 - 1970 | of the Colonial Service. | A dearly loved husband and father Photo No.14 To the beloved | memory of WILLIAM | HENRY HARE 4th Earl | of Bantry died 1892. | Aged 37 years. | From his loving | mother JANE Countess | of Bantry 1892. Photo No.15 In loving and revered | memory of WILLIAM | HENRY HARE 3rd Earl | of Bantry died 1884. | From his devoted wife | JANE daughter of | CHARLES JOHN HERBERT | of Muckross 1892 Photo No.16 Erected to the memory of | JOHN HARLEY | Who died November 28 1861 | aged 83 | Memorial of affection by | EDWARD and SARAH E. SCOTT Photo No.17 This stone was erected by | ELIZABETH HARRIS | in memory of her Husband | JOHN HARRIS | who depd. this life on the 18th | day of March 1827 Aged 29 years | [epitaph illegible] Photo No.18 In loving memory of | ERNEST CHAMBERS HITCHMOUGH | Who died November 17th 1946 | Aged 79 years. | A faithful member of | the Select Vestry for 46 years | and Churchwarden for 16 years | who contributed generously to | the funds of this Cathedral. Photo No.19 To the Glory of God | and in loving memory of | NATHANIEL JOSEPH HOBART | Born January 6th 1826 | Died June 24th 1909 | And of his son | FRED A HOBART | A & S Highlanders | Born May 27th 1883 | Killed in action | in France | December 16th 1916 | Also of ALICE wife of | NATHANIEL JOSEPH HOBART | Died May 24th 1884 | Aged 43 years | Also of their daughter | ALICE MAUD EXHAM | Who did Sept 18th 1941 | Aged 76 years Photo No.20 This stone was e | rected by JOHN & | DANIEL KEEFFE In | Memory Of Their | Father TIMOTHY | Who Departed this | Life August 20th | 1784 Aged 56 Years Photo No.21 Sacred | To the Memory of | SARAH the Beloved Wife | of | JOHN KINMON... | Who depd. this life | May 31st 1835 | In the 31st Year | of her age Photo No.22 In loving memory | of JEMIMA LUCY | Widow of RICHARD | LONGFIELD D.L. | Presented by her | son R. E. LONGFIELD 1892 Photo No.23 In loving memory of | WILLIAM HENRY MADDEN | Captain 16th R.I.R. Son of | Very rev. S. O. MADDEN | Dean of Cork, | Fell in France on Palm | Sunday 1918 aged 33 years | Faithful unto death | Also of OWEN eldest son of | Dean MADDEN. Born 1871 died | 1947. Rector of Castlehaven | 1914 1947 | Chancellor of this | Cathedral 1940 1948 Photo No.24 To the Glory of Dog and in loving memory of | JAMES CHRISTOPHER MARKS | Mus.D. Oxon. Born May 4th 1835. Died July 17th 1903. For 44 years he acted as | Organist and Choirmaster of this Cathedral | with the most distinguished ability and devotion. | By his sterling Christian | character and his kindly | genial qualities he gained | the respect and love of | all who knew him. | This Memorial is dedicated | to his memory by those who | were members of his choir. Photo No.25 Erected | to the memory of | ISABELLA | wife of | ALEX McOSTRICH Esq. | Who died ... 19th 1858 | Also to their children | JAMES | ... ... ... 1839 | ISABELLA | Died ... Dec ... Photo No.26 Erected | by | RICHARD NEIL | In memory of | his daughter | MARY ANNE | Died Sep 20th 1847 | Aged 19 years Photo No.27 In loving memory of | MILES HENRY O'DONOVAN | Capt. 4th Batt. Royal Munster | Fusiliers. Second son of | MORGAN WILLIAM O'DONOVAN | (The O'DONOVAN) and MARY ELEANOR his wife of | Lissard Skibbereen Co. Cork | And Grandson of | HENRY WINTHROP O'DONOVAN | Born 26 June 1895 | Killed in action in France | 20 June 1916 | Buried at Mazingarbe | near Bethune | Photo No.28 In loving memory of Major | WILLIAM STOPFORD SARSFIELD | The Connaught Rangers | Who died of wounds received | at the Battle of the Aisne | September 20th 1914 when | in command of the Second | Battalion of his Regiment. | He was the third son of | DOMINICK RONAYNE PATRICK | SARSFIELD | Doughcloyne Cork Photo No.29 EDWARD SCOTT | Entered into rest July 19 1883 aged 68 years | ... ... ... | SARAH ELIZABETH SCOTT | Died ... ... ... | Aged ... ... Photo No.30 Erected | in the memory of | JOHN SHORT | by his wife | ELLEN | He departed this life | on the 27th June 1838 | Aged ... years Photo No.31 Erected | by SAMUEL STEPHENS | In memory of his beloved | child MARY ANNE | Who died Jany 9th 1854 | Aged 1 year and 3 months. | Suffer little children and | forbid them Not to come | unto me for of such is the | kingdom of Heaven Photo No.32 Sacred | to the memory of | ELLEN TATE | Who died on Tile (?) | 24 of July 1861 Photo No.33 The affections of a devoted widow, and sorrowing relatives | consecrate this tablet to the memory of | Captain EATON JOSEPH TRAVERS, | of the 1st Punjab Rifles, who fell at the memorable siege of Delhi, | (Where his mortal remains are interred) | on the 2nd of August, 1857, aged 33 years. | He was the fourth son of | Major General Sir ROBERT TRAVERS, | and one of that heroic band, who, undismayed by treachery, disloyalty, and crime, sustained the honor of the British nation and the | authority of the British Crown, with a constancy, intrepidity, | and chivalry unparalleled in the world's history. | The corresponding marble records the