Cork - Daly, Margaret May 19, 1854

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Cork Index


File contributed by: Rosalind Dunning May 8, 2018, 3:05 pm


Source: National Archives Kew England
Written: May 19, 1854
Recorded: May 8, 2018

In the Name of God Amen I Margaret Daly of Bandon Road in 
the City of Cork Widow do hereby make this my last Will and 
Testament Whereas I am entitled to an eighth part of the 
undivided assetts of my late son John Michael Daly Now it is 
my last Will that out of the said part or share when it 
comes to hand my just debts and funeral expences should be 
paid and as to the residue of said sum of money and all 
Other property (if any) that I may die entitled to I leave 
and bequeath same to and amongst my four children Johanna 
Daly Denis Daly Patrick Daly and Honora Daly share and share 
alike And I also appoint said Johanna Daly my Executrix In 
Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this 
nineteenth day of May one thousand eight hundred and fifty 
four Margaret her X Mark Daly
(Attestation Clause)
Francis Noonan _ Thomas Joyce 
Proved at London 17 March 1856
PCC Prob11/2228