untimely end of his | eldest brother at Chillianwallah in 1849. Photo No.34 To the Glory of God and | to the dear memory of | Captain HUGH MORTIMER TRAVERS | Late Leicestershire Regt. | Elder son of | Lt. Col. JOSEPH OATES TRAVERS | Late Leicestershire Regt. | Killed in action at Ypres | Nov. 8th 1914 | whilst most gallantly | leading his men and after | successfully retaining a | trench from which French | troops had retired. | Erected by his loving | mother, sister and brother. | "Be thou faithful unto death | and I will give thee a crown | of life." | Gazetted D.S.O. 10th March 1915. Photo No.35 To the Glory of God and in memory of | General JAMES TRAVERS C.B.V.C. Bengal Army | Born Oct. 6 1821. Died April 1 1884 at Pallanza Italy | Third son of | General Sir ROBERT TRAVERS C.B.E.C.M.G. | His mortal remains are interred | at Pallanza Lake Maggiore Italy | This monument erected by his widow | MARY ISABELLA nee MACINTYRE | Also in memory of MARY ISABELLA TRAVERS | Who died at Bridge of Allan on 16 June 1933 | In her 104th year Photo No.36 To the memory of | Major General Sir ROBERT TRAVERS K.C.B., K.C.M.G. & ... | and HARRIETTE LETITIA his wife | This tablet is erected by their children in testimony | of the grateful and affectionate regard in which their | honored names are held. | [there follows a long biography of Sir Robert, I have entered only his death and his wife's death] ... This distinguished soldier was in the 64th year of his honorable life | abruptly taken from his young and numerous family, having survived | but a few days the injuries received from a fall from his horse | in the streets of this his native city. He died Dec. 24th 1834. This deep and sudden bereavement (its first stunning shock recovered) | did but serve to render more eminently conspicuous, | the virtues and marked energy of mind of his afflicted lady. | "Her children arise up and call her blessed" from ... | She departed this life 24th May 1847, and her mortal remains | together with those of her lamented husband | rest in the family vault beneath this Cathedral. Photo No.37 Struck down in the flower of his age, | on the 13th day of January, 1849, | while gallantly leading the Grenadier Company of H.M. 24th Regt. of Foot | at the sanguinary conflict of Chillianwallah in the East Indies, | Captain ROBERT WILLIAM TRAVERS | there fills, on the field of battle, a soldier's grave. | He was the eldest son of Major-General Sir ROBERT TRAVERS, | whose military services are elsewhere recorded | on the walls of this Cathedral. | An. Aet. XXXII. Photo No.38 Here | lyeth ye body of | GILES TUCKER who | departed this life | ye 12 of November | ye yeare 1709 Photo No.39 This Stone was Erectd | by MARY TWOMEY in | Memory of her Husband | CORNL. TWOMEY | who Departed this Life | Decr 24 1803 Aged | 48 years | May he rest in peace Amen. Photo No.40 Erected | to the memory of | JAMES TYLER | Who departed this life | on Monday June 14 1858 | Aged 40 years Photo No.41 To the Glory of God and in loving memory of | my darling wife BERTHE VALENTINE daughter of | Monsieur H. DUCRET Consul of France at Chandner Agore | and of Paris who died at Cork 1st December 1905 | from a painful disease long and heroically borne. | It was mainly owing to her energy and exertions | that the first leper asylum was built in Burma. | Celui qui a trouve une femme accomplie a trouve | un faveur de l'eternel Proverbs XVIII 22 | "He shall give his angels charge over thee." | Erected by her sorrowing husband Major W. G. OTTLEY | 34th Sikh Pioneers Photo No.42 The Burial Place | of | CHRISTOPHER WATERS | & family 1809 Photo No.43 Sacred | to the memory of | THO. W. WILLIAMSON | and Family | He died Sep 9 1868 (?) | His beloved wife ELIZABETH | Died May 24 1848 (?) | Their daughter | MARG. HAYES & son | Who died Aug. 15. 1834 | Aged 23 years | His grandchild | BESSIE HAYES | Died June 5. 1833 | Aged 6 weeks Photo No.44 GERALDINE B. WRIGHT | Dau. HENRY, ETHEL WRIGHT | of Clonakilty. Wife of | Baron de Penaranda | of Bruges | B. 1895 Photo No.45 To the Glory of God | and in loving memory of | Captain HENRY THOMAS | RICHARD SOMERSET WRIGHT | 2nd Manchester Regiment | Killed on active service | at DIBBIS SOUDAN | on Decr. 24th 1916 | Aged 32 years. | "He suffered and was buried" | "Awake thou that sleepest | and arise from the dead | and Christ shall give | thee light." | Also of HENRY THOMAS WRIGHT | Died April 13 1937 Clerk of the | Crown and Peace, Cork 1905 1926 Photo No.46 Sacred to the memory of THOMAS RICHARD WRIGHT | of Fern Hill, Clonakilty | Co. Cork. Died October 6th | 1881 aged 69. And to the | memory of | ETHEL WRIGHT | Nee HUNGERFORD | of Cahermore | Rosscarbery Co. Cork | And widow of H. T. WRIGHT | of Fern Hill, Clonakilty | Co. Cork. | Died Jan 25th 1944 aged 83. | Lt. Col. G. WRIGHT D.S.O. M.C. | Fern Hill Clonakily | 1886 - 1973 | LEILA his wife | 1900 - 1968 | Daughter of Col. MOORE C.B.E. | Binfield All images Copyright by Photographer